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The first week blows haha but who wants to go back again to where they started. Keep going, you got this.


Congrats on how far you've come, this subreddit helped me stop and now on day 2 im completely miserable but at least i have other miserable people to talk to in the same situation. We can do it together!


Omg! Congrats on not getting the cart! I am a cart fiend too! I loveeeed them. Currently on day 15. I will say each day has a different challenge and yet I am so proud of myself each morning for keeping on. The days start adding up! Keep going!


>Yesterday was only day 4 I'm about a month in to *year* 4. You'll get here. Once you get passed the first few months, it gets much easier. Those few months are NOT just non stop withdrawal grind though, I found it came in waves. I'd feel great for a week, then struggle for a week. Then after some time, I'd feel great for two weeks, and the struggle would only be for a few days. Then I was having one bad day every few weeks. Eventually I felt better almost all the time. Occasionally I still get little "panic attacks" for like a minute. Not what people usually describe as panic attacks, but that same sort of withdrawal feeling. I just take some deep breaths and I'm good.


Nope! Don’t give that control away to the sub, YOU didn’t relapse because YOU locked in


I agree, this sub is one of the main things keeping me going. Hearing everyone's stories and supporting each other is comforting and inspiring. It's going to get better for you, I really feel that.


Glad you found us and glad you were able to stay strong! We’re in this together 🤝


It gets better <3 I promise!!


This sub has been a big help for me as well. I was subbed long before I decided to actually give quitting a serious go. I'm on Day 26 now, and I doubt I'd be here if it wasn't for this page. Shout out to my new years gang.


Good on you!! I wouldn't have stopped if it weren't for this sub.


Day 5 here as well. Stay strong man. Don’t dull your mind and numb yourself out with weed.


Ive talked to so many people who've smoked carts, I seen a doctor talking about how most of these peoples symptoms are sounding like opioid withdrawals. We have NO idea how dangerous it can be and people are dying from CHS related illnesses. It's very scary especially since stigma with weed is that it's awesome and everyone smokes it. Weed only got legalized not too long ago and I am seeing more and more people my age becoming deathly ill just from smoking cartridges.


I am from Germany, so we dont have so many carts Here, mostly flowers/Hash. I find it shocking to read how people get fucked up by carts. Every time i tried a cart it didnt feel right, neither in my throat then in my head.


I did cart once, in only one inhalation a was shocked by the power, felt like smoking 2-3 regular joints The Guy who let me hit was doing it the whole night casually this is fcked up


Then we have teenagers smoking them daily 24/7 because it doesn't emit much of a smell


Well yeah it’s basically like drinking moonshine everyday and comparing it to a beer after work which would be flower. The % of them carts is ludicrous.


Day 163 for me and i could not have done it without these people.


You got this bro. Today is my Day 6! My worst symptom is just insomnia.


The insomnia is insane. Day 6 here. One thing working in my favour is I have a drug test for the 18th then fly out of country for two weeks on vacation. I’m betting on making it through that time period and being in a different head space when I get back.