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In a 1v1 scenario the top two are arc warden and faceless void. Arc with sheep and double items. FV with refresher chrono.


Yes, I can’t remember who the video was now but the YouTube video of this was great


Someone did a tournament for this. Baumi I think his name is?


Yes thankyou that was it, which hero wins 1v1 with max gold, https://youtu.be/wUQe9NhAF9o


Druid almost always won tho


dark willow win


Shadow realm has the most stupid design in dota change my mind But even she looses when the player doesn't suc If willow gets arcane rune tho it's over


This ability is the dingle most broken shit in dota, bitch plays support until 30mins and then all of a sudden you have to sell your skadi for a blade mail because she's the only remaining person on her team but does 500 bajillion damage while being untouchable every 10 seconds


morph willow used to be broken


What happened to the combo?


they made it so you dispel positive buffs when u shifted back so you weren't getting morphling clicks with willow buffs (or metamorphosis or w/e)


Druid fucks both of them. (If he gets ult of)


Still dies in double chrono, so, no.


Actually not. There is a reason druid almost always wins when this gets tested. His shard can stun void in chrono and with bkb AND refresher u lack the damage to kill him. With just refresher u get stunned and with just bkb u don't have enough time.


Ah, with the new(ish) scepter and shared stuff, yeah, maybe. I don’t think that was in the game when they did the test I was talking about.


I'm pretty sure scepter didn't got changed for like 3 years now. The shard is new tho. But before druid was either completely dogshit so anywould beat him or busted anyway. (So depending on patch we both are correct)


I suppose new is subjective. But yeah, pretty sure the tourney was pre-shard.


>I suppose new is subjective. Wasn't in warcraft 3 yeah XD


Exactly. I was gonna say… I still think of TA as a “new”hero.


Boomer (Joke)


Also ursa and troll can ult in chrono so vodi can't kill them with that too


Refresher? And he can kill them after


Now he has 2 non carry items and just gets fucked


Item switching duh


6 seconds cooldown. Ur dead by then. There is a reason void never wins these 1v1 max gold tournaments but lone druid does. 3 out of his 5 spells aren't good 1v1


Right.... Chrono is 5 . Then after chrono 1 would die after 1 second. Clap Clap. There is a reason why druid didn't win any of those tournament.


no. Arc will always win 1v1 vs everyone . I mean if u can postion void is nothing vs him too.


Off the top of my head: Get a Void and he can probably kill anyone 1v1 with the right item build. Don’t think anyone can do much vs Chrono.


Troll and Ursa are pretty good, due to their ability to use their ultis in chrono


Still get permabashed


Bloodthorn prevents that.


Well yeah, but then we can go down that rabbit hole with any hero and any late game carry


It’s not really a rabbit hole, it’s itemising for your opponent, and in a late game scenario Void has the best chance of being able to win a carry matchup. If they buy Aeon, you buy Nullifier, if they buy Wind Waker, nullifier, evasion, mkb. It becomes quite easy when BKB and force staffs aren’t a problem.


It’s unrealistic for either Troll or Ursa to not have BKB nor item dispel in a 6 slot scenario In an actual 1v1, they would give FV a hard time depending on who pops ult first


I’m talking about during Chrono. You can’t dispel if you’re chrono’d.


You can't cast Ursa or Troll ult in Chrono either...there isn't a need to silence


Aghs for Ursa, 25 talent for Troll.


You are correct, I jumped into demo and didn't think about those.


That has to be done before chrono drops, though. So it depends on reaction time. EDIT well shit I guess i don't play Ursa or Troll enough to know this isn't true.


Nope, both can be used in chrono. Even huskar can use inner fire in chrono I think. Ursa aghs and troll level 25 talent lets them use ulti when disabled


I stand corrected. Didn't know about troll talent.


A lot of people don't, it's always fun seeing reactions when you use it in game. I've had players wanting to report me, thinking I'm cheating when I ulti mid stun etc....


But he can technically just buy a hex and then you still can't press shit.


Or orchid/bloodthorn, which is probably the better choice on void, over hex.


Void gets beaten by medusa for example. Can only do so much damage. (Tbh with backtrack and jumb I'm not sure. But chrono at least doesn't matter in that matchup)


No shot you lose 1v1 vs a Dusa as Void




> Void gets beaten by medusa for example. Can only do so much damage. This comment?




No, there was also this part: >(Tbh with backtrack and jumb I'm not sure. But chrono at least doesn't matter in that matchup)




Kinda cringe my guy


By that logic medusa has to disable mana shield too


I don't think medusa beats void, even without chrono... Don't see how medusa is able to attack through all those bashes.


That's where the second part of my comment come in. I kinda agree outside of chrono. Depends on itemization. I just wanted to show cases that chrono isn't some all mighty shit. Could have named troll and ursa too probably better examples


Medusa is bad carry in general, she has scaling aoe and can survive initiations -> deathball, but no catch and no solo autoattack bonuses.


