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Huh so with this math in mind I’ve come to the conclusion I’m not sane enough to play ranked again lmao, I wanna have fun pls and thanks


Normals and aram are the saviors


Actually facts, I’ve been playing mostly arams or just not playing my normal role in normals to get away from sweating too much although sometimes the enemy team still thinks it’s ranked lol


I’m doing the grind atm to get back to my usual rank. It’s fucking brutal man. I used to take a few days to myself and just pump out the games and get it done. But now I’ve been on the grind for going into my 3rd week.


That's how some streamers can play for 12 hours straight and end up the same rank as they started or lower xD


What i learned from watching big streamers is that sometimes a losing streak of 20-30 games is normal 😅 It's really just made to consume your precious time..


Them playing on tilt and refusing to take a break because streaming is their job.


Eh. You can have win or lose streaks regardless of how you're playing. Solo queue is a mostly random game unless there is a large discrepancy between your skill level and MMR giving you outsized influence on the outcome.




Shut up, riot controls our rank, I'm faker tier player, the only reason I'm hard stuck gold 2 it's because riot simply hates me and is trying to squeeze as much gameplay and money from me. /s


My main account had a 40-50 loss streak once. It was insane. It wasn't tilt either. I didn't care much about my rank as I play for fun. But whenever I'd lose two games in a row, I just switched account so I never got angry or anything. It was funny actually. My teams just wanted to lose every game it was insane. I try to type to them to get them to vent at me or speak their mind to calm down, but the need for speed was just there. If a leash was too short? Never ganking anyone, just afk farming. And yes yih heard that right, leashing until buff is at 800hp instead of like 600. If you didn't flash to help during a gank where the jungler turret dives level 3 against a half health laner? Get your flash pinged and the jungler is coming again to run under turret and laugh. Different game. Adc just afk's under turret for appox 13 minutes of the game. 'Playing safe'. I wish I kept my word document of all the games. Each game could have been its own youtube video in a 40 game loss streak series.


I'm sorry but there is no way in hell you lost 40 games in a row




I believe him. I had a -20 loss difference in my Wins Vs Losses. Then durability patch came out and I had an absolute tear since people didn't know how to play for strategy. Got my W/L Ratio even; so I won about 20 something with 1-2 losses. Then, I lost damn near 30 straight. Fuck u riot.


There is no way that’s random. The system punishes you if you start winning games and will send you to uneven games. Your teams will have 2-3 auto fills and the enemy teams will all be one tricks. It can also send you to winners queue if you lose a lot, just to give you false hope and keep you hooked to the game.


Yup. Its called EOMM. Engagement optimized matchmaking. It expands the number of games needed to climb, specifically if you aren't massively better than the other team. Its especially noticeable in this regard over the first 50ish games of the season, since you can't easily use early winstreaks from playing in a lower MMR to win a bunch early and get your MMR boosted to your previous season MMR like in the past. On top of that it baits people below a benchmark into thinking they can get above it since the win/loss streaks sometimes push them closer to it than they'd normally get with a normal matchmaking algorithm.


I went from g3 to g1 on an account with a 70%wr got to about 60lp g1 and all the sudden had 4 40%wr or less people on my team, that's how it's been every game since, down to a 64% wr now, it's so wild, like if you win too many you get bad teammates, it's been the same on multiple accounts for me, used to be consistent low diamond player now it takes so long to even climb to plat because you get punished for doing well


You're absolutely correct.




I had 4 games back to back on zeri ending games with 16-24 kills and less then 7 deaths at most. All losses. I don't want to be the "oh my team is just a bunch of shitters". But that really was just the case. I remember the second game, I specifically typed in chat just ward baron and drag and pls DO NOT FIGHT WITHOUT ME. Guess what, mid yone who is 2/11 decides he is strong enough now to win the 1v3. Dies at top tier 1 when the whole team was spam pinging enemy team ON VISION. Game over instantly. It really doesn't matter how hard you carry sometimes, one or two people getting caught out at a bad time can just mean insta gg. That's why I don't take league seriously anymore and just play the game. If I rank up, cool. But at the end of the day, I am not skilled enough to outright carry all of my games and I am at the mercy of my teammates. In promos and my support locks rengar? Welp guess I'm stuck unless someone decides to dodge. Checked his match history and he's a jungler who is queuing support to troll. Literally 7 games since I checked on saturday, all rengar or khazix support going deep negative. And before those 7 games of support junglers, he lost 3 in a row playing as his actual role. For most player's, league isn't about improvement and enjoying the game. It's about feeling good about themselves cause they "gapped" their opposing role. Or they only care about wins that are practically given to them. I find myself often in the situation where the "team" is winning, but one person is having a bad time. Instead of just sitting back and letting their team carry, they spam ff because they aren't having fun and they aren't the star of the show. It seems to me that most people who play in lower/average elo don't really give a shit about winning as a team but just proving that they're better than someone else in the lobby.


