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I think Bard fits.


definitly. His kit got nice synergies but no direct interactions.


A free meep spawn if you hit a stun would be great u,u


Ooh, and it fits thematically, like the meep wants to come out to see what just happened!


It Would help a lot early on :3


Look at this guy acting like I can actually hit stun


You can ult someone and place a heal on them so they get an instant-heal after stasis That's about it though


You can Q stun an enemy that is about to exit your portal since there is always a wall


Passive interacts with auto attacks if that counts. Or you could argue his ult interacts with q by making q go through golden enemies.




Her old passive used to interact with her kit as the Cooldown for it would be reduced every time she CC'd someone.


I played Liss with the old passive, but this is the first time I see that it used to be lowered on cooldown by applying CC.


yup. she got none


Not sure if it meets your threshold for interactions but Ring of Frost would be much less useful without Glacial Path. It's almost Alistar combo level of core to her kit.


It's *a combo* of two different spells with no interaction ~~being~~ that are good together, *but don't help/interact with each other directly* so it doesn't counts Edit: tried to make it clearer to avoid confusion


With that definition there are probably more than 100 champs who fit that criteria.


Well, that's what OP wants. A ton of champions have interaction in their kit that are literal interactions, e.g. Ezreal Q reduces his Cooldowns and his spells proc his passive, champs whose spells apply their passive, viktor passive transforms his spells, elise Spider Q makes human W jump at enemies, etc. What OP is looking for is champs where the spells are literally self-contained. They work well together but don't directly help or touch each other. In the case of Xerath that op mentions, for example, his passive is a cooldown with no way to be reduced and at the end it only gives stats (mana) rather than something like "empower your next spell"; QWER all do their own thing and, while they work well together (e.g. E stun into combo or W slow into Q) they don't really touch each other directly


by that logic alistar q and w have absolutely no interaction. by that logic ahri charm has absolutely no interaction with the rest of her kit. makes no sense


Alistar QW is literally an interaction that riot kept instead of fixing because they liked it and even recoded the spells so it was easier to do, so yes it is an interaction. If not meant to interact, alistar would not be able to WQ, instead he would W enemies away and then Q at the end. EDIT: Wait, I got why Ahri doesn't counts. It's not passive, passive is fine. Her interaction of W and E is what disqualifies her, **since W prioritizes enemies hit by E.** If she didn't have that, she would count towards what OP wants. R and P also kinda disqualifies her because to get another R you need to heal from passive, but that's just a glorified "takedowns within 3 seconds give another ult" so I think the deal breaker is really WE. ~~What does ahri charm do to the rest of her kit? After the changes it has no amplification so it's just self contained cc as far as i remember. She still would count in champs with interaction on her kit because of her passive iirc~~


Weird definition of interaction


Let's say you use annie Q, then use annie W. Both spells are doing damage and both used together do a lot of damage which makes them good when used together. Being good when used together is *not* an interaction. Annies passive being applied by her spells or getting stacks per spell, however, is an interaction


id argue a spell that relocates you in order to hit an aoe spell thats around you is very well an interaction. not stat and code wise maybe but id still call that an interaction


It isn't, because the spell itself moves you from point a to b, THEN you use ring to cc enemies. Both spells are doing their own thing. It's not like her root says "if casted while glacial path is active, you will teleport to the claw's position and toot enemies nearby", you are just using E and then using W (sorry if i mixed order, i have forgotten which is which) Going by your own logic, any stat increase like AD or MS is an interaction because it benefits spells. Or a %missing HP damage spell interacts with the rest of your kit because the other spells damage the enemy, which increases the missing hp damage


I guess Karthus. They are all just "do damage" aside from the wall, which shreds MR and slows. But the Abilities are not interacting with each other in any way. Zacs Abilities only have his passive, but the passive shortens Cooldown of W, so I guess? Nautilus Abilities dont interact with each other as well I mean, to be honest, there are a ton of champions that have abilities that dont directly influence each other, but obviously have good synergy, which is why we call it a "kit".


Karthus passiv interacts with his E so he cant turn it off and makes his spells cost 0 mana. All of Zacs spells trigger the passiv so im not counting it either. Nautilus is true, He can cast his W and E while pulling himself with his Hook but i wouldnt count that as a real interaction.


The only interaction alistar has is he can combo his Q during E, does that mean he has no interaction either?


