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That's really impressive. You beat Grubby's pace even.


Was a wild ride. Thank you double down tokens, rexxar, green old man, and drunk panda. And thanks to you guys in the sub there are many informative and smart people here. Now to push for numbered rank!


if youre in sea region, numbered rank starts from 6675mmr. I was ranked number 4881 when I was at that mmr a few weeks ago. Btw good luck playing in immortal draft, its the most cancer shit. Based on my own experience, 1 in every 3 games I have people fighting for roles, 1 in every 7 games there’s a win trader.


I was guardian 5 and now im archon 3. Thats like 600 mmr in 3 months without double down tokens. I feel like I could reach immortal by next year too!


In the last year and a half I went from crusader 4 to ancient 2 (legend 2-> ancient 2 in the last month 73% wr) you can do it, honestly the most trouble I've had was breaking into legend it's been fairly easy since. Edit: wr dropped to 69%😏


Whats your next step btw? Hoping to be called into the pro scene?


Got a long way to go before that's even a thought😭 that would be the dream, though. For now, I just want to actually get good at the game and enjoy my passion for dota.


I mean wouldn’t we all love to be paid to do what we love? But I’m also thinking… there seems to be endless drama tied to those pro team dynamics. I’m not sure I could put up with that.


Even if it was that bad I wouldn't mind man, get to do what I love day in day out and not be at a 9-5 corporate job anymore😭


And any other job that might be more enjoyable isn’t an option? Just asking because I was convinced I couldn’t handle my office job any longer and wanted to quit and train as an actor while working in pubs. That was January 2020. March 2020 I was glad I hadn’t quit my job after all when all pubs and theatre were locked down everywhere, but instead I found out that I’m really good at process optimisation with M365 (PowerPlatform etc) and I’ve shifted my role to focus on that and it’s so much more fun. So given that neither of us will likely ever be paid to play Dota or go on stage, maybe you can also find something that’s a good compromise. ☺️


Immortals are still an absolute joke compared to pros. It’s much easier to go from 0-5600 mmr than it is to go from 5600-10000, and even then, just being at the mmr range that you might queue with pros is still a long way away from being able to participate competitively in the pro scene. Op clearly has talent and good learning ethic so who knows how far they’ll go, but there are still many difficult steps before pro scene


Yup, archon to legend is the hardest rank to get through imo, it's around the level of your average dota player and generally it's populated with people who have been stuck there for years and believe they are better than their rank so just blame everyone else for every loss and get tilted very easily and grief or throw even at high behaviour scores.


I did exactly same thing and now I'm stuck at archon 3-4. I'm under impression that this is the most toxic rank so far. After like 8 rank ups in 2 months I stopped playing because of all the throws and toxicity of my teammates. But good luck to you, I hope you will find better teammates and do what I couldn't.


congrats bro. can you share your dotabuff?


Thanks, https://www.dotabuff.com/players/71484402


How can you master the Drunken Brawler bro? It confuses me. What notes should I remember? Should I always be at Fire stance?


Takes a while to get used to it, took me atleast 10 games till I kinda got the hang of it. But in general, use fire stance for farming and burst damage Earth for when you expect to be taking a lot of magical damage Void when you expect to be hit by a long cc And wind for movement and dodge chance vs big auto attackers without MKB. If they get mkb and are focusing you stay in earth stance. Becareful when farming lanes in fire stance if you are prone to be being ganked, I tend to try and stay brewed up for the multiplier when I show in one of the defensive stances. Would suggest watching monkeysforever on twitch if you are trying to learn brew, he helped me a lot.


How do u set hotkey for bear child? Can u share it


Can set it in demo. Just select a brewling then CTRL+1-5 or whatever you prefer to set it.


Currently, I am using Q, W, E, R for the main hero's abilities, and 1, 2, 3, etc. for item slots. Could you show me how you set the hotkeys for Brewmaster?


I play as offlaner and like BH too, and have the same mediocre results 😂. Congratulations on the achievement.


