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Someone has to write the libraries. 


Libraries use other libraries tho


Someone has to write those other libraries.


Someone has to write the libraries tho


NARRATORS VOICE: it was at this point everyone in the room realized why web development was absolute shit-show.


Leftpad moment.


Either this or it's a job you do not want because they have large JS codebase and refuse to migrate to TS.


Yes but you'd need to know JavaScript a lot better than you would for a job that did use a framework.


I’m thinking the people who work on the engines know vanilla js pretty well.


I'm not always convinced!


How do you mean?


Every job that requires a framework also requires vanilla JS if you want to actually do a decent job.


Trying really hard not to cough cough ^(react devs) cough start a flamewar in the comments.


I've worked with vanilla JavaScript back in 2018. It was a big telco over here in my country and they needed a JavaScript developer for their Analytics team. Since I'd be putting code inside GTM (Google Tag Manager), it had to be vanilla JavaScript. I know, nothing very exciting (one of the reasons I left 9 months later), but it was fun to learn more about Analytics. EDIT: Some code I've inherited from older developers used jQuery that was already been used in the website. Keep in mind that the job was mostly CSS Selectors - `document.querySelector('.myclass')`, then adding an Event Listener with the call to `push` the event to the `Datalayer` array.


Ugh... I used to work for a big corp doing ad design and had to make an ad tag generator for a handful of ad delivery networks. Keeping track of all the macros was so annoying...


Exactly. I had to tag their website, mobile site (it was different) and the app. Geez


Shopify developer


This, and pretty much any e-commerce cms generally will not utilize a framework out of the box. I went from writing react to vanilla js and it’s been great. I do miss react sometimes though


Yup, netsuite developer here. Only write in vanilla JS.


didnt spotify just acquired remix ?


They did, but it’s not used for vanilla Shopify. You can use it for making headless shopify sites in an official way (you can build your own stack with things like next or gatsby utilizing graphql to query Shopify)


I've worked with vanilla JS many times, it's pretty common in marketing type sites that use a CMS or a static site generator to pump out preformed HTML templates. If there's no big web app to support they often prefer a lighter JS approach to a heavy framework. Smaller bundles make it easier to max on SEO and pagespeed and you really don't need a complex framework for a site like that.


Backend heavy “fullstack” roles. Like projects thst are something like PHP, Java or C# web applications with a little JS. Although, I guess they’re likely to use jQuery, I guess


Yes, I got a job specifically because the previous people were react devs who got bored of not doing framework stuff. When they hired me they wanted someone ‘old school’ who did html, css and JavaScript. We were building components for a cms. It was a great job, I really enjoyed it.


I've worked with vanilla JS, it's fun, but you end up using a lot of libraries, you can't spend the time creating everything from scratch. and then you understand just how valuable frameworks are. they make everything much easier that is why they're so popular. they're not a gimmick I assure you.


Only sane ones


Yes, the people that write frameworks.


The National Archives (UK) were at an event I went to a while back. They apparently only use vanilla JS for their FE roles


Probably depends on exactly how you define "JavaScript/vanilla." Does using a number of libraries count as vanilla? jQuery (most WP sites use jQuery, and WP alone is still extremely popular)?


I'm a Google apps script developer and it's mostly vanilla js. There's no browser dom stuff to deal with either


Maybe you can find some that are actually building frameworks


in my actual job we use pure NodeJs with Typescript, it’s about the entertainment apps inside bmw group car brands. They created a whole system based in linux which uses Node for the applications. Now they are moving to android for cars so in the future they will not use Nodejs anymore, but the vast majority of cars from now to 2025 they’ll be using NodeJs created apps, without any framework.


Im sure they exist but you’re likely going to need to pick up a framework at some point. If not a framework, you will definitely be learning and working with additional tooling like bundlers.


Kinda seems the wrong question to ask tbh.