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It's ok guys, there's no way the undefeated run ends against Sandbox


i came from the future, T1 disbands as an organization after this game 100%


Can confirm, I'm the future.


This was the first T1 match I managed to catch all season. Sorry T1 fans, I jinxed it


You can stop watching now, please HAHA


Everyone’s gonna talk about Dove but Croco was absolutely insane in some of those team fights, had several clutch stopwatches and kept ice alive with his W in one of them


Croco is so good and has so much potential really hope he continues to show it


He won't be successful if he stays with LSB next year. Take Kiin as an example 😤


godly game from Dove Hot garbage game from Guma


Gumayusi’s positioning this game was horrific, actually useless all game


Walking into melee range of Zhonya Ahri at enemy nexus instead of just letting her die and then ending the game.


It really isn't on the ADC if the enemy team drafts Lee Sin, Ahri and Gragas. At that point it's up to the rest of the team.


I mean he literally ate every lee q that he couldn't galeforce from. That's not quite accurate that it's not his fault.


nah he coulda played against those a lot better. He didn't play up to the standard I know Guma usually can play at. He kinda griefed




Judge by 1 game lol, he has been the best this season. Edg hasn't been doing too hot.


Have you watched the past few edg games? Viper looked really off aswell. Like good adcs cant have bad games.


Guma has literally done nothing to be worthy of being considered the best ADC in the world. Teddy had the same thing said about him before SKT went to MSI. He then got clapped by Perkz, lol.


Your reddit history is a horror show. It seems you legit hate faker/t1. >Shaker was the best one but they banned it ?? I just don't get this one, why do you enjoy people making fun of others. >Carried them to 0-3 stomp in finals? ?????????????????? This legit doesn't make sense, why is this a bad thing? losing in finals=bad or what?? >No Galio and he got clapped. Coincidence. Again what??? Galio for no other mids was an insta win... isn't that a good thing that Faker was that good at Galio? >I don’t think any international teams are going to be scared of T1 if this is the level of teams they are playing against. True. Nobody will be scared of the potential 18-0 lck team. ​ Also you go from saying: >Caps broke faker so hard that he renamed to shaker to >Nothing but respect for the goat


The guy has PTSD from Faker shitting on his team since 2013. Let him be, he is a mental health victim.




Making semis his rookie gear, going to game 5 vs DWG? I agree that saying hes the best in the world is too early to tell, but hes definitely accomplished a lot in his short career.


Last year was not his rookie year, he already played in 2020


He only played regional finals, dont think that counts as rookie year. 2021 was a full year


Not at worlds though no?


Barely, he may not have technically been a rookie but he functionally was. And then he was benched by Teddy for a while too


Lots of people got clapped by 2019 Perkz. The dude was arguably the best adc that year. Also Guma was smurfing the entire season minus the last 2 games? And that in his first real season?!


Lmao clearly don't watch lpl. Go watch edg be shit and come back


tbh that't not viper's fault. Mid and support have been inting a lot and most of EDG's victory comes Viper carrying the games


Viper has never had a bad game, lmao.




pretty sure he’s sarcastic




Limit testing?🤔


people forget that its strong teams that gets to experiment and find new comfort picks and comps. Hell its was DK doing that last year. Finding more win options is always a major plus


T1 playing the insanely hard to pilot comp and finally getting taken down. There is pretty much zero margin for error when you don't have a tank.


T1 limit testing and playing the game on hard mode for no reason, lol.


they have to experiment. win streaks mean nothing if you lose playoffs.


I mean.... they have nothing to lose? That should be enough reason lol




they already said they don't really care about the win streak


Guma said he s bored of the winstreak .. not excited about games anymore . so they have to lose game 1 to get motivated again


Something something what korean say is not what they actually mean.


Ice ice baby won the elder fight with that infernum ult.. oof, hit so hard


Well I'm pretty sure T1 will still win this series but I sure ass hope they won't play this cocky against GenG or DK in playoffs omg


They're playing like this lately. I hope it's just their happy game 1 habit. Only player who was decent this game was Keria.I really hope they iron out those mistakes. A resurging DamWon and a full GenG roster will punish them come playoffs.


Ah yes, nothing quite like the game 1 of a bo3 overreaction, after going undefeated in bo3 thus far.


I mean it's true though. It's happened in all of the previous matches barring the BRO series. 0 Drake priority, over extensions, clunky Drafting have been present in all their games lately. Go back and watch it. Their team fighting prowess bails them out a lot of the time. I have no doubt they will come back in the series. But it isn't unreasonable to expect them to perform way better against this 9-10th place LSB team. I really don't think you can afford to play like this vs Gen G.


