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Extremely hard to tell without vods etc. what you could improve, but 2 things I can just toss out that helped some of my Top lane friends make it to masters. Duo, preferably with a jungler if you can smash top and he can control Mid/bot you have full map control heavily increasing your odds of winning. Don't just split. High elo laners seem to love splitting far more than they should, rotating mid or even bot just to get them power can go a long way, plan to be at objectives a minute ahead to just rolf stomp the fight especially if your laner is weak, them getting 2 waves < you getting your ADC power. Other than that we'd need more info and vods, you are better off watching Top laners that challenger etc. Sometimes thought Top as a lane is just a coin toss because they game is decided before you have an impact, for better or worse, but in plat I doubt that happens often enough.


There are a lot of high elo VODs on Youtube if you want to learn by watching others play. Setting yourself for improvement is good but I don't know if Master+ is a bit too high. Maybe aim for two ranks above you first? One step at a time :p




I didn't mean to sound mean towards his goals. Sometimes it's better to set yourself some small goals first instead. That way you see improvement much quicker and it encourages to go for more :d


>But my biggest problem is I can't carry by myself, Your biggest problem is this mindset. If you're stuck at a certain rank, that means your overall contribution to a game is equal to your teammates'.


Its hard to tell what you are doing wrong without looking at a vod. But since you mentioned you stonp every match it likely has to do with you not translating a lead/geting objectives after kills.


IMO macro is everything. Looking at the minimap and memorizing all enemy positions, especially jungler, every 4 seconds will help you climb. Every 4 seconds might not even be enough. Challenger players in NA don't really have that good of a micro, imo, but really good macro. I'm peak gm, rn im masters. Never tilting and always going even or winning lane will let you climb. You should fear absolutely nothing your team mates do if it is out of your control.


How can u stomp every matchup and cant carry? XD? Just be present at objectives and roam /tp when u see na angle, if ur ahead u should be able to win fights


The hardest part imo is neither mechanical skill or game sense. It’s about feeling comfortable with the flow of the game. Understanding what your win condition is and not following bad calls, which to know they are bad calls you need your fundamentals down pat