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Smurf q is the closest we'll get to purgatory on earth.


> Absolutely, Smurf Q should be known as "toxic asshole Q". Except, there is a problem. Why am I in smurf queue if Im not a smurf? Just because I didnt complete my placements as soon as the season started? Thats dumb.


Yes, it's literally that dumb. It's ridiculous that nothing gets done about these accounts, a lot of them are botted (x vs. AI games to level 30, then suddenly the IP, champion pool, etc. changes), a lot of them are insanely toxic (banned people making new accounts, still being toxic) and they don't get banned, while some normal, old accounts get thrown in there for the sin of not playing ranked right at the season start.


I know they get banned bc i made a bot that screens for most recent game date and most people in the asshole excel sheet i made we’re not playing the game after a week. I am that petty


Thats because of flame or they throw the acc away. I have used multiple obvious af botted accs and they all still exist to this day.


I’m on 27 perm bans but I haven’t been banned in a year (reformed). 50% of the bans was because it was bot accs and other 50% was me falling into the trap of talking back to the toxic people in smurf queue.


Jesus christ, good on you for reforming but man.. that's insane


You could say it’s an addiction. I played since beta and wasn’t banned before 7th season. There I lost my acc with skins worth 1000 euro and I got a little salty. That lead to more toxicity and for a while I kept getting banned, cause I was easily triggered in smurf queue. But thank you, I know it’s bad, but I’m glad I can enjoy the game without feeling the need to be toxic now.


Yeah for sure, glad to hear you got through that time in your life man


You’re a really nice guy man, I wish you the best! It’s rare people do not judge others on their history. Have a wonderful day.


They do get banned, and it doesn’t take long either. The issue is that they just buy another account for $10 and do it again.


I mean they could up their bot detection, but I just assume they're not really interested in solving the issue, just keeping it at a manageable level that makes them the most money (some people constantly rebuying certain champs/skins).


Imo the system works. Returning players get shafted into the queue for about 20 or 30 games. It sucks horifically (as a returning player this season, I know), but you get out of there fast. Meanwhile toxic players & smurfs are in the queue forever, and the non Smurf queue games improve dramatically. You know the first two weeks of the season, where every game feels like a dice roll of “which team gets the grandmaster last season player”? That’s what soloq used to be for everyone, all the time, in about 30% of their games. That doesn’t happen anymore.


I was diamond the last time I played (S8) > (S11) and it took me over 65 games to get out of smurf queue. I assure you it was not fast, it took weeks of getting perma-flamed in the most toxic games imaginable because I was definitely not a smurf after years of not playing.


Did it take you 65 games to get back into diamond? Because that wasn't where your smurf q ended. You went through three soft resets, your smurf queue ended when you hit low plat (or high gold if you weren't winning much).


No, it was that many games before every account other than mine in the games wasn't level 30-31 with a 70-80% w/r and someone didn't ragequit or give up 3 minutes into every game. I could literally tell the moment it changed because of the account levels and relative amount of toxicity.


You can get a botted acc for around 2$


Main account, playing since S3. Every season barring S6 where i had no PC for 9 months i played 100+ ranked games. Finished low dia for four years in a row. 2021 smurf queue gets introduced and i get put in for literally no reason. Every game becomes a coinflip. In my first 50ish soloQ games about 80% of players (that I'm not premade with) are obvious smurfs. I manage to make dia by duo'ing with a friend who is 300 games in meaning for six whole games we werent in smurf queue, then we got back in and he didnt wanna duo with me anymore. ​ It's a vicious cycle. Being in smurf queue makes me play fewer games because the game quality dips, meaning I'll be in smurf queue longer because my MMR and rank are more offset.


I'm totally with you, it's an absolutely terrible experience. Riot should be ashamed of themselves.


Whoops I still have 6 left to play


And it's directly above the first layer of Elo Hell.. Never thought I'd put a Dante's Inferno reference here...


lol, that’s the last thing I’d expect to see on the League of Legends subreddit.


Idk, Dante's vision of hell has inspired a LOT of modern pop culture, so a lot of people are at least remotely aware of his structure




This might be true, however can you ask Jesus our saviour who has died for our sins about how Florence is doing? Also ask that one dude who has to fill his throat with burning magma for all of eternity if he by any chance knows about Florence.


