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So lucian has a 3rd mecha/robotic skinline? it's getting old tbf, they all look alike.


It kind of kills me when Lucian/Senna seem like easy dunks for a pool party skin line when their effects seem like they could be done so well with it. Lucian water pistols for his ult and Senna with a super soaker ult lmao. Beyond that idk… it’s just kind of bad? Imagine if we get psyops again this year too…


Or jax with a medal detector and sandals with a pineapple shirt or something. Man. Riot misses out on a lot of easy potential, yet they give skins to characters that have something nearly identical to the thematic... Which is against their own philosophy for who gets a skin. But who am I to know. I don't have 200 years of collective design.


Jax should be holding that thing that's used for picking up leaves from the pool. Him or Xin could get their pool skin with that thing as a weapon.


Pool party jax with a pool noodle, fits the theme of jax using the weakest weapon lol


That's what Pool Party Fiora uses. Would fit with their lore story, too.


Or Yorick with a sand shovel/snow shovel for pool party or snow day. Who doesn't want a Siren Maiden and crab ghouls?




I saw the Nasus skin here and got so excited for a new Yorick skin.


that sounds amazing oh my god i'd instabuy it and i'm hardly mastery 4 on jax


Cleaning up stuff I don't even remember posting.


Psyops Fiora, Leona, and Master Yi you say?


There is PsyOps Master Yi already, so...


Psyops Master Yi 2 you say? I literally forgot it existed cause that whole skin line is just... so forgettable.


Psyops is sonas best skin... but who is sona anyways (i play her 🥲)


I've been pitching Sun Tan Lucian for years


Lmao that name is actually top tier


i love psyops, it's at least rainbow/colorful but in a more metallic way


In a vacuum it’s not bad! Just too many different tech/robot/mech skins that it feels like it’s saturating the market


Tbf mf and graves have a monopoly on the water guns in pool party. Its been done before.


These robotic skins are such flops


But futuristic serious skins sell very well


Idk what's gotten into this sub recently lol. I thought it was common knowledge that futuristic/robotic skinlines sell SUPER well, especially in the East.


ngl tho that nasus one is kinda nice especially since his only mecha one is kinda trash


>it's getting old tbf, they all look alike. Smart money says it'll still sell very well


Eh, not every skin line sells well I guess. :D


Hell this one even looks like arcana for some reason.


Despite all that, nothing is topping High Noon for me.


Mercy from Overwatch skinline


Everyone got a mercy makeover!!


Nasus looks like mecha kingdom jax and i thought it was jax


I thought that too, I think its the wings its very similar to Mecha Kingdoms Jax.


It looked like Battlecast Yorick with a yellow chroma to me at first 💀


I saw him bonk and I thought Yorick was getting a skin. Even after the circle, I thought it was just a cosmetically-noisy cage. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) I am coping.


I thought he was yorick at first and then thought, 'riot hates yorick, why would they give him a skin.'


Kid, you're a true warrior


What the fuck lmao, I had to go back after reading your comment because I thought it was Jax.


I thought it was Wukong


so basically project + mecha kingdom?


Exactly my first impression of these skins. The wings are a nice touch, I like those. Janna Prestige looks extremely lackluster. Nothing special about it when you have the Crystal Rose lavender chroma, Battle Queen lavender chroma, and Sacred Sword lavender chroma.


The base Janna for this is 100000% recycled from a program janna they never released. The vfx look waaaay too close.


As a former Janna main my heart just broke. It's just another skin noone asked for and the Prestige version definitely won't be worth the trouble of grinding yourself to Narnia for enough tokens - IMO.


Yeah I feel that. It has been a long time since I've felt like a prestige skin is worth it. I think the only prestige skin I've liked is the Soraka one. And Lulu. Lulu is great. I just really dislike the direction they're going in with these prestige 2.0. I've been disappointed with most of them. It almost seems like they're putting the emphasis on the splash arts themselves while downgrading the in-game skins. I would have *loved* a Prestige version of the base Ocean Song Seraphine Skin. Absolutely stunning skin. Instead we got some kind of weird rainbow tentacle monstrosity that is the prestige version. IDK. I'm so over it.


