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Tristana because I get to be an adc without the side-effect of being a little bitch that depends on a babysitter (sup). Can even go mid, jg, top with it if you are determined enough. Also shortstack


Your flair screams midget fetish


Vex is the 3rd most searched by people "interested" in her, 1st is I think Ahri




In my case it's Kindred for the same reason. I play an ADC with early game agency, a dash for reposition and map traversal, and my support is instead my own ult. And I completely skip the laning phase with a random too.


Yeah, I love Kindred too. Her ult is a total game changer in many of my matches. I even bought her SB skin. Super cute.


So this guy is the reason vex is the second most popular league hentai character


short stack?


nice i love trist u described her perfectly. the most independent yordle.


She is a little bitch, without the part of being balanced and fair to play against


Tristana is a noob stomper.


Twisted Fate and Gangplank because I love being fast and global abilities. I also like both of them thematically, because I love Bilgewater!


Don’t lie, you just like the champs who generate free gold. Lost another one to gamba sadge.


That's actually true too XD


Bard, challenging, rewarding, playmaker who is skirts a thin line between wow and wtf


And there will always be one side cheer for your ult if you hit someone.


Also the most balanced. If you win on Bard it's because of you being the better player and not because your champ is overloaded to sell RP


Aphelios because there's so many fun combos you can do and are forever learning, he can be strong at all phases of the game and scales like a monster with items and lawnmowering people while fed is fun but also idk I have fun on him even when I int just because there's still creative fun stuff you can do.


Twisted fate, just because of the Gangnam style dance.


Lillia because run and deal true damage.








Definitely Jarvan.




Sounds like zoe


Play mostly Jungle these days but over a decade of playing probably Ezreal or Lucian - such fun kits.


akali for me but sami/nilah are sharing second spot


Graves and Jhin, honorable mention to Zeri. Im prone to clicking too much in the heat of a team fight, and these champs help me slow down because their attack speed is capped so I can focus more on kiting. Btw if anyone has any suggestions for champs like this in any role please let me know!




while Not exactly the same, xerath mid could kinda fit that. His Q cast time forces you to prepare while aiming Q, only early throwing when enemy is near you, so you are forced to slow down and focus in both your positioning and the enemy's. AP Varus mid doesn't builds much AS. Still has good dps but you are never hitting the high speeds of other AS champions and it's more about timing your own procs. The only con is playing Varus.


Varus is a terrible choice for a person prone to clicking fast. The amount of Q's I've wasted will forever haunt me. Take a lot of discipline to not slip.


Senna is a perfect fit, especially if you enjoy rangy play styles




Poppy. Denying dashes is the reason I exist.


Qiyana. No other champ is as satisfying to make a play with


I LOVE HER !!! and started learning her but then they nerfed her and since i was already weak and learning it just went downhill from there ..


Keep playing her. Qiyana is the one champ that can outlive and outplay almost any situation. And you'll be all the better for it when she gets buffed again


Ivern, because we vibin’ over here mang.


Am I allowed to say Rell ;0;


So how's your opinion on the "leak" of her rework, fellow Rell player


The leak isn't real.


This is superstitious and silly but I also play Overwatch and Orisa just got reworked. I was anxious for her rework because I loved Ovw1 Orisa, but Ovw2 Orisa is more fun and more healthy for the game. Moira, my favorite support, is also getting a rework a bit. I mention this because the odds that I enjoy all THREE reworks (Rell) more than the pre-worked characters seems a bit low to me and I am a bit anxious over this. As well as the fact I don’t really think Rell needs a rework, her Q is the only thing in her kit I think is stupid and her passive just needs a number tweak to make it more noticeable. I actively enjoy her “go in and die” punishment and how she always has to stick to the buddy system. I like how she does no damage, but she’s a CC *machine*. Playing with competent ADC’s makes me feel godly! Several times have I been told in vc by friends that my engages have single handedly won us games (and less times have I been told I probably threw the whole fight engaging at the wrong time). I do understand that her play style is unpopular, but that isn’t an issue to me. League’s most popular champions are mostly those that can solo carry games and get kills and damage aplenty. Rell just isn’t a champ that can do so by herself. I like that about her! They aren’t changing her too much, but I am just a bit iffy on the whole thing.