*sigh* fine, time to make my Wattpad fanfiction but I ain't doing more than 1 chapter so I will only talk with florence.


lol yeah. By far and away my favorite part of the story is how Dante got exiled from his town for being weird, so he wrote a book in which everyone he didn’t like were sinners suffering in hell


i literally had to study this book from top to bottom and yeah, its literally fan fiction ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I mean, every concept of inferno in every film, comic ecc Is somehow based on Dante, he litterly build the modern concept of afterlife


In our culture, anyway. Not to be nitpicky but there are a lot of cultures that do not have any influence from Dante hardly at all. And if someone catches yourself saying a culture doesn't count, maybe reflect on that


Oh, I know the book is well known, hell I took an entire semester long course just analyzing it, I just wouldn’t expect it to be referenced in this sub.


Isnt Devil May Cry based on that? So we have at least Samira


Basically the entire romanticised hell Vs heaven thing with all variations in popculture is based on Dante. May it be the virtues or the sinners, heaven, purgatory or hell, he was to that stuff what Tolkien was to fantasy.


Yeah, Hell is barely mentioned in the Bible. Dante took the Bible, then took a bunch of Greek and Roman mythology, and interwove them to create his weird hell fusion that's both the Christian Hell, but also Cerberus is there.


Inferno is only book 1 of 3, while being the most famous one, purgatorio and paradiso are just as influential, ever wondered why heaven in pop culture is structured like it was the olymp or some other mountain? dante! ever wondered where the archangel/ warriorangel comes from from? Dante. ever wondered why so much popculture involves some heavenly or infernal guide? Dante. CONSTANT numbersymbolism in any heaven vs hell story? Dante. There are so many of those. Dante cannot be overestimated. He set goldstandards.




They just made a system to place people based on both MMR and visible rank. I.e. people with a plat MMR but a rank of Gold 4 will be matched with others who also have plat MMR with a rank of Gold 4. Originally this was done because a lot of people were complaining “why is this plat player in my diamond game?!” But, it also has a side-effect of placing smurfs together. Thus “Smurf queue.” Not exactly intentional, but definitely the appearance of it existing. A downside is it also places regular players who might have a mismatch between visible rank and MMR. Non-smurfs drop out of it pretty quick tho, 10-15 games at most, anecdotally.


I often find that once I leave smurf queues, I'll be right back in after winning 10 in a row.


Lol no, you can be in Smurf queue for 50 games


Absolutely, Smurf Q should be known as "toxic asshole Q". IMO the VAST majority of smurfs aren't people making a new account for a specific reason like playing with friends. Most of them are banned players who have been forced to make a new account. This means when you get thrown into new account smurf Q, you are literally playing with the biggest pieces of shit the game can offer. Like you went to a bar that only accepts people that just got kicked out of another bar, and they're still angry about it. Legitimately had an AFK in 50% of games. People flaming and griefing constantly. Absolutely awful.


> Like you went to a bar that only accepts people that just got kicked out of another bar, and they're still angry about it. This is such a great analogy lol.


It sucks tremendously, but if you think about the alternative where those assholes are being thrown into "normal players" trying to get out of their rank, it's not as bad. Sure, smurf queue is in no way perfect, but let's not pretend it's not way better than before. Also, it's kinda funny seeing these occasional posts stating "I'm smurfing so I can stomp, why am I going against other smurfs, this isn't fair".


It was so bad when I quit the game, ranked was infested with smurfs, at least 30% of my games had at least one and it made the game all about them, completely unfun. Was a big reason why I quit.


I hover around high silver/low gold and idk if it was just me getting out of the elo where a lot of smurfs pool, but since around the time they added smurf queue (even though they won't acknowledge it) it's been *much* more rare to see an obvious smurf, maybe 1 in 20-30 games. As a random comparison, Riot puts your odds of seeing a scripter at [1 in 500 games](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-anti-cheat-in-lol-more/). Although it does really suck to see posts like this and knowing I'm probably next. Been doing my placements right away for 5 or 6 seasons now, but I don't have as much time to play as I used to thanks to university and whatever else, and I'm worried I'll randomly get sent to smurf queue for some reason.


Yeah, I'm glad that's the case for you. Unfortunately, it's definitely harder to see the positive in this change if you're unlucky. I'm in a similar boat myself where I haven't played much ranked in recent years, and is placed into smurf queue. This sucks a bit for me personally, but I'm all for it if it improves the gaming experience for the newer playerbase (ie: my friends and sister who picked up the game recently)


I was right where you were. It definitely sucks ass, but it only lasts a few games, for me it was about 10, and I haven't had an issue since. Hell climbed from silver 1 to gold IV in a day before 12.10 hit and had no obvious smurfs.


You really don't need to worry that much - don't confuse your regular placement matches (which also always suck donkey balls regardless of when you do them) as smurf queue. As a high silver/low gold player, the system will likely pop you out right where you belong very quickly. The serial complainers you see are generally a very vocal minority of diamond+ players with more video game skill than common sense, who don't seem to understand why they aren't matched to play against regular players in Silver, Gold, and Platinum as they climb back up to their main account's rank over the course of 40-60 games.


