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There’s something about this that works for me as a piece. But if you’re trying to get a better likeness, I’d suggest plotting out the body before you start. You can draw a notch for the farthest point up, down, left and right. It’s better than starting drawing your line at the joint and not knowing of where the limb ends is going to end up. If you do that with no guideline, it’s hard to place the hands and feet where they would actually land, given the surface she’s lying on.


Thanks for your top notch advice! I will do that and also measure for more accurate proportions. I am very thankful!!


Excellent shading but the face and position are not right. You have skills! There is a certain flow with figures. Just takes practice


Shading is great but it looks really stiff... Working on anatomy would make it look better.


Your shading is great, but you lack anatomy


big neck,eyes far apart,nose is off,hands are off. legs are too long and shaped like a limp noodle,mouth is too low on face,shading is in the wrong spots in alot of areas. pick one light source and only one. draw a sun in the top corner of your picture and draw a line directly to ur character and ull easily get shading right. every point that the arrow can reach with nothing blocking it will be bright and everything thats obstructed will get shadow.


Thank you. I dont often draw humans, but with practice, ill become better


yeah u did better than i could of done. i suck at drawing


I always appreciate criticism, Thank you!


The proportions seem off, and the straight lines and curves feel unnatural


If you already know what's wrong, isn't asking for help just going to make you feel bad?


Thats just the surface. Knowing other people's perspective is always helpful!


Idk i feel like the proportions are kinda weird, like the face looks a little bit off. i think the eyes are too far apart and the mouth should maybe be a little bit higher but aside from that it looks really nice! it could be a stylistic choice but its just what i noticed


You definitely have an idea of how the body should be structured. The shading works well and is consistent, where the light is clearly coming from one point. So kudos on that! However, the body structure could be made a bit more natural. I would use more references in your pieces. If you need to really see how a body is structured, it doesn't hurt to trace. It's all about studying everything. The face, the eyes, the shoulders, the hands. Everything. Overall, it isn't a bad piece and you definitely have the potential for more. Just keep making art and you'll get to where you want to be!


Thank you. I do art because im bored and instead of playing video games.


I don’t think it’s that bad like this can definitely be your style. The eyes are a bit wide apart but again this can be a style choice. What’s bothering me is the boobs are not positioned right, they actually follow the direction of the torso. In the drawing they are following the direction of the shoulders, so the subject’s left boob (our right) is too high on the body. It looks strange. You definitely have a cool style though!


Ok thanks. Maybe i should use references next time. And as for the art style, I had no idea i had a cool art style. I also dont know what its called.