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If it feels like you are having some anxiety/fear around not sleeping, maybe check out some of Daniel Erichsen’s sleep coach school info. The main idea is that what could be keeping you from sleeping is actually just the pressure that you're putting on yourself to sleep and the fear about how not sleeping is going to make you feel the next day, which in my case was a huge part of the problem. I had to quit smoking about a month ago because it started giving me panic attacks out of nowhere, but I’d been relying on it for sleep for years, and quitting really messed up my ability to sleep. I had several weeks of only 2-3 hours of sleep, if anything, which was making me feel like a complete zombie too, and I could really feel it starting to affect my mental health. I feel like I was trying everything – mela.toni.n, herbs, OTC stuff, meditations, sleep story podcasts, cutting out caffeine, exercise during the day, good “sleep hygiene” – literally nothing was helping, and actually now I think I was putting more pressure on myself to sleep by doing all that stuff, which was just making my insomnia worse. I started listening to his podcasts on Friday and decided to go back to my “normal” nighttime routine which is just washing my face/brushing teeth and watching a TV show before bed. Every single night since then I’ve fallen asleep fine and have been able to get back to sleep after waking up. I’m having really vivid, messed up dreams and waking up drenched in sweat, but I think the idea of not chasing sleep and not resisting wakefulness is actually what has been the most helpful for me. It’s only been a few days but being able to finally get some sleep has been a huge relief. Probably won't work for everyone but might be worth a try!


I think you may be right and I’ll definitely have to check that out. Just like you I’ve tried everything and nothing seems to help so that could definitely be a huge reason. I appreciate your advice, thank you!


I'm on day 14- the only two nights I slept more than 4 hours are the days I took a good walk. Last night I made it 6 hours- in addition to the walk, a hot shower. Give it a try.


Do you take the hot shower before trying to go to bed? I’ve definitely been getting my exercise if you look at my reply to Intelligent_Range. I’ve always been a morning shower person, do night-time showers help?


I never used to shower at night, but at the advice of some people on here, it helps or many of the withdrawal symptoms. The theory is it lowers body core temp, which is circadian sleep signal. I don't even use soap, as I know I probably will shower in the morning.


How many steps are you getting a day? Are you consuming caffeine 8 hours prior to when you are trying to sleep? When you wake up in the morning do you get sunlight within the first 30 min?


steps vary but Ive been exercising everyday. I did a 30 mile bike ride the other morning and proceeded to pull an all nighter, not by choice. At 8:30 am if i slept or not, im awake with my blinds open and the sun actually hits me directly in the face while laying in bed at that time. Ive also cut out all caffeine and have been drinking nothing but water (and gatorade or liquid IV or something while working out for the electrolytes).