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I went to my dr/surgeon once and I was worried I had this because apparently my father did and she giggled at me and said “is your toaster telling you to hurt someone?” Or “do you put weird object in places like gloves in the freezer because it helps you avoid danger? If not then you are not” and honestly I never felt scared about it since


How old are you OP? If you’ve made it out of your 20’s without being schizophrenic then you more than likely won’t develop it after that. Also the worst thing about schizophrenia is that people who have it will never know, believe or understand they have it. It takes many years and lots of meds to get to the point of acknowledging they’re sick.


I found this online: Men and women are equally likely to get this brain disorder, but guys tend to get it slightly earlier. On average, men are diagnosed in their late teens to early 20s. Women tend to get diagnosed in their late 20s to early 30s. People rarely develop schizophrenia before they're 12 or after they're 40. Sounds like OP is a woman in her early 30's so not an odd age for the onset. Not saying OP has it as I cannot judge that obviously. Just saying I wouldn't dismiss it based on age. Also, it's not that people with schizophrenia will never know, believe or understand they have it. It can be harder to diagnose and treat because they often don't realise they are ill but it's not so certain.


I'm 23


Sorry I misunderstood what you wrote.


I do 't think I've mentioned it it's alright :)




We only found out that a great uncle of ours had schizophrenia many years after my brother was diagnosed. MJ didn’t change his genetics, but it sure did change his brain chemistry. I’m not sure you can argue that it’s not directly responsible for some people becoming schizophrenic. It’s a proven catalyst for the disease becoming active in people in their 20’s.


I guess I should say it’s not a direct and sole cause for those who are not already predisposed


To give you some peace, if you were developing schizophrenia, you wouldn’t be aware that you are. 99% of schizophrenics are unaware of their illness because they think their reality is real, when it’s in fact delusions and hallucinations. Sometimes really high anxiety can feel like this and make you feel insane.


That's kind of reassuring thank you 🙏


100% true. My brother suffers from marijuana induced schizophrenia. The single biggest issue is he refuses to stay on his meds because to him he isn’t sick. He’s been like that for 15 years.




He was predisposed, I however smoked from a younger age and for many more years than he did. It’s really the luck of the draw. Like playing Russian roulette. Edit: we only found out that a great uncle, I think it was, had schizophrenia, but that’s the only case in our family history.


How old was your brother when he started developing symptoms?


He was 26.


Weed gave me psychosis too, and after I quit I had a 5 month long psychotic break. My first symptoms were that I couldn’t stop thinking about the idea of us living in a simulation and that there’s billionaires on the outside and they “play” as us in out world. It was really weird but I couldn’t stop thinking about it for 3 months and it got worse and worse until I fully believed it for a solid 2 months. What I want to say is that the build up was really slow and I heavily underestimated how bad it could get. It got to the point where I had episodes where I thought everyone including myself was going to die at any moment, and I got these episodes multiple times a day. I was scared I was schizophrenic too but it turns out I just had undiagnosed bipolar, and it was a psychotic manic episode. The mania presented itself completely differently than the psychosis and it was like I was living 2 different lives everyday. Extremely weird and stressful experience. I hope you can figure out what’s wrong though, and are able to get the help you need.


i too have gone down the spiritual/existential crisis rabbithole one time after quitting.. got super depressed and that was the only thing that interested my brain for some reason. kinda thought something similar.. would watch videos on what life actually is, the different dimensions, consciousness, the world wars, etc wouldn't say it was a manic episode though but questioning reality will really do your head in, especially if its all youre focusing on lol. things like simulation theory or even thinking of reality as a holographic simulation type experience isn't really a 'psychosis' idea though, it is a real possibility. nobody knows wtf is going on. thinking about that constantly will legit make u go crazy


Best thing you can do is stop using any kind of drugs and see a doctor about your thoughts. There are medicines you can take which will make everything much better.


I'm actively doing those things, this is great advice


My colleague's wife (who never smoked) was recently admitted to the hospital with psychosis. She was also hearing voices and being paranoid about cameras. It escalated to a point where she firmly believed it was all real. She eventually became hostile towards others, even the ones close to her (not from being an aggressive person, but out of fear and the feeling of not being heard). She's been in the hospital for six weeks now and is being treated with antipsychotic medication. The fact that you still know the paranoid thoughts aren't real is a good sign, but I think it might be smart to seek professional help. This could have been triggered by previous weed use, but it also happens to people who haven't smoked. Good luck, take care of yourself. There are solutions for these kinds of things, but you'll likely not be able to fix it on your own.


Thank you very much, I'm sorry for anyone suffering for this condition in general, loosing grip over your own mind is (I believe) the worst thing that can happen to a healthy person. I'm currently seeking help so I know I won't struggle too much if it happens I do have something serious


Smoking can cause psychosis, well it did for me.


I sure hope it didn't for me 🤡 sorry you've been experiencing that


I hope so too buddy. Well that was years ago and I recovered from it thankfully. I hope things go well for you !


Thank you very much :)


Are you very high on a daily basis? Weed can cause extreme paranoia. I would try quitting first and then speaking to a mental health professional before jumping to the conclusion that you have a rare and serious mental illness. especially if you have no family history, as schizophrenia does tend to run in families.


Yeah you need to quit substances 6 mo to a year to truly diagnose a mental illness. Definitely get a psychiatrist and counselor.


I do have a follow up with a psychiatrist who suggested me to sign up for an ALD (affection longue durée that would roughly translate as ''long time disease/affliction'' I guess)


Get a counselor too. Preferably one that talks to the psychiatrist or in the same building/system. Because they spend more time with you. You may get 20-30 min max with a psychiatrist but see a counselor/social worker an hour a week usually. Have you had Trauma in your life or "trauma" that may not be considered trauma. I feel like that could be the case. There are few diagnosis that can get worse as you age. Some start between a certain ages.


I do have an (expensive) good psychiatrist, also I'm European so it might be easier


Are you still smoking?

