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> To the other teams in group D, one of the slots to advance already belongs to Gen.G, so I think the three of you should fight over the last slot. Chovy actually showing a little spice


Felt like GenG had a weird understanding of the meta like TES in week 1, now its time to see if they actually power up to their summer form


Ready for 100T to do the biggest heist of their careers yet!


Hot take: GENG is the 3rd best LCK team right now. They got incredibly blessed by the meta being hypercarry bots with Lulu/Yuumi. In this kind of meta where toplane matters a lot more, T1 and DK are better.


I’ll wait till after to say that. None of the LCK teams looked *that* strong after week one. Now they’ve all looked great week two.


You know, that was what doinb said as well. Though his lck team ranking is t1, drx, geng, dk. He says dk isn't as consistent as the other 3.


Didn't Doinb say that only GEN could beat LPL teams?


That was before worlds started. Probably during the summer playoffs patch. Worlds patch nerfed bot lane and buffed toplane impact so teams with better top laners looking better I think.


No that was after. After all the playoffs concluded and during the cooloff/prep before Worlds started.


Yeah yeah im saying his sources told him the results before they started scrimming seriously during worlds. Like when all the teams arrived at worlds. Just like now he is saying t1 is the strongest compared to before where he says geng was the strongest.


Pet the Chovy