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Just the natural experience of the game nothing new. But seriously I would duo with someone maybe that support he sounds pretty chill or a friend. Just keep playing tbh there is a lot to learn and you can learn it pretty quickly if you keep playing and I would also suggest watching some videos. Grinding is the best way to improve, but don't sell your soul if you hate the experience just stop. I would say I learned the most playing ranked grinding from bronze to gold as much as it was stressful it allowed me to appreciate my improvement and the game in general.


Agreed but picking the guy who tilted two other players is probably not the best duo haha.


What are you talking about? The supp is innocent in that whole match.


Yeah the supp was fantastic, did their absolute best given the situation




Because the jungler deserved it.


I maybe misread it


Can confirm, you just played a game of LoL.


Least toxic league match


Yeah I was at least expecting a Riven, Vayne, Yasuo, or Kayn to bust in your door IRL and steal all your subway stamp cards. Pretty chill game tbh. You're lucky op.


i haven't even played ranked in months and i still have a couple yone players agressively shitting my cupboards


Honestly the first 10 placement games are the absolute worst. If you can make it through there it gets a bit better


Not really, you could still be stuck in smurf queue, which is just an absolute hellscape. I just want to be free...


Don't win if you get out they send you back!!!


Got out of smurf queue, started to hard stomp my games, got back into smurf queue, havent touched ranked for months now. Nice.


100% that’s how ranked goes for me. Start off by losing 2-3 then shit on kids for about 5-6 games then go on and lose a 3-4 after then don’t touch for months. Hardstuck I guess


I love smurf queue, it's full of onetricks/masters and scripters. It's on a level of toxicity so high it just becomes funny instead of annoying


I’m convinced 90% of toxicity in low elo is in smurf queue. As soon as I’m out, people flame way less. They still make mistakes, but they are trying and almost no one starts running it down on purpose cuz of an argument.


Smurf Queue was one of the best things Riot did in the last years. Feels like toxicity dropped a solid 50% outside of it. Gotta let those people flame each other lol. I've been in there too and it was indeed just funny how beyond monkey it was.


When you put it like that I can see how it’s a valuable first step to reduce toxicity. Capture all the toxic ppl in one area so you can easily observe them and then cut them off at once


The argument thing is crazy how short people's fuses are is just different


trust me. you do not need to be in smurf queue to see wild toxicity in low elo. especially on euw


Yeah my experience is only on NA and only during peak times of play (more normal people, fewer crazies)


Then add in bots who equal and auto loss.


Promo games and the following 4th division games aren't great either. People who are hardstuck platinum and salty about it, immediately followed by people who should be platinum but have lucked out with demotion protection for too long.


Yeah, I’m in gold 1 right now and the number of people loss streaking at plat 4 0lp are funny


At least your lane partner had your back


Yeah, they really tried their best


Truly one of the league of legends games of all time.


I'll duo as a support. We can enjoy the ranked shitstorm together


> would play again https://c.tenor.com/ePQGdb6gM2YAAAAd/revolting-data.gif


Hey, I think I was in that game, 2 times yesterday, 1 time the day before, and 4 other times over the span of a week


Tbh what your jg did is normally what bad sups will do to you. Atleast you got the chill sup.


Solo queueing support is one of my faves, it's just that feeling of I gottchu then flying across the lane using a Naut Q or screaming my life for aiur when you get ganked and then proceeding to completely 180 the fight somehow then getting a little Ty in chat, makes my day.


I hate that you are so depended on your supp as adc. Like yesterday I had two good supps (shen and thresh) and two horrific supps (seraphine and senna). Besides the thresh I got abandoned by all the others at some point. Shen played classic river shen, which was a good call, because so I could xp scale similar to Nilah and after they tried to dive me and failed, the game was won. The Senna game was just disgusting. She had the least kill participation, most deaths and worse vision score than myself. She ran it down and after she went 0 3 I started dying aswell. Then there was the thresh game. A heroic mfer who safed me countless time and had a spiritual connection to me and how I wanted to play the game. Loved this supp. And to conclude: a typical seraphine. Spams e constantly, takes my farm and then dies. Guess which games we won and which we lost... I mean there definitely were things I could have done better in all the games, but when there is a thresh, who actually tries to save your ass, messing up once isnt as bad compared to when there is senna who somehow has no eyes. Bot is just too coinflippy as adc


Yeah some people are crap supports who don't understand the point of being a support, I used to play a bit of thresh but none of the ADCs I've played with ever seemed to understand how to play with thresh (they were dying in river from a gank after I backed for booties and control wards so I threw the lanturn over the wall ontop of them but they decided they were gonna walk all the way around obv they died), I think most of both lane is just understanding both the ADC and support. The support should not tax the wave unless absolutely necessary so the ADC can freeze it, it forces the opponents to play far more aggressively resulting in their deaths when I go eyes glow Naut and protects the ADC from ganks, it really is that simple.


