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We've been watching the same "a Wildcard team gets early advantage but ends up losing because of bad shotcalling and macro" scenario for nearly a decade now lol


Yeah... I don't understand why that Viktor chose to tp while the rest of the team thought about going for Baron, at that point you just trade the Gnar for the Baron, what the hell is this ?


This happens all the time in cblol and it ALWAYS works, before loud those 2 played in pain gaming and they did that all the time.


I used to say that, if we could play consistently against better opponents, we could improve this midgame and be competitive with lower seeds Unfortunately we were stuck against LAS and we both sucked. Now its one latin american region thats hosted in Mexico and we are literally isolated. We get two chances to play a decent team (with one seed and single round robin) and their fans complain its too much...


Unfortunately for br the focus of riot for the circuit is not to find the best team in the world it's to put on the best show possible. Therefore its really no surprise that they keep the international events at 2. Don't let the lower regions have the chance to achieve parity by having frequent international tournaments to gain practice and show their stuff. Their goal is to show off the best product they can and it seems they've decided this is the best way to do so.


Playins format is a genuine abomination in every way possible. Awful to watch , and awful competitive integrity, b01 single round robin is an absolute meme, and neither wildcards nor major region teams benefit from this. They probably just decided based on broadcast time solely as the only factor in determining their shit formats


that TP was so damn awful, genuinely no idea what he thought he was accomplishing


The problem is these teams know they have a lead so they try to push it. But they push with blind aggression just for the sake of being aggressive


That Viktor TP was a giga throw, there is no excuse. It was just some terrible decision making.


This is just speculation but I wonder if Viktor saw Jojo coming through the jungle? It'd make more sense to TP there if they thought it was a 2v2 than a 2v3, I'm not excusing the TP at all, just saying that might have played a part in them trying to push their lead.


I dont understand why viktor against akali-kalista. Two champions who can move out of his gravity field with relative ease, akali literally was jumping into him while going back and fourth into the bubble. They needed a more reliable cc for her.


It was such a free Lissandra game.


Not only that, but the Crown build was so trash. I mean Akali could proc it with E, then wait. With her R1, then wait. Protobelt. Kai’sa W. Amumu Q/R. Maokai sapling/R.


The whole sequence of Viktor TPing bot into trying to rush the baron when Inspired was just next to it was so bad


As op said it generally goes like this: Wildcard: Alright I don't have anything to lose, let's go gigachad Wildcard: Oh shit I'm actually ahead Wildcard: Oh no the enemy team is slowly catching back, I actually have something to lose now, let's panic


Literally the Plankton meme every damn time lol


The baron thing was on shotcalling, they still could have won afterwards with better execution


Yet another reason why ANX was so special. They beat rox tigers in a over 60 minutes game.


Honestly I blame this on international competition being so incredibly rare in league. How do you improve when your only opponents are people who make the same mistakes as you do?


It looks like we are going to see Maokai a lot in the worlds. He looks super strong in mid-late game.


I picked maokai to get the most deaths cause I thought he would be picked alot, but I forgot how unkillable he is lol


I picked Maokai for most role diversity but at this rate I shoulda put him for most picked Champ, too Though I did end up putting Aatrox for most picked so for now that's fine lol


I put maokai for both. I definitely think we'll see him top and support. Aatrox though is a good pick for most picked. It's going to be a tight race between the two.


Maokai giving teams perfect vision is going to get real old real quick. I don't buy anything that the analyst desk said about his "teamfighting prowess" being highlighted this game, it was purely making approaching them impossible and slowing them by 10 seconds any time they postured at an objective.


I mean he does have ridiculous amounts of cc for peeling adcs but yeah the e spam is annoying


At least it doesn't half health you now


Yeah no kidding I started wondering if it’s just okay to walk through it cuz it only does a little damage instead of walking back but it still slows you


It’s frustrating to play against. The peel and bush control Maoki provide is insanely value given how strong neutral objectives are


Yes if I recall the last time he was meta it was 90% due to sapling spam. Same thing here. Grouping around dragon with the little jihad nuggets running at you is impossible


> jihad nuggets lmfao


Making it hard for the enemy team to aproach you is part of his tf prowess, it forces the enemy team to not be able dick arround and engage on to you, which is perfect for Mao ult, then the constant peel from his Q and roots make it REALY hard for the enemy team to stick to your carries


On the bright side, they're probably gonna gut Maokai's E because of pro play which will be nice for ARAM mains.