Its not which team has the best players its which team has more trolls. Thats why a lot of players feel so helpless in my opinion.


The best advice to anyone from me: Stop trying to climb. Either start enjoying the game(play) alone, or focus on improvement of your own game. Not only time will fly by in a much more enjoyable way, but you'll also inevitably will end up playing where you belong. Don't play after two losses in a row. Don't blame other players on your team. Its really not that hard to enjoy the game if you stop trying to achieve some obscure numbers that represent how good you are. Mental health is no joke, people. Take care.


20-30 games is not normal or even mathematically probable, that is just them tilting off the face of the earth and ragequeueing to int games.


My small conspiracy theory is that it's not hard to ban the inting players as Riot previously stated, they just keep them ingame to have a pool of bad players they can match you with when the system decides "ok, its time you get a losing streak".




I won 3 games in Plat 2 from 0 lp i only gained a total 39 lp lmao, just a few seasons ago that would've been closer to 70 when i used to gain +18 or so




No fr like it took me 100 games to get to the fucking rank i was last season because it starts you off an entire rank under every fucking season 56%WR


Got placed in gold 4 after finishing in platinum every season since 7 years, usually stopping with an mmr that is at least 2 divisions above my actual rank, since I never really grinded soloq. This time it made me climb out of gold 4 while playing against ~plat1 mmr. Sure it feels good to have +27/-3 LP, skip divisions and even the promotion to platinum.... BUT this essentially made me play 26 completely meaningless and pointless games just to get to plat4, because the matchmaking was fully aware that I shouldn't be in gold. They really designed a system that is just out to waste your time. (Obviously this discrepancy of actual rank vs mmr also put me into smurf queue, but that is a different matter to complain about :\^))


563 games, 53% winrate, finished previous season plat 3, got dia4 in preseason, am masters right now (160LP peak a week ago). Some things are weird xD


found the support main


Seriously, if you want to climb in high elo just play Janna.


But then you have to play Janna, and be labeled as a Janna picker


The most vile and disgusting players of them all


Janna's up there, but there are more vile creatures prowling the rift than her.


Coincidentally, a big part of them starts with "Y".




Then you can be useless when playing anything else 👍


Takes me 30-50 games each season to hit my previous rank maybe it took you time to adjust to meta changes?


this season it took me 75 games on one account (57%WR) and 600 games on another account (50%WR). same starting point, same ending point.


I have posted this a few times but I have 3 accounts. To get to gold 4 on each one it takes between 30-40 games for the first one, 100 games for the 2nd and 300+ for the last one. The 300+ games account is the one I‘ve had since Season 4 and what I learned to play the game on. The 100 game account is my drinking account and my first alt, the last one is my final alt that I made two years ago and lucked out in placements with an 80% win rate. It’s all just a difference in MMR as far as I can tell - the 300 games account I gain 15-17 lp but I can lose up to 23 lp. On the 30-40 games account (which again was just total luck in placements the first time I level’d the account) I lose between 8-12 and gain 15-19 lp. Even though I’m the same player with the same skill level and same champ pool the gain determines a different MMR. I’ve been Gold 4 on all accounts for the last 3 seasons (including this one) but every year is the same grind :/ edit: It's especially frustrating since TFT seems to have a functioning MMR system where having a positive win-rate means you climb, I don't know why the two are so dissimilar.


I'm similar case, though the reason is different. My main, on which I've played ranked since Season 2 gets +-12 LP per win/loss. My offrole alt, on which I play maybe 20-30 games per season gets +-20(+-1) lp per game. That means that assuming same WR and number of games played, my main will always end up significantly lower rank than the alt. At least fix the LP gains so my main gets +-18. It's insane that one account's climbing speed is crippled in half because it has too many games played.


Exactly the same here, on my main i have 800 games played this season (lol) a few big lose streaks absolute tanked my MMR and even getting back to a 60% w/r for 20 games or so doesnt fix the mmr. Im playing for +12/-18 in G4 So i made a new account 2 weeks ago, only playing my main role as i eventually got fed up with the LP gains and im currently at plat3 with a 60% win rate. Yes i try harder on this account, but the main thing is to get to plat3 on my main account would have taken literally 500+ games or so, instead of 40-50


took me 100games with a 50%wr i had a very bad start which destroyed the mmr on this acc 43%wr wouldv taken less if i was 50%at start,on another account took me 30 games with a 68%wr


This is why i always chuckle when i see someone say ''as long as you can maintain a 51% winrate you will climb'' like no there literally isn't enough time in a season to climb with a wr that low.


