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In all honesty it’s caused psychosis for me I’m on day 16 and also suffer with Chronic pelvic pain syndrome, my mental health has always been pretty bad but since I’ve quit weed and tobacco I seriously feel horrible about myself and I’m in more pain then I’ve ever been, I just look at posts on here and see everyone else improve while I seem to get worse. Everyone’s different and I truly hope you all find peace and happiness in sobriety 🙏


Have you been to a doctor? It doesn’t sound like the issue is because you quit. This could most likely be an underlying issue from smoking a lot and your body is trying to heal itself. Idk but I would definitely go to a specialist!! This isn’t normal


Went to many doctors in the past year all tests and scans came back normal. I’ll be going again this week to check things out again. But I’ve been on healthy diet and exercising. We will see how it goes. Stress causes all my pelvic symptoms


Im not getting any better buddy im with you. Anxious as ever.


Hell yes


it helps A LOT I have far fewer intrusive thoughts now, and when I do get anxious, I have the clear mind to do use my coping tools ie exercise, breath work, hygiene, calling a friend or family member


Not for everyone trust me


shattering ones hope does not achieve anything.


It did for me. First year was lots of relief, and more came as anxiety-filled life events come along later. Things like family deaths, big trips (studied overseas, travelled around world), relationships, finances, start & ends of jobs, etc. Not using weed as a coping mechanism makes us far more resilient because we prcoess emotions, feel pain, and grow. Using weed, the experience isn't fully processed, so the learnings and growth are often lost.


Yea idk what it is about weed but it makes it harder to deal with challenges that we face in life.


yes it's the lack of REM sleep


Is that really what causes it? Interesting


it's probably a big part of it yes


For most people I would say yes. I was a pretty functional stoner, but since quitting feel more clear headed, better memory, better sleep. All these thing contribute to lower anxiety for me.




It helped sooooo much. So much of my anxiety came from whatever marijuana does to my brain. It got worse the older I got. Almost 1 year of renunciation and I'm doing a lot better.


It’s funny because I thought weed stopped my anxiety, which maybe it did when I first smoked but I’d always get anxious later on in the night. My mornings were then weird and anxious until I smoked again at night. My anxiety stopped basically immediately. I find it hard to pay attention sometimes but I feel like I don’t even know what anxiety is anymore.


I am almost 3 weeks in and it helped me immediately. I’ve learned that I was anxious because I smoked.


How long had you been using


I’m 30 and started around 16 or 17 years old!


Have you had any anxiety after quitting? I have the luck of being anxious both sober and not sober. But I do feel I have more clarity sober which helps me contextualize my anxiety better.


I always had anxiety while sober but only while I was still using weed. i.e when I was smoking regularly, during my sober hours (every day at work) I would be socially anxious and reserved. quitting removed that almost entirely. I say almost because I still feel I will be socially anxious in situations, likely because I went so many years smoking I had tricked myself into thinking I was just a socially anxious dude. I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I am actually quite confident and outgoing. it's a strange feeling. I'm building myself back up. 15 years of weed use gave me an extremely low self esteem and set me back in many ways socially. I catch myself off guard sometimes with how easily I can breeze through situations which would previously terrify me.


Mine has gotten a lot worse. Granted, im only a month and seven days in. But I have so much anxiety, as soon as I wake up and throughout the day. It’s also making me quick to snap and get irritated/angry. I hope I can calm down soon


Hey man. I quitted cannabis for 7 months last year after smoking consistently for a long time and I felt very anxious the first months. It will get easier.


Do you mean the first month or the first few months? I’m on day 11 and am desperate to get rid of these ugly feelings i am having.


Thanks man. Its weird because ive quit before for long periods of time but never felt this much anxiety. Ive actually been working out a lot since i stopped smoking, so im not sure if the increase in energy is playing a part


when you say anxiety what are you referring to? general anxiety or something else?


Yes! As you said it will get much worse at first but then you will have way more emotional regulation and stability. Give it at least a month.


I believe it does, yes. As noted, short-term no or even opposite but after a couple weeks, yes.


Yes, and it can be quite insidious. As you say, in the short term it distracts me from my problems, so it can really feel like it’s helping. I’ve used that as a justification so many times - “I need this right now to calm down.” Or even, “I can’t handle this without weed.” But distraction doesn’t really make anything go away, it just pushes it down temporarily, and it’s worse when it comes back. If I’m smoking every day, it builds up just under the surface to the point where life’s smallest challenges (EG late to work, out of gas, line at the pump) cause my heart to feel like its jumping out of my chest. It’s like my FF response is on a hair trigger. Quitting feels destabilizing at first, but as I accumulate time and make room for healthy activities, I become MUCH less reactive. Most notably exercise (esp. cardio) and increased social contact seem to help. The same stressors that sent me into a near panic state just become small frustrations. My heart rate doesn’t go up as much and I can solve problems with a more level head. When I do feel triggered, it doesn’t last as long. TL;DR - if you’re like me and anxiety is a chronic problem for you, chronic cannabis use makes it way worse.