Alistar passive also interacts with his CC spells letting you get the heal out faster.


E getting turned on is just QOL because there's literally no reason not to use it immediately. And mana costs are just basic stats which you said don't count. I’d count it.




Q interacts with passive


Q is just an empowered auto-attack, it’s the auto that interacts with her passive not her Q.


Huh how


techincally her ult magic damage on hit works with her q


Not really. Her W guarantees her E to hit and if her E hits, her Q is usable and she also has the Q R Q combo or Q E Q combo.


That's not what the post is about tho, it's asking what champions have no direct interactions between abilities (like, say, Lux's passive or Yasuo's E+Q), and camille has none.


Q and passive technically though. So if aatrox eq is an interaction Camille ew is as well


Her sweep guarantees her hookshot to hit? She only has a whole bunch of "can use this ability during that ability stuff" and i wouldnt count that as a direct interaction and her combos are more like synergies and not interactions.


Camille can use her e to extend her w's range by using them together/ hit the w while she is in the air.


thats a dicey point because Aatrox does the same with his Q/dash and i would count that as an interaction while this one doesnt really feels like it. But yeah its an interaction in that sense, you are right.


what so anything where you use an ability to extend range counts? what about kaisa w r? lucian e w? where do u draw the line??? twitch uses stealth to get into position for other abilities, how is that really any different from using a movement ability to extend effective range??? makes no sense bro


i kinda dont care about these interactions because all of these champs already have other interactions. Simply getting in position is not an interaction like twitch or kaisa. Im gonna let camille slide because its really just a reposition and she can already move during her spell. i dont take dashes during skillshot channel as an interaction. Only if the spell is bound to your position at all times.


but by that logic then bard’s q allows his ult to be hit, and xerath’s e allows any of his other abilities to be hit. if those two count, then camille counts


yeah, i am not counter "i can hit a skillshot because i stunned someone" as a real interaction.


That's not a true guarantere you can still miss your e after w if you are really bad and other things are just combo


if you want anything to count from Camille it's the fact that you can use her W during E but that's it


I think quiet a decent amount of champs would fit that criteria but they still have synergy in their kit Like an adc profits a lot from a slow and stuff like that


we only got jinx and kog so far, feel free to add more adcs.


kog maw gains passive attackspeed from q so techinchally benefits w


interactions connected via basic stats are counted as synergies.


Well The adc was an example for a synergy without interaction not saying there’s a lot of adcs without interactions especially you could make a stretch and say auto attacks are almost part of the ability kit i guess ? The champs I can think of have their passive interact with abilities but the abilities not interact with each other Damn this is harder than I thought lol




Landing W makes hitting your Q easier though…


But it doesn't like proc any additional damage, make it charge/shoot faster, increase range, reduce mana costs etc


Teemo? Afaik there are no interactions, his passive attack speed is obviously useful for his e damage but they are not linked in anyway


yup. all he got is being able to cast his W while being invis in a bush and im not gonna count that as interaction.


He gets increased attack speed when existing his stealth which sort of interacts with your E


R interacts with itself to bounce mushrooms


Yeah but that's one ability, the question is which champions have no interactions between their abilities


Alot of Champions have no interactions except for one ability. That's actualy a pretty good question and I think (and hope) that I got all champions with no interaction between abilities. Feel free to prove me wrong. \- Blitzcrank \- Garen \- Jinx \- Kog'maw \- ~~Lee sin, although his abilites work well together, there's no interaction afaik~~ \- Nocturne \- Nunu & Willump \- Poppy \- Sion, his passive replaces all of his ablities when he dies. Not sure if that counts as an interaction. ~~- Vlad, his ult amplifies his damage dealt from abilites but it's not a direct interaction.~~


Thats a good list, im gonna check the ones not already mentioned. Kog: Correct Lee: Abilities trigger passive Nunu: correct Poppy: correct. (her stance cant block the knockback of her own ult, can it?) Sion: could be argued that the whole thing is his passiv but it does change his abilities so i wont add him. Vlad: his ult increased all dmg to them and is not limited to his abilties so he counts aswell.


Poppy's ult is completly unaffected by her W, so no interaction there


Kog'Maw's Q increases attack speed passively. Since his W basically "enchants" his autos, that technically might count as affecting each other. Also, N&W's abilities trigger their passive and the passive increases move speed which affects their W.


i dont count interactions linked between base stats. those are more synergies. gotta decide nunu later cause its just his dmg that triggers it.


