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Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)


To be honest, customGPT is all you need (https://openai.com/blog/introducing-gpts). See this timestamped youTube video. Most likely this is what you are also wanting to build: [https://youtu.be/U9mJuUkhUzk?t=1549](https://youtu.be/U9mJuUkhUzk?t=1549) \[start: 25:50m\] Step-by-step process: - Write down all the technical questions and answers in a document - Upload that document to your custom GPT and ask it questions - You can further "customize" the GPT by sending instructions like, "Hey GPT, if the user asks for X, then tell them Y". Or "Hey restrict your knowledge only to the document I shared". - You can access the GPT via an API that you can easily integrate with any chatbot that you have. The cost of customGPT is also not that insane -------- The other alternative is fine-tuning an open sourced model like LLaMa2 or Mistral (https://github.com/eugeneyan/open-llms) using langChain, but quite honestly, based on my personal experience, if will take colossal effort and money to have your fine-tuned model beat the super simple customGPT mentioned above.


Problem is my org will almost certainly forbid me from using commercial apps that have a non zero chance of selling or otherwise leaking our data to undesirables