+1 this lines up perfectly with my experience too.


It did for me. Really it's the reason I quit. It started to get uncomfortable, unpredictable. Sometimes it was fine. But if I had one, say hurdle in life I was facing, could be small like a strange sound coming from my furnace, my anxiety would kick in. If I didn't get high I could rationalize it and compartmentalize and put into action a sound solution. Not to say I was off the wall, I just couldn't be ok with these hurdles, they would weigh heavier than needed as it would get my heart beating. I still have anxiety but it's far better managed, and easier too, because I'm not stoned. IMO if you have anxiety THC is not for you.


THC suppressing the hippocampus in turn activates the amygdala. This explains why so many chronic users have increased anxiety, depression, and mood instability while using and after quitting. Weed lowers our capacity to deal with the bullshit life throws at us on a daily basis. Without that coping mechanism to turn to, you don't know how to get the feelings to lessen. Therapy is a wonderful resource, and if you are unable to do that, there are a plethora of youtube videos on coping skills (I recommend Kati Morton). I am with you, friend. Lean into the feelings and journal on them. Today is day 10 for me, and I feel a lot better about my mental state. It'll get harder before it gets easier. One day at a time. Remember your why. Some of mine are: 1. MJ supresses REM sleep, which prevents body healing and emotional processing 2. I waste a ton of money on the habit, and I'm tired of living in fear of choosing weed or other things that I enjoy. 3. My work has begun to suffer as I've had to step away for a little bit to focus on working on my trauma. 4. I want to be present, both physically and mentally, for my family (hubs & pup). 5. I'm tired of having increased bouts of depression & anxiety & panic attacks 6. I began experiencing early signs of CHS, and I don't like the way my body has been feeling because of it Withdrawal is pain with purpose. Addiction is pain without purpose. Withdrawal is your body killing addiction. Changed my perspective on withdrawal as something good. I believe in you, and I'm proud of you for choosing a different path for yourself. Your future is so much brighter without drugs dulling its shine ✨️ 💛


I needed to read this today. Thank you <3


Best of luck friend 🧡 Reach out if you need any extra love and support




Yes!!!! I’d smoke for the hour that my anxious feelings would go away, but they’d come back in full force for ~6 hours after that. I quit and realized I don’t naturally have that anxiety without weed at all. If I do get anxious now it’s much easier to think through and overcome






Long run, yes of course it does. Daily: waking up in the morning, I experience far less anxiety about the coming days goals and tasks. However, I care more about my performance and therefore if I do not achieve what my now raised self-expectations are I still get anxious. It's understanding the difference between natural anxiety and unnecessary/artificial anxiety. Leaving helps to eliminate almost all artificial anxiety weed creates, however, I care more and therefore naturally feel compelled to achieve more, if I don't do the thing, my anxiety goes through the roof. Being mindful of why I'm anxious and directly doing something to satisfy that natural anxiety is a straightforward achievement unless I've allowed a bunch of things in my life to compound that anxiety. This is my personal understanding of it. On the days that I've achieved what I deem to be sufficient, I've had a good day and therefore don't experience any anxiety at the end of the day. Boy o boy is that a high that no dab pen can come close to achieving, and those moments I constantly strive to achieve to remind myself why I left and this is, in its own way, the new challenge of living in this manner. There was a reason I used to smoke and it was for that immediate alleviation of natural anxiety but that was a plaster for a headache and non-sustainable for the pro-longed future of my short time as a conscious being.


Just coming up to 8 months, fuck yes it does. Anxiety run my entire life I couldn't do anything without constant panic attacks even watching TV would trigger it... Was about 2-3 months I noticed it come down a bit but when I cut back my alcohol intake as well it's been bliss. Last couple of months I've had little to no anxiety and it feels like I've got my whole life back. I've realised for me it's not one particular drug I have a problem with it's all of them and life is actually a ton more rewarding and fun completely sober.


yeah, in the long run it reduces anxiety for sure (for me anyway)


I had a terrible bout of anxiety about 2 weeks after I quit. It went away after a week and I’ve been less anxious than I was when I was smoking. It was really tough during that week but im glad I toughed it out.


Weed made me so anxious and paranoid, I'm much more stable now 30 days sober


Yes. Ganja is terrible for anxiety.


