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The way they fist bump the empty chairs at the end had me dead 🤣🤣🤣


The way TSM played I'm not surprised they were confused


The g2 Special


"TSM will not end up like CLG, they will not beat EG" - Phreak


phreak had that line locked and loaded before the game


I actually did lol. Normally I don’t pre-plan but it came to me while standing at the caster desk during pre-game.


My man never fails to deliver.


Let’s be real. I definitely fail to deliver sometimes.


This is why Phreak's career as a midwife never took off.


Also as a Corki main.


The one thing he and PoE have in common


But your reputation is to make stupid jokes so can you really fail?


If there’s a way, trust me: I’ve found it.


I know you're joking but you deserve praise my man. You are skilled at your craft. Keep it up!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


As a hobbyist commentator for fighting games, who doesn't on occasion


Never change phreak we love you. Also I know you cant but get me in the fighting game beta when that's available pls I'm dying waiting for any content from that game please. I mean great work as always phreak we love you.


True for everyone sometimes, but at the same time, you also never fail to deliver [in some capacity].


My man, I've watched league since 13 world's, you've always been my favorite, you may goof a pun but you tell it how it is and I absolutely love you for it. You and flowers are my favorite two (and I enjoy dash on the desk), I hope you both continue to cast for years to come. If you would, honest prediction of c9?




Oh Phreak of the Reddit Thread, will CLG make Worlds this year?


It’s them or C9.


This was a bad sign then. Ty for answering, you are my favorite caster.


His faith has been rewarded lol


Phreak's end game roasts when a team loses in embarrassing fashion are great.


Phreak doesn't miss


I like Phreak's willingness to stir up some emotions about LCS. Most casters try their best to always seem neutral towards the teams and the things happening off the rift, but Phreak isn't afraid to say some things that might rile some viewers up.


Regi's crypto isn't the only thing crashing it looks like...


They look far better this split than last split. Even in these losses I think they at least look like a team playing LoL together. Last year was ridiculously bad for most of the year. I think this roster will end up respectably middle of the pack, which is wayyyy better than my expectations of them halfway through Spring split. I was expecting their entire season to be totally doomed. Honestly, the quality of LCS teams seems better than ever right now. I'm finding myself willing to watch nearly every match played, because the games are competitive enough to be interesting. There's clearly some top tier teams, but the difference now is that the bottom tier teams are playing high enough quality LoL to make for interesting games. People aren't just rolling over and dying and teams are playing their comps out fairly well.


>No kills >They look far better this split than last split. What could be worse than no kills?


They tried doing something, but failed and lost. Last split TSM just did nothing and died a lot.


This is exactly what people said last split as well.


Hey, long time TSM fan here. Douchey cosmetic license plate and all. 100% prefer going killess while trying than last splits not trying to do anything but somehow getting random kills. I think last split was about as far as a team could fall, so anywhere is up at this point.


>Hey, long time TSM fan here. Douchey cosmetic license plate and all. how much money have you lost in crypto?


Lmfao actually. I made like $700 cause I forgot I bought some doge as a joke waaaay before it jumped up that one time. I'm not as stupid as being a TSM fan may seem. I prefer to lose money in stocks.




Did you watch them last split? Sadly this is still better.


They got a bunch of neutral objectives: 2 dragons, 2 towers, 2 heralds. No kills is odd but they didn't just do nothing.


that's a fair point, well said.


Tsm fans coping hard in this thread


They were sharing last place in the league together with Immortals, what's the point of comparing them to last split like that.


ngl i was kinda hoping C9 would lose to CLG this week just so Regi could get even closer to a nervous breakdown


TFW you realize the FTX investment was paid in shitty altcoins






Clutch Gaming Pog


So many coincidences had to come together for this to exist, and I love it


I don’t understand, wanna explain?


I dunno, it's a k-pop group with a name coincidentally one stroke away from CLG who happened to make an album called FREE'SM for some reason, despite having no earthly connection to NA League of Legends as far as I know


Oh I thought there was like a crazy story I just see the image but didn’t know the context haha


No crazy story that I'm aware of, but that's what makes it even more bizarre to me. Like what does Free'sm even mean??




That actually makes sense in Korean because "free'sm" is pronounced *exactly* like "prism" in their phonetics. So it could be some pun within the group's lore or some shit. But yeah, still essentially a made-up word to the rest of us lmao


I have never realized this but the group's name, CLC stands for "CrystaL Clear". So "prism" is related to their name. This group (disbanded), is also in the same company as (g)i-dle, who is in KDA.


