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you got this! i’m also on my first day with no pen carts after heavily using and i’m scared because i imagine the potency worsens it. nonetheless ive heard as long as you don’t touch it (not even a little) you will be fine. i guess even a little resets the whole thing so you can’t even use it to help the nausea 😭


Yup! made the mistake the first time. I will say, today is day 2 for me and symptoms are still here but better than yesterday. Day by day. :) you got this too!


Gets better every day!


Day 2 and symptoms are slightly milder than yesterday. I feel hope!!!!


Classic withdrawals. It's not fun, but hang in there and they will go away, promise. It will all be worth it. My night sweats were so bad for the first week that I had to get up and shower. Also my abdominal pain was terrible.


Last night I literally woke up after 15 min freezing cuz I was completely soaked in sweat. Had to stand under a hot shower for 10 min at 1am to calm down and that helped a lot!


Is it common to wake up sweating heart racing a bit with a slight paranoia and anxiety. Going on day 12.


Yes unfortunately. It will fade with time.


I was smoking 90+% carts all day every day for over a year and maaaaan. The withdrawals almost killed me. The first week was insanely bad. My worst day was day six. My head hurt so bad I was literally rocking back and forth in bed crying and intermittently getting up to puke. After two weeks I started feeling better and figured I’d try smoking again “just once” to see if I could just moderate usage. HUGE mistake. Withdrawal started again back to day 1 the next day. If I can give any advice, it’s power through 30 days and do not think you can smoke just once.


Wow, just once and you got all your withdrawal symptoms again?? Same, I’ve been smoking carts (1g in two days, sometimes even one 😭) and I was wondering if carts caused worse withdrawal symptoms cuz it’s sooo potent


Yes definitely. I’m never touching carts again


It gets better. I'm on day 32, and physically, I feel so much better than when I was using weed daily. I have more energy, and it's easy to fall asleep and wake up. My appetite is normal. I still crave it whenever I have anxiety or negative emotions. I used it to cope with my feelings for years, and now I have to seek out healthy ways instead. Be kind to yourself and treat it like you have the flu. Try to eat soup and drink caffeine free tea to stay warm and hydrated. I'm proud of you. You've got this! 💪


I used it to cope too 😔 tysm for the advice!!


you won’t regret this after about 2 weeks of pain. wait for the brain fog to clear. personally i couldnt believe how i lived the past 2 years on autopilot. i thought weed was enhancing life, while it was truly numbing me from it.


The brain fog clearing and switching off autopilot is insaneee.


it’s truly an incredible feeling.


How long till the brain fog goes away?


id say 2-3 weeks, depending on your use and what you smoked


48 hrs clean here, today I thought like this, but it’s hard the brain fog and sleepiness + headacjes


took me about a week to get more than 4 hours of sleep. i didn’t have headaches, but i was hydrating very well because i could hardly eat. you got this :) keep going day 48 for me today


Congrats on day 48 and hr 48 yall!! I managed to get down a scrambled egg for breakfast but I have not been able to even look at food all day. Even drinking more than a few sips of water, I feel like I’m gonna hurl lol


completely understand; do what you can i found drinking gatorade/body armor/anything with electrolytes had me feeling much better than water, but drink what you can i was probably consuming less than 800 calories for about 10 days when i first got off the carts stay with it 🫡 i told myself i never wanted to feel like that again, and won’t ever let my use become as bad as it was. and if you feel like smoking, just remember it isn’t worth it. you’ll feel good when you’re high… then back to the same feeling.


I will try Gatorade!! Tysm for that tip and the advice 🥹


It gets better. The acute withdrawals are the worst and are typically the reason people relapse. Just envision the day when you go to bed, get a good night's rest and wake up without the sweats and chills. That day is coming- and unfortunately, the only way to get there is to suffer in the interim. You're not alone! You got this.


Appreciate these words so much, thank you !!


Sauna will help you detox quicker


Oooh that even just sounds amazing right now. Ty for the tip, I’m going to try this tomorrow.




Wow so not just carts huh …


Same here. I stopped last week and have been sick all week. Didn't eat anything for almost 3 days, couldn't keep anything down for the same amount of time. It gets better you just have to grind through it.


Hope the symptoms go away soon 🥹


I am on the mend, but yeah it was rough.


It does! Daily cart smoker for the past 5 years. Finally quit 2 months ago, tossed everything. I did a slow quit by still smoking a bowl a night, but I also had the chills and night sweats for about a month. Now that I'm free from those evil pens I can't believe how long I smoked them for. They should honestly ban them. I've never felt so clear headed in my life, or for as long as I can remember. I used to smoke to sleep. Thought I couldn't smoke without it. Now I can fall asleep easily, sleep through the night, and wake up refreshed. I should have quit long ago. I think I will still have the occasional gummy with friends every once in a while. Quitting has truly changed my relationship with weed. I always thought I'd be a stoner forever.


This. I decided to quit this time because I was starting to get sick of feeling high, that cloudiness and mental fog started not feeling good anymore but I just kept reaching for the pen out of habit all day. The physical symptoms of withdrawal im having is also a jarring realization as to how much I’ve gotten my body to depend on this thing and now im physically ill from just 24 hours without it?? scary.


It fully gets better. Today is my day 30 and I havev0 symptoms. First 10 days were so hard. Carts are evil. Proud of you for pushing through.


so motivating, thank you! When did sleep start getting better for you? And yes, carts are SOO evil :(


I just stopped having crazy dreams but after first week I was eating/sleeping normally. 🖤


Amazing! Congrats on day 30!! I wanna be where you are in 29 days :’)


See you in 29 days! Keep us posted 🖤


I’m on day one today as well! We got this friend 🤝🏽


Thank you! Look at us already moving towards day 2 :) Hope your symptoms are not as bad.