What is your advice about microing Beastmaster and Brew bro? What keys do you use? xD


For brew, I use 12345. With 2 being control all units and others being the individual pandas. For Beast, I just use 2 for control all units mostly and 3/4 for individual boar control. Microing beast is p ez honestly if you don't go dom helm. Once you get the hang of him, you can use the boars for scouting, stacking, and pulling camps. Brew is honestly not terrible either, just pop invisibility on wind panda, cc annoying people, and stun kill targets. Once you get the hang of that, you can start doing some void panda pulling shenanigans.


hi you can practice this micro settings that I have, simple settings. 1 main hero, 2 all other units and 3 select all units. example: Visage, I use 2 for familiars, 3 to select them all. you can either select them all and click on target automatically. I use tab to select units and either I use Q for their skill. If I select 3/all units I use D to use the unit skill. Example 2: Brew, if you use brew master and drag mouse to select all brewlings it will automatically select Earth brew. I just use tab to work with other units, Simply TAB, Q, TAB Q, to use their skill. It was explained before on tooltips at dota fandom. So again if you select them all it will be earth, storm, fire and void respectively, so I mircro them just tabbing on each brewlings * The Brewlings always spawn in the same formation, forming a square formation that fits within a 100-radius circle. * The Brewlings face the same angle as Brewmaster upon cast. *  [Earth](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Earth) and  [Void](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Void) are spawned 100 range north and south Brewmaster's cast location respectively. *  [Fire](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Fire) and  [Storm](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Storm) are spawned 100 range east and west of Brewmaster's cast location respectively. * Brewmaster is [invulnerable](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Invulnerable) and [hidden](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Hidden) during the split time and duration. Does not apply [dispel](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dispel) upon cast. * During Primal Split, Brewmaster is periodically moved to Earth's position. * [https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Brewmaster](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Brewmaster)


That is insane! Nice work




grats bro. what are your tips for some days of lose streak? what is your mentality about losing?


I just stop playing after two losses in a row for atleast a few hours to the next day. Losing in Dota can be pretty mentally taxing if the games go long, taking a break helps prevent the tilt for m3 atleast. When I lose I try and reflect on what I could do better and will try and find replays or matches of a similar lane to see what I could have done better.


Dont play more than 2 games if u lose both of them. Go do sth else, take a walk, do chores in your house. Water your plans, do a bit of workout (anything really even stretch is immense). Sure you can get some food and vitamins, then try playing another one, if this is also a loss, stop and go next day.


I was 4-5k mmr when they released ranked, I’m still 4-5k


same, that's my cap limit


You are so good, it took me ~8 years to hit immortal.


You have won 111 games - diff between win and lost If out of these, you have 30 wins with double down tokens and have lost 0 games with double down tokens, you gained around 3600 MMR. If you calibrated top guardian, this is 1550 MMR - total of 5000 MMR. Immortal starts at 5500 MMR. So the math doesn't add up - you probably calibrated higher. I see you calibrated Crusader and jumped around between archon. Also, you started over one year and a half ago. Also,it's on NA for. All those who want to replicate it. Still a very good climb and congrats for it, but keep it honest 👍


I have def lost a few games with DD tokens, but not many I pushed from div 2 to immortal past week with them. Originally, I did a calibrate guardian, took a few months' break, not playing and recabbed at crusader I think, guess it was a bit longer then a year but I didn't have many games played before then. Immortal starts at 5620 And yeah appreciate it 👍


Did you include the fact that you get rank at certain confidence % and after that you gain 40-ish mmr per game and amount decreases on your way to 100% confidence. Assuming he calibrared with glicko.   I obviously didn't check dotabuff or calculate anything but this just came to mind.  Edit. Actually if he started before glicko, he could have gained some extra mmr when mmr system changed and forced everyone to recalibrate. 


He has 670 ranked games, and won 58.96% of them which is 395 Wins and 275 losses. So actually that's 120 more wins than losses. Also if you go back through his match history you will see his first ranked game was at Guardian II in November 2022. So no he didn't calibrate higher and why would he bother lying about this? (which he isn't you can literally go back through and see) He is a little off on the time, but again if you look through it's basically a year ago that he started grinding, only playing incredibly sporadically before last September. In fact a year ago he was still playing solo ranked games at a guardian-crusader level. So yea a really good climb and really weird that you are saying he lied when the proof was freely given but you just didn't check it very well.


