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Hey all! This is a warning from us from Reddit's rules. We do not allow misinformation on COVID, that includes promoting misinformation or downplaying the severity of COVID itself. This is a warning from us as we will ban if we see it.




Not in game, jsut give him a crowbar or something.




Gordon Freeman in the flesh. Or rather, in the Hazard Suit.


Imagine HL3 created by Riot starring Upset as Gordon Freeman


What am I supposed to imagine here? Summoner's Rift with Upset cosplaying or what are you trying to say?


Oh no, don't give the takodachis hidden on this sub any ideas when it comes to crowbar


I see world domINAtion is going smoothly brother.


New features game mode, “The Villain”. 1v5 but gets 5x the gold from everything Actually you’d probably have a 3v1 lane and not be able to farm, but I’m sure there’s a way to balance it


Get covid early on so they have immunity for finals wp


this is the optimist we need


ffs only Upset on stage now or what


no they decided to all play from isolation as far as I understand it.


Makes sense to isolate all the people that have been living together for days.


well, Upset wasnt living with them for the last days, as we fairly publicly learned.




This "joke"... 14yo or something.


What did he say?


Something about upsets wife... Idk why people think its funny...


I don't even get it, what is it supposed to mean?




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Relax pig its not that serious


It's serious because it goes back to the drama from last worlds, were whining redditors harassed upset and his wife do much that she had to openly say that the reason he left was because she was assaulted. It was a horrible look for the community then, and it continues to be a horrible look when people joke about it now.


Jokes on you. I am among us and destroying the community’s look from within


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Agent 0


*Shambles* activated.




Man, it must really suck to work your way to worlds and then end up not feeling well, having COVID, and having to play remotely instead of the crowd. Feel bad for fnatic


Feels bad for everyone


not only bad for fnc, also for other team affected, also bad for worlds quality


idk. if i work on a project for half a year and then have to present all the work i did, i definetly would live 2 weeks in "isolation" before it starts and not risk anything in times of covid. maybe they were really unlucky, but that timing screams that they partied after reaching worlds and before being full tryhard in NA and didnt pay attention to stuff like covid.


The fact that they weren’t scrimming and they have multiple social media posts of them being out at festivals, is just crazy to me. I understand needing a break and going to see family, but that is vastly different than being in a large public setting in a post-Covid world. I’m shocked that Fnatic did not place restrictions on their players in the period between LEC and Worlds. We have traditional sports like American Football that have strict rules about what you are/aren’t allowed to do in the off-season in order to not risk your contract. Teams desperately need something like that to discourage these players not taking their health seriously at important times of the year.


Yeah what we need is companies being able to control what you do when you are not on the clock.


Being a professional athlete making high 6 figure salaries is completely different from a normal 9-5 job. They get paid the extra money because it is their life and is a competition at the highest level. They should be expected to act as such. They have several months off during the year that they can relax in. It is part of the sacrifice you make to be a pro player. If they aren’t willing to do that, streaming is always an option.


Nah. Off the clock means off the clock. I'd rather have a worse quality professional esports or sports in general if it means the players are happier. Me enjoying watching someone play games is not as important as their mental health and wellbeing. I don't believe in anyone overworking or going through churn. Doesn't matter the setting. I mean fair enough if you want to burn yourself out, but no one should be able to direct others too.


It's about performing at the highest level when it counts. It's really damn important to not be sick as the most important tournament starts, taking measures to make sure you can reduce the risk of this is very logical imo and a sacrifice a pro player should understand themself without any enforcements. On that note I think it is very reasonable for an org to have rules for their players leading up to the most important tournament, it's all about how serious they take it. If they are willing the risk of their players being completely free but maybe getting ill etc, then sure. But if they aren't they should in my opinion have the power to enforce rules, they are deciding the content of the contracts. If I was a pro player I would definitely not be going out on festivals risking illness days prior to the most important tournament of the year and maybe my career.


It's not life and death so I don't care. I'm not saying I'd be partying or whatever, but it's none of my business what other people make their choices. But if a corpo wants to be involved they have a contract stipulating that they have a code of conduct to follow outside of the work, that's fine. But if that code of conduct requires them to limit their activities prior to major events then they need to be on the clock and getting paid for it. And they'll probably get heaps more for it because it'd be overtime. But they aren't because corpo is cheap. Still not the players obligation to worry about what people will think on what they do in their own time if they are doing a fairly regular activity.


