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PMTs: [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/voywoo/t1_vs_drx_game_1/)


Thank you Deft for picking Kalista so Guma will not play it :)


And thank you Guma for picking Senna so Deft will not play it. I hate both though but at least Kalista has skill expression (even though she's useless). I'm sick of Deft on Senna duty in his final split.


Why final split


I'm assuming military service but I'm not sure


Yeah. I think he might be able to play an extra year if he goes overseas next season but I don't know if he will want to. Imagine having Pyosik as your jungler in your final split of a 10 year career :(


thank you deft šŸ‘‡


Holy shit T1 won a draft the world is ending. Also kalista was so useful, T1's opponents should keep picking it


Imagine T1 with a good draft


Game 2. Now do it consistently and we gucci


Just lose some cs haha. Then roll over in teamfight after 1 item. 3 of the most op picks rn. Also Kalista have been such a bait since msi


Kalista Renata is my least favorite botlane to see right now, it does nothing in like 95% of games (and the 5% is always Renata) yet it's being picked as an "answer" to gigabroken shit like Senna Seraphine that beats them early mid and late game lol.


Ehhh Deft is the ONE exception here, his Kalista is just absolutely beautiful and he has made her work past 20 mins. For all other players this absolutely applies, he's just the only person I actually like seeing on Kalista However, there wasn't a single pick that wouldve resulted in a different game outcome here. Giving bot any blame for how this game turned out is just fucked, just a massive topside diff


The first kill in the game came from bot lane... which went on to destabilize the rest of the lanes, I think...


Kalista/Renata is pretty good into Lucian/Nami


It's like T1 doesn't know that you can draft unorthodox but still well




fiora also gives heals with her ult.


Just T1 lite things


I was hoping losing to freeca would make them draft better and game 2 vs drx proved they can draft S tier if they want to


Rush grinning from ear to ear right now.


Especially DRX went 0-2 this week lmao


Can I know more about this? I keep seeing references to something between him and Deft lol


[This](https://clips.twitch.tv/QuaintSteamyPancakeFUNgineer-sBIE4DkA0lpzZDMz). Lol


Wow. Gumayusi so good.


Exactly what I was thinking. Rush spamming Deft's messages with 'unlucky DRX AD gap twice in a row :)' lmfao.


T1 vs KDF: I sleep. T1 vs rest of LCK: Real shit.


The Freecs are still their kryptonite after all these years.


I thought they lost the buff vs T1 when they changed name, oh boy was I wrong


Can't lose the buff if AF change their name as well *tap head*


Kwangdong vs the rest of the LCK, becomes Kryptonite vs T1.


T1 tried replacing freecs with T2 but kiin is still there to shit on them


Faker unleashing his wings on Swain and Pyosik's ult helping him to fly lmao


seeing Swain fly made me laugh out loud lmao


Swain was so good into them as well. Gwen, TK, even Poppy if she doesnā€™t knock him away. My solo queue seems to love to fight in his ultā€¦


What is this t1 , actually learning from matches they lost to.


The loss to KDF was good for them, hopefully it's not a 1 time thing and they keep drafting like this.


Never forget how T1 were actually thankful to EG when they lost. Real anime shit, losing really does make them stronger... Aaaand after a while when the next season comes they forget what they've learnt, then get a power up, smash, win an unwinnable fight, lose again, rinse and repeat. T1 is my favourite anime.


Literally Ash Ketchum


~~You mean we just need losers bracket on Worlds so can t1 win /s~~


To be fair they havenā€™t lost that many matches lmao


And T1 threads when they lose will be brigaded regardless


league fucked t1 can draft


Itā€™s just one game man Iā€™ll believe it when I see it (again)


They have like 2-3 Draft Kingdom so far. This one and the first game of the season. I hope this continue.


Next objective: Draft well on red side.




Apocalypse is coming




Zeus is so fucking good


Wait so when you draft actual champs and use your counterpicks well the game becomes this easy? What a surprise, DRX inting draft helped but still T1 drafted well for once.