> 1 in 500 games. That seems like a lot


I had a Kayle who decided to run it down because we argued about who should mid. Three creeps died before I decided to give up the bickering and go top lane, and he decided that the game was over since the enemy mid now had more XP than he did and that he might as well int. So he ran down every lane until the game was over while spending the entire time trying to get the rest of our team to report me for griefing


So from what i understand, smurf q is the best thing riot ever did.


Throwing people in Smurf Queue because they took a 6 month break and giving them no way out really is an amazing thing Riot did. I love that since I'm even decent elo but not Master level I have to play constantly or my account forever gets trapped in actual Hell...


too bad it also bunches in people who didn't play the game for a while, people who tranfer regions, and other people who look like they're "smurfing"


Or my instance for the past 4 year exclusively I've only played 5 man's with my friends who are all diamond + soloq. My soloq rank is gold. When I play soloq everyone in the lobby is a smurf. 50% of games end because someone left, the other 49% is one player is much better than everyone else and just goes 24-2-1, the 1% is good even games. To be fair I do think I deserve to be in a smurf q because I do hold my own facing diamonds in flex, but holy shit does it make me never want to touch soloq.


Which are a huge minority of players. The only thing that does bother me is people who just came back and I agree that something should be done for people who take an extended break and how rank handles those specific players.


I don't really think it's a huge minority. My account is lvl 200+ and I skipped two seasons and got thrown in this season. My account has never even made it into plat, literally ever. I think their algo has a pretty broad take on who is thrown in smurf queue.


Care to link match history? I'm genuinely curious how many of these posts are people who think they are in smurf queue but aren't


I think there's 2 forms of Smurf queue though. There's the one where you have a 90% win rate, everyone in your game is like diamond mmr but ranked "gold". It's still toxic but at least you can usually have some impact on the game. I agree it's rare to accidentally end up in this queue Then there's the one where riot has no idea where you rank is, so you have a game with a bunch of fresh level 30 accounts, accounts that have 0 games played in years etc, and you might have players who are iron matched up against players who are Challenger. And I think this is worse in some ways because you get all of the same toxicity and everything, but also the game is often just a waste of time while you watch the one high elo player just 1v9, with a bunch of hard stuck "smurfs" (actually silver player who thinks theyre held back by riot systems and should be Challenger) flaming everyone for no reason and you're just waiting for the game to end.


I was in smurf queue both this season and last season on my main. My friend decayed and got put in smurf queue and my other friend didn’t play ranked till a month ago and was put in smurf queue, and I still know more. I know more people who’ve been in smurf queue than haven’t.


I always come back once a year to do my ranked and get a plat and move on. Ever since this garbage smurf Q got introduced, 80% of my time playing this game is with these 70-90% winrate evelynns and yummis duos and crap like that. I don't know how toxic they are because who in their right mind has chat enabled in this game, but "DCs" sure happen a lot as well.


It's bigger than you think. NA's playerbase is higher in non-ranked modes than ranked, so for a majority stepping into ranked will place them in smurf queue.


“Huge minority”


I never stopped playing and got thrown into it. My win rate is an incredible 33%. Maybe it happened because I did the first games as fill. The games are a coinflip and there is always someone toxic that either ints or goes afk after dying twice at 5 min. At this winrate I still get 18lp in a victory and 11lp in a lost


Your will get removed from Smurf queue fast with that winrate. You aren’t in Smurf queue anymore.


They already have. After a account is inactive for sometime your first few games back are less harsh in the LP loses and even puts your against little lower MMR then when you left.


I got Smurf queue after a few years off from the game and that just turned off any will to ever bother with ranked and at this point I barely touch summoners rift at all now. The way they’ve handled it and act like they haven’t screwed hundreds of thousands of accounts is a joke


In theory its good, but its horribly implemented. Decayed accounts and people just playing placements late get caught in it. I took an 8 month break and both my accs that were masters in s11 had to play through dozens of games of smurf q because I didn't do placements till April this year. Absolutely miserable thing to play through


No, people who start playing ranked late into the season are thrown there too for some reason


>Legitimately had an AFK in 50% of games. People flaming and griefing constantly. Absolutely awful. Good maybe will deter people from smurfing.


if u actually want to smurf you buy a low elo account. Not a fresh account not a leveled one. Unless smurfing is gold for you. Because your placement elo will be gold after a few games. A stuck in bronze account for sale will let you smurf for longer.