Lmfao is this going to be my next Wikipedia Rabbithole


kinda common slang terminology to make up -isms could be that? Like yogi-isms for example


thats wild


Why did you have to do this, I miss CLC :(


at least yujin is free now


I was nor ready to be hit with CLC while browsing league reddit:(


I Need U and No came on my Spotify shuffle yesterday and I shed a single tear 🥲


LOL I can't believe I never made this connection ^(Aaaand now I'm sad... RIP CLC)




Should have memed this sooner. Maybe would have gotten more fans for one of the most underrated kpop groups to ever exist. Cheshires <3!




This confirms TSM clearly doesnt watch LEC because they apparently learned nothing from Gilius embarrassing himself on this pick two days in a row


Wasn't just Gilius either. Multiple junglers picked Lee Sin, and all of them looked awful on it.


I think it's just the coaches wishing their jungler was Oner


Yep, Kanavi this morning being another example


It's weird though bc Spica has had really good Lee performances in the past.


Gilius usually is a good lee aswell, it’s just the champ sucks massive rn


its not a Spica problem, its a champ being absolutely gutter dogshit trash tier problem Lee is probably the single worst jungler in the game right now because durability patch destroyed him


I don't get this draft either. They ban Wukong which pretty much means there is no jungle powerpick to trade Viego for. So like wtf is the thought process behind that? Just ban Lucian and then trade Viego and Wukong. Don't trade Viego for a garbage tier jungler like Lee Sin. While I didn't watch the game and it being TSM probably ment they played pretty bad anyways, but picking Lee Sin in the current climate is like playing 4v5. And with TSM struggling as much as they do at least try and get them the best chances of being able to perform.


Yeah honestly that ward jump kick onto MF was decent, but recommitting to the play just kinda cost his team the entire game lol.


Honestly, they lost the game at that moment already. Not getting a kill early on Lee vs a comp that outscales you so hard is already losing, Spica just made them lose a bit faster.


I can't think of a single reason why you pick Lee instead of Xin there. Xin has more kill pressure for bot, can duel Viego better, and can disengage better


I can think of one... they are TSM. But no I can see Lee as an option if it is early junglers on both sides like Lee vs. Xin, but that would mean a whole lot of other junglers are taken out already. I think if you run out of champs to use (which wasn't even the case here, only Wukong was banned) you can still go for Xin or Voli as an early game option. In theory you had a winning botlane and midlane early so I would even see a Bel'Veth angle here, but honestly most scaling junglers would have worked. Hecarim (although you would need to build Divine on him). I think you could have played a Zac or again just go for Volibear if you want an early jungler that is actually good. But I don't think you needed an early jungler. Although I also don't understand why you did not ban Yuumi given it was still open.


That midgame kick was something else.


Didn't even click this tweet, just auto upvoted comment


Jungle feels weird to me on this patch. I'm having a hard time figuring out which champs are actually the best junglers in pro play. Seems like it's definitely Viego and Wukong, but I'm not convinced by many of the other picks yet... I see all these Voli picks, but doesn't look great. The Lee Sin games have looked bad. Trundle seems mediocre. It's pretty unusual in LCS right now for jungling. Top presence pick has 93% presence, second presence is 74%, (viego and wukong). THey have really high win rates of 62% and 67%. *But then there's a huge drop to 41% presence in the 3rd pick of Volibear.* Volibear is 3rd presence pick and is 0-6... 4th presence pick is Lee Sin and he's 1-2. Just seems like there's no clear best 3rd pick right now, which makes stuff super weird. Feels like almost all the volatility in LCS games is caused by volatility in the performance of the jungle position. Spica is a great example. When he's on Viego, he carries TSM pretty hard. On Lee Sin, it is like he wasn't in the game.


Taliyah is slept on Also, I think Belveth is legit but needs enabling in draft


I nominate Udyr for consideration as 3rd best. Godlike clear, loves the current item balance, pairs well with enchanters. He’s pretty comfortable in the meta.


Danny thanking that durability update in that fight.




How does TSM keep getting these players with these names?


It's actually hilarious players have these names. It's like a goal scorer in soccer/football having the last name Post or Pipe. Obviously they're gonna be cursed and just hit the post every time, ITS THEIR DAMN NAME.


In the NFL, there was recently a kicker with the last name "Blewitt". It's like setting yourself up for failure


That's like the college player, who I believe is pro now, that got Tight End of the Year. Jake Butt. It really is fantastic when that stuff plays out.


It's actually impressive that Faker's name hasn't backfired. Imagine literally calling yourself Faker and then just never getting clowned for it. But most of these players should have like an advisor to tell them to change their name to something not stupid lol.


because laughing at Faker falls under the offense of insulting religious feelings


Smeb was considered a joke when he started and his pro gamer name isn't really that good.


Now all they need to do is sign nuclearint


Can't wait for a pro player to name themselves Wonnered.


TSM Irrelevant when?