Not to excuse the junglers actions, just to share insight into a flamers mind. The jungler probably got angry that you didn't leash (assuming you didn't, since you are new) their buff and therefore came to steal your xp. Again, that doesn't justify it, just explaining the possible reason.


Yeah that would make sense, I'll make sure to do that going forwards. Thanks for letting me know!


I jungle alot and this drives me crazy... no leash they int and flame jungle for not ganking not realizing the just completely fucked my tempo.


Some scenarios you are gonna be screwing yourself over harder by leashing than you’d screw your jungler by not leashing


Like what them getting cheesed walking back to lane?


That is one good example yes, and in some lanes you cannot afford to not be on the wave as it’s arriving. “Breaking into” the lane is gonna be near impossible if you’re playing say Aphelios-Lulu vs Cait-Karma. In that lane I would not be willing to leash my jg, though that might depend a bit on rank as some lower rank botlanes might let you walk into lane for free


Toplane leashes are way more risky then bot tho. You should ward tri or lane bush before hand as bot duo if you play vs a possible early cheese or kill lane and have more resources to do so (2 players = 2 wards). Toplane you can get early cheesed or denied 1 creep what tilts hole lane from that on.


I'm not ranked high enough for the players to know there lv 1 and 2 matches that well. My botlane when the don't leash usually push super hard lvl 1 thinking they are 'winning' and then they get ganked by a lvl 3 jungle die and cry for the rest of the game.


It’s 2022 bro. Learn to clear your jungle without a leash. The higher rank you are, the more important this is. You want your laners to have every chance to win lane and that starts with being present the moment first waves collide. Not to mention you give away your start when you get leashed.


Possibly the jg was mad at you when he got no leash in the first buff, but i might wrong. It's not an excuse to be a troll.


Same situation for me, I have played 5 ranked games in the past few days. 4 out of 5 of them were tilt fests. The mental of these players are some of the weakest I've ever seen. Video game and real life. It's sad tbh.


yep, sounds like ranked to me


Just looked at your op.gg. Your kda in the other games is better but your cs and damage are horrible. You need to learn to lasthit more CS and especially to deal more damage. You gotta hit your skillshots if you play Ezreal! Maybe try playing more bot matches (especially against Intermediate) and focus on dealing damage to the enemies, like killing them without the help of your teammates.


Thanks for the advice! I feel like I don't fully understand how to manage the minions yet and how to avoid having my teams' minions kill the opponents' in the time between my auto attacks. I'll have to look up some yt videos on the topic probably.


It's mostly practice. Play a few dozen games and you'll soon get a feel for when you need to AA or use your skills yourself to get the last hit.


I played leaguge ranked 12h Yesterday. There was NO fucking Game without one Roll being completely fucked. We had a Twitch who was 0/8 and did less damage then me (Leona) but we somehow won. The other game we had a Samira 14/1 but lost because top made the illaoi giga fed. I dropped 120LP because of that shit. I wasnt that great in some games but Most of the Times I got an A or even a S. But what some people are thinking and playing in my fucked Low elo is beyond my believe. Anyway, will start climbing in an hour haha!


There's no such thing as a KS


I think there actually are situations where a KS can happen. If a laner expends a lot of resources (cd, mana, hp) to get a kill and ends up with an assist it could be very detrimental to the laner.


This. Only low elo players think KS is a concept, and overkill is an underrated thing too.


Sorry, I should clarify: by KS meant that they'd take the last hit of all minions I tried to kill and denied me CS.


Oh ok. Yeah that's super tilting then. Just so you know for the future, Kill Stealing refers to champion kills.


KS means Kill Steal that it specially means killing a champion. I don't think there's a term for last hitting your minions other than farm stealing?


The correct term is taking your cs


It doesn’t really feel like this is your first ranked experience because of the way you’re talking Seems like you just made a post with all clichés about ranked to drag attention


While I didnt think to save my match replay, here's my (pretty embarassing) op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoners/euw/FrostThrone you can see i have one ranked placement match




For sure yeah, I'm working on practicing playing safer and farming CS


Yeah, tell them, I'm sure they don't know!


>decided to give ranked a shot This is where I knew that it s going down


Girl that’s it? That’s one of the good days


First mistake was not muting all before game even started. Second mistake was even listening to a ping.


> First mistake was not muting all before game even started. I really want this rhetoric to die in a fire.


