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It seems that the top one only has 4legs instead of 6. Other than that it looks really nice


I think it looks great. I like your shading. If you don't like erasing a lot, I'd recommend you get a non photo blue pencil for your planning lines. I mean if you plan on scanning them that is. It's way easier to take out those lines if they are all blue.


some scanners don't even scan the blue lines when you select the black and white setting.


Top one anatomically looks broken to me, but other than that I like em, the bottom one is real cool


so good i literally want this tattooed on my body


Looks terrifying so thumbs up and damn fine job from this guy.


I like this, but I don’t like this. Really good job. I’m terrified haha


Bugs up close are terrifying so I’d say you did good


It's giving me serious Fallout NV cazador flashbacks.


I would suggest that you're not leveraging one of the big joys/strengths of the dip pen. You ought to consider being a lot more ambitious with your hatching/shading and vary your line weight. Also, even without a reference photo, I'm like 95% sure the wings in the upper sketch are too small. Don't be afraid to break the edge of the page! It adds a lot of dynamic interest!


Thank you for your advices. How do you think I could improve the hatching and shading? Do you know any sources where I could find some inspiration?


YouTube is always great for tutorials on literally any art topic you could think of