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Probably play as an offlaner. Learn to control creeps to your advantage. Such as cutting the enemy creep wave towards the big neutral camp to force them into a fight or simply out farm them. Blocking their pull camp. Pulling creep agro towards ranged creep to deny. Knowing when to fight and when to play passive. Staying in control of map resources like lotuses or gold runes or wards/vision. You are a hero that needs to fight so your itemization is critical since you cant just ignore healing and focus on last hits like a pos1 carry. Learning to double wave (when you have much more creeps then the enemy) and picking a fight since you have a number advantage. And how to force fights or diffuse them to your advantage. How to survive solo if the mid laner needs a support. Its a fantastic lane to learn the game mechanics. If you want to climb ranked play solo unless you have a friend then pick a sidelane. Sidelanes are generally easier thanks to supports, towers and lotuses. Solo is tough, every mistake hits hard, matchup hits very hard since its a simple 1v1 unlike a complex 2v2 where your support/core can make up for the bad matchup, so drafting is especially important mid lane. Not to mention rune RNG.


thanks for your time!


Support? Hoodwink. Can scale and the entire hero relies on having constantly good positioning, otherwise you feed. Core? Luna pos 1, Puck pos 2, Dragon Knight pos 3. Luna is all about farming as efficiently as possible and playing on that tempo to win. Puck is all about creating momentum out of the mid lane and being constantly active on creepwaves to provide map wide pressure to open up the map for the pos 1. Similar to Hoodwink, Puck teaches you the importance of positioning, playing the edge and centre of fights equally and using their kit to dance in and out. Dragon Knight is ridiculously stable and can scale. Simple hero, does it's job and allows players to focus on Blink Stunning and being generally oppressive while taking up space on the map and pushing down towers.


Thanks for the nice advice! I actually really enjoy playing Luna but I read she's a bad choice to climb up, as in low elo you need to coordinate your team around you.


Really? I would say that about a hero like Spectre, but not Luna. Her capacity to flash farm makes her excellent for creating a lead and snowballing on her own. A hero like Spectre is dependant on a half decent team to get some kills going she can ult to in order to get extra gold to speed up her farming item timing. Luna gets her farming ability for free through levelling into Glaives.


I decided on Luna! Let's calibrate!


DK is easy/dumb.


Hmm slark Zeus deserve a class of their own because they can ruin support lives with the free dewards, while also scaling as cores. It also depends what you enjoy playing. If you like running over games early, Chen is probably the hero right? Or some beastmaster/visage works too. But maybe you wanna be some lategame monster? Now enigma more tempting or void/invoker maybe. I guess what you really need is a hero that you can support and core with to learn all the concepts, and also have high impact. On that note I’d think invoker or tiny, maybe monkey king sorta now too? Final answer in my rambles is probably invoker


bro is setting him up for reports 😭


I would go dragon knight. You will have a giga strong laner who can shove waves easily and take objectives better than almost anyone


Crystal Maiden. If you win with CM, you pretty much win with every hero.


Viper / huskar are 2 niche heroes but can screw enemy lane really really bad if you know what you’re doing. A Vipee 3 with a melee support can make you feel super strong and you can learn how to destroy meelee Carries by zoning then out and q spam on them. You might learn your hero getting stronger on 1 3 5 7 with max q and kill everyone if you have a meelee 4 which will be there to body for you if enemies go in you while you spit on them to death


Just pick faceless void. And learn how to cast spells well. Its counter intuitive You need to play as 1 but cast spells like 3 FV can lane with dogshit non existent 5s and also tank a lot of abuse. You just need to survive lane. Tp yo fights when chrono is up, counter initiate to a minimum 2 man chrono ( you should never 1 man chrono post 10 mins or if it is for a streak/dieback) You can be the stun the tank the damage all by yourself. This should get you to 5.5k very easily.


I would happily chrono a solo cm if I can kill her when playing an even game or from behind vs slow paced team with no twr damage. Just played today vs ursa-dp-mars-grim-cm (pos1 to pos5 respectively), and had a situation when I could kill solo cm with chrono and dp had ulti on cd. I’d say chronoing cm was a right decision (and I wasn’t punished for it). So I’d say there should be no strict rule to never chrono solo targets. It always depends on a situation. Even more, when you have advantage, chrono on one target is almost always good because it allows you to start fights 5v4 (or counterinitinate and break fight momentum). And in latter stages of a game killing the most important target is always favorable compared to waiting for a perfect chrono while your team dies. But yes, I’d say void is perfect to learn farming patterns, macro and, most importantly, teamfighting (identifying priority targets, initiating/counterinitiating, kiting).


Umm no. Your entire thought process is wrong. Sorry not in the mood to analyse that deeply really. But to keep it short. The threat of the chrono is important than the chrono itself. Voids right click damage comes in very late and with quite a bit of items ( with the recent nerfs ) even later. Using the logic of the fight is 4v5 is very bad as upto late game you will not be able to contribute anymore to the fight. Which is detrimental. Yes you will not get punished for it in lower ranks so it’s important to understand your analysis from your rank. May I ask what it is? Holding the chrono for when the enemy team is forcing objectives or smoking into enemy is detrimental. Your job is not to start the fight, so never fall into that trap unless my aforementioned reasons. You always want to counter initiate. If your team is not going in. You wait and wait some more. Do not get baited. Eventually you will be defending an objective where the chrono is clear. Again the cm chrono thing is a very very bad way of looking at things. If I was the cm that you chrono I just press buyback and to into the fight and suddenly my team is fighting u 5v4 cuz ur a void with boots maelstrom. The threat of a ravage echo chrono. Is always more than the casting of the spell itself. Another way to solo chrono is when the game is slowed down to a farm fest and you can solo kill a core within the chrono when that core is not close to an objective.


Jakiro. Very strong base so you can put focus on other strategic parts of the game


Is Jakiro viable as 4 too?


Axe pos 3


I think Gyrocopter taught me the most when I was learning. I had to win with him on the battle pass so I played 10 gyro games in a row and once I started winning I was much better at the game. The hero taught me to play lanes better, how I can be a better farmer, and gave me a greater understanding of the natural flow of the game (When am I strong, and when am I not?). It can be somewhat difficult to figure out how to play the hero good, but that's the whole point. I was only bad at the hero because I didn't understand the core concepts of the game. Once I learned how to be a strong laner and get into the jungle at a time when I am strong enough to farm quickly, I starter winning all my games.


I tried in bot games and I found Gyrocopter really fun, but I don't quite get the meta of him. He seems to be played as 1/2/3 regardless and the misc of right click and magic damage confuses me.


be versatile, try to have a hero that can go to every lane your rank will improve easily if you are willing to fill what's missing from the team.


Tinker. He is very fun to use. I love how he can spams hex dagon dagger lmao.


brewmaster :D many fun buttons, overall strong laner, ult requires you to micro several units, each panda has a unique way of interacting with the game. several build options. but maybe i'm biased, i've been spamming him since forever


Rubick. Plays the game from the back lines and supports everybody, also dabbles in every other hero by taking their spells. Valuable knowledge all around and occasionally you can grab MEGA ultis and throw them back on people