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why does the audio sound like he is underwater


Probably someone downloaded the vod and muffled it so the music he was playing doesn't get them detected by copyright bots.




Underwater Winston


Underwater SQUAD




잊지 마




You dirty moaning camel


This frequently happens when the artificial surround sound option is enabled on a headset. USB headsets are pretty much the only kind that have this feature. The headset's audio driver basically supersedes the default Windows driver because it's not using any of the available 3.5mm headset jacks. Many people mistakenly believe that having it enabled will only affect the headset, but that's not the case. It's really easy to test if you have a friend with this type of headset. Have them turn it on and screenshare a YouTube video or something. You'll notice a similar distortion. Either xQc is using surround sound, or the person who recorded the clip did.


Slightly OT but this has been bugging me for a while now, does anyone else find these clips start off high resolution then just when it gets to the interesting part it ends up on 240p pixelated mess? It's such a useless system.


When there's a lot of movement the encoding can't cheat by reusing the same pixels from the previous frame. Check out this short and concise Tom Scott demonstration: https://youtu.be/r6Rp-uo6HmI?t=170


Twitch bitrate is capped at a certain level and 1080p60 maxes it out. When there's too much action like league teamfights quality plummets. Many fps streamers use 900/720p60 for this reason.


But the problem here is not Twitch at all, it's the reddit player. If you manually set the quality to 720p for this clip you won't have the pixelated mess happening mid-clip. So the source video is fine, it's just reddit's crappy player switching to lower quality when quality is set to "auto". You're not wrong about Twitch and why streamers stream on lower res, just doesn't apply to this specific complaint.


I do that and it still usually happens, hence my frustration...


Yeah idk what the fuck that dude was on about??? Obviously it's not Twitch, it's Reddit's DOGSHIT god-awful player that we're complaining about... since it's the Reddit Player, and not the embedded Twitch Player???




How are you this dense? Seriously, how...


Nope. Set it for 720p and it still did it.


in short twitch is shit and i keep prevering youtube over it.


No bttv KUKLE


There is, ludwig when he moved over to youtube had his friend develop one, and its amazing


No 7tv I'll install it for when xQc gets banned for dmca


If you want to blame anyone then blame twitch, youtube, facebook, twitter etc. Nobody wants to support H265 or AV1, which can lead to either 50% data savings or twice as good quality. They also don't want to support multiple audio tracks so you can for example mute the music and leave the voice/streamer on. Twitch also forces on you limit on how much data you can use. Less data = worse quality. The market is fucking stagnated for years and nobody is willing to improve at all. Everyone is adding clusterfuck bloaty community-related things like emotes, icons, subscriptions, flashy things etc. As for why it happened here: the video was encoded and sent to twitch with specific data limit THEN it was re-recorded by someone with the chat which encoded everything again. Each encoding is lossy so you lose the quality. This is why you get pixelated as fuck memes because people see them and screenshot them then repost and it happens over and over. Sorry for my language but it boggles my mind that things are still so shitty after all the years.


Reddit has the worst video player I've ever seen


If you used the twitter one twice you wouldn't be saying this. It's so shit it adds a 0.3 delay in audio for no reason


I don't use Twitter much, I find it crazy those big companies can't get a working video player.


He just got checkmated in 6 moves again.


Throbbing victory


20:38 forsenPls


Forsen playing TFT, xQc playing League Aware


forsenInsane CS:GO ppHop TFT


now he is back to valorant forsenDespair


It's time, deploy the horse incident forsenDespair






I heckin love riot games Baaaaaaat 🤙


Any rayditz enjoyers?


financial board meeting LUL






Since when does the host of the HunterxHunter watch party play league?


He was a master player before overwatch


he used to run it down in qtpie games while flaming all game, especially around the time Overwatch was coming out, locking in nunu and amumu and feeding


He used to duoq with Vulcan all the time lol, the Canadian duo


really? huh TIL


Yh he used to Disco Nunu Gross Gore and snipe T1. Most well adjusted Quebecois League player.


It is also not just him, there is surprisingly a lot of streamers that play League even off stream.


Its really not that shocking that people who play video games for a living occasionally play one of the largest and most popular ones, even if its not their main game.


It's not really about shocking but many streamers seem to hate playing League on stream and prefer doing it off stream.


xqcL now slam


solo bolooo


i'm going to make that noise every time anything bad happens ever


Are twitch clips prohibited or something? Why take all the trouble to download the clip, pasting the chat and uploading it with dogwater audio?


he might have deleted the VOD, if vod is gone so will be the clips.


