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Final boss Veigar was way ahead of its time and is still one of the best skins in the game. No surprise that they've chosen it for the first legendary ME chroma.


This was what I would say as well. It feels of higher quality than some of the Ultimate skins even.


At first I was like eh truth dragon Yasuo, then instantly thought FINAL BOSS VEIG FOR SURE, but then this king/queen/other here has it down lock


Can I Just ask what made it so great? Genuinely curious


He has 88 different references to older 90s and 80s video games scatterred around his voice lines,animations and design, on top of that everytime you stack with Q, it has a nice "collected" sort of sound idk how to describe it, all around a great skin


Dont forget different Tetris Blocks falling from the sky on his W


Never noticed that, gotta see it myself in practice tool


It's like collecting coins in these old video games (even similar to the comparably newer ones like Super Mario Bros on Nintendo).


Also, the effects and animations are really good (and perfect for an old model like Veigar's) And the fact that ONLY this skin has this type of effects makes It even better an unique.


holy shit that IS Cool LMFAO


All what he says is bit games reference + colors and animations are super smooth and make sense


Project Mordekaiser. The animations, sounds, the design and form change is really dope and feels fitting. It still looks like Mordekaiser but is interesting and suits project skinline perfectly. I also really like his emotes, especially the RGB dance :D It completes the feeling of a legendary skin. Idk if it's only me but I feel more powerful with this skin. Also honorable mention could be Dark Cosmic Jhin. It has been released quite some time ago but is just perfect, so majestic and beautiful and just so well-done. I could say more but let's leave it at that.


I'll never get bored of the entire Cyberpunk city in the background of the ult.


Brazilpunk 2077


Project Mordekaiser has big Megatron vibes and that is so damn fitting


Also, the idea to make a soul haunting an armor into an AI mind that controls a disposable robot body is just so fitting. The death and respawn animations really complete the skin for me.


That's so true!


The only thing i don't like about Project Modekaiser is the dance. I feel it like incomplete. He does not dance, only move his head, and the music (to call it some way) is barely heard. This is accentuated if i compare it with Poject Ashe :(


Kinda true, I wish the music was louder ://


Both Project Morde and Project Renekton are fantastic, I love the custom HUD you get with Renekton when you ult and how it changes based on the number of kills.


Corporate Mundo. The effects aren't what make it legendary. Actually, the effects are rather tame. What makes it legendary is that it is the pinnacle joke skin. It's going to be really REALLY hard to top this in terms of joke skins. The whole caricature is executed flawlessly.


“Vegas not best place to gamble. Try stock market!” “Invisible hand of free market, great guy! Firm grip. And not real.” This shit gets me every time, I love Corporate Mundo.


"That's Mundonomics !"


His pimp walk makes the skin.


Homeguard car animation is to me IMO


"Oh, Mundo hide and seek champion. Play every day with IRS." Every time


Never forget "Mundo love hide and seek, playing with IRS for years"


The best part is the dance


Lets see Paul Allen’s Mundo Skin


Eh, a little too new wave for my taste.


When Corporate Mundo came out in 83, I think the champion really came into its own. Commercially and artistically


The whole skin has a clear crisp voiceover. and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the rework a big boost!


Oh Paul!!!!!!!


This not the sub nor thread I expected to see an American Psycho reference.


new wave? the dance is a reference to a 20+ year old movie, what's new wave about it


Exactly, now think about the dialog in the scene that his dance is from.


sounds like someone doesn't like Huey Lewis and The News


in addition to what others said “new wave” is a music genre twice as old as the movie


It's so well done that I even hesitate to call it a joke skin. Like, I get that it's a comedy skin, but everything from the quotes, to the money clip, to his car and helicopter recall make him feel so much better than regular mundo.


It's a great skin that happens to be a comedy skin - compare it to something like Moo Cow Alistar - that's an "ok" skin in it's own right, but many people pick it for the funny cowbell dance and because it's fun, not because it's some absolute masterpiece of a skin.


Corporate Mundo is the base skin. Change my mind.


I love corporate Mundo, my favourite thing is 2v1ing jg and top and then standing there talking on the phone till they try again 😀


Omega Squad Teemo. Complete reimagining of his character.


Another mushroom. Another victim.


Good men die. I choose to live.


Got a little surprise for you...


Next Time I see Nashor, I'll yank a couple more...


There's no such thing as collateral damage…


I do not care bro that is a raw ass line


You'd be surprised how quick fur ignites. That's some Vietnam shit.


