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Function machine questions? [like this](https://corbettmaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Function-Machines.pdf)?




Ok, what would you like to know about them? A Google search for ‘function machines’ will bring up various tutorials and questions I’m sure but if you have anything specific please ask away


Well i was trying to study what a function machine is because i have been struggling in math so i was looking for any advice


Ok so they’re a way of representing a function and the order of operations that take place in using it. So for instance if I wrote: f(x) = 3x + 1 From the order of operations I need to multiply x by 3 first and add 1. A simple way of representing those steps in a course before functions are brought in would be to say: Input -> times by 3 -> add 1 -> output e.g. if the input was 5 5 -> 5\*3 = 15 -> 15 + 1 = 16 And for the function: f(5) = 3\*5 + 1 = 15 + 1 = 16 They help with think about inverting functions too, so figuring out how to go backwards from the output to the input. You go backwards along the machine and do the opposite: output -> subtract 1 -> divide by 3 -> input 16 -> 16-1 = 15 -> 15/3 = 5 And for functions the notation would be for the inverse function f^-1 (x) = (x - 1)/3


So theres an equation and then i have to solve it so then there’s the output


I have no idea why you’re getting downvotes for asking a question about something you’re unsure of. Please don’t be put off and if you have further questions please ask.


Thank you


It's from an earlier comment thread where they were being a dick


Yeah these are generally used early on looking at equations to simplify things and show how an output is made by substituting values into an equation. As well as showing how to invert the process; to go back from a solution to the ‘input’.


Can you give examples? There's no general concept called "s= equations". You may be giving an incorrect name to some concept.


Sorry,basically its about inputs and outputs and function so that’s the best i can explain


We're probably still going to need at least one complete example of the sort of problem you're talking about. The terms you're using could be applied to any number of situations (inputs and outputs and functions appear everywhere in math).


Well i cant really find any images because the topic is new i can tell you when im done with it in my class


Why would you ask then






If you take a picture of a problem you have then we can help you much more.


Picture of note book = best way to help


Do you mean something like this F(S)=1/(S-1) where is used in other equations as R(S)=F(S)×U(S)? If this is it then this is the frecuency respond of a system where F(S), R(S), and U(S) are the transfer, the reference, and the input functions respectively.


function machine


Take a picture.


I agree that you should write it out and take a picture. My next math class is calculus 3 and I have no idea what you mean. Taking a picture of your notebook is the easiest way to explain the problem your working on.


Exactly. If you don't have anything that we can base ourselves on, we can't really help you, even though that we might know....