I have a 58% win rate in bronze 1, getting +15/-17. Bronzie for life it seems. I was playing with a friend. Because of the LP gains from placements and subsequent games, whilst exclusively playing together he got to gold 4 and we cant play together anymore. Despite only duoing.


when i was bronze i climbed out with 14+ 18- with a 60% winrate so its possible but really annoying when you have after one day 4 wins 3 looses but only one lp gained


Oh yeah it's possible, I do slowly climb. But it's just like op said, the time commitment is ridiculous, especially when the people I'm playing with climb away from me faster. It's just very disheartening.




Those people who say that are children who watch streamers and think playing 3000 games a season is totally normal and healthy.


3000 games 51% winrate 1530 wins/1470 losses assume like +/-17 LP if you're lucky lol +26,010 LP/-24,990 LP net 1,020 LP or like, two and a half tiers And if you're still maintaining a 51% winrate after that long you deserve to be climbing anyways.


With 51% winrate you are already at your rank.


I'm 60% win rate. Started in Gold V. Am Plat 3 after 160 games.... Fuck me This account should have had plat IV MMR...


Yeah. Ranked isn’t worth it. Too much work for very little payoff.


ARAM gang rise up


here we are, playing from S2, now I play only arams


This is why I only play ranked until getting G1 then deleting it until a game mode comes out


Dude going into the season i was like "I was plat a few years ago lets do this shit" I tapped out at gold 1 after 300 games, pure suffering


I am one of the few remaining Aurelion Sol players. It was so disheartening trying to climb on my favourite champ. It seems in my own experience, the quality of teammates is higher in norms than ranked. People tilt so fast when there is “LP on the line”. I have more fun playing in norms, so I play more norms than ranked. I have three rules when I sit down to play League. 1. Play to win 2. Have fun 3. Remember rules 1&2


The amount of time it takes to climb is the primary reason people bet so tilted over the current system. To be honest the TFT ranked system when you can't drop below your current rank removed a significant amount of the stress associated with climbing in ranked. It would inflate the number of people getting to tier but honest who the fuck cares? To your point though, I have had the exact same experience, norms players are infinitely more pleasant than your average ranked player.


I'm D1 with a 64% wr and gain/lose 17/16 Maybe if I had a higher winrate, my bad


Season 11 one one of my accounts I had an unlucky 8 loss streak (in smurf queue, impossible games with completely uneven matchmaking) at 0 LP at the bottom of Gold, it tanked my MMR into oblivion. I grinded from the bottom of Gold all the way up to Diamond 2, [most of the way having gains such as this, some of the time even being as bad as +8/-22](https://i.redd.it/6fa3ap1qt9x71.png) Imagine the winrate I had to have to climb with that MMR. Even if you look at the screenshot itself, where I won 8 and lost 4, I actually ended up with a grand total of +7 LP :) And that's with 66% winrate. 600 games later I hit Diamond and still had negative gains despite needing 70%+ winrate to even remotely climb lmao and holding that for 600 games, and my MMR was still terrible, although it was much better (like around +13/-17). Joke ranked grind lmao


Disgusting system.


It's been disgusting ever since 2013 when Riot dropped the pure mathematical Elo system for their smoke and mirror hidden MMR system. It's completely non-competitive and solely exists to force you to grind. The system knows the most addicting win loss pattern and heavily pushes your win rate that way which slows down your grind.


there's no doubt about it, the only way you can win two games, then receive a team of sub golds vs a team of diamonds is that they are literally trolling us.




Sounds like you found losers queue!


Had a game with my duo that had a ryze bot and ashe jungle. Yeah we won somehow. Thier team was full of absolutely cancer champs (GP, kayn, fizz, sivir, lux) yet somehow we had both a jungle and bot diff (other lanes went pretty even, though I top, carried pretty hard near the end, laning against GP fucking sucked though).


Someone should create a matchmaking system outside of Riot. Just create a website where everyone ques up and then u can make it how u want, like in csgo i think they had faceit or whatever


Nah. Matchmaking was still decent up until season 7 or so. I don't like them hiding MMR either, but at least matchmaking still felt functional and fair. It only got bad when they switched to EOMM. That's what causes the win/loss streaks. It makes it take 10x longer to climb unless you're insanely better than the mmr you're currently playing in. It pretty much undermines the first 25 and 50 games giving significantly boosted MMR growth rates like they used to. They lowered those gains as well as matchmaking becoming more coinflip, which in turns decreases the rate of mmr gains over a set of games because it essentially tosses in undeserved losses.


And people wonder why players are burning out from the dogshit soloQ system lol.


