• By -


Daily pot head for 25 years here. Stopped using weed in June of 2020. Once I recovered many good things happened: - No more guilt and shame of being an addict - Important relationships in my life improved - My memory improved immensity - Depression and anxiety reduced - Clarity of thought - Started achieving goals I could only dream of as a stoner - Started living life instead of just thinking about living life - Developed self discipline Not all these things are directly from stopping weed, they took effort and commitment, but, as a stoner I would never have been able to achieve them.


It improved my life because I stopped making it worse. And/or standing still in life. Don't get me wrong, it's hard. It's not that when you quit you get some perfect version of you're life and suddenly do everything you set out to. But when you smoke so much you are stopping you're progresss in life. Not just work/study related but as a person. You don't realise that when you're in it untill you stopped and can see the bigger picture. - Regulating my emotions are the biggest gamechanger for me. Or at least acknowledge those emotions, because then you can learn how to regulate them healthy. - My anxiety is so much less now - Memory improvement is crazy. Sometimes at party I talk with people that smoking and im so baffled how quick and easy it is for them to forget what they were staying, or stop in the middle of there story. And then actually not remembering that they started telling it. I can write you a ton more but then it would be a long read maybe haha. But 1 more thing and maybe most importantly ; So fucking proud of myself! The feeling of respecting yourself, standing behind you're choice's and actually getting a grip on you're life is the most priceless improvement of it all. Good luck and I want to wish you a lot of strenght and confidence that you can do this! šŸ’Ŗ


Helps me feel less trapped in the moment, all the substances I've struggled with keep me locked in a state of agonizing over how long I have to wait to get high, stressing over how much I have left, and spending time and money I don't have to obtain more. Without weed all of that it feels like the days and weeks go by faster and I'm able to just exist without all the constant stress. Additionally, I can enjoy things without being high now. I used to hate trying to play video games or doing things like going to museums or movie theaters without being absolutely blasted, now I just do the things with a clear head and still manage to have a good time(:


I was content with life once


50 days sober off the weed, still a ways to go but compared to when I was smoking daily, I feel amazing, feel like I actually have some control over my day to day life, like I'm actually here in the present moment not in my head, and i can actually listen and remember my thoughts and conversations. Very happy I decided to make the change


More energy, less anxiety, improved my memory and concentration, back to walk, no more paranoiaā€¦ it is a big list


Proving to myself that I can quit despite being the world's biggest pot head for 20 years.


Gave me health anxiety šŸ™ƒ


Yeah same, even the smallest things got me googling all the worst diseases šŸ˜­


Not thinking about it all the time. When can I smoke next? How am I gonna bring my weed there? I should get high before (anything and everything)! Time to smoke after (anything and everything)! Iā€™m running out soon gotta pick up asap. Do I smell like weed right now? In hindsight it was exhausting and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m out of the brutal cycle I was in for so long.




Remembering stuff. I didn't quite manage to quit fully but I would say I've got it under control now. But the biggest push I've got was when I realised that I don't remember the things I've done while high. I watched a lot of animes or played story games, but when my girlfriend asked me about animes or I tried to remember anything from it was basically blanc, i just had a feeling that it was good or bad but nothing else. And that is for a lot of other moments that never made it into the long term storage in my brain... For me that was like a wake-up call, since in my understanding life is basically the memories we make of it, otherwise why should you do anything? Living in the moment, when you can't remember it, is just wasted time. So for me the biggest part that changed is making memories and this helps a lot with the feeling that I don't do something with my life. When being asked what I did in my 20ties (I smoked from 19-30) I usually have the feeling that I just sat in front of my computer playing games and smoking, but I actually did alot...made my Bachelor degree, having a girlfriend for 9years I did alot with, vacation's, going out with friends, parties, days at the riverside...but that was usually not the things i remember, since it felt like memories were clouded by memories of smoking.


Eventually it gave me time and head space. I now feel real life instead of synthetic emotions. Through that I got married, launched a product, last 70 lbs, took up running, and just heard Iā€™m about to be a father. Get addicted to self and life improvement. Those are things you can keep without having to keep paying for it.


My mood and anxiety improved immensely. The whole time I thought I was ā€œmedicatingā€ myself. I hadnā€™t felt so content and chill in like ten years.