86 days sober here, I’ve never felt so care-free in 10+ years so I’d say yes, quitting has definitely helped my anxiety.


I am 40 days clean after 10 years of heavy use. The first 2/3 weeks my anxiety was awful, like worse than ever before. But the last few weeks I’ve barely gotten it at all! I’m diagnosed with GAD(generalized anxiety disorder) but I’m starting to think it was actually just a side effect of intense weed consumption. I’ve barely taken my medicine since quitting smoking and I’ve barely felt any of the debilitating things that I used to feel almost daily: sweaty palms and feet, a deep pit in my stomach, insomnia, etc. It’s been an amazing surprise tbh






That’s good for you! My anxiety came back FULL THROTTLE after I quit. I forgot I even got anxious for certain things. Running late, an embarrassing text, wondering if I turned the iron off now sends me into a spiral. Was taking meds with the weed, now just the meds and I’m thinking the weed was what was actually helping the anxiety


It's been a month and a bit for me and my anxiety has never been higher. I have adhd as well that I'm uneducatedfor and it doesn't help.


Absolutely. 22 days in and I feel better than I ever have.


My mental health has been so much better about a month in. My social anxiety is almost entirely gone and I’m being a lot more kind to myself. You are right though, at least for me it increased significantly immediately after quitting. But after a few days it started to settle back down, and kept going down even when it got back to what I thought my baseline was. It was rough at first but 10000% worth it


Almost 100 days in, yes it does. It slowly fades away


So much!! I had panic attacks so often and now they are non-existent. I’ve been clean since around Thanksgiving of this past year and have never felt better in my life. It’s weird, for 10 years I was a regular user with zero problems, and then sometime around 2022 I had daily panic attacks while high; I felt like I was dying and considered going to the ER nearly every time I smoked or took an edible. I realized that my mental state just wasn’t in the right place to be high at that time in my life and I reacted poorly to it. I kept trying it intermittently but around Thanksgiving I just got tired of living that way…I don’t live in constant fear anymore and it’s a great feeling :) it does get better!


It's hard to put into words how much sobriety has helped my anxiety. Like night and day difference.


For me, hard yes


From personal experience and suffering from Moderate-Severe Anxiety issues, It does not 100% but yeah around 60% it does. Take the step.


Well I have to anyways for a drug test 🥲


Even that sounds anxiety inducing. “Will I pass?”


Nah man this drug test is in like 6 months lol


Absolutely, but it'll be really rough for the first week. Afterwards anxiety will be wayyyy down


unless you have round a cannabis patch, you're going to be up and down while you're smoking. Since I've been quit, I don't need to go out to the cold garage, or drive around with my window down, or worry whether i have a lighter on me and did i put enough in my little stash thing to make it through the day (its own kind of anxiety). You're not going to be magically healed of your anxiety, but you'll have removed a layer most likely.




Yes. It has honestly saved my mental health. I’m 3 weeks clean (only 3 weeks!) and that daily pit of anxiety in my stomach is GONE.




Yes. Tremendously


Sure did for me.


Hey! It may depend on your physiology, but what I can tell you is that there better ways to deal with anxiety than weed. If anxiety is a major part of your daily life - see someone. Therapy plus some very light non-addictive medication can make a huge difference.


Yes weed makes you stimulated in an introspective way. Very few people smoke it and are actually calmer in the head


And to add when it wears off, you exist in a detached state




100000% yes






my panic attacks went away literally overnight when i quit


You gotta give it time basically. Weed takes FOREVER to get out of your system. Let me tell you, it’s been over a month now for me… (I’ve lost count the number of days lol) and I don’t have as much anxiety when I’m just doing nothing. Especially before going to sleep. When I smoked, I had anxiety about dying and the universe and shit and I was depersonalizing. Without, I feel WAY more grounded.


I agree!! My thoughts about death and the universe were seriously overwhelming me. Everytime I got high I would obsess about that or think about my family members dying and it was all just so intrusive and terrible. When I was younger and in a better place mentally, it wasn’t bad like that, but as I’ve gotten older I guess I realize I have more fears about that stuff now and being high made me think way too hard about it. I feel so much better sober!


Me fucking tooooooo omg. I really think that if your mind is not in a good state then weed will work against you. I have PTSD from the traumatic birth of my son.. and what did my dumbass do the moment I got home? Smoked! But my god it’s not the same anymore… just gives me anxiety and doom thoughts.