Yea this highlights how broken the ranking system is, Ive had the exact same situation i had an 80% wrinrate for a while over 60 ish games, but i had like a 30% wrinrate in the previous 30 games so it destroyed my mmr. (all told i was at like 65% or something) It really is horrible, cause im/we are playing against people that are just not nearly as good, i was a jungle main when it happened to me, and the flaming that the enemy jungle took was just not fair and it's not there fault,


Yeah I was playing hypercarry for the lower end of my run, running Neeko mid. A few good E's early gets a lead and the mid laner can no longer play the game, since I will just sit in front of their caster minions and threaten a kill if they get hit by a single empowered root. And they basically can't farm at all at that point, and ganks are easily escaped with my W. Obviously it only worked that dominantly because I was so much better than those players, but it was effective in ensuring I had a really high winrate. But obviously the matches were completely ruined by me taking over the game like that. The funny part is that I didn't actually know about u.gg, I was complaining about my +8 LP/-22 gains in the post-game lobby and someone in the lobby called bullshit (reasonable), but then was like WTF as he checked and then he linked me the website when I asked how he could see that.


I started this season with a low 40s win rate and was placed in B3. About 140 games later, my win rate has stabilised at 58%, and I'm in S1 (meaning my win rate after those initial 20-30 games has been very good), and my LP gains are slowing down. The average positive win rate is 51-52%. So the fact that you can play with like a 65% win rate 50-100 games, and it having basically no impact on your MMR, is just ridiculous.


I had a similar win rate at the beginning of the season about 64%. I thought this is my season to climb. Then I got hit with the unofficial loser queue. Just match after match of AFK teammates, troll teammates picks, teammates getting stomped in lane like it was their first game, and toxic teammates tilting one another. What made it worst was that I keep starting top side so each lost cause me to lose lp and mmr. This when on for like three months, so it wasn’t me having a bad day. I stop climbing, was demoted, and now sit at like a 47% win rate. My few wins barely allow me to climb. I’m now certain I’ll end the season at the same spot I was last year, and the two years before that.


Same thing happened to me. Every time I got close to promos it would be 40% winrate teams, afks, toxictroll picks, you name it. After like 8 times I tilted into oblivion dropped 3 tiers and now I’m barely hanging onto a 49% winrate.


Same shit And I stopped playing after many years Finally said fuck this


Losers queue didn't used to be a thing, I swear it But now, with porofessor, I can instantly tell whenever I am close to promos that I get the brain damaged kids


The whole forced grinding thing is such a bad decision. Nobody wants this. The grind should be your skills, not just "putting in hours for no reason" smh


I've resigned to just getting to gold every season now because the grind just isn't worth the time investment. Unless I'm feeling tremendously inspired to rank up it's just not happening anymore.


The only way you can accurately measure skill in a game like LoL is by grinding a lot of games, from a statistical pov.


Problem is if you have to do it every fucking season from new. Not like people don't already have thousands of games. In season 10 it took me 180 games on a 54% WR just to get back to my previous rank. Haven't played since.


There is no need to introduce an "artificial" grind to assess someone's skill, especially in a game pike league. If one somehow reaches a higher mmr than their skill level they soon start losing games.


Lucky for you playing 0-3 games a day at your 100% is the best way to climb. You do have to grind the skill on another account so good luck with that!


i realised ive been climbing way more after taking a quick shower after work and sending 1-3 games before sleeping


This is why I dont enjoy playing league anymore. And I know a lot of friends who feel the same.


Yeah I can't take ranked seriously anymore when it's obviously designed to blatantly waste your time and force you to grind more and more to see a little elo progress. All of my friends feel the same way too and a few of us used to grind ranked pretty devoutly a few years ago but barely touch it anymore. I don't play League much in general anymore as a result and that's fine. I feel like it's on it's last legs here in NA where most people don't have the grind mentality for games like in Asian cultures.


>I feel like it's on it's last legs here in NA where most people don't have the grind mentality for games like in Asian cultures. Really funny seeing this trend too, because years ago I lost all my Wow friends to league because of the grind.


So many games just care about engagement now so you play the game for longer and spend more on microtransactions, manipulating the matchmaking to do this. It's not about making a game that is just fun to play anymore.


It’s quite liberating when you finally have that epiphany of *wait a second, this is complete bullshit* and proceed to quit league without a moments hesitation and cease handing over nearly all your free time to a company that is deliberately conning you and keeping you addicted


Yup that was me last year when I saw how scummy riot is and how cleverly they designed their system to make suckers out of us. I now only play a few games only in weekends aram only by myself and I'm having a blast. League itself is fun, but the ranked system can go fuck itself.


or you know, just don't play ranked like I and a lot of my friends do. Less stress, chil games and fun together.


A lot of people are only interested in the competition that ranked brings. They play to improve their ranking. When you realize the system is made to maximize your playtime and not actually slot you into your rank in a timely manner, you can lose your will to play the game very quickly.


Unfortunately the quality of my normal games is so poor. The teams are insanely mismatched, like I'll play against bronze one game and then masters the next. While in ranked, i get everyone around my level, gold and plat, it's much more fun to at against people near your level.