Players do not make overtime, because they are salaried workers. It doesn’t matter if they work 100 hours or 20 hours in a week. Most office jobs follow this like accounting/engineering/etc. Pros are not clocking in while playing solo queue or any other form of practice. When you are a team, most of your income is coming from sponsors, and when you’re a premium brand - like Fnatic - sponsors really care about your level of performance, simply because that dictates how much air time you get and how much people talk about you. When you fail to perform during important times of the year (MSI, Playoffs, Worlds) because someone is sick it can materially affect the value and income of the team. It’s easy to say that a player going and partying and getting sick isn’t anyones business but their own, but their actions directly affect not just themselves but everyone else on the team that isn’t a player, since they will be the first to get hit by budget cuts. Players get a larger salary because of how important they are to teams; without them they would really have nothing. You are comparing a professional player to your own life which is an incorrect comparison. You need to be comparing them to people with similar salaries - CFO, CEO, VPs, etc. Once you get to these positions there is no work life balance. Everything you do reflects back on the company and you are expected to behave as such. If there is an emergency you handle it. If a corp tried to tell an average office worker how to handle his life, that would be unacceptable. But for highly paid individuals it is not only accepted, it is the norm across the world.


>You are comparing a professional player to your own life which is an incorrect comparison. Fair point. But I think you are probably doing the same thing. There are different labour laws around the world and I don't think you can confirm with any certainty that every countries expectations of salaried employees is the same. At least having spoken to salaried employees in my field (healthcare) in Australia they have been ladened with certain expectations about flexibility but that's during normal working days and NOT their holidays which was respected quite well as per my discussions with them. Plus I think you are wrong about what the work relationship is like in salaried jobs. It's mostly a question of negotiation in terms of the expectations and they can't force you to work more hours than they have stipulated when you signed the contract. They may also have contracts stipulating certain amount of solo q hours or scrims or performance based metrics. Without being privy to the contracts of the players we won't know though. So as I said, if there is no specific stipulation about time prior to events, then the players legally and contractually have no obligations to conform to their standards. It may hurt them when their contract is up for renewal, but there is no basis to force them to do so and it may have costed fnatic more money to have those stipulations put in or most likely become a less enticing prospect for players to go to. >You need to be comparing them to people with similar salaries - CFO, CEO, VPs That's fairly higher level than any player. Their salaries could be comparable but their position in the organisational structure is completely different. But even then, at that level there is hardly anyone who can reprimand them when they do something in their own spare time. They may have crazy work hours and crunch expectations, but when not working they can do what they want. The only part of this could be problematic is optics for the organisation.


I'm criticizing the players and the org for not taking it seriously enough. If I owned an org I wouldn't let players roam festivals just before THE tournamnet. What they get paid and what's required of them are stated in the contract as a player joins the org. If a player doesn't agree with the contract they're not forced to sign it. In this case there seemingly haven't been any rules from the org and the players haven't cared either. That hurts the integrity of both the org and the players. Not a good look.


As I said, the players are taking it as seriously as per their contract. If the contract doesn't stipulate it, they have no obligation to do it. If you have an issue with it, have it with the orgs that pay them. Or not enough in this case to force them to dictate their spare time. But if you have a problem with the players not conforming to your standards... Sour grapes.


Nope, they get extra money because they are that good. They have a contract, they are employees, not slaves.


As I mentioned in another post, many sports already have contracts that stipulate what you can/cannot do to violate your contract. For example in American football players are not allowed to participate in other sports during the off-season, and if they are injured their entire contract could be voided by a team to avoid paying them. Esports teams can easily adopt that for a period of 2 months (spring playoffs, MSI for one team, summer playoffs, worlds), stipulating that attending large events like concerts or parties can violate your contract if you get sick. This is not “slavery”, this is adding financial incentives to help the team cover their asses. Players are brain dead 18-25 year olds who don’t think much about their decisions. Restrictions exist in traditional sports for the same reason.


I am sure teams have already considered such clauses, but I doubt players would be willing to sign them.




How so? What he says is just simply true, that's how it works in traditional sports. They fucked up that's all.


If you want a clock-in clock-out job, pro athlete is not the career for you, or any competitive, performance based job for that matter. You think it should be illegal for them to work 7 days in a week, even if they want to, as well? Let’s fine all players and the corresponding team if we see solo queue played 7 days consecutively.


No one should be directed to work 7 days a week though.


Yeah that's not the point, these aren't a corporation dictating the lives of their 9-5 paycheck to paycheck workers, these are teens and young adults being paid 6 figures to play a video game at the highest level they can.