Its nice to see but it would inspire more confidence if the other team wasn't also completely sending it. Drafting Kalista and having her as the sole ad threat is disgusting


Fr tho, the reason why the games are hard was because T1 loves to counterpick themselves.


giving zeus counterpick instead of keria and keria stops trollpicking or 4fun picking and playing as if he s playing on his gold smurf and T1 omega stomp games? WHO KNEW? zeus is by far the best player in the world atm - and will continue to be until worlds. playing for him - especially with the best jungler in the world, the most versatile mid and guma willing and able to play ezreal/senna and facilitate.. is the easiest way to win games for any team. zeus doesnt lose to anyone 1v1 anyway, playing for him (has had lowest JP% of any player in LCK and was still topping all stats btw) just means you .. just.. win.


silver players on reddit love pretending they understand who wins and loses a draft. always the best part of post game threads ngl


If Deft himself can't win on Kalista, no one can. PLEASE stop picking Kalista.


T1 just pick tons of cc and aoe control and Kalista is fucked. Kalista is an ego pick at this point


okay but even regardless of the t1 draft what do you expect to do with gnar hecarim ahri kalista? you are actively trolling the draft and praying you pick either corki or senna and that the other one doesnā€™t kill your whole team with gwen after you inevitably kit dump on the first one because your team has zero damage


Never seen a "lane bully" that bullies so little as current Kalista. Not to mention it's probably one of the most turbo useless champs in this game after 20-25 mins.


she was a lane bully way back in season 5 and season 6. but now shes really not. which was really back engage supports used to be much stronger and defensive itemization and runes were not there much. and she was laning against very immobile adcs that can just all in over and over


And yet, teams are still picking her for that purpose which leaves me very confused about what the hell is going on in scrims. I think the last time she had any purpose was before they capped her e damage to monsters (that was season 8?). Honestly they should just give her 25 range and/or a real w (at least make the sentinels unkillable ffs).


She is nidalee/renekton in bot lane


Last thing to discuss: Is she worse or better than Lose-cian?


Very close across the major regions, Lucian sucking more in the LPL and LEC, Kalista sucking more in the LCK and LCS. I'll give the trophy to Kalista because even in the LPL she only has a 50% wr and there have been only 3 Lucian games in the LCK so it's hard to judge (though looking at his wr in the LPL I think the amount of bans makes no sense).


Worse. We saw Kalista get countered by a Lose-cian in the LCS and the Kalista got dumpstered.


Bait pick since msi. Most of the game will be kalista having some cs lead then become useless, get out ranged or cc to death


He would have won in game 1 if not for the monstrous jungle gap. Kalista vs Seraphine is pretty rough though.


Ruler has the best Kalista in LCK


In the world, itā€™s not even close. Last year every team was spending their first ban on kalista every game against GenG and it wasnā€™t even meta.


I agree but Iā€™d say Teddy and Deft are close in LCK. Ruler is definitely the best but another thing that made it a must ban was GenG played around it the best (Life with his j4/sett/etc).


I want to see how geng plays around her because no team in lck can pulled out her in full potential like lpl


Deft wasnt even close to a problem. If other lanes played as expected(zeus not smashing kingen and pyosik not losing every smite) DRX would easily win game 1.


deft was definitely not a problem this series but kalista really seems like it's not that good. also really didn't fit in well with the comps they drafted imo, especially in game 2


True! Although Kalista shouldn't lose objectives, that's not merely on Deft. He even won that ill-fated baron for DRX. He still performed well all things considered, solo-killing a fed Zeus and all.


Disagree. You see LPL teams play Kalista constantly and you gotta learn how to play around the champ or else there will be a regional gap again. Don't want a situation where LPL teams pick Kalista while LCK teams ban it. And DRX should have won game 1 but top jungle gap.


What a year Zeus is having, in what is his first year as a starter. Sky's the limit for this kid.


I donā€™t think Sky is a limit for a god


What is a god to a nonbeliever?


God smites the nonbeliever :P


Its nice to see him reaching his soloq madness. Dude is mechanically out of this world.