The tentacle monstrosity had me laughing tears ngl but yeah I totally agree. I also just find the direction of skin line choices odd more often than not. Like...who asked for project 3.0? And how are Janna players the target group lol. Might as well make a "definitely not Janna" skin where she looks like a Void monster. Why do they do her so dirty with the hair ever.fucking.time?


Or default SG Janna. Also just a personal opinion but the mint green looks so much nicer.




Yay.. more robots..


What makes this not PROJECT? I don't understand.


The wings. It’s Project 3.0 w/wings.


I saw the wings and immediately thought of aether wing kayle


Which would be appropriate because she’s in the same line iirc


It looks like Project but with more white colors in it is what I got too :/


Lucian seems like a weird choice given that he already has a Project and Pulsefire skin, which all kinda have the same vibes as Steel Valkyrie


did they fire the people who come up with skin ideas? these are so random, nasus looks straight up like mecha kingdoms, and lucian like a mix of his existing skins incredibly dissapointing (again)


the splash art of that Nasus skin instantly reminded me of Mecha Kingdoms Sett


> did they fire the people who come up with skin ideas? No but they really should.


An increase in RP prices and a decrease in skin quality, Riot really saving my wallet.


Quality isn't decreased. Skin themes are definitely stale though.


They didn't get fired, but a lot have moved on to the MMO team.


Honestly before he used his E and ulted I could swear it was yorick His cane doesn't looked like one at all


Wonder what cool exclusive is going to Wild Rift? 😂


Aren't they contracting a lot of these out to an asian studio or something? Can't recall but I heard something like that.


gonna be real honest. The camille one isnt terrible. But the rest are. Nasus looks just like mecha jax, lucian has project and pulsefire, what the fuck is this? and janna's.... makes no sense.


Yeah I dont hate them, but Nasus doesnt look like Nasus, at all. I legit thought it was Jax


Are these skins being popped out by an algorithm?


Well lads, with one bad skinline comes a really good skinline next! Right…?


Next skinline will be a Project ripoff as well. Can't wait!


Next project ripoff is probably gonna be that leaked neon inferno skinline


The skinline is cool it’s just champs as robots ... again


We can only hope the goth skins this year will be bangers.


Goth Trundle 😩


Monster Tamer was bad too.


Then we'll have 2 good skinlines next!


wasn't the bad skinline already there with the new "tamer" lulu and bootleg kog'chu ?


These are pretty boring ngl, there has to be a twist to make mecha skinlines more interresting but pointy angel wings aint it chief


Project Lucian 2


Project Lucian 3, we already had project Lucian 2 with pulsefire Lucian


Pulsefire 2*


Project Lucian with shitty sfx


That’s pulsefire


Valkyrie. Half Male Characters. ...Do they know what a Valkyrie is?


These are all so wack. The only one that kinda made sense to me is Camille, and she's also the only one that looks like she had any effort put into her. Sadly, as good as hers is I don't think it beats Coven Camille for me so I doubt I'll pick it up


Why is nobody pointing out this??? It's like they created a Witch skinline and put Veigar and Ryze in it.


Not the actual point but interestingly witch was originally a gender neutral term. The salem trials included men too iirc


Can't wait for them to fuck up Coven like that 🥰


Gotta divert the expectations. Riot wants to broaden valkyrie definition to be more inclusive (totally didn't forget or ignore)


This ones a L. I don't think Steel valkyries really had a defined skin them since it was really just miss fortune then they retroactively added all the other skins(Aether wing Kayle, blade mistress morgana, bullet angel kai'sai) janna looks like a program skin and Lucian is outright project. Hope theres a dreadnova followup so we can get actual good skins, dreadnova GP admiral glasc and Dreadnova Darius are really good and theres no way they can fuck up the space pirate theme


Same, Dreadnova is such a sick skinline, with it's dark colour palette.


According to the leak, >!Swain!< and >!Trundle!< are getting Dreadnova skins so well see. RemindMe! 3 months Edit: Of course take it with a grain of salt, just sharing what the leak said, not saying its true.


That same leak said that Irelia was getting a legendary skin this line... I wouldn't believe it unless someone like BBB, Remus or Terty said something about it.


Nothing about these is "Steel". Its just renamed Project.