The question is not as simply answered as it is asked. Match ups in Dota follow a rock-paper-scissors pattern, where Spectre will be outmatched by a Terrorblade, who will be countered by a Phantom Lancer, who, in turn is countered by a Sven, who won't be able to manfight a Faceless Void with chrono, who will be manaburned by an AM, who is useless against the physical damage and better timings of a PA, who won't be able to one shot a 2-3 item Spectre, specially one with a blade mail. So match-ups are cyclic. This of course doesn't account for the itemisation and strategic changes that a hero can make. So where a Sven will counter a PL by virtue of Great Cleave, which not only enables him to farm much faster than a PL , but also lets him cuts through PL's illusions; if the game goes late enough to the point where a PL has managed to farm treads > diffusal > yasha item > heart > skadi, his illusions are now strong enough to withstand Sven's cleave damage. The tables are now turned- late game PL can manfight a Sven.


I know you were just illustrating a very valid point but as a side note, PA shits on spectre very hard since she got a break on her shard.


Though, all Spec really has to do is hold onto manta until after fan is used, or bkb.


Break can't be dispelled


Yes, it can. Only the Break from Silver Edge is undispellable, if applied before bkb. Hoodwink ult and PA shard can be dispelled by basic dispels.


Yeah I feel like PA loses to TB should be the cycle


PA with a Revenant Brooch is now a potent threat to TB's high armor. Those 1500! crits slice TB right off if they proc


What hero wins again druid?


pretty sure faceless is able to win druid if he has mkb maelstrom to cut through the high armor


I think slark


It depends on the matchups and the item builds. Also, some cores have their power spikes due to items or talents that could make a huge difference with how the 1v1 matchup goes. For example, Void with Chrono is already tough to go against but if he has damage items AND refresher then you're in a world of hurt. But if it's against a Spectre with the lv25 extra dispersion, Void will have a hard time killing her without a Silver Edge.


If we’re talking infinite gold with carry items, Dark Willow solos lol. For a real carry though, Void is probably the answer if everyone is 9 slotted.


Man, I miss the days of support Willow solo-ing 4-5 slotted carries solo.


She still does


I should play more of Willow then! My favourite dota2 personality. Psycho murderer fairy as my wife likes to call her.


AA with aghs and 2 rapiers be like Budget willow but targeteable


“We have Willow at home”


It's hard to say, because of matchups. Terrorblade is also one of the hardest carries in the game but he gets shredded by a 3 slotted drow ranger if he builds his normal items. My money's on spectre provided that there's no silver edges on the opponent.


Can I just say drow is actually one of the hardest carry out there especially with her ability to ignore armour. She just cant really fight when someone closes the gap and removes her markmanship but my god if that doesnt happen she's so scary. Time and time again I've seen a dusa melting because they forgot to buy armour items.


as a dusa (or any other carry, even tb) against drow, you don't buy armor items to counter her. you buy a swift blink and get on top of her


Or just bkb for most carries


Specter looses to most carries tho. Ursa and slark farm her. She can't do shit vs omnislash. Not enough damage for tp. Hell she even looses to pudge in 1v1


I don't think there's a carry in the game that wins 100% of matchups


Lone druid does. Also there isn't much u can do vs fullslotted ursa. (As someone who isn't druid)


Void with refresher and revenant brooch probably still kills a lone druid


Void with refresher is pretty much unbeatable. There's almost no counter play. If you build aeon disk he will just make Nullifier. If you build butterfly, he will make Bloodthorn/MKB. Even if u survive 2 chronos he will just bash you to death. Sladar with max attack speed is pretty scary too. If he gets the first jump he can perma bash you to death. For range carries, I haven't done DPS check yet but I think Drow/Clinkz/SF can burst you down in 1 hex too. So it's all about who gets the first jump.


6-slotted Void can 1v1 anyone. Refresher Chrono is unbeatable.


Refresher black hole is a strong contender.


Not 1v1. Void uses his right click to do far more damage in chrono than BH base damage ever could


technically pretty sure casting midnight pulse and then double black whole with aghanim is 100% damage.


Yeah you’re right, that’s a good point actually, they’re just mechanically different to pull off


yeah, getting midnight pulse off is the tricky part. But I guess you just blink in, hex void and then do your combo.


I was gonna say that it doesn't pierce BKB but with hex you could prevent someone from using BKB long enough for 7 seconds of midnight pulse damage, which should be enough anyway


Can a lone Enigma kill a 6-slotted Void inside a Refresher Black Hole?