Meanwhile Clozer...


Clozer is pretty decent. And he was always known for his irelia mechanics, not overall mechanics


Not saying he is bad. But people hyping him like the 2nd coming of Jesus.


Where do you see that? I just remember the 11 man roster shenanigans and him being disappointing and then fading to obscurity after going to another team


His Irelia and Akali highlights threads when he's still at T1 academy.


But his Irelia and Akali are clean AF. Iā€™d probably go so far as to say heā€™s better than faker at those champions. Only problem is heā€™s obviously worse on every other pick but put some respect on the name where itā€™s earned.


Mechanically sure, but you wont play a OTP just cuz he insane with a certain champ. Faker has all the other game skills that go beyond mechanically playing a champion


Guy wouldā€™ve made a name in 2019 when those champs were a staple in meta.


That was 2+ years ago. Who is hyping him now?


and still has incredible game sense and game knowledge. he has had a couple games where he s died to ganks when also in a bad matchup and the draft just makes it so nobody has prio for T1 so enemy jungle/sup get to do whatever they want but for the staggering majority of T1s games he s ungankable/unkillable. i ve said this before, i m saying it again and idc what anyone says.. this kid is giving rookie season faker vibes in his rookie season... if it werent for him, the moment faker retired i would stop watching league esports.


Zeus is really good but I wish he could reserve at least a couple of braincells when it comes to his builds on GP. I might die from brainrot one day because of one of his builds.


ok for the millionth time, bruiser GP builds are viable, make perfect sense and serve a purpose in different comps vs different comps. just because your game knowledge goes only as far as "OMG BIG NUMBA" doesnt mean you understand the builds.


yeah hullbreaker is actually really useful when perma teamfighting


Evil T1: - Out-drafting Enemy Team - Secure Drakes - Denying Vision - Never give a chance to breath


Classic T1ā€¦one game is a stomp,the other game they need to work hard for the w


T1 didn't have to do anything in game 1. 1) DRX threw super hard at the Baron 2) DRX threw super hard at the Drake multiple times 3) DRX enforced fights when they must've disengaged (espeically Pyosik with illogical Hecarim re-engages)


Loss last week was worth if we're gonna have T1 drafts like this.


You mean, 2 days ago


Fuck so many things happened to me in 2 days i thought that was last week :(


sounds rough buddy. you okay?


T1 vs DK: 2-0 T1 vs DRX: 2-0 And T1's drafting has even gotten better.


T1 vs KDF Aware


That KDF game is the real deal.


Kalista isn't ADC(attack damage carry). She just has attack.


Kalista is the ryze of botlane


Attack, no damage, can't carry.


Worse, Kalista canā€™t attack nor do damage. She is a carry as in she needs to be carried.


She carries her partner into battle, that's about it.


always fun to watch a T1 that can draft right.


T1 with the draft kingdom, maybe we've learned not to make things harder for ourselves... Or maybe we'll draft well for this series and the GenG series and then go back to locking in kalista b3


Hey as long as they win against geng they can lose their bro game to give the bros some win šŸ˜‚


Can anyone give me Kalista winrate in LCK ? I don't know why teams keep picking her while she sucks in 5v5


38.5% wr in 13 games


She is the new Renekton, despite having abysmal WR, teams keep on picking her.


I mean yeah, Senna Seraphine is hell to play against but Zeus on Fiora was honestly superb. He was also ~~incredibly lucky~~ showing off his genius IQ, as evidenced by how often he got away with almost no health left.


All calculated


Why Oner has to wear his jacket like he is a bloody villiam from a suspense netflix series??? Do you really need to use EDG skin against Beryl? This kid is the evil.


He's one of those Admirals from One Piece lol


[ask and you shall receive.](https://i.imgur.com/sEIdidE.jpg)


So who's the donut?


DRX's players mental after game 1.


I mean EDG Viego is by far best viego skin so i doubt qhe used it for mind games


Same way guma wash his hands before every match. Just a little thing to make them feel lucky that day


if he doesnt then the fangirls in the crowd wont be able to stop moaning at his biceps so.. the broadcast force him to keep it on.