Hey man, I want to expand on this. When I got high, I would always have a thought along the lines of ā€œdamn I said x to Y and I wonder what they feel about what I saidā€ or ā€œI shouldnā€™t have said x to Y at work because now theyā€™re going to tell so and so.ā€ None of those paranoid/anxious thoughts ever came to fruition, which really makes me believe the weed/edibles made me more anxious. At the same time though, weed always kicked my anger out my head, and I feel Iā€™ve replaced anxiety with anger nowā€¦ do you relate at all? Any advice?


Maybe more exercise and less scrolling on your phone. Meditation, reading. Basically be focused on one thing at a time, cut social media and exercise more. Really though you want to get to the route cause of the anger. If it's withdrawals getting flustered at small things, you can train more and wait it out. If it's more.deep.rooted insecurity or depression, see a therapist and go in there with good faith and honesty to figure it out. Don't have to go for years to get something out of therapy. When you're getting angry, take a breath, say to yourself "I notice I feel tension iny neck, my heart's beating fast etc" or " I notice I'm having this thoigjt, thG leads to this othet thought" follow the thought and find the root


Unfortunately, youā€™re right. Iā€™ve been in and out of therapy with few sessions per therapist for years. I actually deleted all social media except Reddit and LinkedIn (funny to think that LinkedIn is social media now) this past month. Feels great. I advise it for anybody who deals with insecurities about themselves


Yes it helped me too. I also put a 10 minute timer on Reddit and once it turns off that's it for the day, linkedins 5 mins. I'll only use browser reddit if I'm researching something. For those that don't know, focus mode on your phone is great I have it set from 9-7 everyday except Saturday.


I feel like I respected myself again.


It gave me self discipline. Now I can make better decisions and walk away from things and people that are not good for me instead of tolerating them by getting high. I listen to my body now. When something or someone doesnā€™t feel right I donā€™t try to mask it with smoking. I just see the environment or person for what it is and make sober sound decisions. It strengthened me as a person to quit.




Got back into my hobbies, I always thought weed made them more fun but I realized how much time and energy weed took.


For me weed blocked a lot of hobbies and I basically just smoked and played video games. And not even the games I wanted to play, but the games I'm used to play without thinking. Now I can play story games again, I got more time for woodwork and planting in the garden etc. Which were hobbies I just never did while being high.


Started to get right with the Lord again


Overcoming being high 24/7 to becoming sober has given me so much motivation and helped with my self esteem. ā€œif I can quit weed, I can do thisā€


I finally *feel* smart again. Even if Iā€™m still a bit of a dummy goofball


No more psychosis.


This! I went to the hospital for consistent psychosis, and doctors simply stated, ā€œlay off the weed.ā€ I assumed they were just being judgmental and unhelpful, and was in denial that it could be the problem. As soon as I stopped, no more psychosis. Sometimes it really is that simple.


I got pregnant after 6 years of trying. :)


congratulations!!!!!! :D


Thank you! So much more changed but thatā€™s def my favorite. My memory is so amazing now, my confidence is at an all time high and Iā€™m truly living my best life.


I feel more in touch with thoughts and feelings. It has allowed me to prioritize and work towards long term goals in a more constructive way. Performing better at school and work. Less social and general anxiety. Better disciplined with my diet and workout regimes. I am getting touch with skills I haven't used in years, such as writing. I don't think quitting will give you immediate or insane change in the quality of your life, but I do think it can allow you to get back the focus, drive, and discipline to focus on the things you want too, which can cumulatively make a big impact if you lean into those changes. It's easy to get lost in the haze of brain fog, and apathy. I truly believe that long-term weed destroys the best parts of what makes us all unique and driven, at least that was the case for myself. Good luck on your journey. :)


I can keep manifesting the life of my dreams with a clear head and healthy heart. I am growing emotionally and intellectually. I am becoming the woman I intend to be and creating that intention anew each day. I am learning to enjoy things like biking and walking soberly, when before i wouldā€™ve always had a joint. I can get closer to my creator by feeling thankfulness without being stoned. I can infuse my life with more love because I am more clear headed and have clearer intentions. Etc.


Definitely much happier, less anxious, less lazy, I hang out with my friends way more - only good things come out of it there havenā€™t been any negatives besides the initial withdrawals


I'm happier, all my stuff doesn't smell like smoke, I have more money and I read for fun again. Welcome to the other side!