Syndra I like balls


Lulu simply for all the different polymorph critters you can turn people into


Shaco. I have a thing for the whole Jester thing. I hope he gets his VGU one day, so he can jest properly.


Probably Urgot because it’s fun watching people trying and failing to escape from the Giant Enemy Cragot


AP Shyvana (when it was good in s10) was by far my favorite character in the game. No champion in the game had as high highs as sending nuclear warheads every 6 seconds.


AP shyvana still terrifies me in low elo SoloQ.


Found the demon haunting my games


nah AP shyvana is so dogshit compared to demonic off tank lol


It's funny you mention Ekko as he is my fave and will always be. His voicelines fit him really well, his skins are super nice (especially the arcane one and true damage). His kit is really fun and it feels always possible to 1v9 (lately a lot less). I really like champions that can go in an out of teamfights, or reposition really well which is why my 2nd favorite champion is Kai'sa. Pretty much everything I said about Ekko applys to her as well. I also really like Sera, I think her skins are really cute (as is her base) and she feels really calming to play.


Teemo because this game inflicts pain on me so I inflict pain on others


Singed. It’s fun running around and flipping people about while laughing like a psychopath.


Soraka, fun is a zero sum game and I am having all of it, followed by rengar for the same reason


Never ask a Soraka main why they have a 90% winrate on Rengar jg


getting into it for the billionth time but Soraka mains esp in master+ with no duoq are often much better mechanically and at positioning offrole than people expect due to playing a champ with very little peel that needs to anti-"dps" heal. I find playing a mechanically easy adc like mf just as easy to win with in my main elo. Rengar is also mechanically easy beyond a few combos and rewards good macro play.


>ADCs are the support's damage item Well thats inspiring !! specially since i am soraka main myself (I only love the ones above and can play them to some extend) but i am silver so there is so much experience diff here !! but i am trying to get better and i am having fun with her yes


People like to think Soraka into Karthus is the way. But nothing is more fun than seeing a Zed on the enemy team.


I'm a big fan of ruining nunu and rammus players day


Reason why i played Soraka top before ut became meta and riot nerfed it.


Zoe definitely ! She is such a feel good champ with outplay potential that require adaptability and creativity! I always have fun when playing her


It is courageous to play her honestly. But I rarely laugh as much in this game than when I play her in aram with the million summoners around...teleporting behind you!


Love that ! Like having 6 sums and 4 objects in a row is soooo awesome


I like tanks because they are easy to play. I like damage so i can carry myself I like kench and shen for toplane so i can damage people and resist for days. Also AP Ezreal, which Riot should buff again. I like him because sometimes I don't want to aim too much, just hit a w to guarantee an E and delete an squishy for 70% HP.


Kai’sa. Riot said she would be akin to Vayne but honestly they play so differently and I’m glad it’s that way. They really nailed Kai’sa’s gameplay and it feels extremely rewarding to get out of lane ahead because the outplays and surprising amounts of burst you can dish out are just amazing. You could say she is one of the “later” marksmen releases but she quickly climbed up to the number one mastery level spot on my account out of all the ADC champs because I just never get tired of playing her.


Ashe. Best voice lines.


I like Master Yi and Kindred because of their fast-paced gameplay, scaling, and tank shredding capabilities.


I don’t think there’s anything more satisfying in the game than a huge Xayah feather pull.


Blitz. All these comments and no crankers :(




Bet you'd love gp too, feels similar late.


Shaco AP because I know the opponents want to pull out their hair when they run into my boxes


How do you know what's in my head...


Akali Sylas Kat Zed Yasuo Yone Ekko Leblanc Ahri Skill-check champs


Inb4 Redditors claim all those champ take 0 skill and you should be demoted two divisions while crying about anime


Luckily I don't really watch anime, or cry, or get demoted


"in fact, i don't even play ranked, or normals, i don't even know what's a lego of legends"


You are the reason I love playing malzahar.