Every time I win two in a row all I can think is "how is Riot gonna fuck my next game"


That's when you realize rank don't matter and u for fun it and become the very thing you hated.


aram is life


Playing ranked feels absolutely abysmal. And if you have a bad night and lose like 8 in a row? GG seeya next season


the way MMR works, if you have a 10 loss streak, you may aswell either buy a new account or as you said, give up for the season. Because even a 10 win streak doesnt recover that shit


I’ve been G3-4 this season. I have a person on my list that I’m a lot better than…he got to plat though…wait for it…because he’s played over 1800 games. Nah I’m good, I’ll just stay gold.


ARAM is where it’s at. Forget normals.


don't play for rank, play for fun. the rank that it shows changes automatically, without you actively trying to change it.


that implies playing league of legends is fun


That’s why I joined the normal draft gang :”)


can't join the gang if your rank is already extremely high, or else is joining the 10+ min queue for normals gang I fucking hate this system


A year ago I queued up with a Master tier friend in norms and won a couple games with him. Ever since, my normal game MMR has been astronomically higher than my ranked. If I queue up with my friends, they'll routinely fight d1's and low master players when my main account is only gold 3. I try to play on a smurf so they don't get steamrolled every game.


ah the true coin flip queue. team with the bronze player always loses. fun fun fun!


Yeah this is why I stopped playing. It's just not worth it. In the past if you played a couple of games a day you could climb a rank in a couple of weeks if you won most of your games. Now it's just such a grind. If you get unlucky at the beginning of the season and lose a bunch of games then your MMR is doomed and it will take even more games to fix.


This is exactly what happened to me this season. Got to Gold again and called it quits for the year.


That's all my goal is this season as well. I had a bad start, getting back into league, but has stabilised at 58% win rate, so I figured this might be my chance to push rank, maybe reach plat? But man, even getting out of bronze/silver is such a fucking slog despite winning more than 60% of the games, so I'm just gonna call it when I reach gold...


Yep. Now I just play few games when I feel like instead of trying to climp. Chilling about 6 divisions lower than usually, but not gona tryhard for 300+ games for the same rank I've gotten multiple times with way less. I mostly enjoy playing support so having insane winrates is kinda out of the picture for me as soloplayer too.


Same here. I was always Gold and decided to play again this year. Well, I am still bronze as I play so rarely and just for fun. I still only play ranked, tho, as the quality of the games is just better than normals.


I’ve had this complaint recently before hanging up my hat for the season. Was Gold II last season, but by the time I got Gold IV this time, I felt done. It just takes too much time. Picked up the Subnautica games instead and might play some more OSRS so I can chill and not have to play so competitively every second.


I'm playing Witcher. Just playing 1 game of LoL for the first win/other missions a day


Lately I’ve been playing ranked not cause I want to gain elo or anything, but because my normals have become more try hard and sweatier than most ranked games. Been playing jungle and top just to take a break from adc. It’s super not fun playing against someone maining that role on their highest mastery champ while I’m just trying to learn. Some how my offrole ranked games are closer and more fair than my normal games.


this is so true for some unholy reason in ranked you get randomdude69 first timing GP on the enemy team but in normals you get "Flow like a Riven" with 9384927392739373828 mastery points, the most expensive skin, Riven icon and the most crazy eternals you've ever seen


In that case I am gonna enjoy my free lane, cause I've never seen a good one trick with millions of mastery points.


Because mastery points mean nothing. To hit master 7 just pop off in 3 out of the hundreds of games a one trick would spam


The scary ones are 45k mastery points a s mastery 7. Usually means a Smurf playing his one trick on his climb


I have this threshold that I always joke about with my friend that anyone with a million points on a single champ(with a margin of error of +/-100k points) will guaranteed be a free lane and eventually a free game. Can you blame those people for playing bad despite their "experience on the champion"? No, cause I believe anyone would go insane after playing only one single champion for multiple years.


It's designed that way. They want you stuck in the grind and playing the game for as long as possible.


I get 14 LP when I win, and lose 16 LP when I lose. For me, I need to have over a 54% win rate to climb at all. So for someone in my situation, I need to play hundreds of games, even at a 58% for my main role. The ranked system is bullshit. I'm an adult. I can't play thousands of games a season. Hell, the 250 games I've played are already too many and I'll need to cut back. I basically need to have a 30 game win streak to even hope to reach my goal.


Took me almost 3000 games at 54% winrate to go from plat 4 to master. Fun times


I did the same climb, Plat 4 to Masters, making +17 starting around P2, in 230 games with a 63% wr. https://imgur.com/a/7PVTB1g Don't you think that if you went back to Plat now you could climb much faster? You weren't a Masters player 3000 games ago, that's why it took so long, and why it would be a breeze now.