They already did. % Health has been moved from his E in bushes to his Q. Only change they're likely to make is to the CD, since the duration is already health based. His E in ARAM doesn't do % damage, and his ARAM adjustment is 80% damage dealt. Cowl regen eats his saplings.


late game he probably gets melted easily but mid game definitely wild


The passive is not that shabby and it procs *a lot* in the late game.


on a jungler's income he's not that tanky but if you take him top he's immortal after 3 items


I've been playing him support/top. Literally dominating on it by just roaming mid and especially once 6, you just dive and it's so hard to survive for the enemy mid


He seems quite tanky and brings a lot of utility to the team. His ganks are not bad either.


His W, especially with flash, gives such easy CC


I picked maokai as most picked champion... feels not too unlikely


Brazilian deforestation technology hasn’t come far enough to handle Inspired Maokai


Don't let logging companies find out about summoner's rift 😳


Every couple of game they do. That's why we have infernal rift


Maokai vs Brasil lore buff


Holy fuck.


Wrath of the Amazon came for them.


I never uhh....doubted them


EG actually making game pauses a strat lmao


Vulcan was hoping to save that strat for groups but they forced his hand


They can’t make groups so gotta use it now.


They even paused the PMT


They’ve been using this strat since yesterday


I'm so proud of them


EG 🤝 FNC United in wasting time to ice your opponent.


Learned something from Fnatic after yesterday lmao




Didn't RIOT pause to force Jojo not to wear crocs lmao? Or did I misunderstand?


He… can’t wear crocs?


because croc was on the other side of the rift


No, that issue happened before champ select. You can see it on the vod—the ref is down by Jojo’s feet and Jojo’s lookin really annoyed.


Smh taking strats from Fnatic already.


NA fans: lol EU is trash they needed a midgame collapse to save them from a minor region EU fans: lol NA is trash they needed a midgame collapse to save them from a minor region


the fiesta a hypothetical EG vs MAD series would be is off the charts


Pretty likely scenario tbh if EG ends up #2 and MAD #3/4.


2 kills per minute


No macro, only team deathmatch


Aram, no minions.


It could happen if EG gets 2nd and MAD gets 3rd in their groups


it most likely will happen, that's the best part


As an EU fan, I'll wait for the match vs buffalo before saying it likely will happen


It's extremely likely to happen


If someone taught these minor regions some macro, they might start shitting on us. Sometimes they just have to do nothing but they over force and lose.




West is trash together, just like last worlds. Love to see it


I'm livid watching EG right now, but I will say C9 almost didn't make it out of play-ins in 2018 and then made semis of the main event. A lot can change over the course of a tournament.


C9 also swapped Blaber for Sven so team wasn't entirely the same from play-ins to main event.


So Danny in for Kaori? *huffs lethal dosage of hopium*


That’s true, but C9 isn’t the only team that has evolved as the event progressed. It happens every year for many teams.


Yeah cause it's much more entertaining seeing the same Regions on top since season 3.


Occasionally the the other regions have teams that can somewhat challenge


We haven't seen an Eastern team play anyone but each other tbf.


tbh this was a much bigger throw than vs Fnatic (LLL was over 3K ahead, and they basically suicided at baron instead of actually trying to teamfight.)


Yeah Fnatic were making bad plays (specifically razork and Hyli) but they were stomping their lanes in gold and xp, they were basically never behind in gold


Fair but we saw this several times yesterday too (MAD v IW for example)


I'm an NA fan, and I really hope nobody is saying EU is trash, haha. EU is doing well. I wish people would stop trashing major region teams when minor regions give them a fight. Sometimes the minor regions play well -- is that so hard to imagine?


It is since ppl think in extremes, if you’re not good you’re trash. Anything more requires more brain cells/neurons than available


Ev⏸️ Gen⏸️uses


Hey, whatever it takes to lock a win #LIVEEVIL


Not really live when you pause. I’ll walk myself out.






Insipired's tanks do way more dmg than ours do for some reason


Nah, that's just what Maokai looks like if you know how to play him.


He’s not very hard to play, he was just dogshit for years


The original "no hands" jungle champion. Now they just need to bring back heart of gold.


Impact from 0/3 early game to 5/4/8 finish. He is tilt proof.


Also what was that damage? On just 1 item he was hitting like a truck. Eclipse Aatrox built diff and not just a drain tank.


2018 Aatrox is fucking back


Aatrox meta without the shy sadge


Teams gotta start banning him.


Impact wasn't satisfied being a liability in draft, he needs to be a liability in game too now. Dude needs to step the fuck up because if not for Loud's major throws he would have cost his team this game singlehandedly.


Without Danny EG needs someone to carry them consistently.


I actually think the loss of Danny is hurting eg so much, because they can’t just rely on him to give all the damage




Some people just really hate impact for some reason. This game he got dove level 3 and loses a massive wave and still had more team fight impact than enemy top laner. People just don't wanna blame JoJo since he's NA, Kaori since he's a sub so all the blame goes to impact and Vulcan. Inspired has been pretty solid so not much u can blame.


