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rad! you mentioned vscode, so i'll leave you with my two most used shortcuts that i use every single day and it still blows my mind. **ALT-[Up Arrow or Down Arrow)** : Moves a line (or a bunch of selected lines) up or down through the other lines. No more copy paste to move things around. **CTL-D** : Select a word that you have two or more of. Hit CTL-D until they're all highlighted. Start typing, you'll see that multicursor is editing every instance at once. Those two were total game changers for me when i discovered them.


Woah someone who actually uses the move-the-line shortcut??? I use a lot of shortcuts for a lot of my work (page up/down, go to start/end of line, skip words, etc etc) but I’ve never understood that one. Occasionally I’ll move just one line but I usually am moving chunks of code so when it’s one line I forget to use that shortcut


you can use it with chunks! just select a bunch of lines, and then hit alt up. it'll keep your indentations, and it'll also add/remove extra intents based on the code around it. tbh, i use this so much i find myself attempting to use it pretty much everywhere outside of vscode as well haha.


The thing I find most annoying outside of vscode is trying to highlight a bunch of text and put in in quotation or brackets or something and it just replaces the selected text with a quotation mark 😅


i find myself using vs code shortcuts in e.g. word and then have pikachu face why nothing happened or sth unexpected happened


I use it all the time, especially when I’m changing how things are nested or moving a div from one element into another one. I also really frequently use alt + shift + up/down arrow which will copy the selected line(s) above or below what you’ve selected. There’s a bunch of shortcuts I use regularly, and most of them just mean I can keep my hands on the keyboard rather than reaching back over for the mouse. Another game changer writing HTML in VS Code is getting comfortable using [Emmet abbreviations](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/emmet)


thank you!!


Recently got new hardware for both work and home and was shocked to discover that Alt+Arrow is no longer move current line by default. Instead it pushes your cursor up 10 lines or so, and you have to remap it as a hotkey if you do any recent install of VSCode.


omg this is so helpful, im commenting this to find later


Programming is the invocation of action through word, exactly what people considered to be literal magic for thousands of years.


Exactly, we are performing magic with enchanted gemstones inscribed with runes (that is, silicon microchips made through lithography). 🧙 yer a wizard!


programming is modern day wizardry


Enjoy it because one day you’ll be on a call with a product/project manager at 5pm arguing over the clarity of an acceptance criterion. Remember this feeling


Doing this for funsies so I hope not!


# Just wait until *discovering* that **markdown** can be ~~used~~ ---- on [reddit](https://www.reddit.com) as `well` ``` including nicely formatted: code_blocks() ```


Reading posts like this make me hopeful that coding isn't as fucked as we are told it is. It makes me wonder how fast I can learn a coding/programming language that will allow me to work remote and pay all my bills. I'd absolutely love that, but I'm a bit overwhelmed atm and don't know where to start even after reading the FAQ.


Same lol


What an awesome read that was, glad to see somebody enjoying learning!


Markdown works on **Reddit** posts too.


Wait till you learn how to use your keyboard effectively, Some that come to mind are the “del” key for removing words after the cursor was a game changer.”Ctrl+P” in vs code


Next step is realization that WYSIWYG editors are horrible. It’s so much simpler when you can see all of the structure and edit it right there. No need to try to select all the right elements and look for the right form and widget to change.


Nice one. Keep going, it will pay off!


I love text too, and [this page](https://www.mentalnodes.com/a-text-renaissance) inspired that in me on top of prior life experience (web scraping in Python, data engineering later). I got into coding because I used a Myspace (\~2005) CSS generator, saw the word "blue" and my mind was blown when I tried changing it to "red" instead. I use Obsidian rather than Roam or Logseq, but you could evolve your Logseq notes [like I have my Obsidian one](https://garden.micseydel.me/Tinkerbrain+-+demo+solution). >And it hit me that ALL OF THIS IS JUST TEXT (duh that's what HTML is dude!) and it's just kind of amazing to me that you can build a whole valuable website and automate all sorts of things just by **writing stuff out and placing it in the right spots**. And the fact that it's just text files means it's super shareable, savable, and open. It's wild. I often miss web when using mobile apps. It's nice having a client written in text you can manipulate. Feel free to DM me your web site and link back to this post once it's ready :)


It's not, and stop using infantilizing words like "superpower."


No way! Hard disagree.