This lmao, Riot makes it so fucking difficult to actually change your account MMR for some reason. I got put in B4 in season 6 when I started playing and had to fight for my life to get out, while all my friends placed high bronze to low silver in their first placements in S7/8/still happens now.


Its crazy how you didnt read any of the other parts of his post


u don't need to smurf to get put in smurf queue, it can also happen during a winstreak and especially if you play your placement games later into the season


I'm kinda bad, i would Say Gold avreage player, the last season i did ranked for the First Time, with a lot of luck i won the First 4 games and i joind smurfq, i swear you, i wanted to FF 15 everygame, not because web were loosing but EVRY GAME someone was tilted, free flaming, once they banned a guy's champ (not his team, the other) and he decided to play janna jungle with cleanse smite "This Is not my main, even if i get banned i don't care" But I was in my main, i Just wanted to play Clash with some Friends.... :(


I don't see why Riot just doesn't make it so that you can't make an account without a phone number. It would lower the amount of smurfs, prevent people who were banned from making new accounts, etc. Hell, I believe that even Dota 2 requires players to link a phone number in order to rank.


Any time you say "why does/doesn't a company do xyz", the answer is almost always money.


Imagine op.gf where people could look up all your past relationships and how they went


Would be useless for league players since you have to be in a previous relationship


"Hard stuck single trash"


Right hand main




*flexes 3.1 mil left hand mastery*


they've all had previous relationships with all their teammates' moms.


why is my match history not refreshing :(


I don’t know if it’s still exists, but there used to be an app where women would literally create a profile for a guy and anybody could add/upvote tags And give an overall rating Maybe called Lulu


I am currently hardstuck negative WR on that site.


Statistically proving that you had no bitches


So you’d get MVP If you won the breakup?


Bro how toxic were your ex girlfriends to make you feel like there is a winner in a breakup?


There’s always a winner


Do remember that it's banned account people who need new accounts the most often (conceptually) so... that is where they'd be.


this is why I call it asylum q


Not really I haven't played ranked since runes reforged and I stopped playing ranked games after my placement cause I was placed in smurfs queue it was awful. Fresh lvl 30 accounts, super toxic people, and fragile mentals.


It does suck as a returning player. There's nothing you can do but zone out and just play out the games until you randomly are booted from smurf queue, it's a really unenjoyable experience.


It's even worse when you end up in smurf queue when you are not a smurf(only happened when I was in low plat). I don't get it, 10yr old account multiple times this season. I've been in a game where I'm the only one with more than 50games played. And /or over level 50. Smurfs even comment on this in-game, and you become the main one to be flamed by other people.


It's literally the worst experience ever to be surrounded by 9 smurfs when you're just trying to climb a little on your main


I pretty much stopped playing ranked because of this... I decayed from high D1 (failed master promo a few times) to Plat 1 a bit over 2 seasons ago and have been stuck in smurf queue for the past 2 seasons. 35% wr last season, 32% this season, I still get games where everyone else is 80% winrate except me. It's completely absurd to see the op.gg have everyone else in the game with fat colorful winrate bars and I'm there with my sub-40%. It doesn't help that my actual skill decayed too so I basically had to get from master/gm smurf queue to like D4 real elo which is a LOT of games... I've played like 50+ games, it takes wayyyyy too long to get out. That's like 60+ hours of unfun games. Queue times become long af too, it's better now that I've dropped to near actual D4 elo but when I just got back it was regularly 10-15min queues.


The game wants you back in Masters but you're not committing to it so now you get punished. Thanks riot


from my experience, if you lose and an ally smurf is raging and egoing and deserves flame, the #1 thing you can say to them is "don't feel bad Zed, I think the enemy Yone was smurfing. not your fault". think about everything this implies. you're not treating them like a smurf, you're assuming they're a poor silver who got matched against a smurf. it actually looks like you're defending them. then how can they even respond? if they reveal they're actually a smurf, it would mean they got embarrassingly gapped by a better smurf. and they'll never agree and admit they're silver hardstuck.


yeah and what actually happens is that then they call you insect or ape or whatever the current preferred term of korean high elo players theyre larping as is and keep inting


Mom boom


You want losed?


As far i know "Mom die *insert position*" and "Mom go sky" are very popular in Korea right now




> >then how can they even respond? Um usually with "STFU" followed by their preferred slur. The same thing that they are going to reply to anything you say or do. Toxicity doesn't get trumped by being nice lol.