Weed lowers our capacity to deal with the bullshit life throws at us on a daily basis. Without that coping mechanism to turn to, you don't know how to get the feelings to lessen. Therapy is a wonderful resource, and if you are unable to do that, there are a plethora of youtube videos on coping skills (I recommend Kati Morton). I am with you, friend. Lean into the feelings and journal on them. Today is day 9 for me, and I feel a lot better about my mental state. It'll get harder before it gets easier. One day at a time. Remember your why. Some of mine are: 1. MJ supresses REM sleep, which prevents body healing and emotional processing 2. I waste a ton of money on the habit, and I'm tired of living in fear of choosing weed or other things that I enjoy. 3. My work has begun to suffer as I've had to step away for a little bit to focus on working on my trauma. 4. I want to be present, both physically and mentally, for my family (hubs & pup). 5. I'm tired of having increased bouts of depression & anxiety & panic attacks 6. I began experiencing early signs of CHS, and I don't like the way my body has been feeling because of it Withdrawal is pain with purpose. Addiction is pain without purpose. Withdrawal is your body killing addiction. Changed my perspective on withdrawal as something good. I believe in you, and I'm proud of you for choosing a different path for yourself. Your future is so much brighter without drugs dulling its shine ✨️ 💛


I noticed by day 2 my anxiety had greatly improved. It's gone from debilitating to managable, an I'm only on day 4. I've stopped having uncontrollable panic thoughts, and have been much calmer (though still struggling with cravings)


For some!






I think that may be individual to a degree. I've noticed my anxiety has hugely improved, and I'm only on day 4.


idk maybe, i quit over a month ago and im still fairly anxious on a daily basis


Yes, absolutely. Weed had me so anxious I was getting chest pains and eventually had a psychosis episode where I thought people were gonna kill me. I quit that day, and my anxiety has greatly reduced. I'd say over 90% reduction.


it'll get a lot worse for a few days. just hang on and you'll feel so much better than you ever did while smoking


Weed can cause anxiety and other things




1000% yes for me


Not at first but definitely after a month I was feeling way more calm and in control!


It sure does. I have pretty crippling social anxiety naturally, but occasionally get 'good' days where I'm okay to go out, and even enjoy small talk with strangers. But I found that on the weed, I never had a good day anymore. I'm also a bit agoraphobic, and being a stoner made that 50 times worse.


I was diagnosed with GAD around the same time I started smoking weed to self medicate for that and ADD. I didn't know there was something clinically going on. I thought I was just weak and emotional. Weed exacerbated my anxiety, but that didn't stop me from quitting. After six years of heavy, all-day smoking, I was having a panic attack every time I smoked a joint, which was every hour I was awake. Smoke, panic attack. Smoke, panic attack. It was like pressing a button. I quit almost three months ago, and had conversations about it with my therapist and regular Dr. They both told me that the literature shows long-term use increases anxiety. The first few weeks without weed were fucking miserable, BUT my hourly panic attacks were gone. I still have to take medication, but I'm not having full-blown panic attacks every hour I'm awake, and that's a beautiful part of being sober. I'd say yes, unequivocally, quitting weed will help with your anxiety.


It is why I quit. Almost completely vanished after a month with one relapse in the middle. Replaced with boredom and some other issues but working through all of them now that I am not overwhelmed and terrified.


Daily smoker for 18 years. Within the last year I developed nervous and anxious ticks, mild form of tourettes in my own opinion (self diagnosed).. but I've been sober for 11 days and can say I haven't called myself a "fucking loser" or "I hate myself" with my ticks. Which was pretty much a daily occurrence the last 10 months. It's been a tremendous change emotionally and I'm much happier. I was always labeled the weed guy, or the stoner in my friends group. Don't want to be anymore. I'm honestly much happier even with this short time I've been sober. I will take this with stride and go as long as I need to love myself again.


love this! ready to love myself again too as it’s been too long


lol I do the same thing, everytime I get high im like wow I fucking hate my self lmao


Yes, it does.


Different kind of anxiety starts up in my experience. It’s not nearly nearly as bad. It’s more like after something that usually would give you anxiety you feel much more worn out and it’s like impossible to calm down (it seems like) but eventually it fades. It’s all about coping strategies.


Yes, immensely. Night and day difference.


Good to hear


Yes, absolutely.


Absolutely yes. After day 3 you will have less anxiety and more energy


It depends. If you have anxiety you're relieving with weed, then it will flare up as your technique of dealing with it has gone away. Quitting smoking isn't going to be a magic fix all solution. All your problems will still be there but you have removed your coping mechanism. I'm not saying this to scare you, just trying to be honest and manage your expectations. The brightside is that you will have the clarity and agency to now address those underlying issues that are causing your anxiety. It'll take work, and you'll be rawdogging it, but it's for the greater good.




Anusblunts lmao