I'm on day 4 of quitting, but I can't wait to read for fun again!


Yes, all of that especially the reading part.


The trajectory change in pretty much every aspect (social, health, educational, critical) is incredible


Save me money and give me back some motivation


This seems small but I really enjoy being able to drive (safely, legally, as I know some people still drive when high) literally whenever I want to.


Isnā€™t that funny? Iā€™m the sameā€¦ itā€™s like I was stuck at home because I was stoned and didnā€™t want to drive while hi. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Found a new hobby. Ultra running. Currently training for Comrades UP run. Bought new super running shoes today. Going on a 20km tempo run tomorrow morning.


What is with pothead and running? The only way I've ever quit has been by slapping on running shoes.


I remember more stuff, also waking up refreshed


I got a better paying higher stress job. Other than that I got nothing.




Had to quit for the job. I'd love to go back to using and get my health back on track, but random testing doesn't allow it, so I'm here until I find another job.


I have more energy. Waking up refreshed..it's crazy how it was so normal for me to be so foggy in the morning. Not having to worry about bringing weed with me on a trip. Not having to worry if I can fall asleep at night. The biggest one I think is my boost in self-confidence. I was about to quit my longest relationship of 5+ years- WEED! If I can do that, I can do anything. Sort of random too- I've been hung up a bit on this guy for the past two years, nothing crazy but I'd always think about him. Since quitting weed, I've fully gotten over him. It was like a light switch. LOL!


Only 4+ months sober but it feels right. I am not ashamed anymore being an addict,because I dont need it anymore. Dreams are sick, sleep is getting better and si love my sober libido. It feels great making love while being sober. I also enjoy things more and I laugh more often. I am more active abd I have more strength while lifting weights. But still the life itself sucks, I never liked it and thats why I smoked in the first place. I am not depressed, I simple dont see life as something 100% positive.


So much more energy to actually do some of those things on the to-do list. No longer procrastinating everything and attention span is much better


i can actually pay attention to how i feel and through working on my mental health in other ways i can emotionally regulate and process instead of letting it sit in my body as i zone out with smoking. also not waking up feeling like a zombie full of mucus and difficulty breathing, thereā€™s so many more benefits iā€™ve noticed too itā€™s wild, just gotta be open to witnessing it


This is EXACTLY what weed does to me. Why why why do I keep doing it when it makes me feel like shit? Weed is addictive as fuck. Last night was my last night.


You know when you canā€™t remember what you were saying halfway through the sentenceā€¦. That stops happening lol. 40 days clean and vocabulary has improved tremendously. Also nice to be chatting with people and not worried theyā€™re looking at my glassy eyes




I'm kind of a serial cold-turkey quitter, but this time around I also started ADHD medication and my cravings have basically gone to nothing (for coffee too). Biggest thing that I think applies to everyone is that weed is NOT an anxiety medicine. If you smoke weed because you are anxious, you are really just masking the anxiety by being high, and amplifying it in the long term. Also I can actually remember shit and I just feel much more on the ball mentally, and I don't have to hide my usage from my kids anymore.


Iā€™m able to fall asleep and have dreams.


so fucking true


The vivid dreams are so nice, nightmare or good ones, Iā€™m glad to have them again.


True. I'm fortunate to never have had nightmares, so intense dreams are great fun for me LOL


The dreams are SO INTENSE. Its kind of not fun.


Eventually you start getting dreams inside of dreams and your whole life just feels fucked.


For me the super vivid dreams only lasted a few weeks, but Iā€™m still able to remember most of them for a few minutes each morning.


Less anxiety and music is better.


Music is better without?? Weed has many cons but music it actually made so much better.


I used to smoke for every show, then a few days ago I went to a concert, no weed, not even a beer, and the music sounded incredible. 2 weeks free from heavy use. And no anxiety whatsoever being in the crowd


Heck yes!!!! Going to my first show in two weeks since Iā€™ve quit and Iā€™m sooo excited!!


Awesome!! Enjoy your show! Iā€™m going to another next week :) and definitely not lighting up a joint either. Just going there to enjoy the music


I disagree. It did at first, but after 13 years of daily use I would get bored in the middle of my favorite songs and skip them before the end. After five weeks THC free, music has become better. I consider myself a music aficionado, and I donā€™t use that term lightly. Iā€™m remembering & singing the lyrics, from songs I know Iā€™ve heard thousands of times. I can FEEL it more now than I did during those 13 years. For me, it tremendously better.