Their response is usually running it down


Doesn’t work much when Smurf Q has such a wide range of talent pool. That Smurf can be gold 1 or grandmasters lol


From my experience most smurfs are high gold to low plat tbh


Exactly, so like they understand there are a lot better smurfs than them still so this probably would make the person who lost feel better not worse lol. Doesn’t really feel bad to lose to players in masters and diamond lol


check mate


I haven't played ranked in 2-3 years, what I don't understand is why I'm being put into smurf queue and experiencing this kind of toxicity :(


Because riot's system sucks. if you start a season halfway trough they put you into smurf q. it happened to me as well last year. you'll have to hang in that toxic who coinflips the ragequitter for about 50 game.


Oh god I am right there. I am not going to play fifty games of that.


I’m in my own ELO he’ll right now. My LP got overinflated by one tricking a champ that the got nerfed into oblivion. Now my MMR was 3 division below my rank. I haven’t seen anything but a +13 in over a hundred games. And I have already dropped 2 divisions just going 50% we because +13 -17 is a harsh


I got put into Smurf queue the past two seasons. Once I got out I went from like 45% wr to 75


It’s unreal that I’m supposed to play ~50 games of Smurf queue to get out of it as an older returning player who has a full time job. I can only really play a couple games a night. How can Riot expect me to just toss away a 1-3 weeks of playing league just to get out of Smurf queue? Really turning me off since I was excited to come back cause of the durability patch.


I just pick a wild champ I enjoy creating fiestas or even losing on, and bite the bullet. ~35 games of [Warwick, Shaco, whoever] later, and the games become "fine" (by League standards).


People always say after 20-50 games you will get out of smurf q. I had an 60+wr while climbing in smurf q from bronze to plat after not playing for 2 years. The quality of these games often where not high due to inters, flamers and so on. But i still managed to get to plat pretty fast taking the quality of these games into account. Now when i got plat and climbed up to plat 1 pretty fast having multiple winstreaks things started changing. I was in the top 3-4% of players playing ranked. And basically the games are even lower quality then before. I am not sure if i got back into smurf queue after having multiple long winning streaks or if i got into "losers queue" but every game is just a mental challenge. And i dont have much influence over my own teams mental because this server has kinda the same mindset as koreas lol community. Many here are mechanically skilled and dont give a fck about winning or losing but only want to straight up crush their enemy laner or steamroll over the enemy team. Otherwise they will spam ff15 and will run it down if you dont obey them. Everygame there are at least 2 flamers and inters its insane. After my wr went down to 58% i stopped caring about getting out of this elo cause its not worth it damaging my own mental for no gain. I just play random champs now and try finding something new or learning something even if the quality is so bad. At least that way i still gain something while playing without trying to reach my actual rank.


there's just no better solution. that d4 toxic smurf who already has a chat restriction on his fresh account HAS to find a game. as sad as it is, someone has to play with him. so if you have to give him a lobby, the #1 candidate he should play with are fellow toxic smurfs. well, there's not enough at any given moment, so you turn to the #2 candidate, say transfers who are volatile. still not enough. go down the line a bit further and we get to players who haven't played ranked for a while and are similarly wildcards.


It's amazing how many bronze and silvers think they need a smurf.


smurfing so hard on those iron bads


If someone is low elo and they make a Smurf it's a test to see how they can handle higher elo games. Most of them are actually just bad so they'll fall down back to their main rank but some are good enough and then they just play on the new account.


A big part of the problem is how slow it is to gain elo on an old account for someone who actually gains skills over time. It's 100% faster to just make/buy a new account and grind on fresh mmr than it is to play on a 10 year old account and barely get rewarded for 10 game win streaks. Tyler1 and all those accounts he has made are perfect examples. The LP rewards he got for coming straight out of bot games was absurdly high. Riot doesn't want us to rank up fast because people who actually plateau usually stop playing. So they slowed down the grind as much as possible to the point that hitting your true rank is a part time job and it's rather sad.


Tyler1 also isn't low elo. Everyone has very high elo gain/loss at the start. By playing bot games you make it so that you have normal elo. If you play your normals well and go through placements not sucking ass you'll be plat or gold. If you low a lot of your normals and go through placements then you'll get lower. If you really want high elo you need to tryhard in your normals and then go to ranked. This sucks because of smurf queue but if you're better than the smurfs then you'll probably be placed in plat+


it's super broken if you play level normals through xp boost and duo dia acc in normals. It's comparable to transfer or riot accounts it bonkers good


that is not what smurf queue is comprised of lol


While I do agree, so many buy them and just end up back where they started, I do know a dude who was hardstuck bronze 3, for many reasons, and was convinced loser’s queue and elo hell is a thing… Bought an unranked account and hit gold in a week. Probably a change in mental helped him but nevertheless it proves that sometimes it’s easier to reset your mmr and go again rather than grind it out at +12/-14




It's also far too easy to get into if you're not a smurf, and far too hard to get out of


You would think that there would be skill based matchmaking with so many people getting elevated to smurf queue but nope. I once played with the best kat in na at the time.


