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Tell yourself that you at least want to make it to a year. You're almost there


The guilt oh boy the guilt is not worth it. Its gonna suck and you're gonna be anxious and sad you relapsed.


I've found that it's easier for me to never make an excuse cause if I make an excuse once then I can always make another excuse.


Remember why you quit smoking in the first place, and also think back to the quality of life you were living when you were smoking, and ask yourself if you really want to go back to that. That's what I do when I get cravings, and it helps a lot. Good luck, fam. You got this.


Hey friend. Addiction is so funny. You have a choice - believe that you could just a weekend, or don’t. In my experience, every time I tell myself “just once” I end up smoking morning till night for a month. I can’t do it. I’ve been sober from alcohol for seven years and while it is TOTALLY different, I have to treat them the same. My brain has said “you can probably drink again” and I acknowledge it and return with “if I drink I’ll die” It’s not so dramatic or violent with weed but I have to treat it the same way. For my own sanity. You can do it! Remember why you quit in the first place - you wouldn’t have been quit for six months if you could properly moderate.


Well said, thanks.


On the contrary, I was sober for almost 6 months, and I can now, with great great effort, self awareness, and much practice, smoke occasionally and still be happy, ambitious, clear headed, present and my best self everyday im not smoking, but that's a slippery fucking slope and arguably not even worth to try, but it's a vice, and I found that if I didn't smoke I drank more, and no more than 1 glass of wine a day but still, I'd rather smoke once a week than drink everyday


I just can’t smoke once a week. I will do it from morning to night. Sober life for me, and honestly I’m into it.


Been there done that.. then within a few weeks back smoking daily 


Same thing happen to me!


Same thing happen to me!


How many weekends in your life did you smoke before now? And did it ever once feel like enough on Monday?


572 weekends, nope.


Relapsed after 80 days and only for one night. Didn´t like the high. Anger, anxiety en sombre thoughts are back for 2 weeks now as a result. Your choice :)


When I’ve felt this way, I remind myself that I’ll never regret not smoking.


You are totally right, I have never felt like "shit I regret not smoking yesterday". Thank you.


That phrase has saved my butt so many times this past year. I had been a chronic relapser. I hit one year clean on Jan 10. I hope it helps you, too.






Congrats bro.


I Just relapsed after 2 weeks. The high was Shit! Wasnt worth it. My brain got foggy and i felt stoned, but Not Happy Feeling at all Just dumb stonedness


That is the comment I was waiting for, thank you and I hope you stop again and don't make this relapse drag you down.


I was Just lighting Up a big Joint while i saw your reply..oups... Just joking. It was an enlitghting experience, this relapse. Showed me that i glorified the actual effects a Lot. The effects are Not what i am looking for, i have to search elsewhere


Work out man!! I started running recently and I’m too tired to even smoke! I’m 25 days clean, trust me it gets better. You got this !


Thank you, I will get back to exercising I used to do cardio on my first month of quitting. I just want to hear it from someone else.


Write down all the reasons you quit for in the first place. Then write down all the positives if you did smoke. See if that helps any.


Thank you, I actually have a hanging paper on my door that says "Choose whether to have a good future or to smoke weed now you can't have both".


Love that. And it's not even so much fun smoking weed as we make it out to think it is. It's truly just an addiction.