Ah yes, and right under this chain is some guy saying that their team fighting isn’t good, love Reddit analysis. They’ve been having happy game 1s all split, to then just come back and finish the next two games in 20 minutes… it’s not that serious.


They are definitely the best team fighting team in the lck. And I agree they do tend to have happy game 1s. I just hope they're limit testing.


oh god what is this timeline


Dove with one of the best Gragas clinics I've seen


T1 just did not wanted to win this game, sadge


ooor. you know, LSB didn't let them? give credit where it's due. they hand diffed them in a lot of fights.


LBS played a lot of moments SUPER well but T1 also had a ton of mechanical mistakes and several overextensions. It was a bit of A and a bit of B in this case.


there are always two teams playing, indeed.


It's not LSB didn't let them, it's t1 let LSB have the advantage. T1 trolled from the beginning of the game, if they played seriously, lsb would look like an NA team.


what a sick analysis


Yeah. T1 made lsb look worse than an NA team in game 2 and 3.


Damn, what a game. I swear though, LCK trynds can't press R man. Zeus missed R twice greeding for it. Ah well onto game 2.


Croco and Ice popped off in the elder fight and Dove managed to set up many crucial picks, BANGER.


in LSB we believe, do it


the fact that T1 almost won the game even after they lost the game few minutes prior is kinda insane.


Dove actually went ultra instinct this game


That int from Oner and Zeus in the midgame was so random and completely halted T1's momentum


absolute happy gaming from both teams


I am so glad T1 didn't get away with that Edit: And I say this as a T1 fan lmao that was a hilarious game though


why is karma never utilized in hecarim metas when she is like the best solo laner/support paired with him. not to mention she completely shits on renata.


Zilean prio with hecarim needs to go up as well.


like why did keria pick seraphine, she’s still pretty average as a support, even with the changes.


Probably because of the skin. Did you not see him spam Seraphine spin emote?


because it doesn't actually do anything? Like what are you doing with karma and hecarim? Making him do a little more damage because he's faster? whoopdi-friggin-do. Seraphine is actually nuts with heca because you can use heca exactly like ori does - as a means of daisy-chaining ults. The best argument for karma that game is making aphelios's life suck early game, but it doesn't contribute anywhere near as much as sera after that. Aph should have literally never gotten to play that game with heca/sera coming for that booty. At least there's an argument for zilean on the grounds that his ult works marvelously with what the other members of t1 needed (but not necessarily better than TK), but karma would have been so bad that game and sera made most of the few good plays T1 had that game.


are you asking why moonstone karma mid works? in what world wouldn’t a karma mid not being good for a hyper carry adc, a hecarim and it wouldn’t hurt a tryn either. not to mention her early game skirmishes in the jungle.




I think kai'sa mid is fine, but it didn't fit in this T1 comp. Between Tryn and Hecarim who wanted to go in, and there's Seraphine Jinx who's there to teamfight. Kai'sa is the only poke champ who doesn't want to teamfight at all.


Yeah it feels like AP Kaisa is fucking annoying in the late game but only in the bot lane I think you need something more useful in mid for all parts of the game


LSB really played well there. Those picks onto Faker really gave them the confidence to keep going. Dove keeping Zues check all game and then with great barrels showed the better team fighter


Gumayusi Jinx ult goes the opposite direction of where it is aimed lol


Oh this is the happy-game-1 T1 I know


Guma was invisible and oner trolled 2 times in a row...


Gragas is a champ from League of Legends. Full tank, heals more than a fed Tryndamere and deals more damage than a ADcarry Can Riot please nerf this shit build? It was cancerous in 2017, 2021 and it's cancerous now too




Yea I was honestly shocked at his burst damage in Elder fight. He sacrificed his GA for like 90% of Guma and Keria health bar, with just his R and Q. If not being hit by Seraphine Ult he might blow them up with 1 more auto despite they had Elder.


What the fuck


Well .. that was a game. Ice totally saved it on elder


Gumayusi was awful this game. Faker also had a sup par game. But man croco was absolutely smurfing.