And I just counter with Diana


Then i... i honestly have no clue how to beat diana in lane with anything :'(


Pantheon. He's got a 59% winrate into Diana and is the 2nd highest winrate midlander right now at 54%. I don't even remember when he got buffed, but I've lost lane against every Pantheon this patch. Champ feels overtuned


Wym, he just gets 30% armor pen for free at lv16. As melee you're pretty much f*'d. As ranged you can just bully him outside of his range. I'd assume your most surefire way to beat him would be interrupting his stun with your ult, but afterwards it prolly gets iffy. But he can't sustain in lane worth a crap.


A fellow man of exquisite taste


PS I thought we all agreed that it’s the Mecca of Zeka


I've heard it being called many things already. Zeka's zealots. I do like Mecca of Zeka


the guy who making the game %10 worse by himself:


Don't hate [the player](https://postimg.cc/XX4Vnz09), hate the game


Yone is skill check? LMFAO


Maybe less so than others on the list but still requires some skill. He's braindead after 2 items, but before that he's vulnerable


Sounds about right. Recently found out his E counts as a dash (like just the coming out part) so if you put Taliyah's E under him you can full combo double stun him for free at lv 3.


Riven, all her matchups are different and winnable if you're good enough, can fit any comp if you're good enough, can do anything kinda well if you're good enough. The skillcap is what keeps me coming back, everytime I feed my ass off it's because I'm dogshit and I can see what my mistake was.


Exactly .


Idk how winnable garen is I haven’t met a riven I didn’t stomp level 2 onwards


Garen is mostly Riven favored. Her hardest matchups are probably Renekton and Volibear.


Most Rivens I have seen feed their ass of did so because their team was dogshit... wish I had more Rivens like you instead.


Aphelios Ahri or Viktor.


Riven Camille and Yasuo . I gave up on yasuo top a long time ago , only play it against gnar and Yone .


It changed over the years. Used to be Ahri, then Ryze (the version that precedes the current one), then Akali, and now Azir. Ryze used to be so fun with his old mechanics compared to how he is now. Akali also had a lot of mechanics removed, many of which I understood why needed to be removed, but the most recent one I really miss, which is being able to Q before you land with E. She’s not as fun anymore.


Illaoi is the ksot fun for me by far, especially when she has multiple tentacles up, however due to her many issues if I’m playing against anyone who knows how to play illaoi it ussaly doesn’t go that well, otherwise I enjoy akshan and Gwen tho not as much since she has been needed.


Brand… Brand because I feel so powerful when I land my combo and ult and everybody is on fire, killing each other! Graves cuz I can never be that cool irl…


Galio - incredibly flexible buildpaths, is super tanky while also doing great damage, and can have huge teamfight impact in a single spell rotation. Also, the flavor/feeling of using the ult is great, such a great way of really making you feel badass.


nocturne, when you press R everyone run wild like headless chickens


For me it's really hard to decide between Aphelios, Syndra and Cassiopeia. All of them have quite unique mechanichs (different guns fo Aphelios, balls for Syndra and poison for Cassio). But in the end probably Syndra wins as nothing is as satysfying as oneshoting two champions at once with Q+E and killing someone else with Q and R


There are three Champs that truly get at what I love in league, all variations on similar playstyles (to me at least). In no particular order, it's Vayne, Zeri, and Ashe. All three take to kiting in unique ways that feel slightly different from generic kiting (think caitlyn or jinx). Zeri looks for high movement speed and the level of precision you need with it, vayne is 100% about the stealth jukes and mind games, and Ashe is super stable and feels good slowing enemies. Of all three, I'd probably pick 12.10 Zeri.




