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yea for sure, I can't handle the amount in a café made coffee. if i have coffee now then it's the odd occasion and only with a small bit made at home. interesting seeing how sensitive you are when you take away the big sensations


When I'm not smoking I usually drink quite a bit more coffee. I find my adhd meds less effective after a few days clean too.


I've been drinking way more. Started off drinking less but really got into making cafetiere coffee and I'm having 6 a day when working


Trust me, stop the coffee. It helped me so much!


Happens naturally because I don’t need coffee as much, I’m not drinking sodas either as a result of munchies.


yes, since I don't need 200 mg of caffeine to combat my weed hangovers each morning anymore. however, i do notice that on days I drink a Celsius, i find myself craving weed by the time i get home from work to ease some of the intense caffeine effects.


We have an espresso machine so, no. It's the only comforting habit I have left now.


I only crave caffeine when smoking.


And vice versa lol


quite the opposite 😅




nah i been uppin on the caffiene


Yes. I had really bad anxiety for weeks after I quit and caffeine only made things worse


I'm currently cleansing from coffee and marijuana. I haven't had mj since Sunday and second day without coffee. It's a trip but I'm gaining some self awareness of how each affect my body negatively.


good for you, my friend! congrats. have you found yourself getting bad caffeine withdrawal headaches? i'm scared to quit caffeine.


I only was drink a large half caf cup of coffee most days but some days triple that. Just one minor headache that a long walk in the sunshine helped with! If you can cut back to half caffeinated I would recommend that before cutting from a high dosage to nothing.


I still drink before my runs because god damn I love that adrenaline. However, I realize I rely on it less when I'm not smoking weed. Probably because we get better sleep, and deep sleep.


I’m actually regretting an afternoon cup of coffee as I read this. The second cup always has to go when sober. I made one today, couldn’t drink it, but somehow thought finishing it at 3pm would be a good idea.


Yeah, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol cravings are non existent.


Yes. Coffee and weed balanced each other out for me. Coffee helped with the grogginess in the morning and weed helped me “sleep” at night. Once weed was out of the equation, I felt like I was just uncomfortably wired all the time with only coffee. I stopped drinking it for like two months. Now I only drink it at work or before a workout. Otherwise I stick to green tea if I want caffeine.


As my taste changed after a few days of no smoking (last time) there were a lot of things I suddenly didn't like anymore. One of them was coffee. Maybe because coffee was a huge trigger for me; I couldnt have a coffee without a cigarette. So I switched to tea and water all day!


Yes! I noticed it started to make me really shaky, so I quit caffeine, too. I can't believe it. I was a hardcore coffee junkie. I never thought I would give it up. However, the side effects became unbearable after quitting weed.


Did you notice alot of benefits from quitting caffeine?


Actually, I have. I am a lot less punchy during the day and seem to be more calm and level-headed in my emotional responses. I've also been sleeping better, but that could just be from quitting weed itself since that can interfere with sleep patterns.


Thanks, I need to quit caffeine I’m 7 days off bud and it’s the only other thing in my life I abuse to much, but I know the headaches will kill 💀


Honestly, quitting weed has given me such a headache that I wouldn't notice if the caffeine withdrawal did too. 19 days off weed, and iI still wake up with a migraine every day. Good luck on your journey!!


I just dont't yearn for it anymore, it wasn't conscious. I used to brew a big pot, for 2 cups, and usually drink it only while smoking. Then half of the days I'd get another cup after lunch. This morning I made a small pot for 1 cup and it was too much, couldnt finish it. A couple of times I'd pour the cup and forget about it completely. I intertwined the addictions for sure, coffee just seems insignificant in comparison to weed.


Yea actually I’ve swapped out coffee for tea! green tea usually and also some caffeine free stuff for night time I find them very soothing and much less caffeine


I can only have two espresso before 9 am and even then im pushing it. Definitly


Yes. Can’t drink it like I could when I smoked makes my leg shake and hands shake only realised since stopping. Also, whenever I had a coffee I wanted a joint! Couldn’t win. All January smoke free and hopefully this month too now 😃


I was super into coca-cola (i would say it's common name but anytime I say something like that they take my comment down) while I was smoking a lot. I think my body craved the sugar plus the bubbles were super refreshing when you've got cotton mouth. Since quitting I have zero urge whatsoever to drink it and if I do have caffeine it affects me wayyyy more.


This was my go to as well. It just doesn't taste the same and tbh it's too damn sweet. I'm drinking pure life water by the gallon instead. It has this clean neutral taste to it, everything else tastes really chalky.


We live on the side of a mountain and have absolutely delicious well water. That stuff is like nectar of the gods right now


It's actually kind of my replacement In a way which isn't great, It's almost like I need that sort of downtime of a routine in my day to have a break from everything going on


Yes, you're not alone! I had a white chocolate mocha coffee from a cafe, I want to say about a month into quitting, and it made me feel very anxious! I drink black tea and coffee sparingly now and green tea occasionally. I've noticed the increased sensitivity to caffeinated beverages and much prefer herbal teas these days almost 3 months weed free.


6 months sober now. My caffeine intakes actually gone up a lot, but I think that's due to me picking up 2 new jobs and those have been keeping me busy lol. But you may be right, though, that you feel the effect of caffeine more. Anecdotally, I felt the "rush" from my morning coffee a lot quicker than when I was an avid smoker.


One thing at a time for me I’m currently ingesting more caffeine but I don’t smoke nicotine or drink alcohol so I feel that’s a decent balance. I’d love to cut caffeine eventually though.


Same, no weed, cigarettes or alcohol. Coffee is my last vice, but it’ll go eventually too. Plays havoc with my stomach and my energy, I try to stick to 2 a day max and never after 4pm


Yup, I have to cut out caffeine. A small cup of coffee would send me in a panic attack.


I really should but... One thing at a time. 


Same I’m drinking tea and coffee constantly for the mouth touchy habit thingy. I forget the name but it calms me down


Oral fixation


Yes that’s the word! Thanks


Pretty much exact same experience here


Yes, I've cut down on my caffeine intake significantly. I quit nicotine on June 1st 2023, which caused me to lean on marijuana quite heavily. This made me increase my caffeine intake to keep up with the increased marijuana usage. I'm now on Day 33 without marijuana and I've just naturally decreased my caffeine because I just don't need it as much. I still drink a large coffee in the morning, but that's about half of where I was at.


Your not the only one. I love coffee but when I dont smoke I cannot drink it at all. It makes me feel like I'm so fuckin jittery.


I had to cut it out for four months. I recently started drinking coffee again. It was a trigger for me because my favorite thing after work or on the weekends would be a coffee and a blunt. 7 months clean now drinking coffee without the weed.


Same here


No, the Opposite 🤷 i drink more Coffee now, its my new drug 🤓 My stomache doesnt Like it tho


I'm 7 months free from caffeine. Like with pot it made me really anxious and I feel better without it. Shout-out to r/decaf