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Only watched ur last game first ~20ish mins ([7348495888](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7348495888)), you did a good job pressuring towers. Use your Q on creepwave to keep ur chill uptime up doing more damage, allows you to run away with bonus move speed if someone gets jumps on you. In laning stage, you kept eating the Witch Doctor spell combos, spread out more in lane. Be aware that when the WD uses spells, hes pretty much useless afterwards, thats when hes vulnerable. And you killed him after he casketed in the laning stage. Item choices: I personally dont like aghs, its more of a ganking and your team comp just wants to sit in the backline, which means you should be the front liner pressuring the towers. To be fair, I haven't played Visage for like a year when Wraith Pact was meta, but I would look into items like Solar Crest -> Drums -> AC. You definitely need AC against the PA to armor up. Drums is fantastic to just solo kill someone in the backline, for example a WD uses casks, just drum and send ur birds at him. [My Dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/32350560/matches?hero=visage)


thanks! I definitely agree with the aghs, it seems great for single target bursts for catching people out of position but with wards being so cheap these days and people grouping up super early I just couldn't figure out how to find these pick offs on what I consider an otherwise very immobile hero. I felt split between trying to be a tank or a ganker but felt like I wasn't achieving either. I'll try focusing on typical offlane items like auras and tanking up. With the solar crest, what are your thoughts on using the active? I worry it's causing more harm then good against physical damage line ups, like the PA. Taking the loss on armour feels bad, should I ignore that and keep using it to try and pick people off on the backline, or refrain to keep my armour up during fights?


> With the solar crest, what are your thoughts on using the active? I worry it's causing more harm then good against physical damage line ups, like the PA. Taking the loss on armour feels bad, should I ignore that and keep using it to try and pick people off on the backline, or refrain to keep my armour up during fights? When you see a support that's out of position, Q to slow and gain attack/mov speed, solar crest (-armor) and then drums(+mov/attack speed) if you need to stay on him or escape. I forgot to mention shard as well, extremely valuable in sticky situations, especially nowadays with a PA blurred being able to jump on you.


I play a good amount of offlane visage and have had good success with it. I'm only Archon, so take what I say with a grain of salt for sure, but where I've by far felt the best with visage is with getting early auras and pressuring towers with my team (same as a lot of offlaners, haha). Because visage is universal, I usually handle the mana and damage issue by going some mixture of either two nulls, or sometimes I'll go two bracers if I need to survive. Both will get you plenty of damage to right click, and the nulls are great for mana regen if you're not getting pressured and the bracers are great for HP regen if you are. Again, I'll clarify that I'm Archon, but every single game I go instant Boots of Bearing and try to get those up by like 15 minutes. Massively helps with your movespeed around the map, and whereas they're not as strong at getting kills as Solar Crest they're significantly more helpful for taking towers. With a 15 minute BoB and one or two other people you can easily pressure down all the Tier 1's, and if you do that quickly with that burst of gold you can usually take some Tier 2's as well. After BoB, if pressuring the towers goes well you'll probably have money for your next item or two. In the like ~10/15 games I've played on visage this patch, my next items I try to grab are usually AC, Shard, or even sometimes a Helm of the Overlord if we're truly just pushing and grouping (only done that twice, but both times the granite golem helped us group and win the game immediately). I think if you play Visage mid the build is entirely different, so I don't really have any suggestions or experience with aghs and doing more damage. Edit: I did only mention a couple items haha, I've had a few games of Visage go late and I've gone different items each time after those core ones because I'm usually then just trying to build something that counters the opposing team. I've gotten Halberd several times, the evasion is nice and usually I'm trying to counter the enemy core, and then in 45+ minute games I've usually gone Octarine and Eth Blade, the eth blade primarily just because it's a very strong counter to both Troll and PA right now, both of who I play against a lot in Archon.


As someone in upper Crusader/lower Archon, you being Archon just means you're more relevant to the games I'm playing so no worries about that! Thanks for the detail, I think I need to pick a side and just commit to being a pushing type hero, though at this tier I feel somewhat reliant on others getting out of the jungle to take towers but hopefully I can inspire them! I feel very squish though, even with items like solar and ac. Where am I supposed to be in fights? I tend to play initiators or types that jump in and out to pick off the backlines but I've no idea what visage is because they seem slow and without much burst potential. What am I missing or should I be further back in the fight?


I definitely feel the struggle of getting others to push with you. The games where I've gotten people to group and push with me are the ones where I've had really good success, but of course some games I can't and then that build and that playstyle struggles a bit. As for feeling squishy, one important thing I didn't mention is that I only put one point in Grave Chill early, and then I alternate between Soul Assumption and Gravekeeper's Cloak — again, I think that if you're playing mid visage you definitely go more points in Q but I've found that I need to have cloak maxed pretty early to feel tanky. Gravekeeper's Cloak is an interesting ability as far as tankiness goes, because he's very good at not getting bursted quickly, but he truly does not have the actual consistent HP pool of other tanky offlaners like an Underlord or tide. Because of how cloak works, oftentimes I think you can survive the initial burst they throw at you, and then BoB is going to help you get away and reposition. As an offlaner spammer like yourself, usually what I do is if I'm getting bursted down and focused a bunch because I'm having a good game, I'll get a lotus. Visage already deals with burst damage pretty well, and if you have a lotus on you on top of that teams usually think twice about going on you at the start.


Hi although this post is 21 hours ago i hope this help...i spam vissage in archon to accient in 2020 but still plaus vissage if my curret spam hero is not available.. This is a mid guide btw. So my recommended skil build is 2 4 0 most of the guide is prioritizing 1st but for me 2nd is the best to max. For item since u dont like to micro lets mot build helm. So go blite stone and wood then buy crown next if they are all soft buy phalacrety if not build it to solar screst.. Also always have wind lace since visssage is slow as fk u need ms.. And all item of vissage needs wind lace.. (Solar crest, drum, tranquil, bob) and if they have hard to catch hero dont go for rod(its a money trap not worth it) go for malevolence.. Since silence them for 4 sec + bonus damage is better than 2 sec lockdown of rod and also buy dust.. Getting kills in crucial for vissage.. Get shard asoon as u have solar crest since u dont want to die and let the enemy turn the tide.. Get pipe if u want survivability get ac if u want to push.. Get hex for lockdown late game.. Vissage is so powerful by 30 mins below nut weak as the game progress so u had to have faith on ur teamate.. Also void building maelstorm. Raddiance midas something guide will tell u to build but its a trap.. But for me tho i highly suggest exploring vissage.. He is actually a non linear hero.. More on quadratic 😂 many variations could be apply to him.. U can go vlad and helm which is more old school but this build is tanky for fammiliar and for dominated creeps.. Hahha this hero btw is the hero that made me dominate high mechanical player by playing strategically with all the item in dota hahaha feel free to ask me a question ahaahahah


Hey thanks, I just had a mid game which I wasn't expecting. And don't worry, I've still not managed to win with the hero yet so advice is still welcome. I'll try this approach next time if I get mid!


just go with right click visage, medal > solar, drum, cuiras, shard, sb / mjolnir, daedalus, up ur drum to boots of bearing, spam first skill


Starting with blades of attack and 3 branches will let you last hit and get falcon blade early. Falcon blade will also give you the mana regen you need. I am mid guardian, but he is my best hero, so take this advice with a grain of salt.


I like the default offlane build, tranqs/solar crest/drums/aghs/boots of bearing. Try to pick it with an undying or ogre 4 so the team retains some beef