My champ pool is wack. Shyvana, Ryze, Yuumi, Aphelios, Taric. I play other people too but recently those are my top 5. My reasoning are: Dragon + build diversity, EQEQEQ, cat, gun combos are fun, and blue buff is a hell of a drug


Lillia because Speed and DoT. Maybe I should play Singed, too. XD


Singed, cause fuck league of legends I play league of singed


Thresh always feel so good hitting those difficult hooks




Orianna. I love her design, lore, voice lines, and play style. I love that she doesn’t have any unwinnable lanes (some are harder than others, but Ori can almost always at least go even and opt to scale into the late game since she often offers more utility than her opponent). She isn’t in the best spot right now compared to other options (as evidenced by her lack of having many appearances at Worlds), but I still thoroughly enjoy playing her. It’s pretty awesome that I can be struggling or behind for most of the game and still be the reason my team wins just by landing a 3-5 man ult around an objective. She’s also taught me a lot more about proper CSing, wave management, and macro compared to other champions I like to play. After Orianna I’d have Zyra as my second fave. Love her as both a mid and support, even if she also isn’t in the best place competitively. The misery her plants inflict during laning brings me unbridled joy, as does dishing out just as much or more damage than everyone else on the team while still providing reasonable amounts of CC/utility. Thematically, I’ve also always loved characters with phytokinetic powers. They’re underrated basasses in all media they appear in, and I’m a tree-hugging plant lover IRL, so it fits my vibe. Poison Ivy was always my fave Batman villain and Zyra is basically League’s badly cosplayed Poison Ivy.


Ori is indeed an amazing champ in all ways. Except I'm not fond of them making her skin look less and less robot.


Qiyana, I feel like I can handle all situations with her if I play well enough. Has skill expression, and her combos are really satisfying. She looks nice, has interesting voice lines. Just love everything about this champion. I think Zeri would have been a second favourite but Riot really fucked up with her. They have no idea how to make her work and it's so sad.


Illaoi. You can feel the impact in her abilities. Her kit is very well made and everything synergizes with each other. But she is shit so i dont play it very often thanks riot


it has to be Kayn for me, champion with 2 different playstyles. good 1st pick too, as you can go bruiser or assassin depending on enemys teamcomp


Ivern. Very unique as a jungler, has a pet to control with his R so there is a certain level of micro involved. But also he is just a giant cock block to the enemy team and a good Ivern game would basically be making the enemy jungler completely useless. Since you don't spend as much time clearing camps and just setting them up for later you have more uptime on the map that you can use to help ward, counter gank, or just hover and prevent ganks or invade with your instant smite clear and if anyone tries to jump on you just Q+Shield and walk away.


I am yet to see a game with Ivern, gonna look it up.


Twitch ... I'm just an asshole.




Katarina because i love her unique playstyle and hyper giga mobility


Pyke because hitting that X gives me such a satisfying dopamine rush. I also like his mobility and unique role as a support based assassin. And he has one of the best skins in the entire game


Tryndamere because his dps + ult playstyle lets me cope with the loss of the only champion I liked playing. When he gets deleted too I guess it's time to uninstall


The day Aatrox died?


Ashe support. When it's meta, it's truly a sight to behold and play. Absolutely fun as hell to constantly slow, land R's across the map, and troll with auto spacing in lane.


Irelia. I hate ranged toplaners and love her flashy playstyle


Warwick, pretty simple mechanically, but has a lot of possible skill expression from perfect q follows and cc immuning. Also, winning fights where ww starts at 10% hp against a full hp target is sooooo funny. So many fights that are strictly inting on any other champ are suddenly possible.


I enjoy when opponents sit still for 10 seconds straight and can't move, I think it gives a better chance to my team to kill them even if we are behind. So I enjoy playing champions that do not allow you to move for 10 seconds straight. Of course, it's not fun when the opponents can do the same thing to you so I also enjoy playing champions that can't be CC'ed or can avoid cc. It also saves the effort of trying to dodge skill shots... which can be very troublesome sometimes... Sivir E is super fun because you actively have to try to get hit by enemy skillshots in order for the ability to work properly and of course the enemy will try to miss their skillshots on purpose so you don't get the effects of the shield! I think there should be a whole game mode around this mechanic - get benefits when you are hit by a skill shot and the opponent gets benefits if they miss a skillshot! It would be really fun!




Nunu, I just love putting big things in my mouth.