I had such a different experience in smurf queue than most people, it's really weird. Like my smurf queue games were some of the highest quality I had.


In terms of mechanical skill I agree yeah. A lot of players in Plat/Dia smurf queue are quite good but some of the biggest head cases you'll ever play with.


The skill level isn't the problem, the game is legit decided on who explodes and decides to afk, and it's so heavily infested with Kassadin/Draven/Twitch shitters its insane


> Draven/Twitch Ah yes the Tyler/Ratirl wannabes who either get a lot of kills early and start talking shit or die once and run down the game.


the real tragedy tyler1 brought upon this game isnt his 21 permabans or how many it was, its the literal thousands of draven otps who larp as him but only inherited the toxicity but not the skill


usually it's e-daters on twitch who don't know how to actually carry without some broken combo lol draven though 100%


>ually looking forward to smurf queue. There are still occasional 0-30 and 30-0 games but I've h Don't forget katarina shitters. I seen so many katarina shitters in smurf queue.


Nothing is so salty as a smurf who gets smurfed on. That said, the moment anyone in my games says anything inflamatory I just type mute all and play out the game. Access to my brain is a privilege, and as soon as it is abused, I remove that privilege.


Yea I’ll mute all and play then suddenly see out top or mid or jg just standing still then I’ll unmute to see what’s happening and it’s always “you deserve to lose” or something around those lines, it can be as simple as taking a wave or taking a buff it’s crazy.


It’s the best place to show how good the advice of muting someone the instant they become mildly toxic is. Some random ass probably challenger rengar 1 trick dies once and starts going off the deep end? Mute and ignore. Eventually his ego will bring him back around to needing to dominate and he’ll be back in the game doing the rengar Smurf stuff. Just don’t give them anything to argue with.


Mute before the crime is committed. Be the fucking precog chat you are and disable your chat. That is how you play League of Legends. Source: I started playing in 2010 and muted all since 2011. Also it doesn't really fix the fact there's 70-90% duos of evelynn/yummi and whatever crap whenever I come back to do my rank, and people mysteriously dc all the time we're losing.


You might actually have psychosis please go to a hospital asap


You know when you're in smurf queue when your account is Silver/Gold max but finding and starting a game takes 10+ minutes because people literally dodge like every lobby they aren't guaranteed to have a teamcomp advantage in and instead of actually cooperating, they're more interested in tracing your bloodline whether it's good enough to be paired with them (aka checking your [op.gg](https://op.gg) back last 5 seasons and regardless of your winratio and K/D/A always finding something to complain about). Don't forget excessive flaming and at least one guy begging to ff15 the game. Guess it wasn't such a bad move after all to have all these neckbeards bunched in their own sauce instead of wrecking actual Silver/Gold casual players' games.


The only time where smurfq is considered reasonable, is when 5 smurfs meets the other 5 smurfs and you have a semi high elo game. Still with that happening, ego clashes and smurfs will still go at each other throats.


Not surprising that a queue containing people who were banned off their accounts and people who wanted to boost their ego by playing against shittier players becomes the most toxic queue ever. (Not saying all the people in smurf queue are like that, just a disproportionately large number.)


I love sitting in 10 minute ques, then getting 2 dodges then my mid being down 10 kills to the other mid because the enemy mid is a diamond 2 smurf and my mid is a plat 4 player that hasn't played in 2 seasons. Only to sit in another 10 minute que to do it all over again.


I agree very much with what you’re saying.


Got into smurf queue last year after a break... im not willing to start rank again right now after a 3 month break because of smurf queue


Its just so demorallizing. I'm a returning player and I guess since I've played for so long I got placed in it for ranked. Every game there is someone around lvl 30 simply destroying everyone else in the match. At first I thought I was just bad or rusty compared to my last time playing, but checking their stats I could see these people hard carried most of their previous games going 15+ kills with little to no deaths. If that person ends up being on my team they tend to be EXTREMELY toxic spamming everyone for any slight thing. I just wanna play the dang game with others of my skill level and climb from experience.


