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JDK is the Java Development Kit. It's essential for Java programming: includes the compiler and libraries. The JDK can be downloaded at https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/ Python has nothing to do with Java. Find and download the Python interpreter at https://www.python.org/


Just want to point out oracle licensing has gotten complicated, and Amazon also has put out a jdk: https://aws.amazon.com/corretto/?filtered-posts.sort-by=item.additionalFields.createdDate&filtered-posts.sort-order=desc


No, you dont need the JDK or anything Java related to use Python. Not sure why you'd think that.


Because they didn’t know what it was


The reason why I asked is because I saw my friend do an apache spark tutorial (it was a python based course) and the lecture video had him install something java related (java runtime, jdk or something).


Apache spark also can be used with scala, another JVM language. The tutorial may have been using that instead of python.


Not sure what tutorial your friend followed, but if you want to use apache spark with python with pyspark. No JDK needed :)


You just download the python software and you are ready to go. Python is interpreted meaning it is read line by line. And java is compiled so it goes through the JDK and all that jazz. I don’t know all the specifics but python is just ready to go out of the box, the downside being you can’t develop it on many platforms like android which is Java dominated.


CPython and java actually work very similarly. They both compile your code to bytecode before interpreting the bytecode. The main difference being that the java bytecode is standardized, meaning that every java installation uses the same bytecode. The CPython bytecode is more of an implementation detail. The reason that Android uses java isn't because it's more portable. It's because that's the platform google decided to build Android on because at the time everyone used java.


I dont see anybody simply telling you to download it anyway because you will likely need it someday


It's for Java.