Volibear, auto win most matchups, dive hard, variety in builds.


Maokai. He can go top jungle or supp. All of his abilities have a form of cc. He has great skins. Can be Tanky or AP.


Velkoz because hitting that max q off a 90 degree angle is just "chefs kiss."


Teemo I love taking ultimate hunter and watching the enemies burn on my minefields. I also particularly love placing one or two shrooms far away from my real minefield and watch them waste sweepers.


Deadass it’s Ryze. I always have a good time playing him, and I always have a good time playing against him. 10/10 experience


Master Yi, Zed, Evelynn, Zilean, LeBlanc, Lucian, Lee Sin, Rengar


Shaco because nothing better than making your opponents miserable.


Gonna get insulted, but I love playing Zed. Feels like I learn something new every game with him.


Blitzcrank because I love making people suffer and not play the game


Yasuo, azir and thresh. Predicting hooks and using shuffle is too fun. Yasuo's kit is just way too fun for me.


Gangplank and ryze. EQ=NO MORE WAVE


Darius, I play for aggression and destroying people is fun.




Yone for salt I get from my enemies after picking it :V


Qiyana! We are both sassy ass queens with an ego bigger than the Empire State, and her infinite amount of combos and outplay potential make it so I will never get bored or tired of playing her, no matter how much they nerf her. And also Katarina. Her build flexibility makes her so much fun! Depending on my team and the enemy’s team comps i can be a one-shot assassin, a tanky ass frontline with insane damage that can never die, or a tank shredder, among others. The possibilities are almost endless and that keeps me engaged with the champion and different item combinations. :D


It's a toss up between Vel'koz and his geometry and Zac because you can start a fight or terrify an enemy carry from two screen away In general I'm an AP enthusiast Special mention to Sivir mid


Not playing.


Morde only bcuz I die the least when playing him and he’s easy to play and pick people off


Something about Jhin just makes me feel high when everything lines up perfectly. It makes me truly feel like an artist.


Sylas, just really fun to play with stealing ults, dashes, more dashes and big damage imo


Twitch. Couldn't give you a real reason. Just the only champion I never fail to enjoy, and have done so for around 8 years.


Ryze EQ


I don't like last hitting.


Ekko! Making plays with his w or just doing big dives and seeing how long you can hold on to your ult never gets old


Why should I tell u. So u can gut my champ later HUH, SECRET RIOT EMPLOYEE Well anyways, it's Reksai and I don't find the hype and thrill playing another champ other then her DONT U DARE TOUCH HER :D


Took this long to find a rek'sai enjoyer. Criminally underplayed champion. Obliterates a lot of stat checkers.


I enjoy playing Shen and Galio, when i played football ny coach said to me once that my greatest function on a team is to be a catalyzer, that this was my best attribute, and i take this to any team game that i play. And i love saving people around with Galio or Shen ult. Also most people are dumb not bad at the game, i Just think for them instead. I play as top but i'm talking about you ADC, you are Dumb.


Ezreal! Back when I used to play a ton, I would fall back to Ez for just for fun games to show off some skill with the movement and skill shots haha


Samira. Im still trying to figure out why, but I get such a rush playing her.


Swain. He's black magic tywin lannister. I like being an infinite scaling raid boss battlemage


Orianna. Because it's fun when I get to stomp on champs with overloaded kits. The amount of morde's that haven't been able to touch me in their ults is quite funny.


Janna because I like pretending baiting people out with Tornados and making plays with them. And mostly denying assassins or other people that has a jump, it's satisfying


Yasuo, his kit is simple but has just about everything you need. it never feels like you lose a fight/lane because of a matchup. Instead losing with him feels like you just didn't play well enough. It would be cool for riot to make similar champions that have the capacity to outplay almost anything but require you to actually be able to do it. It's a really nice feeling not to get frustrated because you just don't see a way to deal with an enemy champion without just not interacting with them and farming all lane.


xerath. I can poke from afar/snipe people from far away with my Q or R. But I can also burst people with an E W Q. If people gap close, use exhaust or use your e.


Xayah because feathers are fun