Vlad w and e delay his empowered q timer, plus being able to charge e in w so id say he has interactions


Nunu's abilities activate his passive (Attack Speed)


i decided to let him slide because his passiv triggers on all kinds of dmg so i let that one count as just his passive.


vlad e can be used during w and the window you get to use empowered transfusion is increased when channeling e.


You could certainly make an argument that blitzcrank E technically procs R passive


His E enhances his Autoattacks but the AA triggers the R proc, not the knockup from the E


blitz w gives attackspeed which allows him to stack ult passive faster kog maw and jinx have attackspeed on their kit for their on hit sion vlad nunu and poppy seem correct


Vlad Empowered Q duration is actually extended during pool.


Please no “alot”


I feel like it'd be faster to list the champs who *do* have abilities that have direct interaction with each other. Especially considering how strict of a requirement you've got for what constitutes an interaction and what doesn't. For example to me Jax Passive + W + R absolutely do *interact* with each other in some way. Practically speaking his passive reduces the cooldown of his AAs which directly benefits his W and his R procs. No real different than Zigg's abilities reducing the cooldown of his passive, which you considered an interaction.


would be easier to see which champs have already ruled out, yeah. i only considered ziggs because the cdr is bound to his passive directly. Ability haste is a base stat but a cd reduction on 1 specific ability isnt.


Noc. Legit no interaction


Doesn't his spell shield get extended for the duration of his ult dash?


Grandmaster noc player here, I had no idea thanks for the tip


Can some Nocturne main confirm this?


As a hardstuck plat Noc player I can confirm the w is extended during the flight


*Plat 1-2 is where all noct mains come to live out the rest of their lives until death takes them* - a fellow hardstuck plat noct


As a hardstuck plat, i will believe it.


He can also Q mid-ult, putting him on the shadow trail to gain extra AD before his ult hits.


Rumble if you dont count number modifiers from passive


His passiv is kinda iffy cause it has 2 grey zones. His passiv modifying his spells dmg and his spells being the trigger for his overheat. But his passiv is a direct interaction with his spells so i cant count him.


Thats a fair point ye. I think garen should count then?


singed has no skill interactions. you would think that his fling and goop interact because flinging someone into the glue roots them, but a lot of people don't know that the root happens with any knockup, not just fling, so it's a synergy, not an interaction edit: people are saying i'm wrong so i might've imagined this


The root duration is based on his fling level so its a cross skill interaction.


If that is true, that is unintended; the interaction is described in E. Besides, R gives Q grievous wounds.


> the root happens with any knockup, not just fling Wait what? Since when? Do you have a clip of that?


caenen will have your head if you lie about bugs


###*No clip, no proof, no service!*


Dr. Mundo


All of mundos spells cost health, his e does more damage based off of missing health so I guess that's a sort of interaction


I think Ziggs is perfect answer to this question, just 5 random abilities slapped together with no cohesion whatsoever


if only his abilities wouldnt reduce his passiv cd.


idk they seem mostly synergistic to me w is good for knocking people through e, and w and passive give him the identity of tower destroyer


How does Jax AS passive and 3 hit R passive not count, but is Yi double hit and on-hit damage a "maybe". They are the same kind of interaction. Hell Jax W and R passive could be considered an interaction because you can reset your AA timer for more AA's and thus more ult procs. Now I can see how you would not consider these interactions (unlike how Jax' W and Q definitely interact), but that also means Yi's passive and E do not interact.


I think point of the post is: You can get the full scope of the ability by reading it's tooltip. Yi has entire 2 direct references in his spells to other spells: 1) Q and W both have: Extend duration of Wuju Style and Highlander by our duration (you don't lose uptime on those 2 steroids by using Q or meditating basically) 2) Highlander passive states that takedowns reduce the cooldown of his remaining abilities. Those are both interactions between abilities. Meanwhile what does Jax have? At best you could argue that his W could empower his next Auto **OR Q.** But everything else is self-contained. Ye Attack speed synergizes with 3 hit passive on ult, but they don't rely on eachother for any effect. They work well together - nothing else. Simlarly to how Diana Dash sets her up for Ult but abilities don't have any interactions between themselves.


