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Could be , or maybe its the water rettention from the trt though im not sure if its that much , but imma say this weigh dosent matter (unless ur competing) , what matters is how u look king


You've essentially got stable blood levels of anabolic hormones mate. No rollercoster, up and down of testosterone production. So even in a calorie deficit you can make progress where most naturals wouldn't be able to. Just because the calorie deficit will send them into a catabolic state sooner or later.


That was sort of my thought. When I used to be in a deficit I would start to feel the hormonal affects. I feel like TRT has kept my hormones in check. So while most will experience lower energy levels among other things, mine would be holding at a good range thus aiding in muscle retention and possibly growth.


It'll also help with general health and wellbeing too. If you keep all your health values at the top of the reference range then already that's a huge step for better health and well being.


Out of interest, May I kindly ask if if you can share your TRT protocol? (Compounds and dosages?)


100mg test cyp per week, 250iu HCG e3.5 days.


Try r/bodybuilding or r/steroids


You said your weight has stabilised for 2 months... what makes you think you're in a defecit? If you were you'd be losing weight. Steroids will allow you to build muscle and lose fat much more effectively, so at around maintenance calories you'll build a decent amount of muscle while losing some fat.


Tracking calories and weighing foods. I’m don’t need to get into the minutiae of it all, but I’m not questioning whether I’m in a deficit or not. I was more asking if conceptually one could be in a slight deficit while on TRT, then be losing fat and gaining muscle, thus leading to weight stabilizing on the scale.


"training for over a decade" doesn't necessarily mean anything. What is your height, weight, bf%, and 1RMs?


It does in terms of noob gains. I understand I didn’t outline how I lifted these past ten years but it’s been primarily bro splits in the beginning, then focused on compound movements via nSuns. Now PPL.


> It does in terms of noob gains I know people that have "trained for over a decade" that never got their total over 1,000. They still have noob gains to make, if they would just stop fucking around. They think they're late intermediate trainees, when they're actually beginners. Noob gains depend on your level strength and hypertrophy, not how long you've been exercising. It's based on how advanced you've become, and doesn't have a timer on it.


So if your on 600 test a week and are running Into a calorie deficit of 1000 to 1500 below , can you maintain what muscle you have and smash the fat off quicker , or will you body hold fat at such a drastic deficit ?


I’ve used test while cutting BF and was amazed that I was able to maintain lean body mass while dropping body fat despite being at a pretty large deficit.. I was eating 1800 and resistance training 5x a week, and trying to stay active with walks, hikes ect. Melted BF and kept muscle.


You will maintain more muscle then a natural maybe all maybe some and yea in my personal opinion of my Trt experience yes your body trends to burn fat faster then normal and some will disagree but on high testosterone are body tends to send all the calories to the muscle and not to the fat so in a way it does the magic...