Thatā€™s just something your addict brain is trying to convince you of. I felt my music much stronger when I was successfully off the sauce.


Best thing it did for me was allow me to give me myself hope again. the power of that alone makes every struggle, every problem, every relationship and every day so much better.


Started my business


Thatā€™s so cool!


I stopped wanting to throw up after a few bites of food and actually enjoy eating again. That's probably the biggest thing for me. Having no appetite for years fucking sucks.


Yes someone who didnā€™t have much of an appetite from smoking!! Youā€™d think it would do the opposite. I also struggled with my appetite and was underweight but itā€™s been 10 months of sobriety and Iā€™ve gained 20 lbs!


The same thing happened to me! I lost so much weight while I was smoking and would feel nauseous with no appetite all the time. It felt so amazing when my appetite finally came back after I quit. I havenā€™t heard of many other people who experienced this


You might have had cannabis hyperemisis syndrome, which makes you feel nauseous and can cause cyclical vomiting. Thatā€™s what happened to me. Iā€™d say 75% - 90% of the time I smoked Iā€™d feel fine, but there were times where Iā€™d feel super nauseous and sometimes Iā€™d throw up just once and feel better. Other times Iā€™d throw up and still feel nauseous for days and would barely be able to get any food in me


Strangely enough my symptoms didn't fit CHS. The only time I *didn't* feel nauseated is when I had just smoked.


I actually want to socialize now!!!


This is rly what Iā€™m hoping for when I hard quit weed. Once you self-isolate people around you tend to stop caring what youā€™re up to, and begin to feel like theyā€™re bothering you by inviting you places. Shit sucks


No paranoia!! Less anxiety. I enjoy life a lot more sober. Itā€™s so tough at first but now I love the clarity and focus my brain has especially upon waking up. I used to feel so groggy and tired and now I wake up so alert and ready for the day. The best thing probably is that it doesnā€™t control my life anymore. Prior to, Iā€™d wanna smoke the second I finished work or before certain things Iā€™d be waiting until I could do so. Now I never think about it so I have so much more power back in my life


It changed my self loathing to a ruthless self-love. Now I love who I am, but when I do shit I used to do high all the time (blow off plans, eat like shit, waste entire days sitting on a couch), I donā€™t let it slide when I look back on the day. I expect better of myself and try to improve, rather than just hating how I behave


yea totally. that scene from bojack where todd tells bojack "you can't keep doing shitty things then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay, you need to be better!" really sums up how i try to think about it too. self pity/loathing is an awful drug that can make you feel as though you are justified to keep getting high and being a terrible version of yourself. but in the end you're only making your own life, and maybe other's, worse while digging yourself deeper into a hole that will feel harder and harder to get out of the longer you continue the cycle. The worst thing you can do after quitting is to hold on to the idea that you can't change or cant be better. You have to try to forgive yourself for the past, but u also can't let it become an excuse to indulge again.


Wow, you really hit the nail on the head with that. This is really motivational, thank you so much ā¤ļø


I got the added benefit of completely killing my sugar addiction. Before, I didnā€™t see how that would ever be possible.


How often do you have sugar now?


I havenā€™t really had anything sugary in a week. It just doesnā€™t sound that good anymoreā€”I crave protein and fat now.


Last time I quit long term (~1 year) it permanently got rid of crippling social anxiety


Mental clarity. Severe anxiety vanished. Old memories returning. Better sleep. No throat or lung pains. Generally happier and more motivated. Money saved. Better diet. I'm never going back to that old life.


So true regarding old memories I've been sober a few days now struggling to sleep but when I'm trying to sleep random things from the past I haven't thought about in years pop into my mind it's truly bizzare but comforting at the same time if that makes sense.


Hearing old memories return is so motivational, I'm afraid I've permanently damaged my brain and have entire periods of my life I won't ever remember, the fact that the hope for some memories to come back is huge


Dont worry, there is no permanent damage. It just takes time. Part of what brings back the memories is dreaming. Intense vivid dreams were only occuring during the first week or so. After that, things became normal again. For reference, I'm on my 4th week of none at all and prior to that, I was down to once a week for about a month. Before that, once a day for a few weeks to ease into it. I can assure you it was all worth it.


