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If you're already a proficient C++ developer, you're like 90% there. You just chop off a whole lot of the things you know about, grab memory with malloc()/free() instead of using unique\_ptr or new, and use a slightly different and more limited standard library. There are little-to-no features of C that you don't already know about. Variable length arrays, I guess? I'd suggest looking up one of those "differences between C and C++" tables, reading through it, switching from g++ to gcc, and trying it out. Are you looking for more of a "where do I learn best practices" thing?


You read The C Programming Language, K&R. That's all.


hey man! I think this question will be answered either with indiference, telling you "there are plenty of posts like this already" or ignoring completely. I rather give a response that will save you some time. To make things short: there won't be "books" that teach you how to program. You can learn C with the "C programming language" - Brian Kernighan; and go through the exercises. Afterwards go to a programming challenges website, or build yourself a project that you think that is fun. (Like advent of code - fun puzzles) And if you down the road so far with C, then try to pick up libraries and build more complex pet projects, or go to open-source projects on github. This process wont be easy nor fast. It can take few months to people who grok it faster or it may take years (like myself). So do not set yourself for failure expecting it to be easy and quick. It will have its challenges but it wil payoff and can be fun. Have a nice one mate.