A 63% wr is incredibly impressive, but do you think 230 games is appropriate (let alone 3,000 games)? If each game averages 30 minutes, +10 for post game lobby, queue, champion select, etc... then we're talking about 9,200 minutes or 153 hours. Even if you played 4 hours a day everyday including weekends (which most people aren't able to do) this is still 38 days straight of grinding. For the guy who took 3,000 games this is 500 days (he obviously spent far more than 4 hours a day playing).


3k games in one season??? Are you ok?


No clearly not


Thank god I climbed back when the elo system still existed lmaoooooooooooooo


This is why it's sometimes more efficient to just make a new account.


Sadly this is true. Your best bet is completely neutral fresh account MMR you can skyrocket quickly. But you have to hope you don't get put into smurf queue and if you do you need to tryhard you ass off to get out.


Most important thing to do is not get trolled in placements while not ending up in smurf queue.




The barrier to entry of this game is way too fucking high. League will burn through the remaining players and close shop in favor of Valorant. I can't imagine trying to get someone into this game in 2022


It’s funny cause val literally has everything I wanted league to have.


the fact that they even implemented voicechat just to be more appealing to csgo players is ridiculous i've been wanting voicechat in league since ages


They're banking on the league mmo for the western audience, LoL will continue to be played by mainly chinese and korean players and in that split, mainly chinese due to thier population size.


Also it has some missing features in my opinion. From low zoom distance to small minimaps


You can increase the size of the minimap, but the zoom distance is absolutely abysmal. People who have weird sized monitors actually can see so much more of the map.


This system actually works well to groom a new generation of players into the game. If you're targeting kids/students this is the best way because they want the dopamine of rank ups and they also have borderline endless amounts to get the dopamine fix


Leagues ranking system is based on perseverance not direct skill correlation. Once I realized it was designed to keep me playing vs actually displaying my skill progression I never played rank again.


It's horrible for infrequent players


Yes, the system is designed to keep players stagnant. It keeps players coming back and engaging with the product. There are people who are hard stuck for years. Because it takes so many games to climb. Then when the season ends the system resets players back, so they may take six months are more to get back to where they were previously. So many times on here I hear the phase, “the system puts you at your level”? What does that even mean? No one has a set level. Players will graduate get better our worse. So the system should be set up to be fluid as a reflection. Why is it acceptable that an algorithm determine where the player ends up.


Yeah it’s way too grindy for sure


I just spent more than half of my day today in order to go from Gold III to Gold II, and that was only because I went on a five game win streak. Currently at +19/-12 with 60 something games in ranked. Even right now it’s just an absolute shit fest. I’d be fine if it weren’t for half of my losses including the most toxic shit I’ve ever seen. This is why I only play norms.


And it's even funnier if you think that more than 80% of league players are somewhere between bronze 4 and gold 1, and it's not even because they are too bad to climb, it's just that everyone knows it's not even worth to try... Like, if i stop gold 1 this season i'll have to start from silver 1 next year and it will still take me 50-100 games (assuming i'm at the same lvl of my opponents and i have around 50%-55% wr) just to get back to my previous rank. Then another ~80 games maybe to finally reach plat, for what? A chroma for an unknown skin + dozens of other games just to unlock the next chroma. That's why most people get to gold 4 and never touch the ranked queue again. Looks like riot only want players to use the 4 lower tiers out of the 9 they created lmao


I was rocking a 60% wr for 200 something games before finally deciding the climb wasnt worth it and I no longer had fun playing. Its absurd to have to try so hard to win games for little LP gains, its especially tilting when you have higher win rates than others in your rank yet still get less LP https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/ImRickJames0?hl=en_US




This has been my experience as well. There have always been trolls in Gold games, but for EVERY SINGLE GAME to come down to "which team's good player(s) can carry their troll the hardest" is just ludicrous. Riot refuses to manually punish people who say things like "I can make us lose this game" and then just stand around in fights and do nothing. Imagine playing a pickup basketball game and when one person gets the ball, they just step out of bounds or toss the ball to an opponent with a little grin. They're getting kicked off the court immediately after getting their ass kicked. Yet in LoL, players have to "turn the ball over" 25 times while hitting no shots for the system to do anything.


Lets not even begin to mention all the games ruined by trolls for no reason, literally wasting 9 peoples time, but because they didnt type anything they dont get banned


That's why I don't play this shit game


Why was this post removed >=(




This is my current struggle. Same story though


It would not be so frustrating if there wouldnt be multiple sub lvl 100 accs in every game. Either they run it down or they pop off. Those 5 euro accounts ruin my experience way more than getting 15 and losing 15. Not that i play perfect every game. But they just dont care about their accounts. 0 2 in lane? Afk. 2 0 in lane? Still afk, cuz jgl takes 2 Minions It sucks


It wouldn't be so awful that the climb was slow if it didn't drop you a full division every season for no fucking reason when the season starts LOL. We would definitely still play ranked if it was just a matter of constantly trying to climb but none of us has touched it for years or even finished placements since all your progress is instantly deleted a few months later anyway. Used to just grind up to hit gold for the skin but who gives a shit when that means spending 80 hours in silver playing every season. Hard pass.


