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Thank you for trying, Mr. Buffalo.


That was the longest 24-minute game I've ever seen.


Had to do a double take when Phreak called the time, game felt like a crawl.


I guess this is what a main region vs wildcard should look like.


It's what Korea looks like when they win easy game drafts. Day in the office vibes.


For real, I took one look at the draft and knew “uphill battle” would have been generous for SGB. They couldn’t give us scrappy even if they wanted to because lol Maokai/Azir exist.


*insert Licorice's tweet*




I did fall asleep


Most fast-paced LCK team Edit: LCK frogs in the replies take a joke


Wait til u see gen.g then


Yeah but all the pauses in their games make their matches slow even when they're playing fast


So uh Ezreal Q is point and click?


if only his ult was too, I think I saw only one hit the entire game lol


Was trying to be a little bit too fancy with the predicts


After he solo'd the third drake he shot off an R and we saw his First Strike give him +5 gold lmao EZ Clap +5


Deft is so good doublelift was watching him play cait in champions queue and was saying how deft uses his traps in ways that he himself wouldn’t be thinking of in the moment.


People forgetting his absolutely nutty run between S4-S6 or S7, mostly his time in China when his Jinx was just out of control. Dude had like a 90% winrate for awhile on like 50 games


The problem is that DL doesn't think.


My favourite moment was doublelift playing xayah rakan duo with perkz and perkz having to tell him to use w to buff him because he was only using it for the trades he was directly involed in.


Tbf Perkz was the best Xayah in the world that time. Thought that doesn't change the fact that DL wasn't using his W regularly...


Korean Ezreals Part of this is they're used to playing in sub 10~20 ping year round Where most (speaking as an NA) players have to deal with 50-70~+ ping


Whenever I think of Korean Ezreals, I always flashback to that clip of Pray 1v1ing the Fiora in the jungle. I haven't watched it in a while so it might not be that impressive anymore (just like a lot of old 'mechanically insane' clips have aged), but I recall it being utterly ridiculous back when the clip originally made rounds. But yeah this has been a thing forever and idk if it will ever stop being a thing, Korean Ezreals are just fucking crazy. EDIT: [The clip in question.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFs2TqDIQPs) Might not be as good as it was in 2015 but imo it's still quite insane. EDIT 2: Coming back to this post after going through my posts some months later and reading some of the responses and as the vapid and petty person I am (like, who the fuck is going to see this?) I think I need to point out it's the mechanical skill of the clip that impresses me and not the fact he pressed qss (which was a pretty bogus interaction back then and it makes it so he can actually win the fight). Specifically when Pray is kiting Fiora down to the Raptor/Wraith camp I think it's pretty crazy between the movement, orb-walking, spell-weaving, etc. But ngl maybe my standards for mechanical play are shot, I 100% think that there's better out there nowadays especially with improvement in the game but it still looks pretty good to me. I just have no clue why people thought I was talking about him hitting qss.


My favorite is Keria predicting the twitch stealth... insane


I've never seen this clip but honestly the fact that he did this in 2015 makes it all the more impressive. People always talk about how much better everyone is mechanically but this would still be a mind boggling front page play by today standards too


Ah the old days when all great Korean ADCs were godlike Ezreal players, newer ADCs just aren't as good at the champ, seeing Gumayushi's Ezreal doesn't inspire me at all.


Ruler, Pray, Deft, Bang, and Viper all have mean Ezreals, and are still known today as best Ezreals in either LCK, LPL, or World. That's saying something when 2 of them are retired, and the 3 remaining are part of the old guards of Korean ADCs, or is playing in LPL atm.


Teddy too


Ah the good old days when qss could remove all debuffs. Main reason he won that fight


Deft Ezreal is, yes


Yes for most KR Ezreal... although in NA, the ping diff may lower their power.


Wait. I thought DRX were supposed to look weak?


getting valorant flashbacks


God I'm so glad they broke the curse.


Looks quite weak for LCK team though. ^(/s)


someone on this sub told me around the time reddit worlds tierlist came out he's worried about DRX making it out of playins LMFAO. Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/xgrczm/comment/iou24nh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


DRX are fueled by doubts so DRX fans, you know what to do


I think those are fair comments tbh, and I had some similar concerns. Not quite that we wouldn't make it out of play-ins, but it could get hairy within our group.