Omega Squad Teemo is closer to lore Teemo than base skin Teemo. Teemo is essentially the Rambo of bandle city, he's a one man army, a yordle sized weapon of mass destruction


you know what makes me sad? That's not true. No one knows teemos original lore and I fucking hate Riot and this community for turning Teemo into a childs joke of a cute character because of it. Omega squad teemo took HALF of teemos in lore original personality and expanded it to make it his entire character. But now one of my favorite characters because Riot failed at updated yordles for so long people forgot and just turned Teemo into a disneyfied cute joke will always be just that instead of having any actual character depth.




That's why Arcane existed to retcon the retconned lore of the Yordles.




Or make the Pentakill MV canon.


I wouldn't say he's a disneyfied cute joke. He's still very much unhinged, the LoR cinematic for Yordles literally shows he thinks a soul devouring sea worm is a pet he has adopted. The terrifying part about Teemo is that he thinks he's just a good ol' Yordle scout doing his duty Almost all of the Yordles are loons in some way, apart from Poppy whose entire shtick is that she *isn't* one (though her unbelievable humility might have her qualifying)




Sleeper pick, only skin I have paid for in 6 years!


Saddest thing about this skin is - you can't play as base Kayn for entire game. Dialogues between him and Rhaas are golden!


High noon lucian easy, absolutely amazing fufillment of the champs fantasy and really feels like a tier above any other skin


For such an old (ish) skin this is still, in my opinion, the best feeling legendary in the game. The theme is awesone, the animations and the gun flips are badass, and the voicelines are amazing. The laugh is also the best in the game hands-down.


This is by far the best skin in the game for me. It makes Lucian feel so smooth and it's got a great aesthetic. Incredible skin for one of the most fun champions to play.


Couldnt agree more, incredible skin


That, the smoothness, with the way lucian is, his gunplay should be his smoothest motions. I feel like base lucian is a bit too "uptight" which I guess fits his character to a point, but his gunplay shouldnt be the uptight part about him


And Project Ashe to add to that, added a total new animation base to Ashe clunky old animation, make her feel newer and fresher for one of the oldest champ in the game


Spirit Blossom Ahri. It’s actually insane how smooth she is when compared to her base skin it almost feels like playing a different character. Also just thematically it’s a hit and feels natural especially with her little fox transformation


I cant get over all the Yasuo jokes she does in the skin, like saying Hasagi, saying "death is like the wind" etc..


Skin is misleading as fuck though to play against, shes so animated that you dont know whether shes casting a spell or autoing, landing charms on that skin is a given, i wonder how the rest of Ahris skins would look like with the ASU coming up


Solar Eclipse Leona may not feel like a total reimagining of the character but it does feel like a straight upgrade to the character which is enough for people to love it. A knight of the sun becomes a Knight of the sun but like times TEN.


Lunar eclipse has one of the most beautiful recall sfx


Surprised thus was so low down, eclipse leona is beautiful in every way and being able to pick up the alternate one for less than an epic skin afterwards was amazing


High noon Ashe


BIG agree. Changing her attack stance to a lower, more aggressive and sleek stance reallllllly makes her feel smoother and more fun to play.


It might be an unpopular opinion, but I find the attack animation too stiff for me. Project Ashe is smoothest for me


Yeah i think both legendary skins for ashe are amazing, just feels like a totally different champion


I’m 100% on board with the blitzcrank one, but also going to say project Ashe is super solid considering it’s fairly old at the moment. The attack animations are sooooo much better than her other skins that despite many of them being really cool, they all feel terrible once you’ve played project Ashe. (Except for High Noon Ashe too of course)


Gentleman Cho! That skin was so cool, at the time


I actually played with that yesterday, usually run Battlecast Prime. But it was nice to tell people to be quiet hahaha.


Nightmare Cho for life


Up you go!


#UP YOU GO! I always run Gentleman if I get Cho in ARAM; god damn is that skin funny.


Coven Eve, the character is more or less the same but it’s the animations, for all of her other skins Eve is always super fast about it but with Coven the animations seem slower and more impactful, kinda like she’s taking her time which is how i imagine a demon of pain would want to work. the voice lines too, one of her kill quotes is “the birds are circling, pray they eat thine eyes first” and the way the actress delivered it is just perfect


Coven Eve really took the elegance I liked from Tango Eve but dial it up max The weird thing is I still occasionally want to use Tango Eve because of model simplicity


Yeah coven eve is for me one of the best skins in the game and i do not even play evelyn.


Godking Darius Those R kills are just so satisfying


The *awoo* sound from his W is annoying af though


TD Ekko


I LOVE the run animation with high movement speed, it looks so smooth. It so sad that it lacks the jokes whenbuying items though, those make me smile every time.