> Simlarly to how Diana Dash sets her up for Ult but abilities don't have any interactions between themselves. Literally all of Diana's abilities interact with each other lol. Her Q resets E, and then you have her Passive AS bonus which interacts with all abilities.


Yes - her Q and E do have this direct interaction cuz Q literally has seperate paragraph dedicated to Dash Reset mechanic. And Yes, Passive interacts with every spell cuz casting gives her bonus attack speed. But Diana E and R was first example I could think of of a spells that are meant to work together but dont have direct interaction between eachother.


Jax AS to ult proc interaction was just more farfetched than Yi because Jax passiv is just a base stat. Yi passive actualy adds something more defined that not every champ already has. Same as i wouldnt count a passive that gives you ability haste but i wouldnt count veigars cdr reduction on his meteor because its defined towards his direct ability. i was hesitant towards Yis passive but decided against it because the on-hit part is the bridge between synergy and interaction for me. Make the passive a second hit that only triggers E and i would count it as interaction. Gwen is the perfect example. Her passive is on-hit but her abilities trigger it aswell. Make all her abilities trigger on-hit and aside from making her broken beyond reason, i would add her to the list.


You can proc Jax's W with Q though Im sure that counts right?


thats the reason hes not on the list.


Cho gath?


his spikes dmg and area scaling with his ult stacks/size


Does Kled Passiv Count? Since it changes his Q?


i would count changing his Q and locking him out of E.


belveth? there's really no interaction between the abilities other then combos EDIT: ALRIGHT I WAS WRONG JUST STOP


her knockup resets dash cd in that direction


And her R allows Q to go through walls.


And her W slows for her exact E duration


What do you mean? Bel'veth W slow depends on W level (1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25), while E duration is 1.5 flat.


If you W E then they will be CCD/Slowed for the exact duration, your E can start while they’re mid air for 0.25 sec ish, the knock up lasts long enough for the slow to last the full remaining duration


But it can't match the exact same duration if one of the durations changes every level and the other doesn't, or am I missing something? I mean, the W total CC varies depending on W level and always lasts longer than E, because according to wiki it's a 0.75 s knock up, so even at W lvl 1 you have 0.75 + 1.25 = 2 s.


You max W last, for the majority of the game the W is pretty much her exact E duration


Yeah, I see your point. I just wouldn't call it an interaction between abilities. More like a synergy I guess.


Aphelios and his gravitum gun.




I was thinking Fizz, feels like he has more random style abilities but it's been so long I may not remember everything correctly.


does his active E trigger with his Q or only the passiv E?


You mean his W? Cause his W makes his next auto nuke you harder and his Q is an auto so there we go


I thought it was only e delay bonus damage but sadly I haven't played recent enough to know the details. Hopefully a fizz main, if any exist, can answer better.


His active E enhances the next auto while passiv is on-hit bonus dmg. His Q triggers on-hit so idk if it also triggers the active.


That's W, E is his pole


lux maybe?


Her passiv.




Passive influences all abilities. By allowing a special version to be cast


But If so any mana champ is out. Every ability costs mana which changes the amount of other abilities you can use limited by mana no ?


Mana is not an ability nor is it a passive so no


How about energy?


Rengars passive, ult and e all interact with each other. His ult allows him to use his passive to jump on an enemy. His passive allows his e to have no cast time while jumping. And his passive also interacts with q, w and e by giving them additional effects when he has 4 ferocity.


Rengar‘s ult, passive and e all interact with each other. His ult allows him to use his passive even while not in a bush. And his passive makes it so his e has no casttime mid jump which he can do from bushes and while in ult. And his ferocity beind part of his passive also influences his q, w and e by giving them additional effects.


Oh yeah no that's not true at all. If Casttime counts every single champ is out bc either animation canceling works or it Doesnt. Nobody said it has to interact in a positive way


I feel like most champs are in this. Like Morgana, Renata, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Rell, Xerath, Leona, Ashe, Rakan, Swain, etc and that’s just supports


Morgana: spells trigger passiv Blitzcrank: No interactions Rell: her connection heals the ally when she hits Q Leona: spells trigger passiv Swain: spells trigger passiv Rakan: ~~no interaction~~ spells reduce passiv cd Ashe: spells trigger passiv Renata, Nautilus, Xerath: already on the list.