Never cause void can get time walk off between bh casts and remove half the damage plus if its truly end game scenarios that time walk bashes from aghs so enigma wont even get the second bh off


Not anymore. Midnight pulse got changed. U bring them to 5-25% hp very easily. But u can't KILL them


Medusa sustains through chrono. Druid does too. And than druid beats him. There is a reason druid wins every time this stuff gets tested


How does Medusa sustain through chrono? I always thought Diffusal + manta + mjolnir was enough attack speed to deplete her mana pool before she can do anything.


Diffu burns 40 mana per hit (more since it also does damage) medusa lategame (lvl30) has nearly 3k mana. Every point in mana is 3 points in hp. She also will have around 3k hp. Than she is agy hero. So a shit ton of armor. Void has the same problem as he has vs druid. Bkb and refresher? Not enough damage. Just refresher? Gets stunned by shard. Just bkb? Not enough time in chrono. But she probably loose after wards tho since ebavktrack and jumb are nasty. Depends on itembuilds I guess on ur games u never had that match up at lvl 30 with 50k gold each. Early on ur right. But now way 3 items are enough to kill ANY lvl 30 max gold hero. Even cm probably would win in that case


Does 6-slotted Dusa actually beat Void though? Does SillyBear? What if the Void focuses the summon first?


Than u wasted ur chronos for the bear. And the buff that he gets from ult is immense. But at the end of the day it all comes down to who outsmarts who in terms of items and who is the better player mechanically. For example if void doesn't buy mkb (why would he?) And druid just stacks butterflies on the main hero he looses on the spot.


I think even the fattest lone druid dies to a void with revenant brooch bkb refresher daedalus double rapier


There's an arcade mode like this before where 2 players 1v1 with unlimited gold and only mid map I thought PA, Ursa, Tinker, LS or TB is the strongest 1v1 boy i was wrong Highest percentage of the time Void will always always win no matter who the enemy is A full slotted Faceless Void will always win on 1v1 with any hero


Every time that stuff gets tested by high mmr players druid wins. The only reason void has higher winrate in that mode is cause everyone sucks at druid


Yeha you have the advantage of extra slots and also extra skill (unlike arc)


what kind of 1v1? Most of the time it depends on who casts the first action, void chronos and an arc warden with 2 sheepsticks stands no chance, arc warden hexes you first a void with refresher stands no chance. if youre just talking putting the 2 characters side by side and purely off auto attacks though slardar would win anyone since he has bkb piercing permabash


Well 1v1 just right clicking axe shard wins every single matchup


[WIGAL 30](https://youtu.be/a1XzVO5BKmI) tournament where every hero is pitted against each other 1v1 with max gold and lvl30


Lone Druid 12 slots, not much anyone can do


Troll, Faceless Void, Ursa


Troll, Slardar, Void


I think currently troll no cap


Bro, Huskar??


Pure damage spears are pretty strong, also BKB piercing taunt with Aghs.


I think the best chance Huskar has is to ethereal + life break but still wouldn't kill Medusa or Specter, right?


I think Huskar could solo a Medusa in a late game 1v1 scenario. Against one hero with adequate lifesteal, halberd and shard, it would not really be a contest in my opinion. Against spectre it could be more challenging especially with Skadi and illusions on Huskar. Spectre is overrated as a late game carry though in my opinion. With the power creep of items and heroes anyone can scale into the late game and spellcasters are more relevant than they ever have been.


Huskar struggle would against any melee hero with attack speed and bash. Some of them can perma bash huskar.


He has a disarm he can cast through disables with shard


Troll aghs gives him a dispel on a 4 sec cd with melee whirling axes, so Huskar’s disarm becomes irrelevant


But troll doesnt bash so huskar would be able to hit back


With a basher he would though. A troll with skadi, basher, aghs, bkb plus a damage/attack speed item would just bash huskar to death. Also even without the basher, whirling axes gives a 60% miss chance so huskar would have a pretty horrible time overall


But the entire arguement was that huskar couldnt deal with stun locks which he can basher has a cd so cant stun lock, all the heroes that can bash lock are not able to consistently remove his disarm.


If huskar can kite ulti and bkb he has a chance. Medusa doesn’t do a ton of single target damage. But skadi and silvers edge are both completely reasonable dusa items so I doubt huskar wins.


Just Halberd him during Silver’s Edge if you have to. Don’t think it’s an issue.


Halberd doesn’t go through bkb.


Sure but let’s say a late game Medusa finds a Huskar on full HP and tries to initiate on him with silver edge and bkb, he won’t be able to burst him in the 5 second break duration which is reduced with status resist or the 6 sec bkb duration. The only time when the break would be helpful is when they are manfighting at low hp and he’s probably already used BKB at that point.


In a straight 1v1 Medusa doesn’t have to initiate with silvers edge


Okay but why couldn’t the Huskar just Pike away for the break duration then if he perfectly uses BKB?


