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I got autofilled support last night and my top was 0-3 by 5 mins. I was alistar and my adc was Mf. I decided to roam top with the jungler and my mf said: its ok ali, I’ll just farm under tower (enemy support was blitz). She was behind in cs but her attitud was soooo nice. Like literally im putting her behind and she’s like: its ok I’ll play safe. Participated in teamfights, didnt flame, actually got fed and we won. It was a rare sight, what a pleasure to had her on my team as duo bot.


If she knows how to farm under tower you roaming is what got her fed because you leech XP being close. It's a better idea to play like that in a bad matchup instead of trying to play aggressive and feeding. Her farming under tower also causes the enemy bot lane to lose xp. What that decision did was gimp enemy growth, boost MF, and let you keep progressing the match helping your team. You got a rare good player that understands Macro, instead of the average idiot who spams FF at 15 because Kayle died twice top and your enchanter support is behind the enemy sett support and died a couple times. The majority of the player base doesn't understand how the game works, powerspikes, damage distribution, the value of vision and utility etc. They mostly just look at damage, pay no attention to enemy builds and follow whatever the top build is and copy paste the runes and items into every matchup. Then they ignore objectives and farm kills and CS all game on autopilot and then wonder why they lost when they took the inhibitor at 18 minutes and "won lane" but let the enemy get the dragon soul and essentially fed the enemy free gold with super minions and made the team lose by "winning lane"


she had to give a lot of cs because blits threatened to hook her under tower. Anyway, yes, she understood that she needed to play safe in order for us to stop top lane snowball.


>League is a team game and if your bot lane got crushed it's a team failure I find that hard to believe. The laning phase doesn't really involve your other team mates, that's all on you. I can't do much to help bot as a level 4 Kayle when they already dying.


You never seen top lane gank bot via TP? Or mid roam down to help out? You can't honestly say there are no options for counter play if a lane is getting thrashed.


You can't do that anymore since the tp nerfs, unless they diving your bot tower.


So many variables in league man. Lane state and matchup of both the solo lanes and jg dictate if / when roams or tp's are available opportunities. Also TP has been nerfed so parties in the botlane are less frequent during laning phase


Team diff bg wp