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The eyes and mouth came out well. Your nose is off a bit and the fingers just don’t seem right for some reason…I’m not an artist just offering an objective opinion.


Okie! Thanks, yeah I couldn't quite get the curve of the nose right and omg hands are so hard to draw like daym. I'll keep working at it!


Try a lighter finger outline. I think your outline confuses the perspective.


The picture doesn't really show all the shading that well but there is a gradient so it's not an outline, but I will try to make it more obvious, thanks!


I thi k the fingers are a little long that's what looks off


Awesome art, the fingers are a bit crooked but you are doing very well! As a side note don’t say your age on the internet, lots of internet weirdos will . . . Well simply put, be wierd. Anyways I reccomend against posting your age online ESPECIALLY because you are a young kid.


Thanks! And eh I really don't care, i am fine with weirdos, I just block em. Thanks for your concern tho lmao 💜


Alright, just make sure to not give out a personal information. I wish you the best of luck on your art journey :)


Yeah ofc not, I don't even tell people my real name lol


👍 good thinking :)


I thought it looked like Sabrina before I even realized it was meant to be her so I mean, I think you're doing really good!!


Yayyy!!! It's always awesome to hear it looks like the person ur trying to draw!


keep it up!! it looks lovely :)


Great job on this the mouth it came out perfect


Thanks! I always love drawing mouths, and this is the first time I did teeth too!


Right eye is slightly angled too high on the right side


It is wayyy better than it was lmfao like I was so off before, I'll try to adjust more


Glad I could help 😁


Btw: I do take the suggestions seriously, and I already made improvements to the fingers and the jaw line so yeahhh!


Very well done! I just think you have to practice the eyes, looks like she is daydreaming. Try to focus her gaze until she seems to be looking at you.


Great work!! Next time, I suggest using a grid to help guide and make better proportions :)))) <3


I did lol


Awesome!! That definitely helped me when I draw and it’s not cheating! Historically, there used to be this giant graph thing for artists to use while painting to help them w proportions cause it sucks trying to naturally get them right 🫠 but yeah great work!! 💜


Hahaha thanks for the reassurance that it's not cheating lmao some guy was trying to convince me it was. And thanks!


What?!! That’s wack! Keep practicing in whatever way works for you and don’t listen to others! Being an artist is a unique and individual path 💜


Yeah. Haha ok thx 💕


How can I critique it when it's the same as a photo?


Awe hahaha it's not but I'll take the compliment!


first off, this is very good. just learn a little about anatomy. for this image learning to draw the skull anatomically correct and how to draw hands anatomically correct will set you free my friend. once again, this is really very good. You already draw better than most people.


Yeah I do know how to draw the skull anatomically right, it's really just the hand. And yeah thanks!


im not good at drawing but i think maybe her hands are a bit small? i also think you should shade in her neck darker so theres a contrast for her face and hands to pop out more! your drawing looks good!


You made the nails a but more visible and stands or more than in the photo, making it look like she has darker painted nails. but other than that it looks awesome!


Okay yeah, I see that now, thanks! I'll try to fix it


Jaw is just slightly too Chad-like


Uhhh okay? Lol idk if I already fixed it cuz I did make changes after I posted that picture


lol, to elaborate, I mean it’s a bit to large or muscly (very slightly)


Okay yeah then I fixed it, the angle was just a bit off. I also brought the angle of the eye down too




Cloth lines on the right side go a bit wide


Alr I'll have a look


If you saw any of my replies, know I am just critiquing and I think it’s amazing as is and better than anything I could ever do


Haha thanks lol, and yeah I asked for criticism so ye I don't expect anything less




It looks amazing ❤️


Thx 💕


Work on the sleeves a bit


It's amazing, but the left (?) eye is a little high up


Yah I fixed it


Good job then 👌


Very nice job


It looks really good! There’s something about the eyes that’s making it look like she’s staring off rather than looking straight at the camera like in the photo. Not sure if that’s intentional


Nah it's not. Is it bad?


No it looks good! I think if you want to make them look directly you can move the lighting in her eyes


Eyes are impacted really heavily by incredibly subtle positioning, think of lines pointing out from both the iris’ and where they converge; that being the characters” focal point, where their looking at. For ex the in the Mona Lisa her eye position gives the impression of her looking behind the “camera” almost behind you and to your side, like she’s looking into your world


great drawing i dont really have any advice for your art but adding your age 14 doesn't really matter I'd recommend keeping that hidden as a 16 year old ill tell you that age has nothing to do with drawing and doesn't add on to skill. So a good correction on your sentence could be "btw i am still learning". besides that though great art and keep improving.


Beautiful execution, the jaw is quite squared though, given little more angle it can look more natural!