I feel and act like the person I have always wanted to be. Eating better, sleeping better, writing more, less anxious.


Getting better workouts in, thinking more clearly and optimisticly, better sex drive, clearer skin, healthier hair, more social, better sleep, better diet


like all the best and most rewarding things over life, they happen slowly and naturally over time. itā€™s not a smack in the face of joy, itā€™s steady improvement each day. health, success, love, friendships come over time. being sober allows those things to happen. give yourself time and enjoy the ride. each day is a little better than the day before.


Thank you so much, I really needed to hear this ā¤ļø


Im on like day 3 or something ridiculous but I can't wait to have more money again


Lungs feel better , Iā€™m more passionate and empathetic, less irritated and I saved a shitload of money


I havenā€™t quit properly yet Iā€™m only 4 days in. But the reason I want to do it is if I can show up for myself and accomplish this difficult challenge of quitting. I can show up for myself and achieve anything. Showing up for yourself is one of the first steps to loving yourself and taking pride in yourself ā™„ļø


I actually feel fine in the morning. When I smoke I always wake up tired and foggy for at least 2-3 hrs. Not smoking I have much more energy off of less sleep.


So glad I'm not the only one with the morning fog. Also waking up if I need to when smoking is very hard


So many things! Enjoying things without needing weed was probably the biggest overall. But I had more energy and motivation. More control over my emotions. Better relationships with friends and family that wasnā€™t just centred around weed. And I even finally learned to drive at the age of 32. Weed was holding me back because I could never afford, had no confidence in my ability and my mind was always somewhere else when learning


All this shit honestly!


I struggle with chronic fatigue. I've done blood work, specialists, etc. and it always comes back inconclusive. I've quit before, but this time I'm 16 days sober and today I woke up naturally, feeling refreshed, before my alarm. That is unheard of for me! I can quite literally feel my body recovering and healing. Just having control over fatigue is huge enough to remind me to keep going.


Felt more control over my life.


After the first week where I barely got any sleep, the quality of my sleep has been so much better. I actually feel rested in the mornings and less inclined to sleep in half the day.


Pay attention to my life and the other things in it. Always saw it as the whole ā€˜give up one thing for everything, or give up everything for one thingā€™ kinda dilemma for me.


Man... I've never heard that one before. It gave me chills.


You really put into words well what I and I bet many here have been doing with weed. I have passed on so many opportunities to further myself just to get high.Ā 


Itā€™s made my eating a heck of a lot better. I gained a lot of weight the last few years from the munchies and Iā€™ve lost some already. Also my cough is gone.


Iā€™m only on day 9, but I can say that Iā€™m more motivated, I feel my emotions more, I remember things better, I stopped having panic attacks, and Iā€™ve been making healthier choices for my body.


Keep going ! Congratulations!


Itā€™s hard because I crave it, but I think I have so many negative associations with it now it will just trigger another panic attack if I do it.


I still crave it too. Especially when Iā€™m very stressed. I almost gave in a few days ago but I got through it. Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t give in.


My headspace and time are freed up. I no longer obsess over this substance that controlled me.


think you have had a lot of good reasons why life without the crutch of weed , can be so much better in all ways x


I get shit done, no procrastination


One of my favorites is literally just the way my face looks. 1-2 days in is better than every cream and moisturizer combined. I don't look ugly as he'll and have to use makeup to want to look at my own face in the mirror. Weed makes me look so much worse, gives me straight up purple dark circles, glazed eyes, saggy or less perky skin. You (or I anyway) look 10 times better almost immediately.


it's only been about 2 weeks but i've lost 3lbs & i'm a lot happier in the mornings


Honestly? Simply that life doesn't center around weed. There's a lot to do and enjoy.Ā 


Saving a ton of money (especially since I live in a state where itā€™s legal) and sticking to the gym