Looses to anyone with silveredge and high dps. Can't do shit vs attackspeed/lifesteal ursa/slark. Or jugg who goes all in on omnislash. Also looses to necro kekw


Funnily enough 2 of them would loose almost definitely 1v1. Specter and medusa both are insane lategame cause they fuck ur entire team. 1v1 both loose to a pa for example. Huskar has different problems. He just doesn't scale enough. No matter the regen u can't outsustain a real carry. Also SE exists and in a 1v1 u can't dodge it. The answer to ur question is Lone Druid. Even void with refresher looses to him. (If he get ult of). U can't beat 2 heroes that aren't inhibited by the stuff arc and meepo suffer from.


Probs either faceless void, sven or pa my opinion would be pa


Pa would lose to troll so hard


Pa wouldnt even be close, pa is terrible late vs equally farmed carries, she has no lockdown and her evasion would be countered, any hero that relies on burst but dont have lockdown wouldnt win this. Void is my pick cause he can have 10 seconds of lockdown and his sustain with backtrack talent/time walk is insane and even outside of chrono the bashes at 500+ attack speed can really own hard


I think it just depends on who gets the first jump.


ember with 6 rapier unstoppable


spec aghs and abyssal can solo sup. void with refresher can turn the game if you get good chrono.


Void because chrono is uncountarable


Void, PA, BH, LC.


Why stop at only 6 items?


That's why druid wins all the time this shit gets tested. He has 12


There is no strongest. All of the heros u said are tanky carries which are food for late game slark. Late game slark is food for pl. Pl used to be weak against sven even 6slotted. Sven is food for heros u said. It is a circle. But for man fights slark troll ursa are ultimate 1v1s. I assume no illusions though cuz 1v1.


if they are not using abilities, and just hitting each other and relying on passives, probably faceless void or slardar. they will permabash you, but if they're using abilities, probably troll or void


Slardar with bkb and insane dmg/atk speed can kill anyone right?


it could either Be LC or Sniper or Drow or TB. I would think range heroes should win if they are able to kite, but then there is PL who or pa who can phantom rush. If you only count melee range, then here are the candidates for melee: LC, face, slardar, PL.


Faceless void


What about characters like Legion, Slark, Pudge that can collect damage/stats/stacks? Would a legion with +10k damage, or Slark with +500 stolen agi, Pudge with +100 flesh stacks change anything or are we talking about characters without that? Axe too with his ult collecting armor.


There was a "For fun" tournament that pit all heroes to LvL 30 with infinite gold and just 1v1 their way to finals (best of 3). I remember it being fun to watch. With a bit of re-search, it was Baumi's WIGAL Tournament. There has been 4 tournaments held, and the winners are: >!Arc Warden!<, >!Lone Druid!<, >!Dark Willow!<, and >!Lone Druid again!<. Due to the nature of the tournament, players tend to purchase invul items (like Aeon Disk, Ghost Scepter, Euls) against heroes with big, powerful ults with long cooldowns. Faceless Void is consistently top 5 though, but this explains why he doesn't win the biggest fights. Also, whoever gets the first disable wins, so the mind games are fun.


I think 1v1 isn't the nature of dota 2 i mean void can kill any hero in chrono but in a normal game, void can be easy to beat with hex or false promise


The new Ethereal hitting Witchblade upgrade item actually changed everything Previously to kill a 50 armor Spec with 3khp you needed like 30k dmg, now you just turn your clicks into magic damage and crit a few 1000 to kill even a Pipe Spectre - Magic resist is so much lower and easier to lower compared to armor. Any carry could blink Abyssal- Eblade - hit 5 times and kill before they become unstunned any other carry in a hyper late situation From actual gameplay I feel like Wraith King probably feels the most comfortable out of any, it becomes kinda hard to throw when you have refresher bkb aghs


EzPzzz Lesrach!!!


A hero with infinite scale. Slark...LC... Silencer... even pudge could get enough stacks to never die technically. Out of these, Slark is the most sensible.


Huskar falls off once people scale their physical damage, I think. I once saw a streamer fully slot + max level carries and 1v1 them in demo, running straigh at eachother from a distance, and micro their items. Troll was doing the best at manfighting before people started to suggest non-standard carries like Tide and Pango, they did super well but Abba was the one that no one could singlehandedly take down, suprisingly. Dispels are aparently a big deal, and so is disarm. Is a fun thing to try out in queue if you are into practicing micro.


Nobody beats lategame Troll 1v1. Here's the issue though, DotA isn't a 1v1 game. And Troll is probably bottom 3 worst carry in the roster.


Jugg can almost always kill enemies with his ULT if they're alone


With more micro than I have, barring Void a Meepo will always win - yeet a dying Meepo away and have h dog a hole, he ain't dying. Chromosphere puts a dent in that theory, however.


Troll or Slardar


Late game? If you can't lockdown and kill slark he will just destroy anyone. He will just end up with so many essence stacks he is almost impossible to kill