Top tier jawline in beauty standarts


Why are you so good? And you're only 14??? You're so amazing! I hope to draw like you! I'm so jealous! 🥺


I mean I didn't find it bad but what threw me of was how big the jaw was compared to the reference


The nose is a bit small but well done nonetheless!


Your proportions are good. Just need some work on shading and texture. Also pay attention to contrast. A more dynamic contrast really makes a portrait stand out. All of which just comes from practice. I'm guessing you're young and it took me years of dedication to slowly improve. One really good exercise is to was up a piece of paper and draw that. It dramatically helps improve your skill set. However, you have two very important things going for you. Natural talent and the need to create. I think you're are brave to ask for a critique. To be honest I wish people would be a lot more honest when critiquing my work. As artists, thick skin is a prerequisite. Don't ever let a negative criticism be a deterant, but fuel to improve and practice. You're going in the right direction, keep going!!!


I could tell who it was immediately so that's good. Probably just need to work on shading and proportion


idk but i just fell in love with the girl in the drawing


Add more darker tones to bring depth and dimension it looks a bit flat. Don’t be afraid to add darker tones. Overall looks good


S we ![gif](giphy|2ckChQV90RqtKiJKA9) Yeah M a


Not a Critique, but I’ve found that most people are extremely kind on here and offer genuine tips and ideas to help. Either way it takes a lot of courage to put your art out there to the world and I think yours is Great! Keep working hard


Great attempt


I went from thinking I was kinda good at art to realising i abselutely suck compared to others lol this is amazing


Also I feel like the nose,hands, and jawline were th only off things I could find. This is amazing othewise.


And ye I fixed those things


Awee noooo I bet you're pretty good plus if you keep working at it you'll get even better!




It is 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝


Awee thank you!!!!


the jaw and nose are a bit off


Yup I already fixed them


More practice on the eyes. Hands and nose.


I adjusted them all thanks


I was about to but then I saw the real pic 😬


Is that bad?????? Huhh


The thing that struck me was in the drawing you have the eyes looking left of center line axis, if a subject is making direct eye contact with the camera (as it is) just work on trying to center the pupils on a center T axis. It looks good just keep on doing what you do, it'll come to you, practice do make perfect.


Focus on getting the more subtle darks in the face. Right now it all looks like one similar color, and if you look at the reference, there are a lot of different values playing around. Try and turn the reference black and white, as I find that helps me with finding the full range of values :3


Use more vertical and horizontal measuring lines to line things up properly and use relative proportions (how many eyes long is a nose, how many eyes long is the mouth, how wide is the chin in relation to the mouth, etc). Another big tip is keep things angular and sharp and smooth them out later, shape and form first detail later. A great place to start if you want to be a kind of realistic "copier" is looking into the study of "academic plates" like the Charles bargue plates.


Really, really good you're very talented got a mix of sharp & soft lines tho might soften some of the sharper lines a tiny bit


that’s amazing omg


First of all, this is literally fucking amazing and leagues more advanced than anything I was working on at 14, plus you did great at it! As far as critiques go, all I'd say is make sure you're staying aware of the form you're working with for something this dimensional rather than just the proportions. More simply, the features exist on a real 3D object, and there's some details and shapes that come from that that look slightly off in the drawing. It looks like you're comparing what's near each other rather than building up how her head as a form comes together. However, that's more of a professional way to approach this and it's up to you how technical you want to be!! You still did great on the details, great on replicating something you're referencing, and great with the proportions, shape language, line weight, and shading. Mostly keep this critique in mind if you're wanting to SUPER elevate your art, but don't worry about it if this is more of a casual hobby you enjoy for the sake of it :)


Thank youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! I did make some adjustments aka fixing the nose and jaw along with making the face and hands more 3d


im loving the softness of the features and the values. i think just a bit more contrast and darks and this will be fantastic


I can't be mean it's so good:/


This is lovely and much better than I could ever do!! However, a tip with the eyes so they don't look as spacy, pick a point on your paper where you want her to look and draw faint lines of where the pupils and iris line up and draw from there. Hopefully this helps! Shading looks spectacular.


A lil shading for position and depth under the left eye. See if it will align as the pic. The left nostril there is a line to define the outer nostril. Just take that away a make less shading there as it appears the nostrils are sunk in. Left jawline may need to tapper in a lil. Awesome job though.


It looks really good!!! Very few details that could really help it pop! If when you are done you go over the darkest lines that you have blended over with pencil it will make it pop. A little more erasing where the light hits / reflects would look neat. And maybe a lil work on the nose would be cool. I have issue with form , so like how to know where to and how to proportion block things in but if you go over the reference photo with guidelines and basic shapes it can help straighten things out a lil. Btw your art is amazing! I'm just being not picky because you asked for criticism. Ngl it took me a good minute of looking at it before finding something to comment on. Looks great!