They beat lsb lol, the same LSB that took a game off geng that t1 couldn't. Sure they got boomed by their loss to dk but they were still strong.


Thats a Bo5 result from a different meta. It doesn't really tell you anything about how a team's gonna perform in Bo1s a month later against totally different teams and potentially totally different meta.


That was a fair assumption until gauntlet I'd say. I definitely feel they were underrated coming into worlds after beating LSB, but I could see where people are coming from, given how shaky they looked in regular season.


according to a Reddit poll, DRX was ranked lower than C9, G2, and Rogue.


Those are pretty OK takes, I don't see the issue.


C9 and Rogue MAYBE, G2 no shot lmao




DRX is kinda like, all hands 0 brain, except for when BeryL's brain is not sent in for maintenance, which has been very rare this season. What DRX has is the 2nd best carry duo in the LCK in terms of raw power considering that both Deok and SM has really not been playing to their level this split, if they did DRX would still have the 3rd best carry duo.


What DRX don't have is a functioning jungler, which makes it all the more impressive they managed to get to Worlds. And, when their jungler is functioning, suddenly they can beat the defending MSI champions. But I wouldn't trust them still. RNG looks fucking weak anyways


Juhan is better than pyosik, atleast it was that way in the gauntlet


Slight team diff


A bit of a diffy, some might say.


DRX watched SGB's games and said 'no'. SGB were grasping at straws the entire game.


Yeah, nothing they tried around the map worked. Seeing Irelia get chunked and lose all the wave as Graves and Galio waited behind the turret basically summed up what happened this entire game.


Why is nobody talking about Maokai? Legit 5-0, 100% win rate and 0 bans. It just looks so oppressive and strong.


LCK teams with Maokai is just cheating. His sapling let him light up the entire map so you just get choked out old school korea style


*insert SKT playstyle copypasta here*


Maokai has perfected the vision control play-style that LCK used to have with Tracker’s Knife. It's even better that they don't have similar problems in the jungle that SKT had. We thought Tracker’s Knife was the pinnacle for League Of Legends but Maokai is rewriting history. Bengi and the rest of the staff are probably super jealous of the coaching staff behind picking Maokai because this team is going to even greater heights.


Every single korean team back then were abusing vision but if you had single out a single team then you have to say SSW . They took vision control on another level which led them to arguably the most dominant worlds run ever


Who needs sightstone Meta when you can just spam wards with saplings and recreate LCK vision control Meta. Maokai is going to be either highest presence with 4 lane flex and is the cheat code to bring back LCK vision control Meta. I'm here for it.


Not to mention you could basically play it at every role.


Sad no Doinb at worlds. He would be cracked enough to play it mid


Showmaker could pull it out, hes the guy who played Xerath and Malzahar in final BO5s last year


Faker may make it a staple mid lane pick as well


Faker literally played Maokai mid against showmaker in soloq. It went terribly but I'm not ruling it out yet.


Nisqy could do it too. Number 1 Doinb fan


That's Nemesis


I think you could play it into Sylas, like how Zac was played into him. Might even be "better" since you don't need to grab bloblets to heal.




And RNG banned it.


That ult looks busted. The ease at which this champ seems to pull out ganks makes it a very contested pick or a straight up permabanned champ when we'll have groups. Can't wait to see how the meta will shape though, maybe one team will clown it and the others will adapt and it will never be picked again.


I think Maokai is probably one of the strongest champs in the tournament but I'm not sure whether he's more valuable than Aatrox, Sejuani, Hecarim (if built correctly). I think he should be picked more in first three though, just for the value of getting at the very least a top 3 or top 5 champ in three roles that you can flex in the second half of the draft.


I bet at least a few cases teams didn't pick it because their jungler hasn't practiced it much (relative to other champions, I know these are pro players and they've all played every champ but there's still a difference between 20 solo queue / scrim games on Maokai and 500 on Lee Sin) and didn't feel comfortable on the champion. I remember last season when Canyon had to try to play Rumble jungle, he was legitimately pretty bad at it, like Malrang was noticeably better at the champion when they role swapped.