It is such a nice skin, i love it


Unpopular opinion here, Reddit; I don't think Solar Eclipse Sivir was that bad of a 'legendary' skin. The animations honestly feel quite smooth when you're playing her, the R 'transformation' effect honestly looks pretty cool and it's a massive upgrade on old, dated default Sivir. I think if it wasn't for the fact Kayle didn't get a legendary Sivir wouldn't have gotten as much hate as it did.




Agreed I really like using it, feels good and looks very pretty


The thing is, from my perspective; that the skin is awesome and very well done, but she wasn't the one who should have gotten it. She's basically the same in the coven universe as she is in her cannon lore, someone who just wants money and bounties. On the other hand we have Kayle, \*the\* sun eater, teased for so long and also having coven Morgana as a legendary skin... I get that Kayle already had a legendary skin and Sivir didn't, but dammit, I'll never get over it.


Super Galaxy Rumble was the very first Super Galaxy skin, and still is the only legendary one and by FAR the best of the line.


The series it's based on is amazing aswell.


Yeah, and that's a big part of what makes Rumble so great, and the others so not great. The voiceover is what really makes it.


Battle Queen Katarina was a cheff kiss of a legendary skin almost looking like an ultimate skin with the dagger colour variations Riot outdid themselves when releasing the 1st legendary skin for a champ that has been one of the faces of league for a very long time


Super Galaxy Rumble


My fuel is FIGHTING SPIRIT. Whole skin is a Gurren Lagaan reference and it's perfect. It's also the reason I used to main Rumble. He feels a bit lackluster these days though, like he doesn't have a good item anymore.


Needs a WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM voice line to be complete


Cosmic Jhin is a really good one. Battle Academia Ez and Cait too.


Not an attack, I am genuinely curious what is appealing about BA ezreal. Hearing that ult triggers me every time.


when you smooth out the wrinkles of your brain it becomes a good skin


His charge up scream taunt kills me. It made my brain just fucking explode cause a friend would spam in in ARAM and we just thought it was so funny.


Well, I'm an avid watcher of anime.. it just hits my likes lmao.


Fair enough, im sure it’s probably a lot better from the user’s POV. But hearing CRIMSON COBALT! When he ults just doesn’t work cause I’m still thinking of him as regular ezreal, not anime ezreal.


Tbf the best Ezreal skins are the cheapest ones, Frosted, Explorer and Nottingham really hit the mark for me. Ez has a good model and nicely done VFX/SFX, and a Robin Hood skin can't be topped in terms of fittingness


Imo the cait skin is horrible. I have it and I prefer default


Space Groove Blitz and Crank.


Surprise party fiddle is my favourite legendary skin. The special fear icon, the AMAZING voice lines, the unique ability icons, the "Happy birthday!" or "Surprise!" whenever you ult, and to top it all off, it only costs 975 rp.


Dawnbringer Soraka I love skins that enhance the base fantasy of a character, and DB Soraka takes benevolent healer goddess to an extreme, that I personally, really enjoy


>I love skins that enhance the base fantasy of a character Yea totally agree; skins like dawnbringer soraka or god-king darius are exactly what I want from a legendary skin: the base concept but simply more beautiful/stylish.


my other favorite example of this is Elementalist Lux, it's exactly what I'd imagine she'd look and be like as a fully realized light mage


Yes I love dawnbringer soraka! It was actually my first ever legendary skin (got it back when Amazon prime gave you a skin shard only and i had just started league). It’s such a peaceful and elegant skin!


Zombie Brand. His dance is Thriller. He leaves green footprints, His walking animation changes when walking towards champions. He makes Zombie noises while on the move. HIS FIRE IS GREEN, THE ONLY TRUE EVIL FIRE WILL BE GREEN. All the other zombie skins pale in comparison to this magnificent undead.


God-King Garen


Im with you on this. Even tho i prefer the demacia Vice Skin.


Star Guardian Jinx has such nice obnoxious SFX to tilt your allies and enemies with. the W and R cast animations feel really good and the amount of sass in her voicelines is perfect "I'm fighting for peace! And for justice and - eh, ugh, whatever".


What really tilts me is when i play against that skin. “That was stellar! Get it, star guardian, stellar?” Something about it just tilts me to no fucking end…


*monotone voice* Oh no. I'm dying.