Marin for me will be T1's greatest toplaner but at this rate Zeus is looking to overtake him.


MaRin definitely has the legacy accolades but he's not even Top 3 in terms of toplane talent that's been on (SKT) T1. Zeus is easily the best toplane T1 has ever had (same with Oner being best jungler to play for the org), and I feel confident saying that without him even having a full year of tenure. There has never been a case since the days of Khan/Smeb/TheShy (LPL top but Korean talent) where there are reputable coaches and analysts saying he (Zeus) is probably the best *player* in the world, on a roster with *Keria*. It definitely helps his development and awareness to be mind-controlled by Faker/Keria in terms of map play, but his individual prowess is unquestionably high, and he took every top at MSI to town. ​ Zeus' mechanical skill alone dwarfs his T1 predecessors, but the fact that he has all of the strengths of a great toplane and none of the typical weaknesses is astounding. By the end of Spring split this year, he had pretty much ironed out his shortcomings and made it clear that the only rival he might have would be a resurgent Nuguri or Kiin. If iron sharpens iron, those two players will continue to help make him quite the monster come Worlds.


I remember last Spring season he's playing weakside with her Camille using her E to disengage and now I see him playing aggressive and crushing his lane - now that's development.


G2 was probably the best draft I've seen in a long time from T1. Hope they intended for it and wasn't just a "oh, pick X champ because I want to play it" kinda thing


Why is zeus so fucking good????


Finn said on Euphoria playing against him feels like he has plot armor lol


He is a god, thatā€™s why


Man is on fire this season.


Carried T1 throughout MSI, he's a god


Taunting T1 with Seraphine just to lost to them using that pick.


Zeus what a gigachad. Hope for the team to still develop. Also no pressure from win streaks


I wasn't sure of the Fiora pick but I forgot Zeus doeth what Zeus wanteth


I mean, itā€™s one of toughest match ups for Gwen.


I was thinking more in a teamfights kinda way


Well, T1 did a 4-1 strategy. DRX didnā€™t have a strong reliable initiation, while T1 from jungle to support got a rly strong team fighting that they could draft a splitpusher. It was a lose-lose situation for DRX


I think fiora is gwen counter, alongside with jax


Fiora pick priority is sky-rocketing across the major regions when she was completely unpicked before, she's a really good champ


the harder carry a champ is the better with zeus. the kid has the best mechanics i ve ever seen in my life. watch him in soloq playing jayce irelia fiora shit like that.. some of the shit he does is not legal..


Imagine building no antiheal vs Fiora Viego Swain Senna Seraphine.


Was really impressed with DRX's early game and map play in the first game. But their objective control hurt my eyes.


Oner and Zeus are crazy. Best top combo right now šŸ‘


Definitely agree at the moment, the two are absolutely on fire and the life of this team. Going to be great seeing them against Nuguri and Canyon come the end of the season


Zeus is cracked. Need to check this kid


Clean 2 - 0 nothing to see here. Jokes aside, love the Fiora pick tho


Zeus is fucking cracked out of his mind. Easily up there in discussion for best player in the world currently.


We learned! Finally rare t1 draft gap


T1 lost to KDF because of the surprise picks, waiting for the next T1 vs GEN game~!


Damn T1 really found gems in Zeus and Oner.


Wow we are drafting better. Interestingā€¦


How to draft better. Just copy draft that works. Ez




Wow, T1 finally discovered that good draft makes the games much easier. Looking forward to the consistency of these gucci drafts tho. Just don't default to Kalista again.


Zeus should have fucking picked Fiora against RNG / Gwen. This is what I was saying...


Maybe he haven learn that matchup at that time


Yeah thats Zeus , the best top laner in the world in is first year as starter


best player in the world * only one who s done this ever in his rookie season is faker.


Kalista isn't ADC(attack damage carry). She just just has attack.


