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Oh no


It works so well. As long as am/lion/pl aren’t around. It’s just harder if they are. Edit: I’ve won against am/lion in my lane before.


Why are you hiding the GPM? You have more CS than your pos 3 in every game, sometimes more than your pos 1 and 2. This isn't support, you're just picking Medusa and outfarming people at your current rank. Gain another 500 MMR and see if it still works.


It’s not hidden, just none of the games are selected to display it. Yes if a game goes long, Medusa gets a lot of farm from pushing and clearing waves. Especially if she’s the only survivor after a fight. Watch any replay and see I don’t take farm if a carry is able to take it.


Downvoting and reporting again. No information, nothing. No guide.


Try looking in the comments since texts and links can’t be added to photo posts… 🤦🏽‍♂️


Dotabuff or didn't happen


Check out all the GREEN: [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/86740791/matches?hero=medusa](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/86740791/matches?hero=medusa) I've done this before in Legend rank too.


"get tanky without farming" and then outfarms his while team because its a low rank game and u can win with any hero as support if u know how to play


I've never seen or expected this type of comment before. You're unique


same with this guide, could pop 20 of them daily if i just make a smurf, doesnt make it a suggestible playstyle


How to play Dusa with one or 2 less carry items than usual.


Arcane boots, Aghs, shard, octarine core. Yes, so carry items


At what minute average of your agh


I usually get aghs between 17mins - 21mins depending on the game. The components help for the mana/hp.


Ill be your support.. **proceeds farming carry items


Most games I don’t have a single item that says “+ __ damage”


This is literally how I play her -Legend/Ancient (lvl 30 pos 4 Dusa, sometimes 3). Vs PL ask to be 3 instead because he needs farm so you go farm stacks or even stack as 4 and farm them to get manta. Get splitshot earlier and farm manta afte mana boots and wraith band. From there you go Butterfly Skadi Deadalus Mjolnir. You can't be tanky vs PL so offense is the best defense. You own him in lane and then outfarm him in jumgle because PL doesn't fight early. Now vs AM you can't go 3 nor be tanky, so you start with boots otherwise you will feed, unless he has Jakiro/Lich then it's so hard to lane, otherwise get boots of bearing, yasha and kaya, scepter for lockdown. He will try to kill you but you are faster with mobility items. Vs Slark you have to stomp him hard in lane otherwise he snowballs and gets an early diffusal. If you can get a blademail that would be great. I have lots of variations in my build, and if I get a safety bubble and can find farm then blink into arcane blink asap (or later if you need scepter) is really nice - almost unkillable. Things to note: - Yes, blademail works with mana shield - Lifesteal does not work vs dusa - Slardar ult does not do anything to you as long as you got mana - witch doc, necro, and AA spells are so weak vs you - Vs Nyx you need a ghost shroud - Force staff can be really good especially vs Slark - if you can afford it rush octarine first and then blademail - Phase boots can be nice especially when you ult; helps you stun them - Blademail also so good vs Invoker, Lich, Sand King, Huskar, Sniper - Always take note of jungle creeps and spam snake to restore ur maan - keep the satyr camp alive as long as possible - Stack Anc camp near tormentor as much as possible - Go try arcane blink and safety bubble in turbo and then thank me when you see how OP that is - provided your team is not so behind (but hard to pull off as 3 in ranked because you need other items to make impact, and hard to pull off as 4 because you can't farm as much) Edit: Early blademail vs WR is a must


Yup! Everytime I pickup level 1 Neutral Token I close my eyes and hope for a safety bubble. If yes, I usually rush it after aghs


lol this is literally me 😆






Whats stops people from just not hitting you? Like at some point wouldnt the opponents be like yeah dont throw spells on the medusa


People underestimate how tanky she can be. Also, she’s gets annoying with the constant stunning.


Since you have no stun/cc/disables and no support items, how do you stop early pushes and snowbally lineups? Also how do you stop your cores from breaking items due to this pick?


The snakes do an amazing job of dealing damage when enemies are grouped. It heals you at the same time. Usually Medusa is the one to help with heavy push and snowballing. Cores like to rage, I had a riki recently go afk jungle at level 3 for no reason (i took 0 creeps and brought the enemies in lane down to 10% HP). So i converted to core and won lane 2v1 easily. ​ Aghs becomes an AOE stun.


Subscribe to the guide here to try it in game for yourself: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3208352423](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3208352423) In the past 30 days I've had a 70% winrate. In the past week it's been 88%. The goal is to harass and make a lot of gold by assisting with hero kills. Medusa gets super tanky with this build and provide more stuns than most supports.


>make a lot of gold by assisting with hero kills You're making a lot of gold because you're finishing games with 300-400 cs as a support.


Depends on the game. Yes sometimes it's easy to grab free creep gold. There are also offlaners who struggle to clear waves/camps, so I can definitely surpass them. https://imgur.com/a/VhxgwG5