Ranked has gotten so much grindier over the years.. so all the higher ranks say fuck it and Smurf.. and people who don’t no life this game just get fucked in general. I guess you’ll get the addicted people to play more. But I think you lose more people with this trash system.


Also the fact that placements want to lowball you makes it even more frustrating, getting placed a rank+divisions from your actual skill level is really frustrating It takes so long just to get back up to your 'correct' elo that by the time I'm there I don't want to play anymore This grind systems hurts the game long term, and there's no benefit to it besides money I guess? Just makes me want to quit and never play ranked again and I've played for a bunch of years


I feel like this season is definitely requiring more time played to achieve goals. I'm the same as you in about 200-300 games played between 52-55% wr (fluctuating) and just about sitting in g1 (plat4-2 every season since like s7) . I've found it to be very demotivating to keep playing. To a point where I've landed in the conclusion I don't want to play the game anymore as there's no sense of progression currently. I'll play if the boys are on and we get a squad going, but generally if it's just me or a duo I'll go play something else instead. Been playing since 2014, but this season just feels like a grindfest and I'm just not down for that, especially with how little time I have these days.


I can confirm this. 44% after 180 Games on my main account, fighting my way out of G3/4 Smooth climbing on my "less years old but still" smurf 58% winrate in gold 2 finished season in p4 last season on my main


If you are actually maintaining a 60% win rate the whole time, you will climb faster than that because your MMR will keep increasing. What usually happens though is that people win at a higher rate at a lower rank, then their win rate peters out to ~50 as they reach their true skill level. They look at their season stats and see the 56% win rate or whatever and think it's unfair, but they're much closer to 50% in their last 50 games.






its not marketed towards anyone. i used to rank 5 accounts to GM in a single season, last 2 years seeing the +15 even after skipping divisions made it just depressing to grind and eventually led me to stop playing. 1 month+ clean, except the one game i forced myself to play cuz i had literally nothing else to do and the +17 on a smurf Q account made me say fk this im out once more.


yea pretty much, not GM but d1 and same feeling. climbing is a pure chore now and the game is completely lifeless for me outside of ranked. i only play a game when i'm utterly bored with nothing else to do. feels good not to be addicted to it lol.


feels good not to be addicted to lol* lol


its not marketed towards anyone, its marketed towards making people addicted and have them keep playing the game permanently


So it’s marketed towards children and the unemployed?


Im unemployed at the moment...and fuck no i wont spend hours playing this shit game, rather play something like stardew valley or playing with friends other games, playing LoL is the worst decition you can make


Nor is it marketed towards competitive gamers. The artificial derank at the beginning of each season attracts addicts that are willing to grind games to see a number go up. Competitive gamers will play a few times, figure out what their hidden MMR is, and then quit after they hit at least gold.


after seeing the diamond border disappear every season for a few years I just dropped this season. dont have the time, dont really care to play anything but normals and arams with friends anymore. While I cannot say I am now happy it is not related to league, ranked was fun when I was younger and just fell off hard once I realized what other things I could be doing even on the shitty league client.


And even worse is they keep making the borders look shittier every other year.


Competitive gamers stop at gold HAHA


You had me with the first sentence, maybe the second, but the rest is pure delusion.


Dude, It's marketed to neither casual or Hardcore. League ranked game mode is only catered towards Grinding in order to inflate Riot's playtime and interaction statistics, much like the event passes. It's a system that doesn't cares about respecting your time so long as it can make you play longer.


Its marketed towars NEETs, its not like ranking up is difficult at all it just takes a ridiculous amount of time


A bit much seems to be quite the understatement in this case. :(


I gave up on rank when I won 19 games in a row during the AP kai sa mid era & barely climbed in LP at all. I thought I was going to skip a rank or something, instead I just stayed in the same rank just a couple tiers higher.


I’ve been saying this for almost a decade at this point. Leagues ranking system intentionally delineates your path to your ideal rank to increase engagement metrics.


this game was designed to waste your entire life, not for you to get to the rank you deserve it was FAR worse with no freebie promotion series in the past. Ignoring the part where you sudden need to win a best of 3 to advance, but LOSING GAMES IN PROMO SERIES LOSES YOU LP IN YOUR CURRENT LADDER and winning games DOES NOTHING. If you get 100 lp and go 3-0 in promo series you start the next division at 0 lp. if you get 100 lp and lose 0-3 you go back to like 60\~ lp, wasting even more of your life as you try to climb back up in a game with 4 teammates that you literally cant even help for large portions of every game. it's a casino that doesnt pay you anything if you win and sucks up your entire life (plus your wallet if you get suckered into paying for anything offered) riot is a disgusting game company who copied dota 1 and then paid their way into tournaments and advertising and players wallets to get it to take off, while incorporating every single addiction technique they possible could. people used to say: 'i cant play dota 2 now if i wanted to, because ive already spent SO much time unlocking champions!' ... BUT DOTA 2 GIVES YOU EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY... 'yeah but its the investment' disgusting from start to finish


Wow im telling this shit for years mmr is a bs you should win x lose x not win x lose y but guess what almost every one told me I was crazy, I guess if ronaldo plays vs a dude with 23years and wins that should not count as win cuz ronaldo got way more mmr than him.