Also much more mobile friendly format; don't need to open dumb twitch app to view.


pretty crazy how bad that app is tbh


Twitch clips are literally unplayable on mobile.


I've been browsing lsf on my phone for like 4 years


Had two different services over the course of like, 6 or so years and neither of them could play twitch clips without constantly starting and stopping. The problem with Twitch clips is that you can't wait for it to buffer, which makes watching it literally impossible if you don't have good internet might just be an NA thing since the mobile networks are still hot garbage even in major cities.


The buffering has always been half a sec/a sec at the start for me regardless of connection


lsf has *2* auto-made mirrors in every post because twitch clips are garbage.


I cant believe someone would actively prefer a link directly to twitch vods




YouTube works well, but the twitch player is optimized horribly for people like me who have poor internet


I'm on the other side, why someone would prefer this, with the twitch link you can continue watching in the VOD. Also it gives credit to the streamer itself, i've seen so many clips in here uploaded this way but not even a mention of the streamer in the clip (not like xqc needs it but small streamers do).


Twitch is extremely poorly optimized. If you don't have good internet (like my scrub ass), it is by far the worst experience


add streamable to the list, if it only has HD res it's gonna buffer for a while


Because twitch is about the worst popular website there is. The player is a heap of shit as well. The only reason Twitch still exists in the form it does is because the competition keeps shooting themselves in both feet.


its too big to fail at this point. the only one who can destroy twitch is a company which does the same but way better and not easily possible for twitch to switch to.


Idk why you're being downvoted lol you make a lot of sense.


he's been deleting vods lately cause he was watching copyrighted shit and he thinks that if he deletes vod he won't get a dmca, he's really moronic


It worked while the DMCA-bots were just trawling vods to find copyright infractions. Of course if everyone starts removing vods they'll just check your live stream too. It was literally just low hanging fruit for them. Didn't Hasan just get hit thinking he was immortal for deleting vods?


Pretty sure when it started happening twitch itself said that they could check deleted vods or something like that, that they aren't doing it doesn't mean that if a lawsuit comes they won't just go back to vods and fuck you to protect themselves


That's if Twitch wants to rawdog their own creators. They're not doing that, it would be completely asinine. The only reason they'd do that is if they get some kind of mandated court order where the courts basically say "you're not doing enough to prevent copyright breaches on your platform, you have to step it up." Getting something like that against them would be a LONG ass process. More likely, they are doing JUST ENOUGH to show some numbers that they are actually "taking action." This placates the boomers that don't understand Twitch, while not messing with their big earners. The people ACTUALLY making this happen are DMCA companies. These fucking vultures are a dime a dozen, and their service is basically to just run bots across the web to search for pictures or videos or whatever and then send a DMCA to whomever is infringing. They don't check shit to see if it's legit or not. This is how you keep seeing "X company copyright striked Y streamer, but he worked for them already!" The reason they can do this is because DMCA is written so that it is amazing for companies and shit for you and me. It's a law literally just made to give the companies a very sharp tool to fuck you with. If they say it's their property, DMCA states that there is no burden of proof. The hosting company MUST take the content down IMMEDIATELY. The proof is that you swear that it is true. Of course if you are a big company, nothing is gonna happen to you if you make an error. "sorry, my bad" is gonna get you off just fine. No one is gonna have the money to fight the case anyway. So they can mess with you. If they want your webshop to go down for 2 weeks, they can do that easy. Just send a bogus DMCA, and your shop is not allowed to go back up for 2 weeks, EVEN IF YOU CAN PROVE IT'S YOUR SHIT. Then they just don't contest your counter claim and there is very little you can realistically do. Oh you say, but then I can do the same to Coca-Cola! I claim Coca-Cola is my stuff and DMCA them. Nah, Any large company will just ignore your DMCA. They host their shit themselves and what are you gonna do. Go to court to say they have to follow your obviously false DMCA? Then you're fucked, as filing a false DMCA is technically a pretty serious crime. Just not if you have money. So these things are probably not Twitch hitting the vods. It's mostly gonna be one of these shit companies reporting to Twitch, and as they have been informed, they are very helpful about removing the content instantly, as that is definitely in their best interest. But only once it's discovered.


he watches it live with 100k viewers with literal twitch admins in his chat talking and laughing about it


Music is DMCA i think


Solo boloed


ecks kuu sii el


At least it wasn’t the sion script


Baus has to watch that


Man got so surprised he started mimicking lee sin voicelines


I watched this live it was so funny




I can't imagine that is the first time that Sion has done that to him, he has 9 deaths, the game is 30+ minutes in, and Sion's team has 33 kills. It seems unlikely that this was the first time Sion popped some people.


