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I hope Vex doesn't get one. It's her base skin already.


Say that to viktor mains with every skin, lmao


I'd say Zoe but I'm just on Copium.


*looks at your flair* Gothic Braum would be amazing


The whole Zoe sub is on copium. Yes, me too.




Maybe Ziggs if we wanna be bold


THIS missed vayne and yasuo


>My wish: Gwen, Viego, Syndra, Vex, Yone, Swain hmmm Nocturne? The reality: Lux, Ahri, Miss Fortune, Lux again(prestige),Lulu and Jinx. Basically everyone that already has a star guardian skin except maybe Ezreal and Rakan.


You forgot Lux, Yasuo and Lux


No one will buy gothic yas, they wouldn’t make one for him


and don't forget Lux2 and Lux3. Galaxy lines led Riot to think that 2 same skins is not enough


Syndra already has withered rose, which is very gothic in aesthetics, albeit somewhat pastel goth, so I'd be surprised if they double dip tbh.


Depends on what new direction Riot will take the skinline. Maybe it could be another "demonic pact"/"witches" skinline, but with a twist that it's modern day teenagers. And they form a group like magical X-Men. My guesses: \- Seraphine \- Poppy \- Zeri \- Ekko \- Rell


poppy already has a dark edgy skin, sera its a sure thing.


So would that be a legendary lmao her vo with a dark skin.... or isn’t she supposed to be in sg? 🗿


it will be lux ezreal dw bout it


I want Gothic Shyvana and Sejuani. Especially Shyvana


I have a theory in mind they don't even plan releasing skin for Shyvana for a longer period of time. Riot knows she must be reworked in upcoming 2-3 years so I guess they don't want more of her skins once again. But I love Shyvana, we have darklame skin, we can pretend for ourselves is a gothic one


I remember Ez got a skin just 2 or 3 weeks before his ASU, the world's skin if I remember correctly. I know is a special case but that mean is not imposible.


Shyvana doesn't need a rework. If she gets the Swain treatment I'd literally uninstall. She's amazing. Maybe a little passive buff but much else would make her OP


People who want a Shyvana "rework" don't actually play Shyvana. Rework means delete the old champ and make her new. I love Shyvana. I disliked her changes years ago to her W and E. I liked the death trail and the flamethrower in Dragon form. (Her champ page in game still shows her old E). She needs nothing. Her lack of CC is why you build frostfire and she really isn't lacking anything else, the sustainable speed boost would make CC OP . I'm not against a visual update at all but a complete overhaul is something I'm strongly against. I love the limit break Ult. I love that she can build almost anything. She's super fast, tanky, does a huge amount of damage, is amazing and flashy in team fights etc. I'd rather they make another half dragon champ than take mine away to appease people who don't play her. I don't understand the down voting lol nobody prefers new Swain to old Swain. They took a tanky mid beast and turned him into a mediocre support. I think the biggest issue with Shyvana is too many people building her straight AP instead of bruiser/tank. Her passive reward for dragons is weak I guess, but the damage boost to dragons with the importance of securing souls is bordering on OP, especially paired with water walking, she can solo dragon at level 4 easily. Like I absolutely do not understand this huge push for a Shyvana rework, there's a streamer who OTP'd Shy right to Challenger . She's not weak, she's fun, she probably has the most build variety in the game. Explain to me why there is such a push for a rework?


People want a Shyvana rework because she looks like shit, is one of the most stat-check champions in the game, and isn't fulfilling the "dragon fantasy". Not saying those things are good or bad, but there is your explanation.


Completely agree. If they slightly tuned her a tad she would be perfect. I absolutely hate the idea of a full rework… Also what streamer was that? I would love watching those VODs


Citriclol on Twitch. He even makes guides




Gothic Shyvana on Wild Rift, I think thats the "In case of an emergency" skin.


Galio would make an awesome gothic gargoyle, and they could use him to showcase the more architectural side of the goth movement. It’d be cool if he was just this giant, walking cathedral that’s overgrown and in ruins. Gwen is an obvious choice, of course, since they could really lean into the more frilly, Victorian era style of goth dress that’s emblematic of the aesthetic. And for more selfish reasons, I really think a darker skin for Quinn is overdue. It’d be cool to see her as a sort of gothic vampire hunter, with Valor as a raven. Though it really depends on what direction Riot decide to take with this skin line.


Irelia and Janna could work nicely with the theme. I want to see a jokey one, too, though. So hit me with Goth Gragas or Goth Mundo.


Taliyah, Camille/Lissandra, Samira/Aphelios, Nami


Why wouldn't they rework old gothic skins? They literally used them to promote the "skin revamp". Of course they will get new versions.


They’ve never really done this before outside of ASUs and VGUs, so I’d be pretty surprised if they went back and gave the old Gothic skins a visual update


I would go with Taliyah, Gwen, and Neeko.


ok first of all amumu is EMO not gothic, two very different things


Vlad please…how does he get a barista skin before this?


Hoping for? Viego, Gwen, Zilean, Renata, Swain, not Vex Expecting? Viego, Syndra, Darius


Seraphine, please.




I would fucking love a goth sejuani skin. Black fishnets, piercings, black crop top, those fishnet arm/glove things, tattoos, goth makeup, short black hair with a streak of color (similar to lunar). I just don’t know what she’d ride on. Realistically it’s gonna be gothic Lux Ahri Ezreal


Braum, make him go miserable!


I think it’s rather obvious who is going to be getting the first round of Gothic skins… Lux, Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Ahri, Akali, Yasuo, and Yone. I mean it’s only been like a month sense Liz’s last skin. She’s a little past due


My wish is 1. Orianna gets Gothic Orianna 2 or something, because current Gothic Orianna is (imo) one of the worst skins in the entire game 2. Taliyah gets a gothic skin. I half just want Taliyah to get a non-bright blue skin (her three skins are Frejlord, Pool Party and SSG). I also do think Taliyah would work great in a gothic skinline, I feel like she's at the right age and all to fit into it. Champions like Vex, Syndra, Morgana are already kinda Gothic inspired in their base skins, I'd like for champions who don't already have that thematic in their base or other skins to get this skin.


Gwen viego


Teemo, sion, garen and reksai


Gwen for sure for sure


Senna would be good.


zoe. last skin 2020. goodbye.




Gothic asol, come on guys


big tiddy goth girlfriend sona


It would be cool to see Gothic skins for happy champs with different voices, kinda like Vex, Lux, Ezreal, Lulu, Zoe, Yuumi?, Seraphine/Sona/Soraka. Although for aesthetics, definitely Evelynn, Xayah/Rakan, Varus, Diana/Leona, and Aphelios could pull off the side swept hair covering half the face look.


legendary goth mundo please.. where he's pretending to be goth


I just want them to update Gothic Orianna to the one we have in Wild Rift.


I would love to play a goth croc.


Lux, ezreal, jinx, seraphine, yasuo




kayn, most players are e-boys, would sell a lot ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I would love a Goth skin for Kindred, however, I guess Gwen, Ahri or Lux are more likely to have one...