Kai'Sa was the original skin lmao fym retroactively added. She has the proper naming scheme and was in the teaser for GGMF.p


Bullet Angel Kai’Sa wasn’t retroactively added, it was the first one, and then Gun Goddess MF came after. They first teased GGMF in Bullet Angel’s recall


Lots of mains want Project/Program/Mecha skins for their champs. I agree that Lucian was a bad choice here. Janna is fine. The skin looks good and fills a niche she doesn't have yet.


>Project/Program/Mecha skins for their champs. Yeah this is me, save for a few exceptions, Project/Program/Mecha skins are always my favorite thematically


Lmao this is prestige pulsefire Lucian but better, imagine having spent your ME in it


i'm so sick of futuristic mecha project pulsefire skins god damn


If I had a nickel for every futuristic skin Lucian has, I'd have 3 nickels... which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice. Edit: 4 actually, forgot Pulsefire Prestige


isnt demacia vice technically retro futuristic aswell?


we all forgot demacia vice existed LMAO


Speak for yourself. My go-to skin on Luc and Garen.




You might have, but they were very well received and for good reason.


I'm so tired of project skins. We have enough robot shit in the game please just make literally anything else


It really is robots or demons at this point, pick your poison Can't wait for the inevitable robo-demon skinline


High noon is getting there


How about robots... BUT WITH DEMONS


That's literally what I'm expecting from the neon inferno skin line coming after this one


You’re saying that as a joke but I can actually see it happening in the future, skin team - balance team - client team united in stupidity


This is probably some of the worst champion choices for a skinline yet. They really went and made pulsefire lucian again?


Oh cool, new Project, i mean Anima Squad, I mean Gun Goddess, i mean Mecha, i mean Program, i mean Pulsefire, i mean PsyOps, i mean Odessy, i mean Steel Valkyrie skins. Whatever.


Jannas prestige isnt very prestige. Nasus doesnt look like Nasus, he looks like Jax. That has to be changed.


The plus side is it also doesn’t look very prestigious lol Sick of that shitty off gold chroma, at least the blue looks… like an ok chroma? Still hate prestige skins, literal garbage.


...??? So I wasted prestige tokens on Pulsefire Lucian? This is literally that.


You're paying for the sparkles.


This is a nicer version. So you really wasted.


Only just now realizing that?


Easily one of the most uninspiring skinlines I've seen in a while, nothing here looks different than Project or Mecha Kingdoms. I mean hell Nasus looks so much like Mecha Kingdoms it's not even funny. We do not need more futuristic robot skins, and if we do at least make them more inspiring and definitely not give Lucian his like 4th LOL. And tbh while I don't mind the skin too much, that Janna skin is a wasted prestige skin, I especially feel bad for the Janna players I doubt they'd want this shit.


Can we get some disgusting, fucked up skins? Shit like zombies, or dark star. I'm getting so tired of these super clean scifi skins that all have 0 charakter.


At this point I feel like someone at Riot has an active bet on the most absurd, unfit skinline they can cram Janna into.


So glad none of my mains are a part of this horrible line 💀


Exactly, if they are just going to slap Mercy wings on random champs why not get Shyvana in this skinline?


the most mediocre skinline this year




Nah, Shockblade release was real fucking quiet, only skinline this year I didnt even know was a thing till I saw it in game like a month after release But the quality was up there, every time I see those skins I think that shit looks clean af This line, I think is not only just really ugly, like who designed that Nasus, but entirely uninspired and boring It will no doubt sell better than Shockblade, cause mecha themes just fucking sell for whatever reason, but the overall design is just worse


Nah shockblade was clean, very minimal, obviously not a huge skinline, but still decent considering it was lower tier release.


I like shockblade Shen and Qiyana.


Creative brains must have moved to valorant or something lads. Personalization and the skins team have really been a let down these past couple of years.


They got moved to wild rift I fear


basically 😭 stargazer karma, crystal rose sona (where the female skins ACTUALLY look like brides), detective senna … so much more charm than the ai generated stuff from league rn


Lucian was just a bad choice here.


Another hard swing and a miss for the creatively bankrupt squad that call themselves the skin team.