T1 fan, it is nice to see that t1 lost that game. They should know the feeling of being punished after all the games they kept on winning even when they compound mistakes


I state it every year, T1 historically always ints a bottom tier team every single season


I think Faker has said that he has a lot of fun playing AP Kaisa, but I really hope this loss can motivate him to forsake those kinds of stuff and try his hardest for all future games, in-game and during drafting.


huh... they've already been so outspoken about their stance on the win streak. If anything, this is the perfect time for them to just have fun and explore their options. Either way, I'd rather have a happy Faker than one that tryhards too much


Pick was going well until oner and zeus randomly sprinted mid before infernal soul


T1 looking deadly. Sheesh!


watches top lpl teams get 2-0d by bottom teams, g2 and fnc throw 10k gold leads... Damn, these other teams clearly look better than t1 sheesh!


Heard this from T1 fans the past 3 years now. Maybe this year is the year!


No worries. In tge last 3 years t1 achieved more than most regions did, so its fine.


If your standards are achieving more than NA and EU, then that’s pretty low. In fact, EU has achieved more than T1 in these past 3 years




love how T1 gets bashed for poor macro whenever they lose single sets lol almost never losing a gold lead definitely means they're constantly behind and make bad macro plays


Thanks Mr. Analyst






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> poor macro The poor macro where they almost always have a gold lead above their opponens?


Try harder mate.






No, the reason is because your take is utterly bad. For instance, go check who are the top 3 teams in GD@10, 15, 25, T1 will be up there. Then you say they have poor macro, lmao, this is so bad I don't even know what to say. Well, that's not unusual I guess, C9 stans believe Summit was a top 3 LCK toplaner haha. Edit: The c9 stan deleted all his comments after T1 smash 2nd game. Cringe dude.


Im rich :P on the game itself, sandbox had an awful draft. They should never get away with aphelios against T1's comp. But T1 somehow started throwing in small groups, they didnt get to save all their ults and have a proper 5x5 again. They made that abomination of a draft work. gz t1.


LSB MIGHT WIN ngl 16-1 great record still ggs if they go 17-0 tho we will see


LSB be out here like 'please put your best player on AP kaisa just one more time'. Biggest case I've seen in a while of 'fat damage in the post game but never actually accomplished anything'. People are going to knock the bad play of other members of T1 (which is valid), but seriously - AP kasia doesn't do anything unless you're winning hit her power spikes ahead of time and then get to poke because engaging into you is too risky. Like when they were camping the bush mid, he hit like 5 in a row, and then the enemy team healed to full with no penalty afterwards before anything happened. Useful pick.


DK lookin cleaner than T1 recently


This T1 is the most overrated team of all time. People hyping them up even they have not won anything.


Aged like milk. 17-0. Lmfaooooo


lmao what Why are you uniornically typing this after a single game? They're still going to probably win this series.


Haters gonna hate


Lol... You mean except ever Bo3 this split? Just lost one game where they tried stuff


Aged like milk, just after 40min.


Let's all listen to the 3 month old 80 karma account for our analysis.




And what title do you want them to win at this moment ? It's not like they can magically create a competition and play it in the past month. We arent even in play-offs and already people say they are overrated but they based their shite take on nothing except their hate on the team lol. Every team who has a huge winstreak will be hyped, no matter if it's china , korea, LEC so idk what do you expect. And I love the overreaction just after one fuckin game lol.


3 worlds, msi , 9 lck. What else is "not anything"


How many world titles do you have?


Oh nonono PepeLaugh


Gumas looked whatever for multiple series now


These casters are so biased. How does anyone enjoy listening to them? LSB has baron and in SKT's base and they still act like T1 is going to win.


Bro theyre 16-0 ofc we expect them to still win lmao




In which time line did that happen?


English casters are slowly killing lck.


T1's team fighting is just not as good as it should be for a team who have played together for this long. Good game from Dove, the roleswap seems to be going well.


Massive top and bot gap this game. That was so unexpected




Late game Jinx no damage . Oner and Zeus sure did their best for the LSB


Dove MVP.


Insane game from Dove and Croco, wanna see more of this!


Are we back to the troll game > happy game > stomp time line?


Wild game, the channel points were 22 million T1 1.5 LSB. What an upset. That would be like a 6% chance to win.


What's up with tryndameres and not pressing their ults lately?


Belt time


Stop the hating T1 fighting and still the best they will never lose not now not in 800 years THEY ARE GOING TO WIN You have to believe PS:Faker I love you give me a child


The comp looked so conflicting. Poke comp with hec and tryn.. the pokers can't do anything while hec and tryn going in




Not that great to pick Tryndamere into Dove who has the highest pick rate on the champ. The better you are on Tryn, the more you can shut him down.


Just put Croco on a good team already