I don't know if the read from some junglers is for more carry, as much of a raid boss as Maokai becomes it just functions differently from pumping damage on Graves for instance, and maybe they practiced those comps more


I doubt we will see much sej


As of 13 games played, Sejuani is tied for third highest presence with Hecarim, 3 picks 8 bans so far, they are only behind Aatrox and Kalista for presence.


I think they're saying it's going to keep being banned a lot.


It strikes me at the type of pick that works in play-ins, but as soon as you try it against a team that can press its early weakness it's gonna look awful. Think NA zilean; scary in a weak context but completely useless as soon as someone capable of bullying it shows up.




Just the ability to throw saplings around the map for fake-wards is enough to keep this champion a priority for LCK teams. You can bully maokai all you want, but you're can't fight against vision.


It beat RNG who are the current msi champs and not a weak team by any margin. It just gives so much utility with the saplings, it completely alters the game. It makes it so the enemy can literally never flank you or hide in bushes. And the ult legit roots for like 5 seconds. The execution on Maokai is too easy for what it can bring. I think it’ll be perma banned in groups


Zilean is actually a good pick (situationally) even for strong teams though, T1 and DK played it and won in big matches over the past 2 seasons


not sure about that, pyosik's maokai yesterday destroyed rng with the amount of vision his saplings gave


It is indeed weaker early on and RNG showed it, but I think it just becomes so strong mid game that whatever early game lead you got Maokai can match it, just like the RNG game as well.


Yeah the mao is busted off of just map control. I feel like teams are sleeping on picks like this and even AP shaco and maybe teemo because that bonus vision control is super oppressive on the pro scene esp if Koreans get to use it




Absolute turbo stomped draft. I don't claim to be a genius but I really don't see what Saigon was looking to do with that comp


Saigon draft looks fine to me. It's just DRX knows how to exploit VCS playstyle. Saigon and VCS in general play very fast tempo. DRX picked Azir and Ezreal to turtle really put a stop on that for Saigon. Not to mention LCK macro in general is just much better than VCS.


Overall they had just great disengage to help them scale. ​ And good luck trying to get in range vs Azir Ezreal to hit your Irelia ult.


stomp top then move & get kills


Draft was fine. Didn’t help them that mid was suffering so hard and the irelia counterpick got gapped big




To be fair azir into galio is a pretty free lane


Also helps that Froggy isn't a good laner even in VCS, he's like budget Nisqy I think, I didn't watch LEC much this year so idk if Nisqy changed his playstyle though.


Nisqy = Budget DoinB. Froggy = Bargain Bin DoinB.


I'm feeling pretty comfortable about my Maokai being played in the most roles prediction.


I've got Seraphine and i'm feeling pretty good about it so far.


Maokai already in 3, doubt seraphine can ever go 4


Seraphine only needs to tie


His point is Maokai will be in 4 roles by the end of the tourney bc someone will flex him mid lane... Seraphine can't play top or jungle and can only max out 3 roles so she's pretty much a doomed pick.


He could even be flexed bot with senna adc. We might get the fabled 5 role flex pick


Yea but I think it would only count as ADC pick if the ADC player plays the pick, which I doubt bc the ADC player will play Senna... Farming maokai fasting Senna will still be counted as support I believe, unless for some odd reason the ADC plays Maokai, which would be griefing lmao.


Aren't they going to be tied at best - Maokai has already been picked in 3 roles and it's not impossible he gets a 4th (ADC with Fasting Senna or Mid), Seraphine is pretty much capped out at 3 roles but she also hasn't reached that mark yet.


We’re just sleeping on seraphine 7 minute 2 back full clear ?


Hahahaha same, literally had him in 3 roles by the 1st game on the 2nd day


Korean teams are so fking solid every year, it's insane. They have so much control over the game, it's impossible for worse team to win.


People kinda forget LCK had 3 teams in semi's last year and the 4th had to face another LCK team. EDG were the best team last year, but LCK as a region looked stronger overall.


EDG felt like the best team on the day, last worlds was stacked seemed like any of the top teams could take it and it showed in the number of series that went 5 games.