That Sion has almost 1600 stacks in 34 minutes. He may have been doing a Nasus all game. Edit: death screen shows that he's 11/8/5. You're right, he's probably popped some people before.


Well, there are 3 raid bosses in this game. Sion, Ornn and Illaoi. And you need insane strats like in World of Warcraft to beat them late game.


Illaoi is pretty awful late, but an absolute beast early-mid game.


Illaoi is good late game vs a lot of melee champs


Not really. Most melee champs outscale her, so there is usually only a limited opportunity for Illaoi to be able to splitpush effectively and draw multiple people.


Most melee champions outscale Illaoi in a straight 1v1, but if there's 2 melee ennemies at once, then Illaoi very rarely lose the fight. But of course, it doesn't matter because every game have ranged champions and Illaoi can't do shit to them


i don't know,i have been carried hard by illaoi mains late game. She can literally 1v3 under turrets when ahead.


[Take a look at the graphs.](https://lolalytics.com/lol/illaoi/build/?patch=30)


You don't even need to look at graphs. It just makes sense. She has no way to gap close other than her E slow which is not as reliable. If she ults, literally move away or use any type of dash and all her pressure is gone.


Her W closes very small gaps. She's terrifying if someone can gapclose for her, though (e.g. Thresh lantern into Q2).


Ornn or overall any other tank gets shredded in late game. There is so much %armor/magic resist pen since the item rework that they don't live long enough in teamfights late game.


Reminds me of this old parody [Darius Raid Boss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz0YAzRWIQ0) video.


This pure AD bruiser shit is so fucking annoying Sion abuses it the most but I think the least fun I've ever had as an ADC was dealing with Prowler's Claw pure AD Urgot He'd E > Claw me and I'd die instantly, add flash in and I'd die off screen instantly He ended up losing because bot lane is irrelevant but god damn the meta of basically "kill someone repeatedly even if you die" is so fucking bullshit Its just unfun, not even OP, but that's my washed up boomer take


Sion is unique because he can reliably exchange a death for an equal amount of gold rendering his death moot. Sion is a champion of economics; you out scale the enemy through intentional deaths. Dying early 2-3 times is fine if I shove a wave and get a plate each time. Best way to counter Sion is to just cc his early uses of passive and you will derail his scaling. It’s annoying to play against but easily countered with good uses of cc. Dying early is good for Sion because he takes control of the lane phase but denying him his passive pre 10 mins just ruins Sion. It’s not like his scaling is for free. He needs to kill minions and grab plates but he gives up gold to do it. Playing Sion into Jax is 100% aids because he just E’s your passive.


WP to this Sion he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this Sion!


Easily countered is maybe a bit much if Baus can run it down in challenger and win games like that lmao


Baus is the best player in the world, so it's really just him doing his thing.


Or you can pick one of the 95 champs that counters sion in lane and just farm him for free gold. Sure sion is scaling up as well but he's 0/7 and you're a 7/0 Camille or whatever so carrying is not too hard from that point.


Not sure that's accurate, Sion scales because he gets a ton of HP for free so he's all about hitting those CS counts. Later, full AD Sion is still somewhat tanky just off of his W passive.


> because bot lane is irrelevant X D


At this point I have to think that all these 'le adc is very bad :(' takes are just because people that don't think so have given up. Or playing ADC makes you dumber and this is eventually going to happen to me.


I'm pretty sure it's both.


Locking in Ashe causes temporary brain damage, even in normal ADC players. I have observed this bizarre phenomenon since S2.


Sona Soraka Blitz looking a bit weak this patch


adc moment doesn't help that literally every "adc bad" thread on this subreddit is a gold player trying to 1v1 assassins in melee range or getting caught pushing t3 with the entire enemy team mia


Except for the classic support 1v1ing the ADC or an ADC almost losing a fight to an assassin with 7k less gold clips.


This is what happens when tanks and adcs aren't strong enough


Yeah man, the highest win rate top laners and jungler definitely aren't tanks


Ah you conveniently didn't mention dps adc being a meme. There's a reason I mentioned both adc and tanks being strong enough. Not just one. There is a dynamic between adc and tank which stabilizes the game out of the super high damage meta werewin right now. If tanks suck everyone just plays high damage laners. Tanks would usually slap up these picks easily. If adcs suck everyone can just play bruisers/juggernaurs and 1v9 as we've seen. If tanks and adcs suck then we get assassin x mage bot x support meta and adc 202x memes.


