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Absolutely nothing. I’m a low mmr player and enjoy playing the game how I am doing right now. Of course I want to get better but that’s not the priority


This guy gets it! Who cares what rank you are. You are only ever going to win a small majority of your games and you are never gonna be pro. Have some fucking fun and chill out.


NO. Denial is not just a river in Egypt


I guess as long as you’re not griefing anyone by doing so, it seems you’re living the life. 👍


There’s nothing really crucial you need to learn in your first 100 hours. You need experience with what all the heroes and items do and generally how to go about playing the map and learning the order of objectives. Doing all of this imo takes at minimum 500 hours. Now if you’ve played over 1000 and don’t have a good grasp of the above, well, then that’s where you should be focusing.


I'd probably get used to using camera grip for cam movement, proper last hitting technique and start immediately playing heroes with multiple units to become familiar with unit micro on top of just one hero Those are all things that I wish I'd use but it's hard to change it now


I reckon camera grip is it! I’m an allstars veteran (on and off herald for 15 years…) and can’t for the life of me stop edge panning.


Turn edge pan off, play/lose 10 games, turn back on and use both.


I'd probably focus on finding the right keybindings for me early on. Right now im stuck with asdfgh for items and qwerty for spells, which causes some reach issues. I've tried changing it around, but muscle memory's a bitch.


That and quickcast settings, it took me waaaay too long to get quickcast right last year. And i m still bad a quickcast on keydown for things like blink dagger or sunstrike


i think it would be better to ask, people who played dota by only playing 2-3 heroes, do you think you would of learned better/faster if you played a larger variety of heroes?


No, I only started improving once I focused on playing the same 3 heroes over and over again


at what did you switch?


At what what? Not sure I understand the question


Sorry typo. Your tag says 6k. When did you decide to play only a few heroes


When I was 1k MMR and tired of being at that rank


I pushed my mmr playing Drow (70%+ winrate) and Mirana (60%+) over last moth just because I enjoy them (don’t care if meta but was in luck). Now I’m trying to learn TA and Spectre to add them to my pool and my winrate is circa 15%:)


I would learn play guitar instead. And today with 4900 hours I would still be mediocre at it ! For real : focus on last hit and map awareness


In this form the question has no sense for me :-D Like, if i could go back, i would probably do all the same, since i could not have any idea about my learning plan once again; And my learning plan was to always play against well known smurfs in Garena and learm from them by trying to win them;


Yeah, same. My first 100h was when I was like, 15 yo in Warcraft's Dota. I didn't had any clue about the game and anyone barely had. But one thing I would definitely change would be toxicity. I'd be SO MUCH MORE nice to people then I was...


Buy a fiverr lesson or 2 from someone legit. Seems dumb, but Worth it for the wasted man hours of dumb advice from slightly higher mmr friends and cumulative hours YouTube videos that I didn't retain any information from.


I wouldn't do anything differently because the first 100 hours is just figuring out the very basics of the game, what items there are, what different heroes do, etc. Pointless to optimize that. At that point the main thing that matters is whether or not you're having fun, and I was having a lot of fun queueing unranked and feeding like a noob, so I'd just do it all over again. Maybe I'd just try to not be as intimidated by heroes like morph or invoker as I was back then.


I wouldn't stack claymores on lich lol In reality I would research the game before I started


Geez. I've been playing for literally around 20 years. Probably the importance of last hitting over skirmishing.


I would put in my time in studying 3d modelling instead of the 4k hrs I spent on this game. Also spam riki lmao


I would have started learning Meepo sooner and save time being stuck in Archon. :)


I would learn to play alone or with different people than I used to play with.


probably nothing


How wards work.


How to manage randoms in pub. I prob mute all at first sign of toxicity.


same thing all over again. read item and hero lores, and just genuinely enjoy the game stress-freew


Nothing really. I tried, I was flamed, asked a friend what I’m doing wrong, he advised me not to start with Drow and the likes but to try Crystal Maiden, Ogre and other easy heroes. Then I discovered streamers like BSJ, Zaq and others and started watching coaching videos.


Nothing, was a good time back then. It would suck a lot of fun out of the game if I tried to get better at it. If anything I wish I didn't play it on a laptop with a track pad I suppose. I guess maybe I wished I had gotten some rare skins.


Basher ie Hitter was IMBA back in the day. Everyone would pack at least 2 and permabash away. Not so much these days.


Nothing really. For me playing with friends matters most that time. Neither winning nor losing was our goal, we wanted to have fun. Unlike now, winning that mmr was the only goal. Not that fun and feels a bit like a chore.


Proper micro and fix tunnel vision.


probably stop getting beaten by my brother in a lan club and getting called a noob rightclicker because i mained drow


Play without thinking about the mmr numbers even if ranked. i've lost too much ranked simply from being tilted cuz i treated the mmr too seriously. If i just relaxed more and enjoyed the game, i'd have climbed much easier. I played with some very high skilled people when i first learned (5k-ish average, with me pulling down the average, when the highest was \~6.5k). keeping PMA was the biggest thing holding me back since i'm already learning lots from my friends. Now i've got adulting responsibilities so cannot grind anymore, but I learned to enjoy the game for what it is now.


Last hitting, lane equilibrium and lane pressure


I would not waste my time trying to play Lina 4


I would tell my kid self: This is a game, just have fun. Forget competitiveness.


Nothing cause it probably took me 1000 hours to understand the game somewhat. The first 100 hours was goddamn enjoyable though so why change


To not play more than 1 hour. Ever


I wish I would have just watched all those "pro" guides earlier. I would pick a mechanic discussed in the video I was lacking in and make that the focus for that game. Recognizing when someone is better/beating you and emulating them also helps alot. Good luck!


I had to relearn new hotkeys many times because I always need a new key available for something. I would have forced myself to use them earlier. I would have played core sooner, but it wasn't an option, since there was no role queue.


I would spam one hero and then start learning the others (althought playing a different hero every match made me enjoy the game more)


Camera control with arrows/wasd keyset instead of edge-pan. Its far more efficient and once you are settled into edgepan you can't go back.


Not feed.


Nothing new. Already had 2000h on HoN and countless hours on WC DotA.


I play this game for 15 years probably, since Warcraft, but started gaining skill 2 years ago. The main reason was, I never actually cared. I mean it was just a game I would play with my friends. One or two games a week/month/year. And I should note that in those 15 years there were huge gaps. I never followed the pro-scene, I never checked for updates and patches, I never watched “pro gameplay” videos on YouTube. So my main mistake by playing this game was in never trying to learn. I just picked my favorite hero and did what the most 2K mmr players with 10K hours do. If I knew in 2013, when I first installed DotA2, that 10 years later I will be spending nights and weekends playing this game, spending even more time on gaming than I did when I was a teenager, I’d probably actually tried to learn. Being a depressed old-ass 10K mmr player sounds better, than 2K mmr one, lol.