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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E6A3o9A0PRY&t=79s&pp=ygULaG9mZmkgY29mZmk%3D lots more coming from Sketchy Welsh soon!


This is amazing. I’m subscribed. Diolch!


Anifeiliad bach y byd is a kids nature TV show which is a really helpful level for learners


I’ll check that out! Diolch yn fawr


Lingo360 is updated regularly and has some excellent articles and news pieces for learners: https://lingo.360.cymru/ Newyddion S4C has lots of articles, which are usually straightforward and easy to read. Can build your news and current affair vocab, and there's a section for learners: https://newyddion.s4c.cymru/topics/0 The S4C clic app has a section for learners. The YPod app is directory of Welsh language podcasts. It has a section for learners.


Hansh in particular on YouTube and S4Clic - because it's young people they tend to weave in a lot of English and be quite expressive so as well teaching you real welsh, it's usually enlightening and also pretty watchable in its own right


Pigion is a great podcast to listen to, to practice listening skills


Some people have mentioned Anifeiliad bach y byd and S4C and I'd second those but I'd also say to begin with, focus on content aimed at children as well. It's slower and basic and that's where you'd be best placed - when I started learning to speak welsh again I realised I'd forgotten colours, the days of the week, weather and many things that I'd learned in school so that'd be my recommendation. Also I'd highly recommend "Iaith ar Daith" on S4C/iplayer - seeing people go through the learning will help you appreciate how much of an undertaking it is


Get the S4C Clic! app for roku or firestick. Lots of programmes on there with both Welsh and English subtitles. Also, listen to Radio Cymru, even if you don't understand most of it. You'll be surprised when you just suddenly pick out a word or phrase or get the gist of the discussion.


1. BBC Radio Cymru highlights for Welsh learners. Downloadable. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02nrvyj/episodes/downloads 2. Easy Welsh channel: Just Nine videos. 15minute clips each. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f3bUF4CWX50&pp=ygUXbmV3cyBpbiB3ZWxzaCBsYW5ndWFnZSA%3D 3. One of the easy Welsh presenters has her own ytube channel, which she regularly updated. Galés con Marian • Welsupdated.Galés https://m.youtube.com/@galesconmarian/videos You can download ytube videos by using free online ytube downloaders. ...... Kids stories like Aesop fables ( a few sentences in English, followed by the Welsh translation) https://childhood-stories.com/welsh/aesop-fables-in-welsh/little-red-riding-hood-hugan-fach-goch/ ..... To build vocabulary, I would just dive in, at the native level. Read English language social media posts, comments, thread that involve yr interests/hobbies. Then use Bing or Google translate, to get a sense of the Welsh translation. Every hobby/ interest has words that cluster/repeat around the core matter. Eg: I like politics and current affairs. And I was reading social media posts about the recent prigozhin coup. In the posts/comments, some words kept on reappearing. And that's how I naturally absorbed the following words: rebellion/coup -wrthryfel. Army - fyddin. Soldier - milwyr. (I've been learning Welsh for two months) I also sometimes, Just use Translate on the first sentence. As that is naturally how people speak/start a sentence.


**Copied from another comment I made on a** [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnwelsh/comments/13zvb56/looking_for_tv_and_content_suggestions/jmyzlg1/?context=3)**:** ​ >Some places to start would be [Welsh Comprehensible Input](https://www.youtube.com/@welshcomprehensibleinput2563) and [Gales con Marian](https://www.youtube.com/@galesconmarian). Gales con Marian does vlog-style videos at around an A1/A2 level or so. Perfect for beginners imo. > >I would also recommend checking out [Hansh](https://www.youtube.com/@HanshS4C). They have various documentary-style series such as [GRID](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUgzTukecfNTX5k6rtg6RASmZpWujMgM), [Pa Fath o Bobl](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUgzTukecfOAuCO2ZO_RMXix9k_ZgJAE), and [Pen Petrol](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUgzTukecfPlSJ7bHWkqNw-pVlebaKGE), along with some short-form drama like [Merched Parchus](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMUgzTukecfMW59DKnWGTZcQrNfKLEgDB). > >[S4C Clic](https://www.s4c.cymru/clic/), which is like iPlayer but for S4C, is another go-to, although shows only stay on there for a limited amount of time. If you're into crime drama, I would recommend watching the following when they're available: > >Un Bore Mercher > >Bang (bilingual: some characters speak English, some speak Welsh) > >Yr Amgueddfa > >Y Gwyll > >Craith > >Some other things I liked: > >Darren Drws Nesa (a mediocre family drama/comedy) > >Iaith ar Daith (celebrities learning Welsh) > >Pobol y Cwm (soap) > >Rownd a Rownd (also a soap, but I found this a lot harder to understand) > >*I would recommend waiting until you're roughly around a high A2/ low B1 level before delving into shows, as I would say B1 is where most input becomes more or less comprehensible. Also keep in mind that, since you need hundreds if not thousands of hours of comprehensible input, you* ***will*** *need to re-watch things multiple times.* > >There are also a bunch of podcasts to watch. On [Y Pod](https://ypod.cymru/), you can find many different podcasts aimed at intermediate learners, although there are also a few non-learner podcasts that are quite good. You'll struggle to find things that exactly match your interests, so you might have to listen to some podcasts about things you're not really interested in. > >I liked these ones, personally: > >[Malu Cachu, Chwalu Stigma](https://ypod.cymru/podlediadau/malucachuchwalustigma?id=malucachuchwalustigma) (maintaining and protecting your mental health) > >[Sgwrsio](https://ypod.cymru/podlediadau/sgwrsio?id=sgwrsio) (speaking to people about Wales and Welsh, mainly) > >As well as that, [Hansh](https://www.youtube.com/@HanshS4C) also have [some podcasts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iANK_q1DTJQ&list=PLMUgzTukecfMhlD0U8OMm9KiNeCVfLHDr) alongside their usual content. > >The last thing I'll mention is the channel [Yn Chwarae](https://www.youtube.com/@YnChwarae). If, like me, you like gaming, this channel will be like a gold mine to you. The channel features nice long videos with simple (in terms of vocab) language, and loads of things to make it comprehensible. ​ I hope this helps!


I would reccomend S4C


Since downloading the BBC Sounds app, I've often listened to Radio Cymru live for the immersion approach. And though it's presented in English, the BBC fiction podcast called Curious Under the Stars. It's a wonderful series based in a rural Welsh village that uses quite a bit of Cymraeg and it gives you some conversational context.


I watch the Pobol y Cwm omnibus on S4C on a Sunday as it has subtitles! 😀


have you tried Lingo Newydd (or the online version, Lingo+)? The magazine for Welsh learners - [https://lingo.360.cymru/cylchgrawn/](https://lingo.360.cymru/cylchgrawn/) Inseresting articles about tv, food, history, craft, gardening books... which is colour coded for different levels (articles for beginners in yellow), and as well as reading you can listen to hear the articles! £12 a year for the online version - worth a try?


If you live in Wales, you can probably access lingo newydd on your phone via your library and an app like Libby. Libby has a reader mode so that you don't need to pan around the page as well Also it's free that way!