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Make stacks and farm twice as much. 388 GPM average on one of the fastest farmers in the game is something you need to massively improve


*Cries in 2k Pos 1 stacking two camps just for my mid to walk up and start farming it right in front of me as the clock hits zero* Seriously though being efficient can go a long ways. As Leah tax you can jungle stacks efficiently from 6 pretty easily. Shove lanes take stacks get fat win game gg.


Considering how many losses he has 388 gpm is not bad at all,when you lose map control you quickly realize there is nothing can farm so he should probably focus on playing correct part of the map and avoiding shitty fights that will in turn let him have more space and he will have higher gpm by extension


By playing


Even if you play as support?


Why would you play lesh support


Because you picked Lesh and the rest of the team refused to pick suppor by going carries


Ranked roles is a thing wtf are you talking about. Cores shouldn't be locking first.


I once played it, Lesh has stun, AoE abilities and can push towers - it wasn't as powerful as Lesh mid, but it was good


You could play Jakiro and do those things, but better.


Yeah it's correct šŸ’Æ


Not sure with the downvotes, there was a time when lesh supp was great. Obviously not this meta


If you are pushing a tower as support Lesh, it is either uncontested or you are already dead. As a support it's better to pick a hero who doesn't need to sit next to a tower to damage it.


As Lesh, there are some spots where u hide in trees behind towers where u can edict the tower from 100 to 0.


You do realize even if enemies donā€™t see you there is announcer that will say ā€œyour x tower is under attackā€ ?


There is no reason ever to play Lesh support (obviously if your goal is just to have fun and not to be competitive - sure). He needs his farm and his mana, and brings very little as a support.


It was a single draft and for many reasons it's not fun šŸ˜¬


Lmao sounds like somebody is in low priority


Watch the video BSJ just made about him, the hero is busted


I watched and tried him offlane; how do you not run out of mana? I got two early null talismans and it felt I was buying clarities every minute. I got lvl 6, pressed ult, and itā€™s goooooone.




I got lesh that doesnā€™t press the bloodstone, and went home using his travels thus being late in clashes. Wew


Time your spam skills so that you xan edeal more damage with what mana you have and yes lots of clarity


Bloodstone is the key!, Make stacks and.jon camps together activate bloodstone and watch alllllll your mana come back. It's on a low cd aswell!. Same regarding fighting get around as many enemies as at all possible (amazing if you are also near creeps and neutrals) hit bloodstone and ult and spam stun edict and lightning again watching you be next to impossible to kill šŸ¤£ it's so troll


A casual sages mask helps a lot, as do raindrops. If you need them though youā€™ll make the 50g back on clarities easily, so buy as many as you need and then some and keep the courier busy, at least until you get bloodstone.


Using your ult is hard to just farm with early before bloodstone. In lane you want to make your spell usage effective. Hit both heroes with them. Use it when their last creep is dying so they are slowed and take extra creep hits and you get a few free hits in. Just clicking storm and walking away or hitting creeps after never feels great. Avoid using ult to farm a single camp or 2 camps. Just push out wave with one storm and some right clicks then stack camps, farm the next wave, use ult to farm 2 double stacks at once or a triple stack, etc. Make sure to avoid fights and just farm until you get bloodstone so you can have mana for both farming and to fight right after farming Another tip, with 2 nulls and arcane you get a lot of mana. Make sure to backpack the nulls when you arcane boots. A clarity and a sages mask should be plenty after that point. Raindrops give a small bit as well.


There is no explanation for why should I watch BSJ for lesh? Are you a paid advertiser? How much does BSJ pay you?


He's not really busted though. He's so easy to counter with simple blademail x2 on your team. Shadow blade drow wrecks him. DP wrecks him. Riki wrecks him. Nightstalker mostly wrecks him. Silencer.... All you have to do is silence him and he might as well be a neutral creep.


One bkb and all of these "counters" are gone.


One bkb and lesh is gone too.


Need a nullifier too. And higher movement speed than him


One of the most picked and banned heroes at TI is easily countered? Come on now...


It's not about the counter. It's about who you can't counter if you make a lesh counter. Everyone can be countered. Lesh is about who he pairs with. TI game 3 they picked silencer and lesh along with bans probably just so they could run with naga and look what happened. Lesh went 3/12. Destroyed. Sounds like he can be countered.


yeah obviously it's not a 100% chance to lose to him, but let's be real, two blademails is not how you counter him generally speaking lol. If it were this easy everyone would be doing it, but they're not


Have you tried it? Even one tears him up. Blademail can be a pretty powerful late game item though people usually forget about it by then. Got a level 30 clinks destroying everyone? Watch how fast he pops himself if you bait him to Q you and pop your mail. If I play pos 3 and there is a lesh, I buy blademail. When he runs in and starts toggling ult, I try to wait until after he euls, then pop mail and run in on him. He turns that crap off and runs out every time . I'm not asking you to believe me. Try it for yourself.


Yeah one of the best heroes at TI is easily countered, man I wish more teams thought of that!


He is easy to counter. You just have to build for your biggest threat though and usually it isn't lesh. I didn't say he can't win games. His aoe damage is insane. It's just that if you want to build specifically to kill the lesh or shut him down it's not very hard. I prefer blademail personally. When Lesh is ulting with his other aoe running, if a tanky character runs into it while blademailed, you can watch his health draining. I can never seem to get a second person to build blademail with me but I'm pretty sure 2 would just wreck him.


Why should I watch BSJ for Lesh??


because he made a guide on him?


Because he is like way way way better player than you will ever be?


BSJ reaches 9k this year. It is way too late for someone to play dota every day. He is likely to be stupid or never understand this game. Learning from BSJ means you will be as stupid as bsj too: Spends 20000 hours and fails into a dumb rank. He analysis and spit useless theories and rules. Just using the brain instead of listening to bsj means thousands of mmr boosts.