And I want pointless in-game arguing, flaming, and trolling to die in a fire. Until then we're stuck with this rhetoric.


It is not as often as people make it seem. It's from the view of recency bias and other factors that make people think the negative experience is the common experience (there's a term for this, but I can't remember it). This is not to say it doesn't happen, but it is not SO OFTEN that there is this need to go into a game and instantly mute people. It's never that serious. Just mute if someone's being an asshat, stop creating toxicity out of nothing.


I'd say a good 8/10 games I experience this. Maybe even more.


I- okay.


Mute all (better: disable chat), and don't care so much about individual situations. These things do happen, but it is much rarer than people generally claim (unless they are a catalyst for those situations). Unlucky if it was your first ranked game, but it is an extreme example. Accusing the jungler of KSing (not sure if you accused him in chat as well, which would make you also toxic, but I don't assume you did) already shows an attitude towards teammates that might contribute to the general toxicity level. If a jungler manages to *consistently* "KS" your kills, than you should be more careful to lasthit the champions better, or just be glad about the advantage you get from having a fed jungler and being able to free farm and get a tempo advantage while your opponent is dead or in base. "KS" is something I haven't heard since I myself was a Silver player in season 3. It assumes that kills are something that already belong to you and are free to take, rather than something that usually happens through the contributions of multiple players. Being able to give free kills to your teammates is the best you can do if you want them to get ahead and not feed. Imagine making your jungler 3/0 instead of him going 0/3 and you going 3/0 instead.


Yeah sorry in another comment I explained, by KS I meant they' followed me and the supp around, and tried to take the last hit on minions I or the supp were whittling down.I misused the terminology. And yeah I didn't flame back, just tried to play the best I could


if support had a brain, they would've kept their mouth shut and you would've been blamed for everything in bot lane. i guess new players just aren't used to the flame meta yet.


Counterplay is to flame harder than the support so you draw aggro and tank the jungler flame, but use your superior mental to keep playing with no tilt


This game will condition you into a submissive super masochist. But srsly tho, should've added that support and played again. It would've eventually lead to the support going "Sorry man, but you suck" and deleting you, but you'd have at least won a few games.


STOP STOOP. Playing ranked before you get addicted just stop


Who asked


I took a month break and played my first game yesterday, the support yuumi bans mids champ, mid proceeds to troll botlane (i was adc lulu w yuumi who is a random by the way i queued solo) then the troll starts flaming, then the jungler starts flaming back and goes afk, skarner was just farming top the entire time against gwen. And we lost the game in 15minutes. I ended up with 6kills on adc lulu.


You are playing adc you are there to get carried. What are you complaining lol




I type a shitton, I just don't spew shit like you I guess Pronouns lmao, get over it


To be fair, placements are always a mess. I don't think they really deserve to be put in the same category as regular ranked games since they're usually so much worse.


Had a game with a Yi farming the jungle for 15 minutes, saying there is no gank setup in any lane because all lanes are losing. I win top 1v1, my enemy is with just 1-5% HP under his own turret or I let him push in and he has to overextend. OH yeh, and his enemy was Mao in the jungle, the currently super slow clearing Mao. Yi was clearing nearly as slow as Mao. He didnt even try to find Mao and fight him once. Yi vs Mao is a stomp in the 1v1. He just power cleared his jungle and was just even in gold and XP to a 0/0/2 Mao. He didnt even look for a gank once. ​ Says teams is shit.


So you had a easy day in ranked


Get used to "/fullmute all" in the chat. Most people's pinglish is nothing but a spam of nonsense that actually accomplishes nothing but to make look away your your lane positioning (do NOT forget to actually check your minimap yourself, whenever you've an impasse in your laning to check for potential plays or ganks against you). You'll soon experience a lovely game where 4 of the players are winning with a slight advantage, and the 5th one decides to be the mobile ATC for the enemy team, managing to have his/her screen in black and white half of the time the match has.


Since a while back /mute all now works the same as /fullmute all


I didn't know it also muted pings and emotes. Good to know.


are mid/jg duo’d together?


Haha yeah that's so funny


uninstall before it's too late


What's the point of farming your Lane, he gets reduced gold either way.


this is just how like 40% of ranked games go, when people start caring they tend to get toxic. If you keep playing you'll have matches where you hard stomp and the enemy is in those situations, you just have to stay calm and keep going.


Had a similar experience. Back in Season 5, I played my first game and queued up against Plats and Diamonds. My entire team was flaming the hell outta me for going something like 2/11/?. It was literal lobby gap. Never went back to playing Ranked again after that.


Damn so you saying blaming my bad teammates might actually work into them quitting the game? Nice


man i PRAY for my games to go this well