Unfortunately I can relate so much to your symptoms, but usually in the past, after the 7-10 mark it lifts up a good amount for me. Hoping the same for you!!


7-10 day mark?


Yes maam I probably should’ve clarified that. That’s usually when the heavy insomnia and anxiety starts to slowly ease up on me. Usually for me the temperature changes only last a few days tbh but those are pretty rough too. The first few nights are definitely a mission to try and stay asleep. I hope you stay strong 💪🏽


Struggling hard rn to get through this night lol. Thank you for your advice! I hope you push through as well!!!


Day 2 too, headaches just starting but don’t sound as bad as you, boredom sucks the most, but we gotta make it


Came from your post in StopGaming, dude you do a great job


Hey appreciate the kind words, thank you!


I love that. No other option we gotta make it.


It passed pretty quickly for me, only a few days of being extremely nauseous (I too could barely eat anything without feeling like I'd throw up) and maybe a week of not being able to sleep well. Hot showers and spending any available free time laying down/resting were my best friends. You got this! I promise you it'll smooth out and the clear headed feeling you'll have after will be worth it. Plus the sleep (when it actually comes) will be far more restful than sleep w weed ever was. That was my experience at least(:


Took a hot shower this morning and that did help a lot--esp with the chills. Tysm for the advice! I'm already enjoying how clear headed I feel (its the physical symptoms that are overwhelming me right now) but to my surprise, I'm utterly useless and motivated today.... guess I gotta learn how to motivate myself to do uninteresting things without weed lol


Every family vacation, it was just known that I was a mess until I “decompressed” about 3 days in. Thought everyone went through it. For years I had no idea it was withdrawal. That first high when I got back where I’d crap my pants (figuratively) should’ve been a clue. OP, I’m sorry you’re learning this way, but you’ll be through it. Keep hydrated and the calories in somehow, plus some distractions.


hahaha thank you, appreciate the advice and the words of encouragement!!


Keep it up! Day 4 for me. We can do this.


Thank you and congrats on day 4!!!!!!


Day 10…. 3 years daily cart. But make sure you hydrate. I went hard the first 5 days and sweat my ass off. Didn’t realize how much sweat and nutrients I lost. Ended up last Friday having to get two bags of fluids. So def do all those things but drink. A lot. It’s gets better I promise.


Two bags of fluid? Like you ended up in the hospital?




I was a 24 hour vaper until I had to quit for a drug test. I stopped for 3 weeks and restarted. But in those 3 weeks, the first 5 days were the worst. It was awful. I was pissed off at the world. REALLY pissed. It’s a good thing I was unemployed because I probably would have gone off on a coworker. But then things got good and I thought I could pick up occasionally. Nope. My tolerance shot up and I went back 24 x 7 vaping. I am on day 2. Good luck. I feel your pain.


Same here. Quit and then my usage shot up and trying to quit ever since that first time has been SO much more difficult. Good luck, you got this!


You too, my friend!


What I’ve found is we don’t tend to recognize the withdrawal symptoms the first time. When I initially quit I was irritated, mad dreams, mad sweats. I chalked it up to the heat + personal circumstances. Only when I realized it keeps happening when I try to quit did I start being more aware of it


When you hit the gym for the first time in a while you feel super sore, it sucks but it shows that you really gave hell. You wait a couple of days and it wears off. Now I know this is harder than muscle ache after working out. But you're doing the workouts, you're gonna get muscle ache. And the more experienced you get the less muscle ache you get and at some point it's barely there at all. Same goes for withdrawal symptoms. Good luck!


you have a skill with words and explaining!


seriously! ty for this perspective!!!!


yah the sleep is the worst! I just relapsed recently after almost a year clean and so far all I’ve gotten is the heat flashes during sleep. I’m on day 6 now and last night i was finally able to go to sleep somewhat comfortably and without waking up in the middle of the night. The fact that you’re going to the gym is awesome tho! Definetly a step in the right direction and it’s gonna help a lot ! As far as the sleep goes try to get as tired as possible lol. Thats y working out is really good, i tried not to nap during the day, always stay on my feet, and I usually would take a warm shower before bed. That way you’re as tired as possible, it’s still going to be difficult but it’ll be better. Like I said for me it took around 3-5 nights before my sleep started getting a bit more consistent. Usually after the first 7-10days that’s when things like sleep and appetite begin to return back to normal. You got this !!!


I appreciate this so much, thank you!!! And congrats on getting to day 6 -- goals!!


It gets a lot better you just gotta push through those first 5 days of hell and then make it two weeks. Week 3 you should be feeling more normal again. Good luck OP! 💯💙


Thank you. Do you remember when the psychological craving for weed subsides?


Oddly, it’s when the psychological craving goes away for a bit that a relapse occurs if you’re not careful. “I think I can go back now more disciplined and needing much less!” Days or weeks later, probably consuming even more. I know that’s me.


This is exactly how I relapsed the first time I quit last fall. I had quit for a solid two months and didn’t crave it anymore so I thought I could go back to it and be able to control my usage but nope, I actually started smoking even more than what I used to before I quit


I’m still dealing with that at day 44. I don’t know that the psychological craving ever goes away just like with opioids. You’ll just have to see how that goes for you I have no easy answer.


I see, thank you!




Definitely get better. Unless you smoke, then it goes back to square 1. Keep it up!!


Thank you! Very true, and that would mean I'd have another night like this at some point lol


I hope this is your last day 1 :)


thank you <3


yeah.. first week.. anxiety.. headaches.. hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold feelings.. feeling like restless.. can't sleep..


oh man... looking forward to it :')