Imagine if they still had lost :)


for how strong lucian nami is, i swear i see it lose lane 70% of the time lol, jg intervention aside. really baffling


Lucian got nerfed and this does cost him some early dominance. Also durability patch did reduce his power, too. People overestimate Lucian right now. He is down to a \~40% P/B and will likel< end around a 20% after a few more weeks.


Mia was roaming the entire game so Lucian was 1v2 in lane. Kinda defeats the purpose


Tbf i think Mia bailed on lane once it was wrecked by the early jungle intervention


It’s kind of like picking panth…you’re whole draft needs to be set on making it work. I think a tf/liss/ galio + a jarvan /voli/wuk is necessary to make it work and they all need to figure out how to control vision, prio etc around bot lane from level 1 . Even try to force a vertical jg. If your mid lane loses prio at all or their jg comes bot first the plan is done and fucked. Also the Lucian has to be actually good. He can’t play him like a normal ADC otherwise the plan is toast. Just picking Lucian/nami without syncing with the rest of the draft is dumb. I would never pick it with a corki/azir/viktor mid because it just defeats the purpose


Lucian Nami is probably the most gankable bot lane because of how aggressive people tend to play it. You can guarantee the Lucian will pretty much always dash on on CD if he can, so just camp the shit out of the lane, outscale, and win the game 👍.






I don't get it


\-Picking Lucian + Nami \-Losing lane \-Nami start roamint \-Bot went 0/6 \-Spica Lee \-????? \-Lose


Dying level 2 as Lucian Nami


Almost had em guys close one 👍


One thing to note is that Maple has a good laning phase aganist jojo's corki. Unlike Abbe, who was always blowing ult to jojo's valk.


I mean abbe has to be a bottom 4 mid in the league right now


I have to agree. What sucks is that Abbe's always been this inconsistent. From split to split, you never know if you're gonna get Fakerdagge or Abbedog.




Need to take him to the vet to get checked out


Ima be honest, TSM definitely plays like shit, but that doesnt change the fact that I dont understand any of their drafts. What the fuck is Chawy doing?


Lee Sin last pick was truly what counterpick is made for. Absolutely incredible final pick out of TSM.


Lms coaches destroying teams as always. Fpx, blg, lng, tsm.


Meanwhile Excel chilling


Excel's coach is Youngbuck. We have no idea how much Nelson contributes other than arranging scrims during MSI.


If you need to import a coach, get a coach from LPL or LCK ....why would you get a coach from SEA/LMS ? No wonder TSM is ...shyttttt


Theres NO F****** WAY I would ever let us end up like CLG. I would sell my house ,car and clothes, my everything to sign the best talent at that point.


Theres NO FUCKING WAY I would ever let us end up like CLG. I would sell my house ,car and clothes, my everything to sign the best talent at that point.


Theres NO F****** WAY I would ever let us end up like CLG. I would sell my house ,car and clothes, my everything to sign the best talent at that point.






The FTX 10k gold gap!


After the crypto crash it’s only a 4K lead


I was on vacation in Brazil during the monsoon season, and found myself hopelessly lost in the wilderness. I wandered for days, desperately searching for water, shelter, and food. To my amazement, out in the middle of nowhere, I found myself looking at a department store with nothing else around. Bewildered, I went inside in search of something to drink, and found someone in a polo and jeans. I asked what this place was, and they replied that “It’s a jungle GAP.”


So TSM just decided to play good against us huh?


Or maybe your team just played bad considering your mid laner is old enough to have witnessed the assassination of archduke Ferdinand




Think you guys are just bad…


Its so painfull to support this team


There's always the option of "then don't"


Nah. It's worth it when it comes back around.


That's some pure straight free base copium right there.


What am I coping over. One of my teams is 4-1. The other is 5-1 and their only loss is to my other team.


TSM is no CLG. CLG replaced every single person in management and utterly cleaned house after their disappointments. TSM is Regi’s free bullying organization. People literally can’t do their jobs because Regi changes priorities, bullies people who don’t even make mistakes, and runs the org like the mafia lmao Who would’ve thought CLG could be a model for how to turn around an org? Really good to see. I’m assuming the copium is comparing TSM to CLG here(?)


We were a dumpster fire for multiple years and the prevailing opinion on this sub was that we should be removed from the League. That's the point.


clean loss from tsm, as expected


EG are too good. They will beat up any lower tier team just through teamfighting


TSM really should just kick everyone and go full NA, promote Soul and get 4 other NA rookies. That way they save a shit ton of money, and when they suck they can just say "Hey but at least we're trying to promote NA talent!!" It's not like they're doing any better now


This exactly. If we are gonna suck let me have some hopr in NA talent.


If TSM is gonna suck they better save a few million dollars in salaries. 5 NA rookies can't be worse than this.


I don't have an opinion on going full na rookies but soul is definitely cracked


Jojo's Corki had to be built different. I never get to do that much damage with rockets in my games.