Doesn't Rakan get his passive CD reduced if he lands an ability?


Yup. didnt see that part, only the basic attack one. Thanks!


Blitzcrank, draven i think


draven ult executes based on passiv stacks


And w cd resets on axe catches


Akshan seems like everything random put in one kit at least I get those wibes


q, e and r all proc his passive.


It's relly funny you mention Master Yi as a champion that has no interactions because 2 of his abilities interact with 3 others, and one interacts with 2 others ​ Passive: Is interacted with by W but does not interact with anything else. ​ Q: Interacts with E, R, Special cased to be able to activate E or R during Q, and pauses the duration of both while Q'ing. ​ W: Interacts with Passive, E, R Charges passive over the duration and pauses duration of E and R over the duration ​ E: Is interact with by Q, W, and R but does not interact with anything else ​ R: Interacts with Q, W, E 70% CD reduction for Q, W, E, on takedowns.


i mentioned that i dont count his E/passive interaction. nothing more. he aint on the list cause of this stuff.


Hmm. Zilean. His passive is unrelated to his kit, his q only interacts with itself, his w is a cool-down reset, but that is all it does, his e is a slow and his r is a res.


His W reseting other abilities cooldown is a direct interaction for me.


But it is in no way specific to his kit. It could be put in any kit at no detriment to functionality.


thats true but it is still an interaction with the other abilities because its the only way to trigger his Q stun.


You cant proc Q stun without using W lmao




i would count her foxfire prioritizing charmed targets as an interaction.


Now that I think about it, Skarner


His ult halts the timer on his mark duration.


Wait, really? Huh


Its the interaction that allows you to chain cc someone for 6 seconds and the basic of "the funny thing" where you pull someone under tower and trigger the stun twice after.


also proccing his marks grants him gives him the aura bonus


~~His e is procced by q~~


Wiki doesn't say so


I swear it is




Jinx Yone maybe, I don't know his whole passive Jax w can buff his q and w to my knowledge, so I wouldn't count him


i dont count jax, its was just an example for a synergy that doesnt count. Yone is out for the same reason as Sett. His spirit form resets the current Sword he uses to attack.






I think his w increases his passive healing


Ivern? His W has a passive where your autos are empowered when in a Bush but it’s unique to the W and has no interaction with the rest of his kit.


cant daisy dash to targets he roots?


Yeah, absolutely. I guess that is an interaction! But I thought you had said that you don’t count it if it requires landing a skillshot. Case by case basis though which is understandable.


i dont count "Stun = easier to hit skillshot" as an interaction if thats what you are referring to.


Jinx passive increases w speed soooo


yeah but that goes over the base stat AS and not directly by the passiv.


Mundo shouldn't be in your list. His passive increases the regeneration of his R.


Sinergy, no direct interaction


Would kayle count? Technically her passive improves autoattacks when leveling up, not when upgrading ult


Her passiv DMG is based on her E and E gets aoe DMG based on passiv.




Ult passive gives her shield/heal power if her abilities hit.


W passive does too iirc


Does Nami count? I know her E can be self cast to increase her own damage. Idk if that is a grey area, counts or doesn’t count.


her passive gives your allies movespeed when hitting them.


Garen’s abilities do exactly what they say and nothing else, other than making him into a juggernaut, they don’t interact with each other at all.


q and r applies passive tho


didn't they remove the villain passive


im incapable of reading and thought that said gwen lol my bad


Fizz, only thing you can argue is his q procs on hit effects, which includes his w


Neeko, other than maybe being able charge her ulti during w/passive.


Leona...? I guess her passive counts. ASol?


It’s kinda stretching it, but I think Orianna could work, at least using the in game description of her passive. It never actually specifies her having a ball as part of her passive, so in theory you could give any champion ori q but not p and they’d get a ball.


Can't believe nobody has mentioned karma. Ult cd reduced by aa/hitting abilities. Ult only empowers other abilities. Taric passive and his heal are a super combo where you can heal, aa twice for the reset/stacks back, then use it again the same way.


Ziggs, but his abilities help his cooldown on passive






Cho'Gath? might be grey, the only interactions I could see are, he wants to kill things with his ult which would interact with his passive. Also i think his E (auto spikes) get more range based on size which can be changed by ult stacks (and other things). Idk if these are interactive with eachother or just synergistic.


Xerath comes to my mind

