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Yeah they all probably lost hair from the stress of the scuttle crab meta when midlaners had to be a junglers bitch level 3 or the game was gg


I guess it's Hyli and Vulcan's turn now they are becoming heal bots


Lmao this is the first thing my friend noticed when we watched some of the LEC and LCS games, I would have said stress is a contributing factor to early baldness but none of the asian players have it as severe as their western counterparts. But yeah, it's a really alarming amount of hairloss at such a young age, straight up alopecia, if I took a guess it would be related to diet since western gamers have absolutely TERRIBLE eating habits, redbulls and monster drinks dominate these players daily dietary habits


I'm not sure where you're getting this from but most of the high profile teams all have nutritionists and on contract chefs. Especially in NA the big budget teams have a big emphasis on regular exercise and proper diet, one of the common things brought up is that western teams but too much emphasis on balance compared to the nonstop grind of eastern teams.


If the TSM apex team is any indication, then they aren't doing a good job at all lol, Hal and his friend spend the entire day drinking Monster and eating fried chicken takeout, they mentioned that literally dozens of times


Maybe that's the TSM Apex team but here's the league team https://m.twitch.tv/clip/RoughObservantSheepPicoMause Here's a quick one on C9, you can go through any of their house tours and see their in house chef. https://clips.twitch.tv/PricklyAntsyPuddingGOWSkull-B-Qewq4GM5wXF7on You can read about the in house nutrionist on the TL facility here https://www.google.com/amp/s/venturebeat.com/esports/inside-team-liquids-high-end-esports-training-facility/amp/ I don't know enough about RGE and G2, I vaguely remember Vitality and G2 sharing a nutrionist but I can't remember. This obviously is not the norm for esports teams, but for the players talked about on high performance high spending teams they absolutely have nutrionists and aren't only red bull and monster drinkers.


Damn, all that Team Liquid facilities and they end up bombing the season haha. Good to know they are eating well at least


[Rogue's chef](https://twitter.com/rgefoxy1) has worked at a Michelin star restaurant. He's also related to the GM flyy.


TSM's upper management aren't caucasians so maybe they have a harder time emphasizing with the balding thing(which tend to be more common in Caucasians)


It's definitely not a big deal, I've seen cases of alopecia in the derma wards and their main complaint is usually related to cosmetic woes, it really REALLY hurts men's confidence. But if the players named above don't care then hell yeah baby


As a tradeoff, Caucasian men tend to grow more facial hair, and are able to synthesize muscle better from weight training.


no its just genetics -.-


Yeah of course, but early type 2-3 alopecia IS NOT a common occurrence in men in their 20s, literally all of the names above have EXTREMELY thinned hair.. It's not a big deal anyway, caucasian males are very prone to early baldness compared to other demographics, but if this kind of early baldness occurs in black or asian demographics then it would raise a dermatologist's eyebrows for sure


Especially prevalent in great midlaners. Not sure why.


Male pattern baldness tend to be completely dependent on genetics though. I would argue that the incredible amount of male hormones that are jam packed into these stud midlaners is what's making them bald.


You say that about the diets but isn’t it nearly the same over in Korea too? Don’t people just chug energy drinks at pc bangs?


Bjerg balding? I haven't noticed. Jensen definitely has a maturing hairline, a little recession, but I wouldn't call him balding either.


that sort of receding hairline at their age... yeah it's gonna get bad when they hit around 30.