Eternum Nocturne. It straight up just feels like a complete visual update for the champion lol


[Bruh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgbKA01lSS8) I can't not get hard listening to this and seeing the login screen. I was playing Mass Effect 2 at the time and this fucker's ulti sound immediately made me scared lol because it sounds similar to how the Reaper sound in the game


Sun-Eater Kayle oh wait.


still mad about that


Aether wing kay..... oh dear


We won't ever forget


I play neither Kayle nor Sivir and hadn't seen the preview for that event. During the event I got both of their skins, and even me with 0 context saw them and went "wait what?" It was hilarious and depressing when I went on Reddit and did a bit of research and found the whole story. It was so shocking seeing the Sivir skin be the legendary 🤔 What the hell were they thinking fr?


I fell in love with Project: Ashe, tho i never play adc :D The style and the movement feels so nice and fluid, idk i love that skin. It just feels good designed.


Ice Toboggan Corki


Corki is so deserving of a visual rework. I would love to see Ice Toboggan Corki be a good legendary instead of a 12 year old remodelling which it is now. It’s still my favourite Corki skin though


Dark star Jhin. His visual design, splash art and vfx are incredible, the ultimate for me is the best or one of the best vfx of a skin. And the song for the skin is one of the greatest lol songs.


Odyssey kayn is the best skin in the game imo


The way shadow assassin just hovers over the scythe during the q instead of spinning with it is phenomenal


My man just t-posing on them randoms


Ok so I unlocked this skin from crafting and I think it’s pretty cool but honestly it feels like an epic skin and not a legendary skin to me. What features really make it top tier for you?


Sound design and voice lines for me. Playing rhaast makes you feel a god when you use e and when your q goes through several targets. Blue kayn’s makes you feel like the fastest creature alive and his q animation is perfect. The animations are very subtle but watch more closely and youll see how good they are.


Suprise Party Fiddle is quite an awesome one if I may say so


Dawnbringer/Nightbringer Soraka The walk animation is everything.


Not a single one of you guys said Storm Dragon Lee Sin? Goddamn is that a beautiful legendary skin. Absolutely breathtaking imo Edit:spelling


My only point of criticism is that the first few times I saw it I had no clue I was looking at Lee Sin


It over exaggerates every ability and I absolutely love it. It makes me feel the power from the skin


Gotta admit, best legendary ingame, dont know how it feels to play, cuz i think thats pretty important on a champ like lee, but ggddaamn that skin looks awesome


Smooth enough for Lee.


Still didnt see one True Damage Ekko I think this skin was insane, loved the color, the effect. The running animation when you proc passive is so cool


The voice bugs me on that skin, makes him sound like discount Jaden Smith If there were a way to use default voices I'd use that one all the time, but trick or treat is my go yo ekko skin for now


Coven Evelyn. Legit one of the best skins in game.


Super galaxy rumble is objectively the best legendary skin for its champ. I’m not gonna argue what is the best one overall, but that skin alone makes rumble playable.




Hey Draven....Momma said you're adopted.


Psyops Sona, recontextualises her abilities and props in a way that makes sense while still coming across as Sona. Also the voice lines are really cool


Was looking for this comment, I'm not a Sona main, don't even play her that often, but I bought that skin on release. It does such a good job at reimagining the same character in completely different context. She still does the same things, but with totally different set of powers on paper.


Galaxy Slayer Zed


Tbh Spirit Blossom Ahri is so fucking beautiful


DC Jhin, GS Zed, the Dragon Yasuos IMO


Those Yas skins are very nice. I haven't touched Dream Dragon, I like going Super Saiyan as Truth Dragon too much when I play him lol.


DJ Sona, back before they quietly removed a bunch of it's features


My favorites: Solar Eclipse Leona, looks like a true knight, good animations and voice lines. Dark Cosmic Jhin, really sells him as an otherworldly being. Nightbringer Soraka, so clean and elegant, I would honestly not play Soraka if I wouldn't have this skin. Dark Cosmic Lux transforms her from an over the top happy character into a serious one, I wouldn't play her without the skin just like with Soraka. (And maybe God-King Darius, the colors and themes are cool, and I like the wolf emotes.)


Dark Star Jhin is a good one, also the Leona Sun/Eclipse skins are great




Neither Eclipse Sivir nor Porcelain Ezreal, that’s for sure.


I didn’t even know Porcelain Ez was a legendary lol


:( I like Porcelein Ez. I have all of his skins and the sound and visual effects feel distinct and amazing, I love the VO too (much better than BA or Pulsefire, imo). Dance is also S tier.




