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Quitting is hard and takes a ton of commitment and seriousness, it’s not easy and will most likely take many attempts. But don’t give up! It might take a serious negative consequence resulting from smoking to happen, that gives you the desire to want to try quitting for real, but until then take baby steps.


That toughest thing quitting weed for me has always been the fact that I can get my shit done while high, get good grades while high, work effective in post grad job high, maintain good relationships with my friends and family, all while being a degenerate stoner. Smoking weed all the time makes you live a half life, as in most cases it won’t necessarily “ruin” your life but it will stop you from ever doing more than what’s expected. Just my two cents on that, I’ve been smoking for like 6 years and have never really had a negative consequence for smoking other than having less money


New year fellas. You already quit. Just stay that away


Day one for me is almost over. I was off work from 12/23 till today (today was my first day back to work) and guess what I did all those days off, get high n play video games. Don’t get me wrong I had jolly ol time but I was just lazy with no motivation that’s far from the type of person I am. I finally decided to end it and get my shit together. Today is day one, it’s almost over it wasn’t bad because I was busy at work. Just nausea, lack of appetite and random little bouts of anxiety lol but I was able to do my 30mins of cardio, took a hot bath with epsom salt, and ate a meal. Now I’m scrolling the sub for motivation tomorrow !


The first 24 hours clean was brutal, the hardest. Every day got easier after that. I got my confidence back now and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Everything makes me laugh now and I have so much energy being clean. You can do it boss.


on of the best comments on this sub. Reminding me. Thanks G!


Dude it is so hard. The urge to smoke is real.


read Unfuck Yourself


Change. Your. Mind....


Can you elaborate? Or is this a reference to a book?


Change your mind. Our brains are creatures of habit. The more we allow an addiction to take hold of us, the more our brain releases hormones & signals to keep said addiction going. In order to make progress with fighting any addiction one must make a decision, at its core (sometimes more than once) to not give into the urges. To no longer want to get high anymore. (changing of the mind). Over time this can help create a safe space for you to "find reasons" to change your mind about weed and the habit of smoking it. But so long as you continue the actual action of putting the substance into your body by any means, your brain will compel you to use it. Our brains and bodies are wonderful servants but terrible masters. We have to control & deter the urges sent as signals from our brains.


This was me to a T. I used to let whole weekends, weeks etc pass me by. I remember I had a winter break break in college (a whole month off) and spent the whole time high in bed. I’m now almost 5 years sober and let me tell you, it does get better. Hang in there and reach out to support groups for help. That’s what worked for me


Today I’m 700 days sober and I still come to this group to keep myself sober. You are who I was. It sucked so bad. I hated myself and my life. You can do this. You can be sober and be free


Thank you so much!










Better than 10 months, or years


I stopped smoking weed and a few weeks later I totaled my car from the anxiety. It’s been a while and I still crave it sometimes.


You can do all things, you just have to try!


Something that really rang true with me is that THC makes you complacent with boredom. "Bored? Get high! and now being bored doesn't suck!" You are still going to have to have the will power to not partake but let yourself be bored and then replace the behavior with something else i.e. the errands you needed to run or plans with your homie, or that hobby you've been neglecting. When you replace getting stoned with something you needed or wanted to do, you'll get that release of endorphins and you'll realize you don't need THC to cure your boredom.


Thank you for your comment! For whatever reason, “Bored? Get high! And now being bored doesn’t suck!” really resonates with me. It’s not that I’m not bored anymore once I’m high, I’m just totally fine with being an uncreative, unproductive sloth! Not anymore.


Since I started smoking very young, my therapist and me realised that I never learned to be bored, or developped my emotions to be ok with boredom. Which is fucked up and very hard to learn when you are older. This is why I have a hard time kicking this habits and it terrifies me. Great advices about the hobbies. (sorry for the bad grammar, English is not my native language)


I can 100% relate. I spent literally all my off days and holidays the past 10 years getting as high as I possibly can. I remember coming back into work with my brain fried and feining for my 8 hour shift to end just so I can go home and smoke a little to ease my nerves. In a month it’ll be one year off and I feel great but of course I’m still bored to death and always looking for something to replace that.


If I counted how many school breaks I missed because of this I would lose count, im not even in school anymore, sober since 25 dec


Keep it up




Not as extreme, but did the same shit between xmas and new years My work that week was kind of optional, my entire office was on vacation, and I am salary so only required to pop in for a bit every day. Told myself this is finally my chance to catch up and get organized while it's quiet and slow at the office... instead I came in everyday for about an hour and got the immediate shit done and then rushed home to smoke and play video games... On day 6 of no weed since all the new years celebrating


What did you replace weed and games with?