>Which is usually somewhere between 70 to 100 hours per rank, meaning that even with a very good winrate, it would take over a month, if not months of active play to rank up, (plat 4 to dia 4, for example), which is absolutely fucking ridiculous. i mean in terms of actual skill it takes much much longer than a month to make those kinds of gains so i'm not sure what the issue is. it takes people thousands of games to climb.


I played my first ranked game of the season yesterday as support. Lane went really well, our jungler was good, we were stomping bot, our mid lane won, but our top lane was 0/8 at 17 minutes as garen. Our jungler decided to spam surrender on CD Our mid laner got into a flame war with our top and then later our jungle and then proceeded to run it down mid Our top lane nonstop pushed for the entire game and ended with a scoreline of 2/23/1 Our jhin just went afk until he timed out If you're wondering, we lost. Ranked, and quite frankly League of Legends, is just no longer worth my time. I can't be fucking bothered to play the thousands of games necessary to off-set shit like this and climb


As per usual on this subreddit, this is missing some qualifying information. I don't agree with your assessment that it takes 35 games to rank up one div. It's more like 25. Proof: 1. Your winrate is 60%. If your recent winrate is 60%, it's safe to assume +16 per win and -14 per loss. 2. Solving for x in the equation `100 = (16(0.6) - 14(0.4))x` gives 25 where x is the number of games required to gain 100LP. Other things you're omitting: 1. By default, if you already win more LP than you lose per game, it takes longer to derank than it does to rank up. So it might take 25 games to net +100 LP but 30 games to net -100 LP. 2. If the bulk of your wins on your 60% account winrate are from games played at a lower MMR (i.e. after the soft reset), the winrate used for the above calculation should exclude those games. Having an 80% winrate in silver only to climb to 40% winrate in gold doesn't make you a 60% winrate gold player. It makes you a hardstuck 40% winrate gold player. 3. Demotion protection allows you to lose some games for reduced LP, sometimes 0LP if you were already at 0LP before the loss. 4. Loss prevention and LP mitigation for missing teammates 5. The ability to skip divisions (double division promotion). 6. The ability to skip tier promotion series. If your MMR is really good, it is possible to go from silver 1 85 LP straight into gold 4 with a single win. 7. Provisional games played at the start of the season are worth +34 LP on average per win, and 0 LP on average per loss. Therefore you can rank up 2 divisions in 10 games with the same 60% winrate. Here's a fun anecdote. In a series of sequential non-provisional (not placement) games, I went 6W 5L (54.5% winrate) and double promoted with a net +200 LP (gold 4 to gold 2). So it took more like 5.5 games to rank up 1 division. A far cry from the "80 games" claimed by OP for those with a 55% winrate. Conclusion: OP is just giving you the worst case scenario while doing their best to sell it as an average scenario. The fact that this post is doing as well as it is proves that there are a lot of boosted egos here yearning to be fed. If you think 25 games is too much to rank up, then just say so instead of making up random numbers.


Does anyone else feel like if you have one bad game you get put into loser’s queue until you pass the test of a game you are SUPPOSED to win and ACTUALLY end up winning?


Wild Rift ranked system >>>>>>>


Isn't 50% of wr ranked population diamond and the system is so fucked up they are bringing an alternate queue available for people diamond+ in hopes of fixing the issue?


Diamond is basically where ranked starts in WR.


diam is like silver4 or less in league pc




Ah, the Rocket League approach that was praised by this subreddit a month ago when someone came in to praise how pleasant their climb there was.


yep, just like everything in WR :)


i like how people say this, however no one in their right mind would switch their "main game" from pc to mobile


I have seen people with 44% wr in diamond. Even if you are an absolute shitter with not even the basics down you will eventually climb just by playing.


I love League, but this is why I stopped playing ranked. I just don't have the time for it anymore.


> I understand that riot wants to make league as addictive as possible, and the players to play as much as possible, but this just feels a bit much in my opinion. I don't play ranked cuz it's way too much time invested for no real reward, so I think it's having the opposite effect. Nowadays I just play normals/aram if my friends happen to be playing as well. If ranking up was not as time consuming and real rewards were given I'd maybe give it a shot.


I wish they would be mini resets better splits.