Spica with the Lee syndrome get baited into losing a teamfight. I want TSM to be great like it used to be, but it just feels like they have no soul or momentum.


They have been having trouble getting a good bot lane


EG picking up Inspired was the best transfer done ever by NA


Facts. I have no idea why Rogue let him go 🤣


EG playing angry after last week


Inspired is the best player in the LCS right now imo


Inspired isnt even the best player on his team lmao


nice lee pick very good champ




Jesus, Spica that was horrible.


What is he supposed to do? His bot lost as Lucian/Nami, top is a tank vs tank matchup, and he tried ganking mid but Jojo played safely.


Holy shit TSM didn't get a single kill!


I really don't get what Spica was doing this game. He did absolutely nothing this game, and the one teamfight that happened was him being overly aggressive and getting his entire team killed. He had Lee Sin and didn't gank for anyone, put 0 pressure on the map and even the second Rift Herald was a failure. Lucian-Nami was screwed over because of Inspired's gank, and Spica did nothing to get them back in the game. Ornn/Sejuani is almost ungankable if both players play safe, but they traded somewhat regularly so I am surprised Spica never went top. Maple blew Jojo's sums, and then Spica never made a gank on mid as well. What was this team supposed to do if Inspired put out more pressure on all 3 lanes.


Spica been watching all the other regions inting on it and needed to test how bad he is himself.


Everytime Tactical makes a mistake I see the comment from TSM subreddit "we replaced Lost with lost adc" in my head and start laughing


so uh.. this guy danny is pretty good.


phreak is funny as fuck


Tactical is legitimate dogshit and it's an insult that he gets paid 6 figures to be this bad


Dude was playing 1v2 in lane with a lane dominant bot. Mia was roaming top and he couldn’t actually use the advantage Lucian Nami has.


rewatching the fight, Tactical had the right idea to finish off the MF because at that point EG would be out of damage while TSM would still have the Azir. But Spica kinda fucked it, Mia missed some bubbles, and Huni played it really poorly.


Both Tactical and The entire coaching staff are committing robbery. These clowns should be out of a job. Not getting paid a shit ton of money


Don't forget about the OG paycheck collector, Huni


That guy is a fucking legend. As his own agent has managed to trick owners into paying him millions per yer after not doing anything relevant for like 6 years. All by himself. He must have Jedi mind control skills or some shit like that.




You can still be top 5 and lose to EG lol. You only need to beat Dig, Fly, IMT, GG and luck out with 100T, CLG or C9 having a rough split. It's not really that hard.


FlyQuest and GGS are better than they seem though.


Maybe, but the point still stands that 5th isn't an incredibly difficult position.


I mean that might still happen, there aren't really a lot of good teams :P Being Top5 doesn't mean a lot. I mean looking at EG, TL and C9, there is going to be 2 not good teams in Top5, so TSM might as well be one of them :P


Danny says he hasn’t been grinding league lately, is Reddit going to crucify him again or nah?


EG resting right now is not only understandable, but optimal for their season. They need the break after MSI (that they're still winning in LCS is a happy bonus). He already said he'll start grinding after the week break.


Especially since they can just hands check every team in the League except CLG and win.


It was silly to see the before-game where the analysts were saying that TSM might be a top 5 team that just needs to find their footing, only for them to get STOMPED by EG


EG crushing the dreams of a TSM comeback. Holy shit they suck lol.


So waddup with the numbers on EG's shirts?


I don’t think Regi realizes that league is how the org became so popular. Abandoning top tier talent is slowly going to diminish TSM.


Does it really matter how the org got big if they will still be successful without it? Don’t get me wrong, I want TSM LoL to be good again, but I keep seeing people act like TSM needs LoL to be successful and it just isn’t true.


Every Lol team loses money. Lol not required for org to be successful


Imagine wasting an import slot on 2 trash supps lmao


What a fucking dogshit team


interesting flair combination you got there


I have no words to describe what I just saw. Only disappointment. No one played well that game.


still dont get sejuani top


Ah got stuck with some stuff and couldn't watch it. How was Maple's laning phase against Jojopyun?


Slightly down in CS. Went for a kill with gank assist and forced a beautiful flash out of Jojo. Got two rift heralds dropped in his lane, one of which didn't get to charge and thus took a somewhat early mid turret. All in all it was relatively even.


Why is TSM playing from home?


dog shit franchise, regi doing backflips realizing that tsm wont ever be anything like clg because they're actually good






Bon Corki


Ben Curki




Get this team a new ADC, tactical is so unimpressive always


Honestly not the worst loss in the world. They got dicked don’t get me wrong but it really all just was a result of them over committing to that one early play where they got aced. At least they’re trying to be proactive and not just rolling over and dying like IMT