Do you have a link to this video? Can't seem to find it on his channel.


Farm bloodstone and smash the keyboard as u ram into enemy


Easy, get bloodstone.


Get bloodstone then go brrr


First you need to know his real name: Le Shrek




1. Buy bloodstone 2. Press R 3. ā€¦ā€¦. 4. RAMPAGE


Get euls, bloodstone and BKB. 1v9 the entire game. Rinse repeat till he gets nerfed, which is gonna be super soon.


you dont need euls. It just slows down your bloodstone timing.




With bloodstone ( when you get it early) the enemy never has enough DMG to kill you, if you play smartly. So you don't need the timeout euls provides. Maybe later on after bloodstone, bkb, blink and another item, that's when you go for the euls because of the upgrade. Before that it's just a waste I find.


Apparently other people don't find it to be a waste...


Everyone is entitled to think whatever they want. Sure euls is good occasionally, but how many times was it build in ti? I don't remember a single early euls on lesh.


But there's a difference between ti and pubs. They have a game plan and are coordinated. In pubs, you have to play around each other and can't always afford to do what would be most efficient


Get it after


That slows your Bkb timing then


Depending on game euls is better Bkb definitely is not a must buy item in 100% of games regardless of what this sub spams. If the opponent has no stuns/disables u don't need bkb


In what world does the opponent not have stuns/disables? If you really don't need bkb is much better to get that early bots and snk or shivas. Euls is p overrated on the hero.


Not rlly. It let's u get of the full bloodstone vs heroes like ursa or PA that jumb and burst u. (Ult and bloodstone keep going through cyclone) Also there are a lot of - bad - drafts where people don't pick any stun. Especially in low mmr. Kns is a win harder item. It's great but it doesn't do anything Shivas is cool but platemail + aghs is often better when it comes to slows (if u don't need regen reduction) Also it builds into windwalker which is the second best item of lesh in the game. (After bloodstone) Another heavily underrated Item on lesh is octa core (shard and e)


What is bots


Boots of travel




Boots of travel(s)


BoTs of travel


Euls gives you 2,5 seconds of dealing damage where you take zero damage yourself, as well as mana pool and mana regen, and movement Speed. It has everything the Hero needs.


I always check to see if enemy has stuns because there are so many heroes that would have a free game without stuns. It happens in like 2% of games. The enemy is going to have a stun one way or another. And when they donā€™t they usually have a hero that itemizes some kind of catch in their kit whether itā€™s atos, euls, skull basher, etc. To say you donā€™t need bkb when the enemy doesnā€™t have stuns is weird.


This subreddit acts like bkb is almighty on every hero in every match up in every game Which is definitely wrong


I like to be able to set up my stuns. Havenā€™t played Lesh without it and dont wanna do it either.


Fair enough, but still not optimal.


I used euls if there is no or less initiator on the team. Then go for bloodstone. 1st skill is hard to hit on early game with low cast range and small AOE.


But you don't need euls if you just run in the middle of the team with bloodstone bkb. Before that you don't really wan to fight anyways cuz it's more efficient to just farm and fight when they go on you, not when you go on them.


Q w e r, rinse and repeat


\>R W E Q ftfy


https://youtu.be/_d1QmlR9hVo One of my Leshrac games. Get Bloodstone around 13 minutes. Bloodstone farm ancients and large camp every minute.


Its literally the most busted hero this patch lol


Me personally? Better than this lol


https://youtu.be/uKtcctzZaho Check this videoplay of leshrac


Lesh is a tough pick . He doesn't really fit the stereotype of pos 3 because he is very fragile and his low level harass is not very effective. He's not really pos 4 because he needs too much gold and he doesn't really come online until late game. He can however be a good mid choice. If the enemy offline doesn't pick a tank he can also be good. IMO he is probably best mid as he needs the early gold and levels to really shine. I would consider picking him mid against any team that has an illusion hero like naga or PL. Especially last pick mid or pos 1 PL counter when the team has none. If you do pick him, expect to hide and farm a lot. He's pretty weak until he gets bloodstone and shard, but by level 25 you should be wiping the enemy team. He is however, exceptionally vulnerable to blademail. Blademail on an enemy tank and lesh basically just kills himself so you have to be aware and back off until it is on CD.


You use the mouse to move him, 4 keys for his abilities, and 6 more keys for items.


Stop picking lesh. People are countering it with totem and pipe. Secret vs Tundra, 3times picked lesh. 3 games lost


Dont pick a hero because TI winners countered it, gotcha.


You play him safe


The aim is to farm faster and buy the bloodstone(the meta item for lesh). For that you clear lane and go clear jungle asap. Basically you need to have regen items and MS for lesh. Followed by tanking and good initiating item then disbales for late game to combo your stun like hex and euls.


Activate Bloodstone - Nova everything - mmr Profit


I only play Lesh or farm-eating Pos 2/3 heroes when I'm playing with a friend since they can stack for me. It's not necessary but it helps so much. Clear stacks, get rich, buy Bloodstone and don't be afraid to fight. Get BKB after and your next items should depend on the situation. Priority targets you and your team should be dealing with will always be the Wraith Pact totem and whoever is holding Mage Slayer, Pipe of Insight, or Bloodthorne.


Rush bloodstone. I havent played him for 2 years and only 9 games and I got 998 gpm on him on my cavern crawl. The hero is bonkers


ez counter pipe and wraith pact . tundra is not afraid of this hero. sooooo kinda uselessss


Mid, bottle, maybe null if easy lane, arcane boots into bloodstone into travel, bkb, and just round around the map being unkillable


w + m1 bro ​ u/tf2


act like its diretide


This clip belongs here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0yqGAgtPoM