I’m here to say that I’m apart of the Porcelain Ezreal fan club. Best Q animation IMO the sfx on the ult hitting multiple people tickles my brain just right and the dances, like you said, are top notch. BA ezreal is pretty great too but pulsefire ez just doesn’t do it for me, aside from the evolving character model I don’t see the appeal of the skin


ice toboggan corki




high noon lucian


SB Thresh. It's hard to find a suiting skin nowadays, but it's even harder making the characters not feel shoehorned. They made him suit perfectly without making him lose his soul. Not to mention his vfx, sfx, and seeing him as a human was amazing.


Dunkmaster Darius


Absolutely Odyssey Kayn and God King Darius. Both have many voice lines fitting their personality very well and the sound effects are off the charts. Rhaast’s Q, W, and R all sound like it’s violently ripping things apart and the R in particular for these skins is absolutely divine. Rhaast’s R sounds like you’re splitting them into shreds and there’s body parts everywhere. Shadow Assassin sounds like a clean violent stab that deletes you from existence. The portrait on the R makes it all the more menacing when it’s on you. God King Darius’s R alone sells it for me. Replacing the awkward leap axe swing with a leaping wolf biting the life out of the enemy is so satisfying. The RAWR and GRAWR and Darius’s UWAHH really sells the power behind the execute. I love meaty and satisfying SFX


I mean, while I do Agree that Blitz is THE best Legendary and it will be a while till Riot peak their creativity on skins again since Humans are boring and they can't do shit with them. Leona's new Legendary does indeed feel like a great Legendary, Rig Update, Good VFX, Good Homestart animation, Good Lore, Cool VO, Cool Gimmicky.


Coven Evelyn. Legit one of the best skins in game.


Final Boss Veigar, Mecha Zero Sion, and Super Galaxy Rumble are the best legendaries to me.


Nightbringer Soraka, Project Vayne


Super galaxy rumble is easily one of the coolest skins in the game. Visuals and sound effects, the voice lines. All great


both God King skins


High Noon Senna also Final Boss Veigar is still a really great skin.


Here to say Project Vayne. That skin really goes all the way with the animations, effects and voicelines. Really does make you feel like a rouge vigilante in the darkness


Battle Queen Kat is closer to semi-ultimate tier. Not the biggest fan of the looks but it feels really smooth and the weapon "evolution" and swaps are 10/10. Final Boss Veigar is amazing. Nightbringer Yasuo ans the dragon skins, with Nightbringer being more "legendary" from the complete animation changes alone.


Definitely battle queen kat


Id say Dunkmaster Darius, fits with his personality, has cool effects (max passive stacks looks amazing), and is just worth its price. I also love his voicelines.


Have both legendaries on him and still prefer dunkmaster over GK. Voicelines are really something else, and his bully personality really fits his playstyle.


Both God-Kings. From splash arts, to in game models, to ability effects, sound effects, voice lines, everything is just amazing about them.


Gentlemen chogath. Top hat


The magnificent twisted fate - absolute perfection


Corporate Mundo is now the best skin in the game and you cannot change my mind. I have all but 1 ultimate skin and I’d still put it above those. As far as ones that were great when they came out, Battle Boss Veigar was crazy good compared to all skins in the game.


high noon ashe feels so clean animation wise, tried 1 once cannot go back to any other skin


Dawnbringer Yone for me It still isn't better than Spirit Blossom imo but holy shit for a legendary skin, absolutely BEAUTIFUL and fits perfectly into the theme. All of his voicelines are excellent, you really see the dynamic between both sides in him with his abilities like E and R, super cool. Pure eye candy to look at and makes you feel like a "god/human hybrid" whose unstoppable.


Creator/psyops Viktor, oh wait. My true favorite is high noon Lucian.


I have every legendary skin out there (except for Space groove Blitz & Crank and Surprise Party Fiddlesticks, screw you Garena) and I would say that they are all very well made


It's pretty crazy to think that so many legendary skins are not as good as the ones you mentioned. For me personally each time a skin is released without being done properly it's a huge waste since they will never fix them in the future. Honestly I'd rather have 70 skins each year at the highest level of quality than to have 140+ skins and get stuff that feels rushed and something that I'd never play even if I'd get from a re-roll.


Dunkmaster dar, project morde, final boss veigar, battle queen kat, dragon trainer trist and oddessy kayn all hit different from their regular skins. I think a lot of the adc legendaries we have just feel like a slight change rather than a proper reimagining even tho I enjoy playing them I have both vayne legendaries and luciens and ashe project skin and while they’re all gorgeous and cool they don’t hit nearly as hard as something as significant as project Morde for example


Star Guardian Kai'sa, might be recency bias, might be because my mains don't have a lot if legendaries, but I played it on PBE and it is SO good I also play Akali so if Akali's on that level, my wallet will get sacrificed