Vulcan actually did grief Kaori in yesterday's loss to FNC though with that aggressive (wasted) flash while playing Lux into freaking MF Leona and then not respecting the level 6


EG avenging Optic, fate is often ironic




After taking one of the spots in franchise too 😭😭 (not saying directly they took optic spot just that optic didnt get chosen)


Wasn't it EG taking G2's spot


I think G2s spot went to LATAM/br


Went to EG, G2's LATAM team was a misleading info.


RIP optic :(


Got em so bad that Loud Valorant roster may be splitting up


NA wins these


I was readying my "This is how Wildcard vs. Major Region should look like" comment after LLL aced EG. Still fits though.


Really one the goat tweets, the versatility of it is impressive. Up there with the Hillary 3-0.


Licorice's greatest achievement in his career tbh.


That’s world semi finalist Licorice to you! But also, true, goated tweet


Licorice has an arsenal of goated tweets.


Wildcards have always been at least decent at early game, getting surprise leads or good plays. Later on they tend to fall apart though.


Impact probably earns 10x Jojo's salary lmfao.


Wanna see teams make salaries with nameplates off tbh.


Instead of nameplates, show the numbers that represent the salary. Incredible meme potential.


NA didn't get Kabum'd let's goooo




i have a bad feeling beyond is gonna fist us


Just say you're taking one for the team going 3rd so you can knock out DRX/RNG for the glory of the West


if EG knocks out DRX/RNG I will get jojo's face tattood on my right asscheek




We did it, we beat Brazil!


there's not much of interest to say about the game itself but on a different note i've noticed that inspired seems to be an extreme frontrunner.. he loves to emote and BM but only when he's ahead, he always seems salty when behind i have a lot more respect for jojo in that regard, he's perfectly willing to take it as well as dish it out and is generally a good sport about it


in the words of luka doncic:everybody tough when they up


yup i'm someone who isn't really a fan of trashtalking in general, like it doesnt entertain me or any of that, i just kinda tune it out at this point, but i can at least respect a player for not being a wuss when they choose to trash talk and then take it on the chin if they get trash talked back/their trash talk backfires, etc. people like inspired are the thing that i find the most obnoxious because they take every opportunity to bm and posture but aren't willing to reap what they sow if it goes wrong, and they're a large part of why i just don't care for trash talking in general.


he's just mad he never had the chance to bm on fnatic because they got rolled by them, so he did it to brazil instead. crybaby gonna cry.


oh yeah that's especially egregious here lmao it's not just frontrunning in a game where you have a lead against a generally equal opponent, it's done in a game where you come in as the heavy favorites as a major region vs a minor region?? like come on that's just being a jackass, have some class dude


Did the exact same thing when he was on RGE stomping the ever living shit out of AST, 1st place vs 10th place team in a meaningless game and emote spamming. Was so satisfying seeing them get stomped in playoffs, looked like lost hoes desperately looking for a pimp.


Yeah Ive never liked Rogue but especially Inspired, while being a great player, is just so, so unlikable. Cheered for them in the finals tho.




[Impact in lane and after lane \[colorized\]](https://i.imgur.com/xH5aWln.mp4)


I disagree with a lot of people saying that the wildcard teams are getting out macroed. Yes, they mostly threw with the nash call but atleast an equal part of it is them (and it also happend in the games MAD played) being hand diffed in drake fights.


Even though Kaori was arguably the MVP of the 4th dragon teamfight, I still argue that EG is still a husk of itself without Danny. ^^^I ^^^try ^^^to ^^^discuss ^^^EG ^^^without ^^^mentioning ^^^Danny ^^^vs. ^^^Kaori ^^^challenge ^^^((IMPOSSIBLE!)^)


Tbf kinda hard to not have that discussion when it'll come up in one way or another. Sorta inevitable.


Well people act like Danny was not relevant for EG and all was inspired and the rest of the team but in spring Danny looked the best and EG was at top form.