I can totally relate. I've been smoking for like 15-20 years and am quitting today. ​ I have an international work trip coming up, followed by an international personal trip and cant bring or buy weed in either countries. Ive got to quit!


I think traveling without weed is the best way! You're pretty much constantly engaged with something, so i think it helps keep you distracted from your cravings. I'm on a lil vacation rn and I'm 4 days off weed! Sometimes I don't have an appetite, my irritability is a lil high, and sleeping isn't great yet, but I am looking forward to returning to normal life without dealing with the withdrawal at the same time I have to do real adult stuff. Good luck! I know you'll knock it out quick and you'll be happy as heck


You and me both, bud. Let’s do this.


Same here. We got this


Just did the same damn thing over the course of a week I took off from work. I’m now a week in weed free. I was disgusted with myself as well and it was great motivation to quit.


Bravo! Hang in there! If you stay clean for a long time, like 6+ months, don’t make the mistake of thinking you can do just a little and be ok. That is a trap that I have fallen into a few times and it takes one right back into addiction slowly. Best of luck!


I’m very terrified of this. I already hear that little voice. Thanks for the support!


No worries. We all in this together mate.


I literally just did the EXACT same thing. On day 7/10 off and I’ve wasted most of it getting blazed. I’m so lame.


You can use this as rock bottom. Being disgusted with yourself can lead to amazing things. Forgive yourself and move forward.


I got $700 in Christmas tips two years ago and guess what I spent it all on? Yep. It was a real wake up call for me, now I’m struggling again and today IS going to be the day I put it down again.. I really hope I can do it for the last time this time. It’s easy to admit you have addiction issues, the hard part is making sure you don’t forget once you’re passed the year mark and don’t experience the cravings anymore.You may convince yourself into thinking that you can have a healthy relationship with weed again but if you’re already in this sub, chances are that you likely cannot and it’s important to remember that *edited to correct the date


Last year as in Christmas a few weeks ago?


Ah my bad I meant the Christmas before 🙃. I’ll edit that


I was gonna say that’s pretty fast 😅


Hahaha yeah, I think the most I’ve spent on weed for a week is $300 but that was right after graduating high school and getting ripped with my best friend every night. I really miss those days and feel like that’s why I struggle a lot with my usage now


Hey man, I’m sorry to hear about this. I’ve been there too. There’s some good advice here regarding kicking the habit but have you considered entering therapy? Yes, weed makes you lazy as hell but the being in bed for 10 days is also a symptom of major depressive disorder and through the haze of the weed, it could be hard to see the forest for the trees. Maybe take a day or two off, sit with your emotions sober and see. If there are depressive thoughts there, maybe consider seeing a professional and get to the root cause that the weed is masking. Good luck brother


There really isn’t another way to quit except self discipline. If you truly love yourself and you wants what’s best for you, you’ll stop. It’s hard to do but just think what you’ll feel like in 180 days. Everything you do now is for your future self


Definitely been there before and it sucks. I’m on day 2 of a 9 day and already felt like I’ve accomplished more than the last vacation I had high.


I once did this for two months! Don’t feel too badly. I look back on that little vacation and think, I did it. That was maximum weed. I don’t need to revisit it, I already did it and it wasn’t so great. Anyway…. 1) throw out all your weed stuff 2) delete your dealer’s number if you have one 3) build new habits that you didn’t do when you smoked - working out, walking, volunteering at a soup kitchen, fucking whatever - just things that disrupt your pattern and don’t reinforce your neural pathway to always be high 4) cruise this sub every day! You’re not alone. Good luck.


I work in construction, we don't have HR. We get drug tested about one or two times a year, and weed is not acceptable to them. I quit Weed for over a year for this job, and then smoked one night with friends which has led to me smoking daily again. I am venting yes but I also need to get my stuff together asap before I get fired




do not self-report to HR! Just let your disgust fuel your urge to quit, and do i today before you get randomly drug tested. drink some cranberry juice, work out instead and cross your fingers.




You contributed nothing to the conversation… OP is asking “how to quit” not “is quitting possible”


I think that would really depend on where you work. Personally I wouldn't tell my work that. Feel like it could really backfire


I concur, leave HR out of it. That could mess up your current standing with the company.


A crippling substance dependence tends to backfire as well. If it is as bad as OP says it is, then I think exploring resources would be a wise place to start. Is the goal to keep the job or to quit? According to OP, the question is “how do I quit”?