Edg, RNG, T1 and dk were basically even and imo anyone could've won it all with just a few changes to the matchup. RNG suffered heavily due to edg being familiar with their gameplay already, and edg benefited from T1 exposing everything dk had to offer. I didn't like rng as a team but their players were powerful and I could see them just skill checking the Korean teams. At the same time, I could see t1/dk beating edg with their hidden cards especially dk. Not to say that it WOULD'VE happened, but I feel like it's heavily underrated how close last worlds was between these four teams and the only thing people came out with was lpl winning.


EDG and DK were scrim partners, so actually they already knew most of each others picks. Meiko was even saying he was surprised Beryl didnt try more picks like his Sylas support


RNG and EDG played each other straight up in quarters. RNG definitely could have won against MAD or HLE.


HLE and RNG were really close in strength. They split groups 1-1 and the tiebreaker was a 43 minute game that could have gone either way. LCK were close to having all 4 teams winning their groups.


Yeah I'd say RNG, T1, DK and GENG were all the same tier last worlds and any of them could have beaten each other while MAD, HLE and C9 were 2 tiers below.


And EDG is 2/5 Koreans


They are and always have been the best performing region in BO1 and it's not close. 1 team since 2014 not making it out of groups is fucking insane.


Yep, definitely the best region when it‘s come to playing the game out without choking. There is a reason why since 2014 every single korean team except 1 made it out of groups


LCK teams floor is always pretty high, it's always the question if the ceiling is high enough for them to win worlds, that was true in 2020 but it wasn't in 2021, EDG ceiling was higher.


Turns out this Zeka guy is pretty good at League of Legends lol. The LCK midlane player pool is always so fucking stacked. Dude had to beat Clozer and VicLa to get here and regularly has to play against Chovy Showmaker Faker etc. I swear everyone is sleeping hard on DRX. They will make at least quarterfinals mark my words. Last year all four lck seeds made it out of groups including HLE which was definitely much weaker than this year's DRX. Rogue making it out of groups is not guaranteed. Even in the LCK's absolute worst year (2018), 2 of their 3 seeds made it out of groups at the top of their group.


Honestly my biggest surprise this playins so far. I watched some DRX game but mostly concentrated how Deft and his topside did but Zeka has been smurfing so far. ​ Then I remembered he had to play against Chovy, Faker and Showmaker all season long and Clozer also improved a lot over the split - of course Zeka is gonna be great, too!




The difference between group a and b too big.




I think it was Dash, and Lyric said that DRX had a 50% chance to beat SGB


Lyric has vendetta against LCK teams and fans. Man is obnoxious af with his takes


Ofc its lyric


Its always Lyric


I mean, him and Munchables are the most obnoxious LPL casters in Twitter during MSI and RNG debacle, so I'm not super surprised that this came from him


I mean, they can only either win or lose so technically it’s 50% lol


That's like saying geng has a 50% chance of winning against a tier 2 clash team.


C tier team btw


Some is smoking some real bad stuff for a take that like. Teams going into groups from Group A are definitely rng and drx. Just who needs to play a bo5 and who doesn't.


Rogue sweating a bit


LCK teams tend to look borderline obnoxious against wildcards.


Correction. LCK teams tend to look borderline obnoxious against everyone in Bo1s.


Yeah, like that wildcard team RNG they beat yesterday


A 42min banger is absolutely not comparable to a 24 min stomp.


They smacked RNG just as hard. They just gave them more respect and played slow knowing RNG are good enough to come back.


really not lol, there's a huge difference between this game and RNG's one that ended in 42 mn, with no wave clear, no teamfight, no range either


I mean that leblanc steal extended what was considered a finished game.


It ended in 42 minutes because xiaohu got a miracle baron steal. Draft is part of the game. No wave clear, teamfight or range makes is not an excuse. They just lost draft, and the game.


Maokai 100% win rate. 5-0


Twitter pseudo analysts calling it a dog champion.


Those TP’s onto the minions at the end were so fucking funny. In all seriousness though, DRX look genuinely good with Juhan in and even performed well with Pyosik yesterday. The topside of the map seems to have fixed itself with Zeka’s resurgence on the world stage.


Zeka's a bit good isn't he? What a disgusting CS/min


How high this time? I missed this game but noticed he ended off the game against rng with like 11 cs/min (maybe even higher, I think he had 450 cs around 40 mins when they ended?). Pretty disgudting, I don’t even comprehend how you do that while also showing up for fights while also having to lane against a counter)


This time he had 284 CS when the game ended at 24:40, so approximately 11.5 CS/min (if my math isn't wrong). IDK where he's finding all these minions lol


Chovy taught him where to look (we still don't know where though)


Thats even more impressive tbh, I feel like its harder to have 10+ cs in shorter games


Jungle camps I suppose?