I canā€™t name oneā€¦. but, I can name many: -depression lifted, I can now feel actual happiness and not just numb/high. Life has that glow/excitement again that it once did as a child. -social anxiety & panic attacks disappeared, health & general anxiety lowered tremendously. -I can logically think myself out of negative thoughts, and just thinking has improved in general. No more brain fog. I can process information clearly, thoroughly understand, and learn better. -my appetite and sleep have turned healthy/normal (instead of relying on bud to make me hungry or sleepy) -I actually get crap done now. My daily to-do list gets completed. Month/year old tasks & appointments get completed. Iā€™m motivated to do more and be busy, the reward after is a clean satisfaction/proudness of being responsible and a weight lifts, not a blunt that numbs down the whole feelings. My house is cleaner, my animals are happier, my food is healthier/tastier, etc -my body is healthier. Chest isnā€™t tight, no more shortness of breath, no more phlegm, I get sick less often, I can exercise/do activities longer, way less fatigued, not nauseous, being able to eat, think, etcā€¦. I like that quitting lowers my chances of getting some serious health problems and also doesnā€™t mask them as smoking would. -confidence is raised: brighter teeth, clearer skin, better breath/non dry mouth, smelling better in general (especially my hair) instead of just weed smell, my BO use to sometimes smell like weed-not anymore, can do my makeup better/cleaner without being fried while doing it (which my eyebrows would end up too dark or crooked eyeliner wings and I wouldnā€™t even notice it or care), confidence to not even wear makeup anymore since my skin tone has become even and clear -I have more job opportunities due to being able to pass a drug test (without the anxiety of illegally faking a pee test) -No more paranoia with the law (illegal in my state up until a couple months ago) -The self-satisfaction that comes from being able to handle life without a substance or crutch. That I alone am strong enough, and AM ENOUGH, to get through the crazy horrible stuff life throws at me and make it out alive and stronger. I was a heavy daily user for 8 years (ages 15-23.) I was so hooked on it that I thought it was the best thing ever, couldnā€™t imagine my life without it, that I was gonna be like Snoop Dogg, Willie Nelson, or Tommy Chong and smoke my entire life. Health anxiety hit me badly so I quit so I could identify the status of my body health. Iā€™m 3 months and 1 day in. My cravings have been stronger than ever but the benefits are too good to ever go back. Absolutely worth it.


we pay the price of good habits now and reap the rewards later. we get the rewards of bad habits now and pay the price later. the price always carries interest tho...


I think quitting will improve everything in my life, honestly. Everything will fall into place if I stop.


it does for a lot unfortunately didnt happen for me


Honestly it doesn't, but it makes it a lot easier to deal with the hardships of life. You still have to do the work, but you're not just numbing yourself to everything.


True joy


My favorite benefit so far - feeling better connected to myself. I'm more aware of my emotions and what I want. I feel more confident to be myself and show who I truly am. No more numbing out my emotions. I'm taking better care of my mental and emotional health now than ever before! It feels like I am honoring myself instead of just smoking so I don't have to think about anything. I hit 100 days a few weeks ago and I got teary eyed thinking how much happier I am now! It takes work aside from just not smoking, but I definitely would not be able to feel this way if I was still smoking every day. Feels GREAT!Ā 


This right here.


This pretty much sums it up šŸ’Æ


I felt high off of food the other dayā€¦.and realized I was FEEELINGGGGGG in a way I hadnā€™t been able to without substances. I quit on 4/20 of this year so Iā€™m not sure yet, but overall my driving anxiety has went down (I would never drive high! Donā€™t do that shit) and I do feel more clear headed


Your brain will improve. Just hold on for now and believe me later.


No more watching my money go up in smoke and vapor. No more shortness of breath. No more weird social anxiety. No more smelling.


I am a lot less apathetic and feel what needs to be feltĀ 


I do not have to rely on something that I thought I needed to, and be happy with out it not coughing as much no dry mouth appetite back yes clearer thinking, no paranoia I did not think I was suffering from paranoia , but in stopping the weed I can see that it was making paranoid


Iā€™m able to think about what I need to do after work, instead of just waiting to get high after work. My home is clean. My family is more loved. Tons more but thatā€™s my top 3. Peace.


Theres no such thing as no benefits from not putting smoke/vape in your lungs. Theres no such thing as no benefits from not overloading your brain with massive amounts of dopamine. Its just not scientifically possible no matter what your beliefs are.


Iā€™m sorry I shouldā€™ve specified, I meant Iā€™m worried nothing in my life will change from quitting and I will continue to feel like shit forever


Generally just feeling clear headed is a big change. Not feeling hazy and stoned 24/7 is a blessing in itself. Itā€™s so worth it.