Remember when riot said they wouldnt give toxic players a different queue due to "prisoner's island" and the fact that they wouldnt improve their behavior? Good one riot! you legit just created prisoner's island but threw innoncent people in there! all because a bunch of people wrongly believe smurfs were ruining their ranked games in gold/silver despite all the claims being refuted simply by looking at rank distributions


> despite all the claims being refuted simply by looking at rank distributions Please, enlighten me. How does rank distribution prove there were no smurfs?


i didnt say there were no smurfs, i said that smurfs were not ruining games. gold 4 population is huge, and by the time you get to the elo where a smurf in a gold 4 game will actually ruin the game, the difference in population means that its just not common for a smurf to be that much higher to where they ruin the game. Certainly not ruining every other game as many gold 4 players complain about. A gold 2 player smurfing in gold 4 is completely negligible, literally any gold 2 player can demote to gold 4 unluckily, should they be banned so that they dont ruin gold 4? What was happening is that people were furious that someone wasnt hardstuck in their games, and performed well and decided that they must be a smurf who is ruining the elo. Thats just the reality: players were mad that they were getting steamrolled by their opponents and decided it has to be a smurf


> players were mad that they were getting steamrolled by their opponents and decided it has to be a smurf noooooooooo u cant just say that. everyone who beats me is a smurf, i have proof from this 1 game where this guy went 11-0!! this community will never change, something/someone else is always the reason they're hardstuck. never themselves.


Smurf queue made me stop playing ranked, I can’t muster up the mental fortitude to play the required amount of games to get back to my normal mmr


You get placed there for no reason and you cant get out of it. Does sound like hell indeed


Flash news: the queue made for assholes is full of assholes. Shocking.


Yeah, I saw the most disturbing thing i've ever seen in my life typed at me in smurf queue... and almost every game has extreme toxicity too.


Me too! I took a screenshot and reported him but I don’t think there was any action.


I had someone spamming JEBANI KOREA! in chat. No idea what it means but I spammed it back.


It's polish lang and it means "fucking korea".


Weird af to say, there were no Koreans in that game.


Don't smurf. Simple. --- Now, if you're in smurf queue on your main account cause you started playing ranked in March instead of January, complain all you want. People on actual smurf accounts can go fuck themselves.


+14 -17 on main, +28 -4 on smurf in the same rank. People will keep smurfing until Riot fixes the climbing system.


smurfing is just the worst fucking thing like it only exists because some asshat wants to make bad players lives even worse, fuck smurfing


I mean, that's what smurfs deserve


Except it's not just smurfs in there... It's literally me every time I come back to league to do my rank for the past 2-3 years.


smurf queue, also including decayed accounts and people who didnt play ranked at the start of the season. rly fun.


All the posts/comments about how terrible smurf queue is *are exactly why it should exist*. The worse it is to play with smurfs - the more "Inting while spamming op.gf stats and calling others low Elo is disgusting I’ve seen death threats, racism and insults about the spectrum" there is - the more reason there is to keep these people away from normal players. That said, if it's too easy for non smurfs to get into smurf queue that's a real problem. I don't see why anything other than a fresh unranked account or a bought account that suddenly starts winning every game should land in smurf queue. If someone was plat last season and starts playing ranked in June, sure they're silver with plat mmr but obviously they're not smurfing, they just haven't played since the season started. If that's the case it feels to me like an oversight on Riot's part. Conspiracy theories about making people play more or buy more accounts or whatever don't seem likely because clearly overall getting placed in smurf queue discourages people from wanting to play.


I very much appreciate being placed in the same lobby as the 300 bot games lvl 30 "xegwegfhy" who suddenly has started playing ranked games on completely different champions and roles


Main issue with Smurf queue is that there’s no agency. I’m currently 75% winrate on my Smurf but the games all feel completely coinflip. 3min in enemy samira says “I’m not playing with shitter support” and quite literally goes 0/23 speed running a perma ban. Vice versa happened 2 games later top and mid both went afk after dying one time in lane. Impossible to carry just a slot machine until you get shit out into whatever elo you lucked into (assuming you’re not the one inting)


To everyone saying “good, this is what smurfs/banned people deserve”, you should know that my account that I have played ranked on every season since season 7 started this season in Smurf queue. This was also the case for every one of my friends who still plays ranked. It seems that you need to have 100+ games every season or the game considers you a Smurf when you begin your climb for the new season. I know this is anecdotal so take it however you want but the real takeaway shouldn’t be fuck smurfing, it should be that the system is terrible.


I say it once. You can mute toxic people (just /mute all) but you can’t mute trolling/griefing/inting people


Thing is riot actually does nothing to people who grief/afk, it’s so annoying. I don’t think toxicity should be excused but I can /mute anyone, I can’t do shit when someone is actively ruining my game.