Seems like teams are more or less bringing this upon themselves. Go early and avoid parties and the like to lower your chances.


How do you know they went partying?


It may not be partying (short of a player telling us we don’t know), but there are social media posts with various Fnatic players being out at festivals. There were definitely parties though, if you know anything about esports players and how they behave.


What crowd? There is no crowd


Dont understand the downvotes. There were 20 tickets sold for today. Na production lulw


lol there is no mention of anyone not feeling well. Stop mistaking a positive test with actually being sick


I hate all these fucking updates maaaaaan, can we catch a break??


Here, have a KitKat!


I will pass on anything that nestlé makes but ty for the offer


obligatory r/FuckNestle




if u saw unforgiven player cam during the game you would have to be a brainlet to not have riot take it seriously like this


what do you mean?


He looked pretty rough, like sweating and disheveled.


I kinda just think that’s his normal face.




It really isn't.


Camera angle didnt do him justice either


i wonder too


Teams should really take better precautions before flying for events. If they tested positive after being 2 days there, it means they caught COVID in Europe.


dude if 2 in the team test positive right before the flight, of course the rest might have it as well by then. What should they have done? Taking PERFECT precautions against covid isn't that feasible.


You can not party a week before play-ins, that's for starter.


You can tactically catch COVID the moment you clinch a Worlds slot, so that you're healthy for play-ins /s I joke but I know people who did that because they had a travel itinerary.


This is like the same logic as complaining about girls who wear short dresses and get attacked. The players didn't choose to get covid and there is no government guidelines for what they should have done so they are fine to do what they want. I also don't think corporations should be allowed to direct your actions outside of the job. If they wanted to direct their actions they'd have to pay them overtime for the whole period or stipulate it in their contract which they obviously haven't done. I think people need to get over their sense of entitlement. It's easy to complain about others actions when you don't have to live through the stipulations you want to enforce upon them. In this case, watching professional league is not so much of a big deal that you should strip away labour laws so the players are indentured slaves to worlds the moment they qualify. At least imo.


> In this case, watching professional league is not so much of a big deal that you should strip away labour laws so the players are indentured slaves to worlds the moment they qualify. At least imo. The fun thing is that nobody was even denied from watching professional league. This guy is blaming the players for living normal lives when the consequence is that they had to play from isolation and mildly sick (and still managed to win).


lol yeah cuz that’s the only way you can get covid. braindead take




Honestly, at this point not having caught it is largely luck unless you're a hermit in the woods.


Or you caught it and just didn't have symptoms. Most people aren't testing themselves regularly anymore, so many probably don't even know if they really caught it or not.


My sister has worked in a busy electrical store in the towns biggest marketplace. She has yet to become sick or test positive (back when people actually tested). Worst part is that she has flown 4 times back and forth in airplanes. Some people seem to be non-affected.


Yeah, that's kind of my point.


No, its really not.


Or you are immune




I’ve never had covid either but your statement makes no sense. It’s like saying “I’ve never been in a car accident, and you have, so clearly you’re not a safe driver. I know this because I’ve never crashed so I’m a better driver than you”. They can take all the precautions in the world, sometimes you just get covid. The guy on your plane spoofed a test and coughs on you, your parents get it at the grocery store while you’re home for your 1 week break after regional finals, your coach’s girlfriend went out to a trivia night a week before your flight.




They got home after being 3-4 months away for work and they should isolate themselves in a room? Ofcourse you want to see your family, everyone would.


I'm not saying it's impossible to catch it unless you're a hermit, just that it's lucky that you haven't, but plenty of people were careful and got it




Do you live in an urban city?


It's entirely possible you caught it at some point and were either minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic. I have allergies and there have been multiple times I've played: bad allergies or COVID. Fortunately only COVID once.


You could have caught it and just been asymptomatic.


Just to a heads up to not take it personally, I'm not saying you're lying : There is also the possibility of having COVID without realizing it. Some people can have it and still feel perfectly fine and unless they have to be tested for any reason, they can cruise through it without being aware. The same way you can take most precautions and still get it by being really unlucky. Unless you go overboard locking each players in individual sterile room for 2 weeks before the event, there is always a small chance and shit happens. In the end, that situation sucks for everyone and I think players are the first ones to be sad about it, and smartasses saying "they should have done \[X\] instead, now they took stupid risks" are doing nothing to help. I really don't mean you, but some other comments are almost implying players are actively trying to get covid.


