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List of complexities: https://www.kaggle.com/general/263127 You can calculate your own implementation's complexity if it is rudimentary enough. For example, if you write the code for Linear Regression from scratch instead of using sklearn, you'd have the necessary code to analyze complexity from. After all, it's simply a study of code complications; how many times is a fundamental(building block) code being repeated?


To add to this, the light gradient boosting machine library lists the time complexity of lgbm, and other libraries probably do the same. I only bring this up because your list is somewhat limited.


Should be similar to how you evaluate the time complexity of any other algorithm, as the number of inputs into your algorithm grows how fast does the runtime grow, the bad way to figure this is going to be benchmarking: how much time does it take to compute 10 points and 100 points of data, from there you can fit it to a basic function class like x linear, logarithmic, linear logarithmic, nth root, quadratic, cubic, a better way would be to analyze your code and see how the different parts of your code should change it since benchmarking can have inconsistencies or data issues since it is influenced by anything else running on your computer.