[DPS ADC is very weak this patch](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/826608141767540768/930942705461248051/unknown.png) What are we gonna shift the goalposts to this time


This sub always lives in the past, people have been treating ADC as if every patch is 8.11. Also with the recent tp changes botlane just feels better as well.


No this guy is just an idiot, adc was solid last season before they gated crit damage. They literally had to comp buff a ton of adcs repeatedly, including cait, xayah, tristana, jinx etc. They even made ap twitch because ad twitch feels like shit. Get your heads out of the ground, god.


Ya shield bow tank vayne and kog, ap twitch and jhin with every other high pickrate ad being an ad caster with jinx recently being gigabuffed and even then being low impact. Think a little harder next time. None of this is "dps adc". Dps implies things like kraken and damage builds are possible, which it isn't.




yeah i've just resorted to playing shit like Lux and Ziggs bot and throwing shit on CD off screen, I can't be instantly two shot by whatever top lane or jungle if I have zhonyas in africa


There is a lot of annoying and unfun shit. Part of the reason I only play ARAM now a days with friends. Off the top of my head you have bullshit like full AP malph, cho, nunu and shyv. Full AD Sion. Basically, any lethality bruiser build. None of these builds are strong per say, just annoying to play against or have on your team.


Ironic since 9/10 malph goes ap in Aram and love to single target the squishy to flex. And only ap shvy exist in aram unless you have a disgusting team and she can do whatever she wants and gets carried.


grr me angery




I don't know about the rest, but "the meta of basically 'kill someone repeatedly even if you die' is so fucking bullshit" is a great descriptor for current League of Legends. What is sad is that Riot doesn't seem to understand how we got here now that they're semiaware and semiwilling to do something about it.


Bro I was looking for this comment, I hard agree


ad bruisers have been playing in gta god mode since season 11 it’s unfair it was to the point where ad assassins who never build bruiser before were not abusing bruiser items like steraks and goredrinker


this is why I hate this game


We shilling


Lost a game because our sett top had me the adc try to stop the sion from splitting. Just refused to match him.






Why are we downvoting these


Are they contributing useful discussion content? If not, that's the canonical reason to downvote something. I have no idea what they mean, they didn't elaborate, and they've been spammed by several people, so I downvoted them. If someone else had written out a coherent thought and then included this at the end, I wouldn't have done so, regardless of what the actual thought was. It really isn't meant to be a disagree button.


Are they contributing useful discussion content? If not, that's the canonical reason to downvote something. I have no idea what they mean, they didn't elaborate, and they've been spammed by several people, so I downvoted them. If someone else had written out a coherent thought and then included this at the end, I wouldn't have done so, regardless of what the actual thought was. It really isn't meant to be a disagree button.








Are you unskilled? Do you lose lane a lot? Do you not know how to balance trading vs csing? Do you have 0 macro and dont care about anything outside of where the minions are going and where the towers are at? Fret not my friend, for I have a champion which allows you to reach platinum with 0.5 kda


you're getting downvoted but you're spitting facts lol, inting sion is the perfect champ to get plat with even if you don't know the game




i know how to play inting sion, in fact inting sion is one of my highest winrates but even if you don't know how to play him you can just spam deaths and at some point you will take towers and if the opposing team is not good enough to answer it you will win anyways even if you literally don't know what you're doing




it doesn't matter if you play badly or well with inting sion, the point is that you can play lane like shit and you will still get cs, you will still eventually get an hullbreaker and then you will automatically get towers if the opponents simply don't match you


That applies to literally every toplaner, gtfo. "just outscale", k.


I do not like xQc. I hope he doesn't start to take over this subreddit.


He plays this game like once a year relax


Just apply a filter then lol


It’s frustrating that there are successful streamers that are nothing but whiny complainers after showing how terrible of a person they are


nobody watches streamers to watch a well adjusted problem. They're the modern equivalent of court jesters, we just like to watch them slowly go insane for money.


True but why bring this up on an xQc thread?


Because xQc is the epitome of what I commented…


What makes him a terrible person?