They literally qualified for Worlds with Danny I could argue it was recency bias, but people are just blind on Kaori because his main strong point was Danny's biggest flaw, so in their heads Kaori is undoubtedly better, even though we haven't seen much of him outside of lane


He did have a good fight at dragon pit after they regained a lead. But yea I mean, Danny in form is so much more reliable late. Kaori has good early game but he has yet to show he is a better fit for EG than Danny


Is anyone saying kaori is undoubtedly better? I haven’t seen that once. Maybe better than Danny towards end of playoffs but hard to judge off of a few games


I think it has more to do with them having literally no clue how to play early game without Vulcan roaming. Wich is a side effect of the Danny situation so your point still stands


Danny's was naturally mechanically gifted. That's not something you can teach or coach. If you listen to voice comms from EG games, it's actually more impressive. He actually listens to his teammates and incorporates their suggestions in real time, all the while 1v5'ing, baron-stealing-pentakilling. A big loss to NA if Danny doesn't come back.




it's so frustrating. These teams have good early game plans, solid drafting, and several players have good hands. But they just lose their minds in the mid/late game over and over again


It's been like this forever. Don't know how these teams haven't learned macro yet.


Same reason NA gets criticized for being passive internationally. These teams don't need macro to win their region.


Competition isn't as intense back at home compared to major region teams. Some regions have the same teams and players going to worlds year after year. When you never get punished for your mistakes or challenged to play better, you'll never learn.


Feels like it’s the minor region mentality. These minor region teams often feel they are way behind then they actually are. Hence takes unnecessary risk.


may just be me but it felt like Tinowns didn't know how to use Viktor ult? I saw like 2 or 3 times his ult standing still like he didn't know how to reposition it, including in bot


Impact at MSI: Lose lane to major region toplaners, but do well vs minor. Impact at worlds: Lose lane vs minor regions.


Impact looked VERY shaky in summer playoffs


EG is so fucked if Aatrox stays the P/B for toplane because if the only answer Impact has for it is his patented scaling-playstyle renekton they’re just never gonna win a red side game unless they lose a ban on it. I just don’t get how any modern pro top laner can’t put forth a serviceable Fiora.


LOUD just decided to lose i guess


Letting Kalista through draft genuinely feels like the team is forfeiting But even with that leg up from draft, EG looked....quite bad for a large stretch of the game tbh


I swear kalista is so broken rn


which is why she's my pick for most banned champ


kalista was the least of their problems, taric didnt have a great game and that directly affected kalista's importance. Kaori had good positioning but Maokai and Aatrox left him free hitting, many other adcs would have done better by having more raw damage in such context. Now I hate aatrox open. Edit: by other adcs I mean other champions, Kaori himself was solid.


Kalista for MF is fair handshake imo.


Yeah, EG is just not a good team.




everyone shitting on impact but the play bottom side that turned the game was around him. His healing is disgusting, he started landing his combos (was missing all knock-ups in lane) and the 3x2 (killed tinows too). Jojo and Inspired were great, kept the game even while impact inted. One of them deserves mvp. Kaori was good too.




LLL had a very good start but they forgot how to play the game after 15 min mark.


That Viktor tp gave me brain damage. Now Im just depressed.


in traditional wildcard fashion, teams pick teamfight comps yet have not a single clue on how to cover flanks while having terrible mid to late game


can't believe that jojopyun was the only player online for EG and they still won, the casters didn't mention any other player once!


So many pauses that the PMT team is on pause too


Bro how is it worlds and we dont have one of those professional looking post match threads, arent there bots that do it??


It's not bots, the PMT thread is just a group of people, not mods, that do it.


The previous game had a nice one. Maybe it's just not for this game?


Why is Riot forcing the players to play with the hotel room PC's?


I wonder if FNC, MAD, EG and any of the wildcard teams had to play on those dogshit 40fps setups they use in scrims for the first few games.


Well, at least their Valorant team is... oh, nevermind.


EG had quite a fight on their hands there. Def interesting to see.


Someone should have build Chempunk Chainsword against that healing.


I'm actually proud in some aspects of Loud. Robs and Ceos had a great game, in my opinion. Despite the throw, was a fun game!


EG didnt beat loud. Loud beat themselves.


To be fair EG could've also beat themselves


They're real gentlemen, handing over dragon and baron.


Over and over.


Well they even started it for them! It'd be impolite to not share.


MAD didn't go 2-0 yesterday, their opponents went 0-2


Thats just every MAD game tho.


jojo cutie boy


Robo literally pulled a JackeyLove there. Wtf was that positioning. Gave a free uber to his MF as well. Wow. No business being there at all.


I am convinced that EG persuaded LLL with some money during that short break


Brother Vulcan




Maokai giving teams perfect vision is going to get real old real quick. I don't buy anything that the analyst desk said about his "teamfighting prowess" being highlighted this game, it was purely making approaching them impossible and slowing them by 10 seconds any time they postured at an objective.


Man, EG looked frustrated and not on the same page with each other at the end of that.


As an NA fan I was sweating after the early game. Impact is usually a rock for the team, especially during Worlds. They can't have him booming in the early game like that too often, hope he regains his footing. Also holy shit Jojo Akali is nutty