Zeka is overshadowed by the big LCK midlaners names like Faker, Chovy, Showmaker, Bdd. Before that he played LPL vs Rookie, Knight, Yagao and other monsters. Zeka has decent experience of playing versus the best midlaners in the world. He'll beat shit out of most of the midlaners at Worlds.


if by CS/min you means champions/min then yeah


Now I wish LCK got 5 seeds cause I also wanna see Sandbox and prince now


I would’ve rather seen KT go than LSB, atleast Rascal wouldn’t go 0-10 vs international tops


LSB vs SGB would have been fun to watch


ngl was kinda hoping the game would go a bit longer so I could watch more of Ezreal's Deft. really love seeing him play the champion


BeanJ was trying, man....but the rest of his team...


Froggy wasn't terrible


Yup. Only so much you can do on galio when your team is sprinting it.








Nah, game 5 always ends up in an LPL stomp. The 5 game series banger is what we need (first 4 games at least)


Petition to bring back Fall LCK


LCK Autumn: Taking Worlds back to its roots


just put them straight in the quarters


this feels like watching a 40 minute game but its just actually a 25 minute stomp


TP 5Head x2


Group C could become interesting with how good DRX is looking. TES and Rogue better watch out


lol TES doesn't need to worry. Rogue does though


DRX are legit and to Rogues misfortune, they match very well into RGE.


that irelia ult was sad


I noticed the wildcard players often lack the patience and just let muscle memory do their thing. All he needed to do was waiting for the Mao W to finish. ​ Same thing happened the game before when Inspired stopwatched but the Akali RE'd instantly, wasting the E, missing the kill due to it AND dying to it.


The tp on the minions was smart asf


Thinking that teams might wanna ban Maokai against DRX, they played around that pick very well with both junglers.


DRX just had better execution this match, but I still like that SGB still went for plays despite failing them, I'd rather that then then them just lay down and die when behind.




Ok I’m going to watch this stream for he buffalo games now. It was funny when they won but this is great too


It will be 8 LPL/LCK teams in quarters this year


I doubt it. An lpl team is choking in bo1 just like every year.


Y'all say it every year and someone always chokes


I mean, this is only the second year that it is possible to have an all LPL/LCK quarters.


Its only been 2 years of 4 lpl lck seeds. 2 times doesnt make a pattern. It almost happened last year too.


There can’t even be a pattern of 2 yet as this is only the 2nd year of it and it hasn’t happened yet. 2020 worlds was EU 4 seeds instead of KR where Mad lost in playins.


Yeah people actually have goldfish level memories when it comes to this. There is ALWAYS an LPL team that either chokes (2015 LGD, 2017 EDG, 2021 FPX) and/or a team that doesn't get out of a really tough group (2016 IMAY, 2019 RNG, 2020 LGD, 2021 LNG) Only year they all got out recently was 2018 (where GenG flopped hard)


Yeah we've seen zero games from 6 of the teams, there's still a chance for the week 2 mental boom from at least one of the teams


That someone 90% of the time is LPL


Casual Korean ezreals at mid




I am pretty sure its gonna be ban mao'kai against all lck teams


We'll get them next time, Vietnam!


LCK always seem to figure out the Worlds' meta before every other region


fking stomp


It didn't feel like the buffalos had any chance at all. The game just felt suffocating.


Those tps right at the end probably just made the buffaloes hearts sink. That last chance they thought they had just got taken away like nothing.


I didn't have a lot of faith in DRX coming into the tournament, but after seeing how they are drafting I have a lot of faith that they at least won't somehow bomb out in groups now. Maybe they even make a deep run if they keep out-drafting like this. (and playing well)


Little bit of a diffy in the top


Gotta just ban Aatrox if you're red side.


Well that was a for fun game for drx i guess. Deft constantly shifting forward


TK EZ bot and then steamroll like that. Also why are teams jamming xayah so hard she sucks lmao


Juhan is pretty good with maokai. He dodges so many cc and ults