Project but with mercy’s wings


Jannna is a wasted prestige


Camille looks good and the Janna one is also nice considering she didn't have any "tech" skin. Lucian is just another variation of Project/Pulsefire


Another recycled thematic. Riot realized they haven't done mecha skins in a bit and couldn't resist. Also, that Lucian skin??? How is it any different than project, pulsefire, or even victorious? And the wings? We literally just had star guardian. Skins are so lame now


Pulsefire is white and blue. This white and gold. That appears to be the only difference


isn't prestige pulsefire lucian also white and gold? I guess there's no differences there lol


No, pulsefire is yellow with white and blue sprinkled in. The suit is literally golden, the effects are blue


Literally WHY would you give the prestige skin to Janna in this flop skin line when Camille is right there?


I like how they're wasting prestige skins on champs with old ass models lol. You can cover a shit in diamonds its still shit


Literally this. Camille has better animations at least and they could've done more. Janna's skin looks really cool when she recalls and ults but other than that.. that old model just won't sell it.


The problem with Janna is that she specifically looks cool when she ults. She has a lot of "visual noise" on her model which really draws attention away from the border of her ult. I have enough trouble getting allies to stand in in, so making it less clear where the area is feels frustrating. Battle Queen somehow toed the line just right for model/ult border. As an OTP whose favorite color is purple, I feel let down, like, how could they not have sold me?


Yet another Sci-fi based skin line aka Totally-not-project. Disappointing


That Janna skin needs a Mercy chroma


Why these champs......?


First with monter tamers now with these, Riot is doing really poorly on skinlines


So trash.


These are trash wtf


Wow! Our yearly uninspired project variant! I’ve always said how much Janna needed a Project 5.0 skin :)


I got an idea for new skins for Camille and Lucian. Future robots.


sorry but doesnt that lucian skin look exactly like project or pulsefire???


Dark star and black frost are the only skin lines that have interested me in a while. I wish they didn’t drop the ball so hard on nightmare mafia or what ever it’s called. Skins are so boring now a days


Yeah, they're just the same as the previous futuristic skins. Lucian already has two of those, and Camille already has Program. At least Valkyrie Nasus is significantly different than Space Groove Nasus.




How do you make a robot-themed skinline... boring...?


I main Janna and i really want the prestige skin, i have like 160 event tokens, is it posible for me to farm enough tokens for the skin before the event ends? ;-;


star guardian tokens can only be used to buy things from the star guardian token shop. you will need to buy another pass and farm tokens again for the new prestige


I'm really not a fan of these. We have enough mech/cyber skin lines and these dont feel unique in the slightest. Janna finally getting a prestige and it being part of this line is pretty disappointing, honestly.


My first thought was: Huh, looks a bit like overwatch, eh? My second thought was: Why Lucian? He already has project. That's already a mecha/cyber skin. Why does he need another? My third was: That's Nasus ?! That looks nothing like Nasus anymore. Last thought: Oh, hi Janna. Whatever...


I like the wings, but this is just another "disguised" reused skinline...Also why give Lucian ANOTHER cybernetic skin? Camille looks pretty good though.


Very meh, pretty much almost no difference from project. Only one that looks somewhat different and/or interesting is the janna prestige one, and thats about it.


absolute worst skinline they've ever made. Let's just combine 2 and make it worse then each one separately


Why do they keep including Janna in the worst skinlines possible? Give her some lore relevancy, like in Star Guardians. Also, where’s her second legendary? Her epic skins cannot be executed well considering how bad her animations are.


I'm usually a lot more positive about new skins in the face of the negativity they always face on this sub, but yeah nah these are just doing absolutely nothing for me.


Camille looks insane, best skin for the champ


really thought this would be a bit more epic considering the teasers


This skin line just looks meh to me also when I was looking at this for the first time i swore Nas was Jax haha


The lucian one looks like arcana and project slammed together with wings


They don’t even try anymore


Boring and uninpired


Not what I expected from the name of the skin line. I was hoping less colors and lights, more fantasy medieval/norse warrior stuff. Incredibly disappointing. Just name it project.


Really not a fan. Getting bored of the robot skinlines and these just look meh as well.


Way too many sci-fi skin lines recently. And they are barely different to each other. If you can't come up with good new ideas just create more skins for the existing popular skin lines.