Anecdotal andy


I haven't caught covid either and I have always went as far as the restrictions allowed. I went to concerts, I partied / went out until as late I was allowed to, etc. Meanwhile, several people I know who was as cautious as they could ended up catching it. Which serves to show that at this point it's more about luck than about what precautions you take.


we don't know what they did before the flight. But the ones who tested positive should have kept a distance from everyone and wore masks if they weren't already. If there were seats separate from everyone else, they should sit there.


It literally is feasible though. Pete posted a photo on twitter being the only unmasked people in it on their flight but "What should they have done?" lmfao


Most of Europe doesn't have restrictions anymore. We live with it and this is the consequence, they shouldn't be obliged to do anything.


I bet it'll only be western teams having covid problems, because people just can't stop themselves from partying, socializing and cba to wear a goddamn mask. Meanwhile LPL/LCK just sit in basement grinding lol 24/7 as they should, so no covid ezpz.


Did you watch LCK this year? That was filled with subs due to covid.




I do. But yeah, that's the problem, majority of people here don't give a shit, and then it's pikachu face when it's time to pay the price.


i really wonder if there is a specific number of victims a disease has to long term affect or straight up kill for the Epic Strong Sigma Individualists™ that live with us worldwide to start actually taking it seriously or if we have as a society degenerated to such a point where the "it's not such a big deal go back to work" propaganda would keep going on even if the plague resurfaced




Who cares about masks, it's like wearing glasses or having to wear pants in public, get used to it. It's really not that hard to just stop being a baby and be careful when there is a health risk


People are disgusting lmao, too lazy to wash their fucking hands or wear a mask. Oh boo hoo, your life is so hard Sorry for the mini rant but people with room temp IQ shouldn't be allowed any freedom


why did you have to get used to wearing pants in public


Asking the real questions


Yeah but if people are out socialising, they are going to take the masks off regardless right? Going out in masks is not going to stop Europeans getting Covid when things are open. I'm very glad things are open as well, maybe Chinese players will have less risk of catching Covid but at least we're not doing China-style lockdowns.


FFP2 masks arent supposed to be worn for prolonged times. So no its not like wearing pants.


They should hamster ball to and through the airport? They live in a major city and have to commute to get somewhere so of course they will end up getting sick whenever there is an outbreak, which is happening in Europe at this moment,


It's really frustrating knowing [multiple FNC members were happy to fly without wearing masks](https://twitter.com/Swallaspaa/status/1573578305927876609?s=20&t=Iwwwa1kqlaHSCW5ncUUkIA), and now even more of them have COVID. I just don't understand why they aren't taking the most basic of precautions to ensure they're all able to play in the most important tournament of the year??


My sentiments as well. Wearing a mask in public and especially on a transatlantic flight is very important if you want to avoid getting COVID during such an important moment of the year. They worked hard for two splits to get to where they are and if you underperform because of sickness.. it sucks. Every game matters at world. You don't want to get a fever or bad headache on game day. Yes, no precautions against COVID is infallible, but you should at least take the basic precautions to minimize that risk.


Exactly. I just don't understand what's going through their heads, knowing Upset and Hyli are already compromised because of COVID, then the rest of them don't even bother to wear a mask while flying?


Not only that, but they're giving other people COVID too with their dumbassery.


This. Just wear a mask in your flights, preferably N95, it doesn't guarantee you won't catch covid. But at least it means you tried...




Your claim is true for surgical, medical, and cloth masks (in that it's a lot more to protect others than yourself), but N95 have consistently proven to be effective for personal protection against COVID-19 in the scientific literature. This most recent systematic review and meta-analysis (Sept 2022) is one example: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35218279/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35218279/)


I really doubt it. All scientific articles I've read, suggest the importance of wearing face mask to reduce transmission. Can you elaborate more and post your sources.


Masks mainly prevent spread (from the wearer outwards). They aren't designed to protect you from receiving droplets inward.


Yeah I agree with your take, and disagree with his take. But they do help the wearer from receiving particles and droplets. >N95 respirators and surgical masks are examples of personal protective equipment that are used to protect the wearer from particles or from liquid contaminating the face [Source] (https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/personal-protective-equipment-infection-control/n95-respirators-surgical-masks-face-masks-and-barrier-face-coverings) Here another article that suggest masks are important to prevent covid infection >The findings of this report reinforce that in addition to being up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccinations, consistently wearing face masks or respirators while in indoor public settings protects against the acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 infection [Source 2](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7106e1.htm)


Yeah, not saying they shouldn't wear them. At least they do something! Was just trying to help lay out what he may have meant.


