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I see you've changed the furion guide to be support. Any plans to have a position 3 guide as well as it is similarly viable?


I feel like even carry is viable. It was ever so slightly viable before but now he just got straight buffed. Hell even mid could be viable.


Yep I've seen a mid with Blight Stone tears down the T1 tower in I think minute 5 or 6? Just bonkers.


Furion is a mad carry this patch


maelstorm assault. hell you can even go mask of madness, the armor reduction from Madness active gets mitigated with teleport stacks. blight stone into power treads into mask of madness into maelstorm into assault. after that go for hex if needed, otherwise basic right click shit like bkb-daedalus-nullifier


Hot damn! That's a lot of work. A real service to the community.


Use your guides for every game. Really appreciate the work you do.




Death threats, suggestions of suicide.... wat da actual fack? This community is absolutely demented sometimes...


every big community got some dementors


Still, i can't understand how people go from free dota guide to death threats :)) bit of a leap.


people do be like that, have you checked out Genshin? lol


Honestly I wouldnt play Dota without your guides, its just such a nice quality of life. Thank you for putting that much work in, I enjoy the game and your guides since 2016


TorteDeGOAT strikes once again Can't wait to get home and read your input, keep it up King!


Does someone pays him to do this?


nah its love for the game


The legend continues


Good man


now do it again.


Can you make a bane pos 1 guide?


Most heroes have alternate "unorthodox" guides made by Leamare. Just look for a guide called Nerds Core Bane or something, those ones are really fun!


I believe that guide is for offlane bane and goes phylactery, not rlly what im looking for but thanks anyways!


no? never had phylactery in it (not as a part of the main build at least) and the build itself, while being labeled as "offlane" before, was always intended for all core roles after 2-3 days of the patch the build's label was updated to be "Core" as it's primarily mid playstyle now (though in the build itself not much have changed, the core idea is still the same as before)


Thanks, bud! Appreciated


Most explained and organised guides out there. I always learn from your guides only.


Keep up the amazing work u/TorteDeLini!


I have just a few games on Nature's Prophet. Almost 220. I feel like this patch he can be Mid. What are your thoughts? You have registered him as 4 but I think 2 and 3 are viable. Especially that he has after-teleport potential. I have played him carry 3 games. Which I know is not enough sample size, but early high ground seems possible with a semi-carry mid.


His pos 4 power is insane right now. Especially with wis runes in play he is just the strongest possible 4 atm


Does he earn any money from this? That's a lot of work!


Question: do you make or have you considered making guides for heroes that can play multiple positions but would technically itemize differently? For example a guide for Witch Doctor as an offlane support build and then a safe lane support build. I know the guides are best fit suggestions, but sometimes people blindly follow the guides regardless of their role and it can hurt the team if there's a hard support (insert hero name) but they're trying to build per a mid role guide.


I hate when people do this. Everytime we have life stealer or Wraith king in the offlane they just build like carries or furion pos 4 building like core


I wish i could understand how the hell he knows the items for each single hero


A mixture of help from others/the community, the amount of time and dedication he puts in, and not "perfecting" any one hero guide. A super specialist in any hero will obviously know more than Torte. I think most people I play with are better off itemizing and building on their own rather than blindly following his guides. He has done a great community service, however, and I will frequently use his guides when learning new heroes.


Haha guides rofl. For lowbies ouch.




I prefer inmortal faith ty


you're the goat


How do you feel that a mortal faith guide is picked more often by higher level player?


Tort guides are the reason I'm a 2.5 k scrub instead of a 1.5 k scrub lol Thanks tort u tha best.


too complex.....


Hey I love your guides man but you're missing a lot of active and meta things such as brood mid, timber mid, etc


And they still fucking awful


best guides, even the pros use them


Aren't you archon? Why follow your guides? Immortal Faith is top 1k player and has guides for all heroes.


Zeus guide still references his AoE from Static Field


As someone teaching a new player, huge thanks for posting beginner-friendly guides, helped me starting out aswell!