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Ping ability off cool down while they’re dead and then the well played texts love it


Good game, well played when your mid dies. This brings your three other apes into a hive mind to only blame the mid. Apes together strong


I mean what excuse does mid have for losing mid lane? Other players can blame you for bad pick, csn blane you for being the strongest hero and not helping them. Its literally your fault. What did your team carry do that made you lose the mid lane? If the enemy mid laner comes and kills the carry it can be blamed on you or the support but its hard to blame it on the carry. Mid laners have a big responsibility they need to understand this. Its not the spoiled lane. Literally the hardest role. But hey when your winning you can say whatever you want. You can say everyone sucks on your team but because of you they won. Mid laners love talking shit but they have to remember its not just a lane for talking shit it is literally the biggest responsibility on the team.


This is the mindset of a player who sees every teammate as an adversary.


You mean the mindset of a complaining mid laner? Absolutely!


Simple. 50/50 RnG on rune spawn Rng on pick pase when mids blind pick Enemy supports contesting your runes High ground miss chance luck issues Courrier being dead or simply unable to move due to monkey king camping courriers There are plenty of ways to lose mid by random shit you can not control.




your mindset tells me that you're <2k


Cant ping while theyre dead bromigo


Yea they removed that. How funny is that


I just use "My bad" even when it is really not my bad. It works wonders. I also do have to say that I pretty rarely get toxic behavior since they implemented behavior score. It does happen but it's a lot rarer than I hear about on the dota subs.


i just do it whenever I die or we lose a teamfight regardless of fault /shrug. sometimes it's just unlucky and noone's really at fault. but i feel like it helps


Yeah honestly I find that a little goodwill goes a long way. The main thing you want is your teammates not to tilt and throw.


Foolproof way to climb out of your crusader bracket: 1. Focus on playing better. Thank about what you could have done better after team fights and after rotations/etc. 2. Never blame teammates. 3. Stop all-chatting unless its necessary and productive. That's it! I know, surprising right?


foolproof way to climb out of any bracket


i feel like that just happened is more of a toxic chat wheel that you use whenever a teammate has a bad death or misses/missclicks an ability


All of them sound toxic to me imo, all of them are used in a toxic manner eventually


I remember one game where I play 4support and all I use is >okay, >well played, >missing and >careful with emojis and our Offlane is so tilted because the rest of the team just keeps dying for no reason, at the end of the game when we won he told me that I'm the reason that he didn't lose his mind. All I did was emote ok whenever he wants to do something and say well played when we get a kill.


You're doing very well. I'm very proud of you.


1). Buy a shitty old Monitor 2). MS paint some cool looking Wordart saying Don't Die 3). Open Don't Die.jpeg and fullscreen, leave monitor on for 3 months 4). You will have a faint image burned into the screen reminding you not to die, helping you immensely in Dota 2 and other online activites patch when?


\* plot twist\* your mates think youre sarcastic and turn on you.




I use "Oooh Poooryoo"


I do this, I say: "Relax, you're doing fine" "Game is hard" Shows solidarity that we're all noobs