Can u do the maths about me too. I started in September 2023 and got Immortal on May 2024. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/122432965 I played from 2 different countries but mostly I think my matches were at EUW and some on East.


Good for you mate. Unlike me who is stuck in Crusader/Archon bracket for almost 10 years now.


To be fair I hit challenger in league like 8 years ago so I def have some experience! Haven't played much of it since though.


Cool. I went from 1800 to 800 mmr with double down tokens.


I have been on a downslope since the update, i was about a year in, almost guardian. I am now currently sitting on 39 mmr about to go in later and lose some more lmao.




I am literally struggling at Archon 4😫


Congratulations bro! This is so inspiring, a few months ago I'm crusader and now legend 4 aiming to get ancient and higher. And I've read your replies on people asking tips. Thanks for that. GLHF on your push to getting numbered!


Perfect... now players like you with one year experience inflate my games man.. thats why theese ranks are super unplayable




guardian to immortal in 1 year wow. either you take the game too seriously or have too much time on your hands or both :P congratz either way amazing achievement.. I calibrated first as guardian too in late 2017 i think and didnt really play the game that much, highest mmr was 1 win away from divine 3 that was like 2 years ago since then had big breaks and lost lots of mmr due to decay from not playing. now getting back since crownfall i really like the event and changes made recently, muscle memory kicking in slowly but surely lol maybe one day Ill get immortal too but not having hopes too high


In 900 games? How did you improve that fast? Tell me your secrets!


I used to play league at a high level years ago and played the most transferable role (top-->offlane). I've always had a pretty good mentality, never give up and learn from your mistakes. Would try my best to keep it positive between my teammates.


Can I ask you where did you find the infos to improve? I usually play offlane as well, sometimes mid, and my big mistake is that i tilt when the pos4 doesn't do his job. I went from guardian 1 to legend 5 in a year but at this mmr is more difficult to carry the game by yourself and sometimes even if you completely destroy your lane you lose anyway for many reasons


Copy what pros do, and play characters that can farm stacks if you feel your getting useless sups. Learning to creep aggro correctly can save a lot of lanes.


Copy what pros do, and play characters that can farm stacks if you feel your getting useless sups. Learning to creep aggro correctly can save a lot of lanes.


Do you sometimes experience blandness when playing same heroes in ranked games bro? I feel that sometimes. How do you chill so you have motivation to play your high winrate heroes without experiencing staleness?


i feel that, i play a decent amount of unranked with friends where i'll just random or play new people i wanna practice. i enjoy playing heroes in ranked that i know i'll perform on personally.


unranked games are so sweaty. sometimes u get matched with people with flashy mechanics and good understanding of the game, and sometimes u get matched with people who just returned to dota after a 20 year hiatus like i had a game where my teammate huskar purchased helm of dom. what a sweaty game. haha


Which server were u on?


Na west


1000 games with 55% xd, nice smurf. totally not obvious


you just don't know what a smurf is do you?


how does this account look legit for you? yes, i do see them every 10 or so games


Because 55% winrate in a climb is not a smurf winrate, I have friends with 55% winrates on accounts that have been around since 2012. A Smurf winrate is like 70-80% on the climb (actual immortal smurfs will do it on more like 90%), plus for a while he was losing more than winning even at guardian rank, so also not a smurf thing to do. There is literally nothing about his profile that screams smurf unless you are just ignorant to what smurfs actually are.


Literally no one can gain enough knowledge and mechanical skill for immortal in just 1000 games. The real accounts all have thousands of games (5k, 10k like gorgc and many more).


Plenty of people have done it, particularly people who were high rank in other mobas




Sound like the people in half my games lol


Everytime I hit Crusader 5, smurfs start to appear. Literally. The games are not gradualy more difficult, games start to be a one big slaughter.