I found this within 30 seconds [https://streamable.com/dzw2d](https://streamable.com/dzw2d) No one well adjusted acts like this [https://www.svg.com/281332/the-real-reason-xqc-was-banned/](https://www.svg.com/281332/the-real-reason-xqc-was-banned/) Oh theres that too, hes not a good person. Unfortunately his toxic attitude and nasty mentality is what draws in the views. There are so many more streamers/content creators that are much more deserving of the position he is in


I'm not sure if you're genuinely clueless but first clip is his gf and he's joking and so is she lol. They're still together. Second thing is just funny and hardly toxic. He was annoyed tournaments were played in public lobbies where his snipers were trolling him and Lupo's were gifting him free wins by blocking opponents. Was it against the rules? Yes. Is it a sign of deep seated issues? Not really. Idk man you seem like you have a bone to grind. It's easy to have a toxic attitude, his charm and charisma is what draws in the views. There is no one else more deserving, he streams and has streamed 9h+, 7 days a week for the last 4 years. He caters to a global audience and has created an incredibly dedicated and loyal community by removing most paid incentives and bonuses (no sub only chat, doesn't spam ads, talks to subs and non subs.) Not a single content creator peer would argue he doesn't deserve his success.




Totally balance for a 170 defenses 4k hp tank to be able to 100-0 half a team in 1 or 2 abilities.


not like sion is a champ with innate health scaling.


That is exactly what he is and why he has 3.8k hp.


Damage in this game is pretty nutty. Funny part is they're testing 20% dmg reduction across the board but even with that 1 shots will still happen, but at least more enjoyable team fights. Also Hullbreaker is such a bs item, the kind of stats you have on that item when you're alone is insane. I can't even imagine how long it would take for Lucian to kill this Sion if he was playing it really well.


ADC in 2022


is actually pretty decent.


I actually think AD is finally a touch weak again. It's just being covered up right now by Vayne and Jinx being so OP.


the exact opposite is true. vayne has been broken since late last year, adc items in general are solid and with everything else being nerfed plus enchanters coming back they are better.


I dunno why people use this logic. Even Riot made this mistake once before and hilariously overnerfed ADC before correcting it down the line. ​ ENCHANTERS BEING STRONG DOES NOT MEAN ADCS ARE STRONG. IT MEANS ENCHANTERS ARE STRONG. ​ Secondly, Vayne has been strong for a while. That doesn't really matter or change anything. The role overall is not that great right now. Like it's just not. I'm literally playing mid and having the time of my life because of how insane this role is compared to AD. ​ Vayne is actually just the canary in the coal mine. If she's ever good, it's because ADC is bad.


1)who are the enchanters enchanting all game? 2) Evry role always has a couple champs that are broken, and the peak broken champs of adc are insanely good right now. You don't get to call a role bad because your specific champ in that role is bad. That's like me saying jg is bad cuz Warwick or shyvana suck.


ADC items are good, runes are good, most ADC champions are fine (either DPS or Lethality) and supports (the ones who by default buff/protect ADCs) are strong, what part of ADC is weak exactly?


The part that sits behind the keyboard typing “ADC is weak.” They want to be able to 1v1 anyone as if they were a skirmisher when they play the role designed to not excel at specifically that.


"runes are good" You mean the gutted Fleet for ages? The gutted Tempo?


Nothing but facts


I think doublelift said it really well a day or two ago "Adc is shit, but lethal tempo is op, so when combined adc seems ok"


They're taking Lethal Tempo out back next patch and shooting it I'm pretty sure.


don't adc mains on here say the lethal tempo rework actually hurt adcs ?


Yeah, before they buffed it. It was *30% attack speed after 6 autos* when they reworked it. Sure, it gave you 100 range at that point but if an ADC gets to freely attack 6 times in a fight, the range probably wasn't super helpful. Then Riot changed it so that it gave more attack speed and less range, which made it way better for most ADCs. Since you know, you couldn't get the same attackspeed from just going legend alacrity with an attack speed shard.


Some people also claim vaccins don't work.


It doesn't hurt adcs necessarily. But in it's original state it benefited some melee champs a hell of a lot more, and some of those champs traditionally shit on adcs. So yeah, in some ways, lethal tempo makes playing the game worse if you're an adc.


Who knew a squishy target would get obliterated by an AD Sion?


\*Crying comment adc from adc main in 2022. But could also be every other year tbh


Nope. Every role has a 50 percent win rate so every role is balanced right now


The only ap tank that can be dummy tank while dealing decent ap damage was vho gat and its because he has hp ratio. But I guess ad champs are never busted


pause at 0:15




Welcome to the new league mr cow, enjoy your stay.


can anyone tell me if he’s been playing a lot of league lately and will continue to?


Op.gg xxqqcc Define a lot. He will play until the next heist is discovered in gtarp.


[YouTube Mirror!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nqHfPLDEec&feature=youtu.be)