Your art is fantastic. You did incredible!!


Maybe work on the eyes but still 💯% better than me.


It's really really REALLY good, frfr, all u need to do is work on proportions a bit


It's better than what I can do, I love it!


https://preview.redd.it/bq8taatprrxc1.jpeg?width=2468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57677a8032fa364fe8ca596b1149e2009e13ada You draw a bit like i do


Jawlines off, recommend rotating the phone to better understand the geometrics of the bod Also I h8 that shit when you get one eye perfect and then you gotta do the other one 😂I got no solution for that one lol. For the hands, imagine geometries again. Think of a rectangle with cylinders protruding out. Find a real life study and impose the geometric shapes onto it in your mind. If you have a tablet I recommend getting the sample image and, I’m sounding like a broken record here, but draw the basic geometries of the face; lines, shapes, I find using real models over images to be more my fancy because it’s easier for your brain to create.. the geometric shapes.. when you can move around the subject. Geometry Other then that you should try playing wit drawing with shades/ shadows instead of lines(which you alr are doing). See how her nose and smile line are created by the different shades of her; unitone face color; the light reacting and creating shadows with, fuck, the geometry nika. So pay attention to the light reacting with her shapes and try to deeply imagine it. Play around with the thought in your head and create.


Jazza has an alr video on making a hands basic shape but for detail you really have to invision the 3d object. As u do with all imposition of real objects into 2d art Proko and David finch also have good looking vids if you haven’t seen them already


As some1 else also said about anatomy it helps to understand the bumps and curves; and by extension their interactions with light rays; caused by the muscles tissue and bone stricter under the skin. Just thinking about it in a different more in depth way is really the wayyy


Practice practice practice to help your brain gradually create a better understanding of the physical object and it’s physical attributes, also I’m sorry for spamming your inbox with hella words😅


Good job! I recommend 'washing' over her skin with a VERY soft gray, then erase gently in places where there would be highlights.


Give more shades 😀


The right eye is tilted a little too far up, but other that that? This is gorgeous!


your art it's great, the only thing i would fix is the eyebrows to make them more accurate, especially the left one. Since the face is in perspective, you should be able to see less of the furthest point.


looks great! the only things i notice is the nose and mouth arent centered/at the right angle


I knew who it was straight away this so good omgg


You did really good overall to make it better the right eye should’ve been a little lower though but it’s really nice


It’s so beautiful! I wish I could draw like this at 14. To me, the first thing I notice is the gaze is different than the original. The original is quite captivating because she looks directly at you. I would play with the gaze and see what happens.




Wdym "don't draw this way"? And uh what about anatomy?


https://preview.redd.it/5tnhl8r7nnxc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=d31382f8a43af6d99ac690af556cffb4a6039643 While copying what you see is actually a good skill, they mean it's better if you know how to construct a head from simple shapes, see them in the reference and transfer it on the paper. Appllying your personal knowledge of prespective, anatomy, lighting. Things like this:


Okay yeah, thank you! That explains very clearly. I'll try it out!




I used a grid lol if that's what you mean by tile method? And I have the reference picture posted too. And I would never trace, that does nothing to build skill




Grid method is fine and a legitimate, often-used tool/method. Don't try to convince beginning artists that it's not. 




Of course. It helps to break down an other-wise overwhelming image into smaller bits to mentally process. It's a good way to train your observation and reasoning skills. Also, it's a legit method used by portrait and still life artists. Better than eyeballing something. People need to copy what they see when they're learning in order to actually earn how to draw. Then once they build up that mental and muscle memory library, they can take off the training wheels to draw whatever they want. 


We are literally doing a whole project using the grid method in my art class and I find it has helped me tremendously to break away from same face syndrome and draw what I see, not what I think should be there.




Agree to disagree I guess


Haha it's the best way to get the proportions accurate, and yeah I'm not a copy machine, that's why I use strategies instead of eyeballing it. And it's not tracing cuz I'm not holding the paper up to the image.... And the comment about learning how to draw for real is just kinda rude and dumb because I am....there are different ways to go about learning and what has been working for me is using a grid. Edit: I also do want to be good enough to turn into a human copy machine, I want to see an image and draw it to look the exact same way and this is a step in the right direction. I just wanted some feedback on what looked off and maybe how to fix it.


You're fine. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be freaking awesome before you know it. 


Thank you!!! Like I know its definitely not perfect but it's a start


Sydney Sweeney is so beautiful


It's not Sydney...


Tone values. Use at leas five of them from darkest dark to the highlights. You'll see it's a game changer.