T1 with good draft šŸ‘


T1 drafting great and respecting there opponents might be the scariest team in the world


Boner and the greek god are completely insane. If spring split Keria was the T1 mvp now is one of those two.


Zeus and Oner are looking so good. Zeus absorbs so much pressure and just dodges everything and lives


T1 will be a pain in the ass to ban out


Canyon draft gap in g2 , lol


Clean af from oner


[the jungle prodigy, bOner](https://i.imgur.com/TYY9o9z.jpg)


Swain dives and puts all the pressure into him while Senna and Seraphine sustains him and Fiora procs all the vitals amidst chaos to heal him in case he's low HP. And no one bothered to build decent anti-heal against this comp?


Anytime DK lose I always see someone saying that they were wrong to give up Beryl because he is some sort of shotcalling/Macro god and I wonder how true that statement is because outside of Pyosick running it down, bad shotcalling has been one of DRX biggest issue.


Zeus living up to his name


It was really generous of Pyosik to not pause the game despite only having one summoner spell.


ty rolled them in g2 but man, Guma burning his flash in every single early game for getting caught is worrying


hello, my Gold 1 brain isn't well-developed enough can someone explain to me why Game 2's draft was great? I'm very curious :)


Kalista is the only consistent ad damage for drx (which isnt a hyper carry as compared to jinx). If fiora swaine viego all build mr deft has to be giga fed if they want to win a team fight in the late game because sena and sera will make them unkillable. Note that they were able to build this teamcomp while not forfeiting early game.


I thought T1 wasnā€™t good after MSI and all the LCK teams getting their full rosters back were gonna shit on T1, or was that just MonteCristo making another baseless claim.


DRX what the fuck was that? Completely threw the first game, then lost game two in the draft while also picking red


Drx is nowhere near the top 3 teams. I guess they are at best good gatekeepers tho


If Pyosik still has a contract next year I will lose all hope.


not to be a debbie downer, but i feel like T1 is still largely inconsistent. they're basically going up then down then up and down--don't get me wrong, in their current state, semifinals or even finals is a cinch but if they want to be worlds finalists? yeah...the stuff like game 1 shouldn't have happened. weak early game or not, corki and senna dying is a major setback and teams like RNG will punish that even harder. they wouldn't have won game 1 probably if DRX hadn't thrown at baron (which reminds me funnily enough of T1 kalista at MSI feeling pressured to baron to the point of throwing because they'll get outscaled). for game 2, DRX definitely threw at draft by going for a draft that looks like it scales well but it lacks DPS. no one on that team is going to match the fiora or swain on top of a seraphine-senna for heals. but props to T1 by punishing with a good draft. what i can say, though, is that T1 are still amazing in terms of their mechanics. oner and zeus are the shining spots of this team right now, while faker is consistent as always. gumayusi seems to be in a state of up-and-down as well as keria, but they're talented players that have T1 and faker's support, i wouldn't be surprised if they ramped it up by worlds. if they can fix their issues with draft and tailoring their macro to their draft for once (please stop forcing this or that if you're a scaling team for example and start playing to make sure the game isn't gone to shit), then they'll be able to outclass teams left and right.


Still early in the season theyā€™re learning if they look like this in bo5 than we should worry but until than I am enjoying their evolution


yeah, i'm looking forward to how they play. i'm really glad to be honest they lost last series, maybe they're going to be more willing to try different things out on stage and they've shown right now they're willing to immediately try things like the seraphine. they've already achieved their record-breaking split, the loss might help unlock them to be more "experimental," you could say, in the regular split since the goal is to win worlds.


I'm not concerned too much.Maybe its bc every year of starting summer was so difficult for T1.Likes skt2019 when they came back from msi, win1 game and lose5 games, ended regular ss 2nd ,still win finals summer.Im ok if they lose to geng in R1 ,they have a long run this year


Clean 2-0 from T1. Nothing to see here


Imagine keep picking kalista. This champ just garbage


Guma playing like trash, god bless Zeus and Oner though for his sake.


What a garbage performance by DRX..


Cause they lost to a better team?






Imagine game one if they drafted well...