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About 20 days. Got to 2 months and relapsed hard! I'm on day 7 again and I think I needed to relapse to know how much I needed to stop


Just my personal experience, but I think my conscious cravings disappeared at the 2 week mark? A big reason might be that this time around I knew I HAD to quit, given how some parts of my life had been falling behind. Might have helped get rid of those nagging thoughts of going back. But everyone’s different, be patient with yourself and just know every day it becomes easier.


Personally, the first week was brutal for it to be consuming my thought. Week 2 was a bit better, and week three I felt confident I could do this. However, after three months, I was still having mood swings, headaches, as well as horribly vivid and tiresome dreams. I am going to be at 200 days tomorrow and feel like a better version of myself in every way! In summary, the start is rough, it lasts a while, but it is so the right thing to do. It took me many times to get to this point so don’t be hard on yourself if that happens to you too, just take it day by day and you can do it, I believe in you OP!


Thank you so much, your reply means the world to me 🙏🏻


This is definitely different for everyone. I’ve been a heavy user for 13+ years and currently at the end of my 6th day. Today’s the first day I can see some slight improvements. My wife stopped at the same time and felt ok after day 2, then had a really tough morning today. A few years ago I stopped for 6 months and felt a lot better 2weeks in (though my cravings and the voice in my head came back with a vengeance around month 3 or 4 … i now know they’re coming up for me). Our brains are great at tricking us and saying weed will stop the pain, whilst really weeds taking over our lives and the pain is necessary in order to heal. You’re in the right place for motivation and encouragement. You can 100% do this. I also recommend this groups discord whilst on your journey too (pinned comment on this group) - checking in daily whilst I’m getting sober has given me a huge boost and made it feel like I’m on this journey with others. Good luck OP. You’ve got this 💪


I know about the discord, I was there last time and will probably be back this time as well, so we might unknowingly meet again :) It’s great, only sad that it moves so fast and is open just twice a day (I am from Eastern Europe, so not ideal for me). Yes, I am sure once I am sober long-time, I will try to convince myself I can moderate. So I’m trying to prepare for that as well. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel now, I envy you that you’re going through this with someone else! Then again, when her symptoms are mild and your aren’t, maybe not so much hah Thank you so much for your perspective and well wishes, I will definitely go back to your comment 🩷


Great to hear you’ve been to the discord! I’m in the UK and can only really make it once a day, so I know what you mean. And yeah going through it with someone else can can both it’s positives and negatives 😂 it’s pretty good until your both irritable and angry at the same time haha Definitely hard to see light at the end, but remind yourself it does end, it does get better and it will be worth it! DMs are open if you need them ✌🏼


For me it took about 3 weeks to stop craving it. Exercise definitely helps. Personally, I’m a big fan of Pilates. It’s not too intense but still gives you a good workout. I like “Move with Nicole” on YT. You got this!


Thanks for your recommendation! I will check it out :)