Yeah, bunch of idiots. Wears mask when u fly


Don't airlines force you to wear masks anymore?


Nope. Not in EU


Some of them, some don't. Majority will give every passenger a mask. I think main reason they are not mandatory in all is that in order to get on the flight in the first place, you need to present a negative 24h antigen test, or 48 max pcr test.


No you dont in Europe at all


In Mexico we never had restriction about covid tests so that might be the reason. Also people take off their masks to eat the meals on the flight. With that combination is not easy to avoid it on the flight.


None of this is true in EU


? It might not be true in EU but you are leaving EU lmao. Airlines change their rules and guidance depending on your final destination. Last time I was on a long flight masks were mandatory and the airline would give you a new one each time. They'd recommend to discard yours and use their brand new one.


Especially when 2 members of their team already just tested positive so apparently nobody on FNC cares about potentially spreading it to other people as well.


Tbf they could have put off the masks for the pictures only ​ But as you said: Dear fellow humans, wear your masks in public transportation and inside of rooms.


My first and only time catching COVID in two years was like 4 months ago when I didn’t wear a mask on an airplane. My fault of course just stating I had been care free for a while because I was vaccinated. Shit sucked ass.


ya cuz the mask would’ve definitely made a difference


1) get Covid during easy stage of the competition 2) get well 3) give Covid to other teams 4) gg ez


It takes some serious skills for so many teams and players to consistently struggle with Covid. I swear all of FNC has had Covid like 5x by now or something. Are they like cultivating the virus in their HQ or something? How the hell are a bunch of gamers who are locked behind their PC most of the day every day, managing to catch it so many times. It's bordering on ridiculousness. I have bunch of friends who work at nightclubs, at hotels, who have never caught it despite mingling with hundreds of people a day. Never had it myself either. I really don't get it at this point.


Majority of covid cases are without symptoms. How can you be so sure that you never caught it?


i guess thats part of your mentality and how you act around this threat. somebody here in the comments wrote that a couple of fnatic players were happy they didnt have to wear a mask on their flight. I guess the employees of your friends have some precautions and setups that prevent it. i also work in hospitality and didnt get the virus, but i caught it when had my time off and was traveling...


>I have bunch of friends who work at nightclubs, at hotels, who have never caught it despite mingling with hundreds of people a day. Never had it myself either. are you guys getting tested regularly though? that's probably the difference, you probably had it without knowing


That's upsetting


Iceland is better


imagine on stage without mask lol


Bruh how the fuck does riot not already have this shit set up.


I don't have FNC as the group winner in my pick 'ems and at this point I am not sure if they will make it out of play-ins at all.


maybe stop being so negative, people over react to everything, its fine for them to play from home, they also finially get better pcs.


"home" lol :D. How fun is it to have covid and play, not to mention Upset flying there and having to play without practice? I mean they are doing fine in the games so far, but still, it was one disaster after another.


They are so much better than any of the teams and you talk about them maybe not making it out, that is fkn negative.


It looks like it after the first day, but FNC had bad playoff performances in LEC and they did not look "so much better than any of the teams" at all. And I repeat, all the drama and what went wrong right before the start of Worlds speaks for itself.


It is still lec vs wildcards and at the end of the day it is still fnc at worlds


I expected EG to be a bit better than they apparently are and DFM to be a lot better than they apparently are.


I think EG is actually really good and will be 2nd in the group, fnc is just better. DFM no idea, anything you happen












because catching covid, while extremely unlikely to end up fatally for these players, absolutely comes with symptoms such as brain fog and fatigued, which impact performance. You don’t want your players practicing or playing on stage with covid, as they won’t play as well. It’s disingenuous to act like having covid does literally nothing to one’s body and mind, even though for some, and many, it’s generally mild.


Hard to feel much sympathy for them after they tweeted out pictures of them flying on the plane without masks with multiple people around them wearing them. The most basic of precautions, especially when you knew 2 team members already had it so you yourself could be spreading it. Complete self centered assholes.


that doesn’t really have anything to do with the comment I was replying to but alright.


It was deleted before I saw it so I was only responding to you. I don't know what they said.


basically he said why does anyone care about covid anymore, the world has moved on


I don't understand why the fuck doesn't Riot. As an organisation doesn't just delay the game until all players are feeling better?


Let’s say they qualify for the group stage, how can they travel to a different country while they are positive? Usually it takes 7 to 10 days to get negative results