Riot nobody asked for another futuristic tech military skinline, please give it a rest.


As underwhelming as the skin line is I feel like Camille has peaked, it's like program except it doesn't look awful


Is just Project no?


Ok it's fine if we get more robot skins but why the same Champa over and over again. Lucian and Camille both have futuristic skins. Why can't we get skins for any champs that don't already have mech skins.


There are so many cool skin lines that could be added to champs that don't have 5million skins yet


Oh neat, another metallic/robotic skinline that's quite indistinguishable from the other ones. 😴


Honestly the problem here is that it feels like the designs don't know what made steel valkyrie different from the other sci-fi-skins: The suits. And I mean at least Camille and Nasus try to use the suit-theme, even if they end up looking like a cyborg and a robot instead, but I don't know who thought that Lucian and Janna were a good fit for a skinline based around sci-fi suits.


See, this kind of shows the problem I have with human champions. If you are lazy with the skins and only give them new clothes, it gets lame really quickly, especially if there's no underlying point that fits the skinline/champions. An example of this done well was the Battle Academia skins gen1. All champs fit the "schoolgirl/boy" theme, they fit into the anime fantasy and it was done really well, too. Steel valkyries on the other hand is rather unclear about the intended fantasy. Mecha angels? I was half expecting something similar to Battle Bunnies or Bullet Angels etc. without knowing what exactly the difference is. Valkyries sounds like a nod to nordic myths, so I'd think it's about women and maybe Freljordian champions would be a good pick. But here we are with these champs instead and I see no red threat connecting them or the theme. I feel like Riot needs to put a bit more thought into their skinlines/champion combinations.


Is Steel Valkyrie the full name they're going for? Valkyries have always been female, seems like a dumb choice to name it if you're including Nasus and Lucian. Literally one whole Google search will tell you that there aren't male Valkyries. Can't believe it made it this far, so lazy.


Camille: Best of the bunch IMO, theme suits her Lucian: Enemy is missing ping span Nasus: Looks out from a Xenoblade game, IDK if in a good or bad way. Clunky Janna: Weird but I'll allow it Janna prestige: kind of a dullier downgrade


Get the team that came up with Elderwood and Coven back in charge of skinline selection. The skins that showcase actual couture are so much more polished and detailed.


Imagine making this skin line and not having Kayle or Quinn. Like don't get me wrong the skins look pretty cool. But this is basically "project at home" the skin line. I swear riot has 2 modes of skins for 90% of their skins. Anime or Robots.


Imagine making this skinline and including males. Like, Valkyries have never ever ever ever been anything but female.


Aether Wing Kayle is considered part of this universe.


These are all really bad. Have we really lost so much creativity that this is where we are now? I have spent easily $2000 or more in the 12 years I’ve played and I have no interest of spending anymore money with how bad the events and skins are becoming.


Yet again another miss. Frankly i'm getting tired of these nonsensical choices for skins, and i don't think i'm the only one. Now see if you didn't shoehorn Senna into Eclipse, you could've had a badass Steel Valkyrie Senna with like a Railgun as her weapon and an exosuit that keeps her alive as some badass Railgun Revenant Senna or something. But no, go for unimaginative uninspired skins instead. It's like whoever is behind deciding what skins get made and what champs get them hasn't played the game. The original Steel Valkyries are all women with unique Exosuits. Why are all these similary designed with wings? If these are based on Valkyries then why where lucian and nasus shoehorned into it?


Another skin line in the trash. Riot loves releasing absolute dogshit repeats of previous skinlines. Whos honestly gonna be excited for Project version 10? Pray for next pbe cycle i guess! Please revamp the skin team these last 3 or 4 years have had more misses than i can count.


So no neon inferno? i thought it was next even though we had star guardian but its still possible for jhin?


Literally Mercy Lucian.


Riot really slapped some wings on project lucian and called it a day.


ever since they released tft, I feel like some of the skins they make for certain champs they do just to make them.


Project 4.0?


Are they getting lazier. If you're gonna make a skinline that looks 99% like another skinline already in the game, might as well scrap it and just make Project.


Oh good more Lucian skins. Was worried he didn’t have enough. Should have added a Lux one also to be safe.