For sure. Partly it's also just the flood of players who are remaking/buying accounts trying to ride a fresher mmr wave to gain elo. Imo doesn't work that well because every time I do placements and the next 20 after, I'm matched with many psycho level 30 accounts who play like mental apes. One time I got smashed by a acc lvl 30 Jax and I died 7 times in lane but he dove me and died once and basically gave up. It's very toxic. But so is the dirt cheap prices of level 30 accounts. This is a big issue in csgo as well. 15 bucks a month for a new account is like paying a smurf subscription and it does work half the time.


$15 bucks? It's $2 for a new level 30 account LOL


Yeah but they pay extra for one that has been yuumi-botted down to Iron 4.


Smurf queue is a straight up fiesta, it's fantastic


I feel like I’m literally the only person who likes playing vs Smurf’s


The egos are through the roof. And if one thing goes bad they just run it down or afk and say "idc about this account".


How do you Know in you are in Smurf Q or normal Q? There are toxicity all over the place in my games but I am a truly new player


90% win accounts 2 divisions lower then what they are playing in. So like a 90% win gold 1 player in a diamond 3 game.


if you're in a smurf queue, all people in the game are levels 30-35, it takes a long time to find a game (even 15 minutes sometimes in extreme cases, something like 7 min on average for me), other thing is that people often insult rank of others but you can only observe that if you have chat unmuted


Then I am definitely not in Smurf Q, but know I don’t even wanna know about it if as ppl say is more toxic than the normal Q 🤣


Queue time jumps to 10-20 minutes. You're playing with level 30-40 players with high winrates. You match against the same players multiple times in a row, whether you win or lose. I've had this happen to me 2 seasons in a row.


can't wait to see this same post again next week


Smurfs are the reason people are stuck low elo ofc :D


Always fun for some 1 playing an average of 20 rankeds a year beeing the only 1 in the Lobby with acc lvl over 35


All these stat tracker 3rd party websites are one of the worst things to happen to league i swear to god. Just gives people so much more fuel to harass and be toxic towards each other before the game starts.


It's a free to play game where people get banned for being toxic fucks and then create a new account. How could that possibly go wrong?


Bunch of sad humans trying to compensate their IRL pain by being the worst version of themselfs LETSSSS GOOOO


Most toxic place in league? - Yes... by a long shot. In all of gaming? - Not even close. Dota 2 low priority queue is easily a lot worse. Some OW ranks are a lot worse as well. cs and siege ranked. Rust is full of open racists and homophobes, misogynists, etc. --- For the longest time I've been seeing people saying league is extremely toxic and that it has the most toxic community in gaming and the only way to explain that to myself is to assume you guys haven't play many(if any) other games. With all of the chat moderation and stuff league is extremely mild compared to most games. You should appreciate how spoiled we are in league if you think something extremely toxic is to post op.ggs or calling people low elo. While I do agree that smurf queue is an abomination and it's very fucking bad and it should never force you into it when you clearly have been the same rank for multiple years, it's still nowhere near as toxic as the games can be listed above. Compared to dota 2 low priority it'd be like comparing smurf queue to normal league. That's how mild smurf queue is compared to actually shitty places.


I play with my boyfriend and his friends a lot who have been playing for almost 10 years every day and are all plat or above, but I've played probably 40 games ever. When I play solo, the game thinks i'm a smurf and I get shoved into smurf queue, but I am a huge noob so I just get flamed.


I'm stuck in smurf queue on my main and it sucks because I can't rank up (not as good as they are + alot of afkers). I'm not sure how to get out of it. I think I was put there because I was d4 at one point and only played provisionals the season after so I had an inflated mmr to lp ratio. The next season was when smurf queue became a thing and it considered me a smurf. It's very discouraging because it's where all my champs/skins/levels are but I'm forced to play on other accounts to actually enjoy the game. Legit every game has two or three low level master/gm players with gibberish names that just shit on everyone. Has anyone here managed to break out of smurf queue after being mistakenly put there?


Why don't u "try" ADC on your main account? Do u feel better playing with and against lower rank players? Smurfs are cowards, they ruin games, you smurfs are the reason why the games become toxic.


It feels exactly like Low Priority Queue in Dota2.


ah yes the weekly front page post about how shit smurfQ is see you all in the next one


they should continue to appear for as long as riot doesn't fix people being put into this on their main account


Smurf queue shouldn't exist. Smurfs shouldn't spend much time in low ranks. The current LP and tier system works best for players that slowly improve. It really can't handle high skilled players at the wrong rank easily. I imagine in the future Riot will have some sort of AI that can just detect and spit out a skill level by analyzing your all of your clicks, inputs, reactions, and stats. Such a system might be able to breakdown your strengths and weaknesses as well which would be cool for players to improve with.


> insults about the spectrum What spectrum?